List of universities in Finland

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Institutions of higher education are designated universities by Finnish legislation, most importantly, the University Act ( Yliopistolaki, 645/1997).[1] According to the decree on the System of the degrees of higher education (Asetus korkeakoulututkintojen järjestelmästä, 464/1998), only these universities have the right to confer the degrees in the categories alempi korkeakoulututkinto (Bachelor's degree) and ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Master's degree) and doctoral degrees.[2]

In addition to the universities, Finland has another, separate system of tertiary education, the ammattikorkeakoulu, which is variously translated as polytechnic or as a University of Applied Sciences. These institutions are listed in the article List of polytechnics in Finland. The ammattikorkeakoulus have the right to confer degrees in categories ammattikorkeakoulututkinto and ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto. In international usage, these degrees are classified as Bachelor's and Master's degrees.[3]

[edit] Universities

The Finnish universities are (sorted by the year of estabilishment)

Unlike the other schools in this list, the National Defence University is not considered a university by Finnish law, although it has the authority to award bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees and to pursue free research. The practical effect of this distinction is minor, most notable in the administrative organisation of the university, which is military instead of civilian. However, it is listed here, as the rector of this university is a member of the Council of Finnish University rectors.[4]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Yliopistolaki (645/1997). 1 §. Retrieved 10-3-2007. (Finnish)
  2. ^ Asetus korkeakoulututkintojen järjestelmästä (464/1998) as changed with decree 426/2005] 1.1 §, section 1 and 8 §. Retrieved 10-3-2007. (Finnish)
  3. ^ Asetus korkeakoulututkintojen järjestelmästä (464/1998) as changed with decree 426/2005] 1.1 §, section 3 and 10 §. Retrieved 10-3-2007. (Finnish)
  4. ^ Suomen yliopistojen rehtorien neuvosto. Jäsenyliopistot. Retrieved 10-3-2007.