List of users' groups

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This is a list of users' groups and types of users' groups with their own Wikipedia articles, categorized by interest.


[edit] Computers

[edit] General

[edit] Hardware platforms

[edit] Coleco

[edit] Commodore

[edit] IBM mainframe

[edit] Macintosh

[edit] Operating systems

[edit] FreeBSD

[edit] GNU/Linux

See Category:Linux User Groups

[edit] GNU/HURD

[edit] Software platforms

[edit] Adobe (Formerly Macromedia)

[edit] CA (Formerly Computer Associates)

  • CA Product Line Communities and User Groups (Global Directory Available) - A Product Line Community (PLC) is a global virtual customer community focused on a set of CA solutions. The PLC provides a forum for bilateral communication enhancing the users’experience while leveraging CA technology. A PLC is an extension of regional and local user groups including the broader CA customer base.

[edit] IBM

[edit] Microsoft

  • MadFox: Madison FoxPro Users Group (Wisconsin)
  • dFPUG: FoxPro User Group of German Language, short dFPUG; 700 members/companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland
  • UGIdotNET: User Group Italiano .NET, based in Milan (Italy) and dedicated to italian developers

[edit] Oracle

  • International Oracle User Council: Is the umbrella forum for all Oracle User Groups worldwide. On its website, can be found links to the main US based products groups as well as two further councils covering Oracle User Groups in Europe Middle-East & Africa and Asia / Pacific. Each of these councils is in turn made up of many in-country groups.

The IOUC et al represents one of the most organised User Group Communities found in the IT industry and represents a significant user driven contribution the success of Oracle, its customers and the 3rd parties that form the community / economy.

Major players in this community include groups such as

  • IOUG: Major Database and Technology product group based in the US
  • OAUG: Oracle eBusiness Suite & Siebel (now owned by Oracle) product group (with additional interests) based in US and with notable membership outside
  • Quest International User Group: Major Peoplesoft and JD Edwards (both now owned by Oracle) product group mainly US based and with significant support to a variety of incountry groups.
  • ODTUG: Major Oracle Development Tools group mainly US based with chapters in Japan and Nordics
  • UK Oracle User Group: Major all-disciplines group attending to all Oracle community needs in UK and Ireland. Very active with over 110 events run per year.
  • ALL INDIA ORACLE USERS GROUP : AIOUG is a non profit organization started by like minded users who think such a community is required in India where the amount of Oracle user base is humongous. The idea of this group is to share what the Oracle users have learned from using Oracle technology over the years with fellow users who have similar interest. Like any other group that exists today in different countries.

[edit] SAP

[edit] Languages

[edit] Java

[edit] Perl

[edit] TeX

[edit] Misc

[edit] PHP

[edit] Markup Languages

[edit] XML

[edit] HyTime