List of tomato cultivars

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This is a list of tomato varieties / cultivars / breeds. Please include, when possible, determinate/indeterminate/other, resistance (VF or other), fruit shape, color, size in ounces, days to maturity, hybrid/heirloom, leaf shape (PL for potato leaf, RL for regular leaf, also A for Angora, et cetera).

Tomato Cultivars
Common name Maturity Resistance Type Size Vine Shape Description
1884 78 days Heirloom 16-32 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak Said to have been discovered by James Lyde Williamson near Friendly, West Virginia in a pile of flood debris from the Ohio River in 1884.
Abraham Lincoln 80-90 days Heirloom 12-16 oz. Indeterminate Globe Introduced in Illinois in 1923.
Fourth of July 49 days Hybrid 4 oz. Indeterminate Globe May be the very earliest of all non-cherry tomato cultivars, moderately heavy producer.
Ace 55 80 days VF Heirloom Indeterminate Globe Super-low acidity
Amish Paste 85 days Heirloom 6-8 oz. Indeterminate Paste As the name implies, best for paste/sauce. Oblong shape, good taste.
Beefsteak 90 days Heirloom Indeterminate Beefsteak archetypical broad, lobed variety
Beefmaster 80 days Hybrid Indeterminate Beefsteak Purportedly the very best version of beefsteak.
Better Boy 82 days Hybrid Indeterminate Globe Improved version of the original Big Boy.
Campari 69-80 days T Hybrid Medium Indeterminate plum, RL noted for sweetness and low acidity
Celebrity 70 days VA Hybrid Indeterminate Globe
Cherokee 80 days VF Heirloom Large Determinate Globe Not related to Cherokee purple or brown.
Crimson Cushion 90 days Heirloom Large Indeterminate Ribbed Wilt-resistant
Delicious 77 days Heirloom 24 oz. Indeterminate Globe Set World Record for weight in 1986 at 7 lb 12 oz (3.5 kg)
Earliana 65 days Heirloom 6 oz. Indeterminate Globe Introduced in 1900.
Early Girl 50 days VF Hybrid 4-5 oz. Indeterminate Globe Very early, smooth round/oval fruit in the 6oz range.
Extreme Bush 50 days Hybrid 3 oz. Bush Globe Extended-season determinate.
Goliath 85 days Heirloom 36 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak Very large tomato.
Liz Birt 75 days OP Medium Indeterminate Beefsteak Sweet fruits with a more pronounced acid taste, derived from 'Brandywine' X 'Cherokee Purple'.
Matchless 85 days Heirloom 6 oz. Indeterminate Globe Created by W. Atlee Burpee in 1889.
Matt's Wild Cherry 55 days Heirloom Tiny Indeterminate Cherry Tiny tomato, supposedly found in the wild in Mexico, where the first wild tomato plants may have originated.
Moneymaker 80 days Heirloom 5 oz. Indeterminate Globe
Mortgage Lifter 80-85 days Heirloom Indeterminate Beefsteak Very large heirloom tomato developed by M.C. 'Charlie' Byles in Logan, West Virginia in the 1930s. He sold the tomato plants for a dollar each and paid off his $6000 mortgage in only 6 years.
Red Brandywine 100 days Heirloom Indeterminate Beefsteak May be related to the original Brandywine, but is red instead of pink with green shoulders, and has normal leaves.
Red currant 70 days Heirloom Tiny, berry-sized Indeterminate Cherry A South American species of tomato, possibly the same as its wild cousin.
Roma 75 days VF Heirloom Determinate Paste Standard paste tomato, cylindrical to pear-shaped.
Rutgers 75 days VF Heirloom 6 oz. Determinate Globe One of the most standard heirlooms, crack-resistant.
San Marzano 85 days Heirloom Indeterminate paste considered finer than Roma, haute cuisine paste tomato. Cylindrical to pear-shaped, a signature tomato of Italian cuisine.
Small Fry 65 days VFN Hybrid Determinate 1 inch Ideal variety to grow in containers, disease resistant.
Sun Sugar 57 days Hybrid 1/2-3/4 inch Indeterminate Cherry Small orange fruit, early ripening, high sugar content, and thin skinned.
Super Fantastic 70 days VF Hybrid Indeterminate Globe Heavy producer of large, smooth, round fruit with a good balance of sweet and acidic.
Sweet 100 55 days VF Hybrid 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry One of the most popular cherry tomatoes, super-productive, sweet.
Sweet Chelsea 64 days VFFNT Hybrid 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry Improved version of Sweet 100, resistant to 10 diseases as well as cracking and drought.
Sweet Million 75 days VFNTSt Hybrid 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry More productive version of Sweet 100, can produce over 500 fruits.
Three Sisters 75 days Potato leaf 6 oz. Indeterminate pleated, roma, globe This breed actually can bear any one of three types of tomato: A single-pleated variety, a roma style, or a pleated, flattened fruit.
Tiny Tim 45 days Heirloom 1 oz. Bush Cherry Extremely tiny plant, can grow and produce in a three inch (76 mm) pot, plant is 10 to 12 inches (300 mm) tall.
Variegated 75 days Heirloom 2 oz. Indeterminate Globe Leaves are, as the name implies, yellow and green. Extremely decorative, but with tasty red fruit.
Common name Maturity Resistance Type Size Vine Shape Description
Brandywine 90 days Heirloom PL Indeterminate Beefsteak Amish origins.
Dwarf Champion 80 days Heirloom 8 oz. Tree Globe Rugose leaves
Giant Belgium pink 85 days 32 oz. Indeterminate Globe Low acid, sweet.
New Big Dwarf 90 days Heirloom 16 oz. Tree Beefsteak Been around for 90 years.
Pink Beefsteak 70 days Indeterminate Globe As the name implies, medium beefsteak variety, even more pink than typical beefsteaks.
Sweet Quartz 65 days VFNT Hybrid 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry Disease resistant pink cherry tomatoes, grows very tall.
Violaceum Krypni-Rozo 80 days Heirloom 8 oz. Indeterminate Scalloped Bizarre scalloped fruit, extremely deep and numerous lobes has a pretty, unique style.
Amana Orange 90 days 16 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak Beefsteak-style fruit is orange, has a mild flavor.
Ida Gold 59 days Heirloom 3 oz. Determinate Globe Low acid, good flavor.
Orange Jubilee 70-80 days Indeterminate Paste Mild, non-acidic tomato with meaty thick walls and few seeds.
Azoychka 60 days Heirloom 8 oz. Indeterminate Globe Russian in origin, citrus flavor.
Banana Legs 75 days Heirloom 4 inches long Indeterminate Paste Similar in shape and color to a small banana, may rarely have faint green stripes.
Blondkopfchen 75-80 days Heirloom Indeterminate Cherry Small, sweet golden tomato with high yields. Crack resistant. Originates from Germany.
Garden peach tomato 80 days Indeterminate Globe Yellow fruit has fuzzy skin and resembles a peach.
Yellow Brandywine 100 days Heirloom Indeterminate Beefsteak PL, Amish origins.
Black / Purple
Aunt Ginny's Purple 80 days Indeterminate Beefsteak Flavor is said to be similar to brandywine, though it produces more.
Bear Creek Early-Midseason Large Indeterminate Globe Attractive fruits of fine flavor and good production, named for Bear Creek Farm in Osceola, Mo.
Black Cherry 65 days Indeterminate 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry Blackish red, a-la cherokee purple.
Black Krim 80 days 12 oz. Indeterminate Globe Dark purple with green shoulders.
Black Russian 75 days Small Indeterminate Globe Pretty, plentiful small black fruit.
cherokee purple tomatoCherokee purple 80 days 16 oz. Indeterminate Globe Purple shoulders, originally grown by Cherokee Indians, extremely popular flavor.
Chocolate Cherokee 80 days Indeterminate Globe Crimson with brown/black shoulders.
Dora 80-85 days Indeterminate Beefsteak Large beefsteak type fruits developed solely for flavor, regular leaf.
Gary O' Sena 70-75 day Large Indeterminate Beefsteak Pink purple fruits, potato leafed, developed from Brandywine x Cherokee Purple.
Common name Maturity Resistance Type Size Vine Shape Description
Aunt Ruby's German Green 80 days 16 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak
green tomato Emerald Evergreen 72 days Indeterminate Globe Supposedly especially good and mild tasting.
Green Bell Pepper 76 days Indeterminate Globe Not actually a green pepper, but shaped and colored like one, inside and out. Tastes like a tomato.
White Wonder 80 days 32 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak Huge, white with yellow tint.
Snow White Cherry 70 days 1 inch Indeterminate Cherry Small, blushing green with a white-ish tint caused by a reflective surface.
Black Zebra 85 days Indeterminate Globe Brown with black stripes, deep, sweet flavor.
Green Zebra 78 days 4 oz. Indeterminate Globe Two tone with green stripes.
Mister Stripey 56 days 6-24 oz. Indeterminate Beefsteak Yellow with red/pink stripes.
tigerella Tigerella 59 days 2 to 4 oz indeterminate globe red with yellow stripes

[edit] Disease resistant abbreviations

[edit] See also