List of theological journals

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Theological journals are academic periodical publications in the field of theology. WorldCat returns about 4,000 items for the search subject "Theology Periodicals" and more than 2,200 for "Bible Periodicals". Some of the better known journals are listed below.


[edit] List of theological journals

[edit] Explanation

The Affiliation field is generally sourced on explicit editorial statements. The categories work as follows.

  • Academic (no specific affiliation)
  • Archaeological
  • Linguistic
  • Theological
    • Ecumenical (religious affiliation not specified)
    • Christian (denomination not specified)
      • Catholic
      • Orthodox
      • Protestant
        • Lutheran
        • Pentecostal
        • Reformed
    • Hindu
    • Islamic
    • Jewish

[edit] Table

Name ISSN Publisher City, State Country Affiliation
Abr-Nahrain 0065-0382 Semitic Studies, Melbourne and Sydney Uni
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 1026-2946 Scott Theological College Machakos Kenya Evangelical
al-Manar Muhammad Abduh Cairo Egypt Islamic
American Journal of Biblical Theology American Journal of Biblical Theology Concord, North Carolina U.S. Evangelical
American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 1062-0516
Andrews University Seminary Studies 0003-2980 U.S.
Anglican Theological Review 0003-3286
Antiguo Oriente 1667-9202 Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente Buenos Aires Argentina Catholic
Archiv für Orientforschungen 1015-3403
Beth Mikra 0005-979X Israel
Asociación de Biblistas Mexicanos (Spanish) Asociación de Biblistas Mexicanos Tlalpan, Mexico City Mexico Christian
Biblica 0006-0887 Pontifical Biblical Institute Rome Italy Catholic
Bible Review 8755-6316 Biblical Archaeology Society Washington, DC U.S. Academic
Bible Today 0006-0836
Bible Translator 0260-0943
Biblical Archaeology Review 0098-9444 Biblical Archaeology Society Washington, DC U.S. Academic
Biblical Interpretation 0927-2569
Biblical Theology Bulletin 0146-1079 Jamaica, New York U.S.
Bibliotheca Sacra 0006-1921 Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas, Texas U.S. Evangelical
Biblische Notizen 0178-2967 Germany
Biblische Zeitschrift 0006-2014 Germany
Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique (French) 0007-4322 fr:Institut Catholique Toulouse Toulouse France Catholic
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 0003-097X American Schools of Oriental Research Baltimore, Maryland U.S. Academic
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 0008-7912 Catholic Biblical Association of America Washington, D.C. U.S. Catholic
Catholic World Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle Washington, D.C. U.S. Catholic
Communio: International Catholic Review Communio Foundation Washington, D.C. U.S. Catholic
Concilium: Revue Internationale de Théologie Concilium Foundation Nijmegen Netherlands Catholic
Concordia Journal Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Missouri U.S. Lutheran
Concordia Theological Quarterly (CTQ) Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana U.S. Lutheran
Credenda/Agenda Christ Church Moscow, Idaho U.S. Catholic
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought Dialogue Foundation Salt Lake City, Utah U.S. Mormon
Didaskalia Providence College and Theological Seminary Otterburne, Manitoba Canada Christian
Ephemerides Theologicæ Louvanienses Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven Belgium Catholic
Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 1750-2217 Midlands Bible College Wolverhampton UK Christian
First Things The Institute on Religion and Public Life New York City U.S. Ecumenical
Fragmenta de cultura Universidade Católica de Goiás Goiás Brazil Catholic
Harvard Theological Review Harvard Divinity School Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S. Christian
International Journal of Systematic Theology 1463-1652 Blackwell Publishing Oxford United Kingdom Ecumenical
Interpretation Richmond, Virginia U.S.
Israel Exploration Journal Israel Exploration Society Israel Jewish
Josephinum Journal of Theology 1071-8257 Potifical College Josephinum Columbus, OH USA Roman Catholic
Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages Stellenbosch South Africa
Journal for the Study of the New Testament SAGE Publications Thousand Oaks, California U.S. Christian
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament SAGE Publications Thousand Oaks, California U.S. Ecumenical
Journal of Biblical Literature Society of Biblical Literature Atlanta, Georgia U.S. Ecumenical
Journal of Cuneiform Studies American Schools of Oriental Research Baghdad Iraq Academic
Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society Rabbi Jacob Joseph School Staten Island, New York U.S. Jewish
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society Adventist Theological Society Collegedale, Tennessee U.S. Adventist
Journal of the American Oriental Society American Oriental Society U.S. Archeological
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Evangelical Theological Society Lynchburg, Virginia U.S. Evangelical
Lectio Difficilior (German) Switzerland Feminist
Liber annuus 0081-8933 Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
(editorial in Latin)
Jerusalem Israel Catholic
Mennonite Quarterly Review Goshen College Goshen, Indiana U.S. Evangelical
New Testament Studies Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge UK Christian
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 0031-0328 Palestine Exploration Fund London UK Academic
Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 0272-0965 Brill Leiden The Netherlands Pentecostal
Religion and American Culture University of California Press Berkeley, California U.S. Christian
Revue Biblique 0035-0907 fr:École biblique et archéologique
Jerusalem Israel Catholic
Revue d'Histoire
et de Philosophie Religieuses (French)
Faculté de Théologie Protestante
de Strasbourg (French)
Strasbourg France Protestant
Rivista Biblica (Italian) Bologna Italy
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 0901-8328 Oslo
Scottish Journal of Theology Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK Evangelical
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology Edinburgh
Southwestern Journal of Theology Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas U.S. Evangelical
Spiritus (journal) Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore, Maryland U.S. Catholic
Stromata Grand Rapids, MI
Studia Theologica: Nordic Journal of Theology Nordic Theological Faculties Oslo Norway
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism Atlanta, Georgia U.S.
The Burning Bush Far Eastern Bible College Singapore Singapore Reformed
The Journal of Religion University of Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois U.S. Christian
The Journal of Theological Studies Oxford UK
Theology London
Theology Digest Saint Louis University Saint Louis, Missouri U.S. Christian
Theology Today Princeton, New Jersey U.S.
Toronto Journal of Theology Toronto Canada
Traditio New York U.S.
Union Seminary Quarterly Review Union Theological Seminary
in the City of New York
New York City U.S. Ecumenical
Westminster Theological Journal Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U.S. Reformed
Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1209-9392 Women in Judaism Incorporated Thornhill, Ontario Canada Judaism
de:Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Walter de Gruyter Berlin Germany Ecumenical
de:Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Walter de Gruyter Berlin Germany Christian
Botsa Norway
Chafer Theological Seminary Journal Fountain Valley, California U.S.
Christian Scholar's Review Holland, Michigan U.S.
CK Spiritual
Denver Journal Denver, Colorado U.S.
The ECOLE Initiative Evansville, Indiana U.S.
The Foundation for Biblical Studies Dallas, Texas U.S.
Hebrew Linguistics Israel
History of Religions Chicago U.S.
Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts
Journal for Christian Theological Research San Gabriel V., LA
Journal of Early Christian Studies Baltimore, MD
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism Sheffield
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures Alberta, Canada
The Journal of Higher Criticism Madison, NJ
Journal of Near Eastern Studies University of Chicago Press Chicago U.S. Academic
Journal of Religion and Society
The Journal of Semitic Studies Oxford
Journal for the Study of Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament Redlands, CA
Kerux Escondido, CA
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt
Literature and Theology Oxford UK
The Master’s Seminary Journal Sun Valley, CA
Offline Atlanta, Georgia U.S.
Online Archaeology Southampton
Online Bible Study
Asia Journal of Theology
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
Baptist Ministers’ Journal
Baptist Quarterly
Bible Translator - Practical Papers
Bible Translator - Technical Papers
Biblical Interpretation
Bibliografia Missionaria
Black Theology
British Journal of Theological Education
British Muslims: Monthly Survey
Bulletin /ABTAPL (new series)
Bulletin for Biblical Research
Calvin Theological Journal
Cambridge Papers
Catholic International
Christian History Christianity Today International Carol Stream, Illinois United States
Christianity & Renewal
Christianity Today Christianity Today International Carol Stream, Illinois United States
Church Educator
Church History
Creation Care
Creation Ex Nihilo
Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal
Crescent International
Dead Sea Discoveries
Dharma Deepika
Discourse (formerly PRS-LSTN Journal)
Ecumenical Review
Elenchus of Biblica
Encounters on the Edge - Quarterly Investigations
European Journal of Theology
Evangelical Missions Quarterly
Evangelical Quarterly
Evangelical Review of Theology
Ex Auditu
Exchange Quarterly
Expository Times
Faith in Business Quarterly
Feminist Theology
Filologica Neotestamentaria
Green Christians
Hamdard Islamicus
Hebrew Union College Annual
Heythrop Journal
Horizons in Biblical Theology
Impact International
Internation Journal for the Study of the
Christian Church
International Bulletin of Missionary Research
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
International Journal of Systematic Theology
International Partnership Perspectives
International Review of Mission
Irish Biblical Studies
ISIM Newsletter
Islam & Christian-Muslim Relations
Islamic Quarterly
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal for the Study of Judaism
Journal for the Study of Religion
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
Journal of the
Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies
Journal of African Christian Thought
Journal of Christian Education
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Journal of Education & Christian Belief
Journal of European Baptist Studies
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Journal of Jewish Studies
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counselling
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
Journal of Psychology & Christianity
Journal of Psychology & Theology
Journal of Religion
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Religious & Theological Information
Journal of Semitic Studies
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
Journal of the
European Pentecostal Theological Association
Journal of Theological Studies
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
Leadership Christianity Today International Carol Stream, Illinois United States Church leaders
Mental Health, Religion and Culture
Messianic Jewish Life
Modern Theology
Muslim News, The
Muslim World, The
New Testament Abstracts
Novum Testamentum
Old Testament Abstracts
One in Christ
Partnership Perspectives
Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith
Political Theology
Pro Ecclesia
Q-News International
Reformation & Renaissance Review
Reformation Today
Reformed Review
Reformed Theological Journal
Reformed Theological Review
Religious Studies
Religious & Theological Abstracts
Review & Expositor
Reviews in Religion & Theology
Revue d’Histoire Ecclesiastique
Revue de Qumran
Science & Christian Belief
Scottish Journal of Religious Studies
Semeia Studies
Spirit & Church
St. Mark’s Review
St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly
Studia Islamika
Studies in Christian Ethics
Studies in Reformed Theology & History
Studies in Spirituality
Studies in World Christianity
Theologische Rundschau
Theology & Science
Theology & Sexuality
Third Way
Trinity Journal
Triple Helix
Tyndale Bulletin
Tyndale Society Journal
Urban Bulletin
Urban Mission Quarterly
Vetus Testamentum
Way, [The]
Welt des Islams, [Die]
Whitefield Briefings

[edit] See also

  • List of religious studies journals

[edit] References

[edit] External links