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- Stars with proper names:
- (ζ Pup) 2.25 Naos or Suhail Hadar (or Muliphein, see γ CMa)
- < ναύσ The ship
- < ? Suhail Hadar The suhail (bright star) of the ground ?
- κ1 Pup (or Markab [Markeb], see α Peg, k Vel) 3.80
- (7/ξ Pup) 3.34 Asmidiske [Azmidiske]
- [a misplacement and mistransliteration of ι Car Aspidiske]
Which star is RS Puppis, which was recently in the news?[1] (Apparently it isn't on the list, see --agr (talk) 12:08, 12 February 2008 (UTC)