List of statisticians
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Statisticians or people who made notable contributions to the theories of statistics, or related aspects of probability, or machine learning:
Contents |
[edit] A to E
- Odd Olai Aalen (1947–)
- Gottfried Achenwall (1719–1772)
- Abraham Manie Adelstein (1916–1992)
- John Aitchison (1926–)
- Alexander Aitken (1895–1967)
- Hirotsugu Akaike (1927–)
- Oskar Anderson (1887–1960)
- Peter Armitage (1924–)
- Raghu Raj Bahadur (1924-1997)
- George Alfred Barnard (1915–2002)
- M. S. Bartlett (1910–2002)
- Debabrata Basu (1924–2001)
- Laurence Baxter (1954–1996)
- Michael Baxter (1956-)
- Thomas Bayes (1702–1761)
- Don Berry
- Allan Birnbaum (1923–1976)
- David Blackwell (1919–)
- Chester Bliss
- Carlo Emilio Bonferroni (1892-1960)
- Ladislaus Bortkiewicz (1868–1931)
- Raj Chandra Bose (1901–1987)
- Henry Bottomley (1963–)
- Arthur Lyon Bowley (1869–1957)
- George Box (1919–)
- Bento de Jesus Caraça (1901–1948)
- Ian Castles
- George Chalmers (1742–1825)
- D. G. Champernowne (1912–2000)
- Carl Charlier (1862–1934)
- Pafnuty Chebyshev (1821–1894)
- Herman Chernoff (1923–)
- Alexey Chervonenkis (1938–)
- Alexander Alexandrovich Chuprov (1874–1926)
- Colin Clark (1905–1989)
- Richard W. B. Clarke (1910–1975)
- Robert H. Coats (1874–1960)
- William Gemmell Cochran (1909–1980)
- Timothy Augustine Coghlan (1856–1926)
- Len Cook (1949–)
- Gauss Moutinho Cordeiro (1952–)
- David Cox (statistician) (1924–)
- Gertrude Mary Cox (1900–1978)
- Richard Threlkeld Cox (1898–1991)
- Harald Cramér (Sweden, 1893 – 1985)
- Philip Dawid (1946–)
- Bruno de Finetti (1906–1985)
- W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993)
- Persi Diaconis (1945–)
- Sir Richard Doll (1912–2005)
- Karen Dunnell (1946–)
- A. Ross Eckler (1901–1991)
- A. Ross Eckler, Jr. (1927–)
- Frederick Morton Eden (1766–1809)
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926)
- A. W. F. Edwards (1935–)
- Churchill Eisenhart (1913–1994)
- Ernst Engel (1821–1896)
- A. K. Erlang (1878–1929)
[edit] F to J
- William Farr (1807–1883)
- Gustav Fechner (1801–1887)
- Ivan Fellegi (1935–)
- Howard Finkel (1950-)
- Irving Fisher (1867–1947)
- Sir Ronald A. Fisher (1890–1962)
- William Fleetwood (1656–1723)
- John Fox (statistician) (1945–)
- Arnoldo Frigessi di Rattalma (1959–)
- George Gallup (1901–1984)
- Francis Galton (1822–1911)
- Seymour Geisser (1929–2004)
- Lyndhurst Giblin (1872–1951)
- Robert Giffen (1910–)
- Corrado Gini (1884–1965)
- Gene V. Glass (1940–)
- Benjamin Gompertz (1779–1865)
- I. J. Good (1916–)
- Phillip Good(1937–)
- William Sealey Gosset (known as "Student") (1876–1937)
- John Graunt (1620–1674)
- Major Greenwood (1880–1949)
- Emil Julius Gumbel (1891–1966)
- Dimitrie Gusti (1880–1955)
- Pierre Gy (1924–)
- Steven Haberman (1951–)
- Anders Hald (1913–)
- Morris Howard Hansen (1910-1990)
- Jotun Hein (1956–)
- Friedrich Robert Helmert (1843–1917)
- Jim Hendy (1905-1961)
- Chris Heyde (1939-2008)
- Sir Jack Hibbert (1932–2005)
- Joseph Hilbe (1944-)
- Austin Bradford Hill (1897–1991)
- Nils Lid Hjort (1953–)
- Wassily Hoeffding (1914–1991)
- Herman Hollerith (1860–1929)
- Tim Holt (1943–)
- Reginald Hawthorn Hooker (1867–1944)
- Harold Hotelling (1895–1973)
- Pao-Lu Hsu (1910-1970)
- Darrell Huff (1913–2001)
- Ion Ionescu de la Brad (1818–1891)
- Joseph Oscar Irwin (1898–1982)
- Kaoru Ishikawa (1915–1989)
- Bill James (1949-)
- Edwin Thompson Jaynes (1922–1998)
- Gwilym Jenkins (1933–1982)
- William H. Jefferys (1940–)
- Harold Jeffreys (1891–1989)
- E. Morton Jellinek (1890–1963)
- William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882)
- Norman Lloyd Johnson (1917–2004)
- Joseph M. Juran (1904–)
- James Jurin (1684-1750)
[edit] K to O
- David George Kendall (1918–2007)
- Sir Maurice Kendall (1907–1983)
- John Kingman (1939–)
- Leslie Kish (1910–2000)
- Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903–1987)
- Joseph Kruskal (1929–)
- William Kruskal (1919–2005)
- Etienne Laspeyres (1834–1913)
- John Law (1671–1729)
- Lucien le Cam (1924–2000)
- Wilhelm Lexis (1837–1914)
- Hubert Lilliefors (1928?-2008)
- Jarl Waldemar Lindeberg (1876–1932)
- Dennis V. Lindley (1923–)
- Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik (1915–1972)
- Alfred J. Lotka (1880–1949)
- Filip Lundberg (1876–1965)
- Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (1893–1972)
- Nathan Mantel (1919–2002)
- A.A. Markov (1856-1922)
- Donald Marquardt (1929–1997)
- Motosaburo Masuyama (1912–2005)
- Anderson Gray McKendrick (1876–1943)
- Claus Moser (1922–)
- Frederick Mosteller (1916–2006)
- William Newmarch (1820–1882)
- Jerzy Neyman (1894–1981)
- Florence Nightingale (1820–1910)
- John O'Donoghue (1984–)
[edit] P to T
- Emanuel Parzen (1929–)
- Egon Pearson (1895–1980)
- Karl Pearson (1857–1936)
- William Petty (1623–1687)
- E.J.G. Pitman (1897–1993)
- William Playfair (1759–1823)
- George Pólya (1887–1985)
- Alwyn Pritchard (1947–)
- Adolphe Quetelet (1796–1874)
- Howard Raiffa
- Ştefan Ralescu (1952-)
- C.R. Rao (1920–)
- Georg Rasch (1901–1980)
- Šarūnas Raudys (1941-)
- Olav Reiersøl (1908–2001)
- Brian Daniel Ripley (1952–)
- Herbert Robbins (1922–2001)
- Irving Rosenwater (1932–2006)
- S. N. Roy (1906–1966)
- Jeff Sagarin
- Leonard Jimmie Savage (1917–1971)
- Robert Schlaifer (1915–1994)
- Arthur Schuster (1851–1934)
- Howie Schwab
- Tore Schweder (1943–)
- Elizabeth Scott (1917–1988)
- Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (1827–1914)
- Lloyd Shapley (1923–)
- William Fleetwood Sheppard (1863–1936)
- Walter A. Shewhart (1891–1967)
- Herbert Sichel (1915–1995)
- John Sinclair (1754–1835)
- Eugen Slutsky (1880–1948)
- A.F.M Smith
- Cedric Smith (1917–2002)
- George W. Snedecor (1881–1974)
- Carl Snyder (1869–1946)
- Charles Spearman (1863–1945)
- David Spiegelhalter (1953–)
- Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp (1880–1941)
- Stephen Stigler
- Dietrich Stoyan (1940–)
- Genichi Taguchi (1924–)
- Thorvald N. Thiele (1838–1910)
- John Tukey (1915–2000)
[edit] U to Z
- Jessica Utts
- Vladimir Vapnik (~1935 - )
- Abraham Wald (1902–1950)
- Chris Wallace (1933–2004)
- Waloddi Weibull (1887–1979)
- Arnold Weinstock (1924–2002)
- Harald Ludvig Westergaard (1853–1936)
- Peter Whittle (1927–)
- Frank Wilcoxon (1892–1965)
- Martin Wilk (1922–)
- Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964)
- John Wishart (1898–1956)
- Herman Wold (1908–1992)
- Jacob Wolfowitz (1910–1981)
- Frank Yates (1902–1994)
- Arthur Young (1741–1820)
- G. Udny Yule (1871–1951)
- George Kingsley Zipf (1902–1950)
- Arnold Zellner (1927–)