List of skeptics and skeptical organizations

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This is a list of people and organizations that promote or practice scientific skepticism. In general they favor science and are opposed to what they call pseudoscience and quackery. They are generally skeptical of parapsychology and the paranormal.


[edit] Prominent skeptics

[edit] Skeptic organizations

  • Alberta Skeptics
  • Skeptic Eye (The UK's #1 skeptic site)
  • ARP – Sociedad para el Avance del Pensamiento Crítico
  • Argentina Skeptics
  • Asociación Racional Escéptica de Venezuela
  • Association for Rational Thought
  • Association for Skeptical Enquiry (UK)
  • Association for the Rational Investigation of the Paranormal
  • Association of Independent Danish Skeptics
  • Association Francaise pour l'Informacion Scientifique
  • Australian Skeptics
  • BadPsychics (UK's most popular sceptical group exposing psychics)
  • Baton Rouge Proponents of Rational Inquiry and Scientific Methods
  • Bay Area Skeptics
  • Bihar Buddhiwadi Samaj
  • Biuletyn Sceptyczny
  • British Columbia Skeptics
  • Carolina Skeptics
  • Central Iowa Skeptics
  • Central New York Skeptics
  • Center for Inquiry
  • Český klub skeptiků Sisyfos (Czech Skeptics Club Sisyfos)
  • CICAP (Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranormale) (Italy)
  • Círculo Escéptico
  • China Association for Science and Technology
  • Chinese Skeptics Circle
  • Comité Belge pour l'Investigation Scientifique des Phénomènes Réputés Paranormaux (France)
  • Comite de Investigaciones de lo Paranormal lo Seudocientifico y lo irracional
  • Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranormale
  • Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) (CSICOP) (New York)
  • Dakshina Kannada Rationalist Association (India)
  • Dravidar Kazhagam
  • Drinking Skeptically
  • East Bay Skeptics Society
  • European Council of Skeptical Organisations
  • Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations (India)
  • Föreningen Vetenskap och Folkbildning (Sweden)
  • Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (Germany)
  • Gesellschaft für Anomalistik (Germany)
  • Great Lakes Skeptics
  • Hong Kong Skeptics
  • Houston Association for Scientific Thinking
  • Hungarian Skeptic Society (Hungary)
  • Independent Investigations Group
  • Indiana Skeptics
  • Indian Skeptics
  • Indian Rationalist Association
  • Iniciativa para la Promoción del Pensamiento Crítico
  • Irish Skeptics Society
  • Institute for African Ecology and Philosophy
  • Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York
  • Israel Skeptics Society
  • James Randi Educational Foundation (Florida)
  • Japan Anti-Pseudoscience Activities Network
  • Japan Skeptics
  • Kansas City Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
  • Kazakhastan Commission for Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena
  • Kentucky Association of Science Educators and Skeptics
  • Korea PseudoScience Awareness
  • Manitoba Skeptics
  • Maharashtra Superstition Irradication Committee
  • Mexican Association for Skeptical Research
  • Midwest Committee for Rational Inquiry
  • Minnesota Skeptics
  • Montana Rationalists and Skeptics Network
  • New Mexicans for Science & Reason
  • National Capital Area Skeptics
  • New England Skeptical Society
  • New York Area Skeptics
  • New York City Skeptics
  • New Zealand Skeptics
  • North Texas Skeptics
  • Observatoire Zététique
  • Opção Racional
  • Oregonians for Rationality
  • Paranormal Investigating Committee of Pittsburgh
  • Phoenix Skeptics
  • Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking
  • Prociencia
  • Purdue Skeptics Society (West Lafayette, Indiana)
  • Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land
  • Rationalists of East Tennessee
  • Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS) (United Kingdom and United States)
  • Sacramento Organization for Rational Thinking
  • Sacramento Skeptics Society
  • San Diego Association for Rational Inquiry
  • Skepsis (Norway)
  • Sceptical Investigations
  • Sceptiques du Quebec
  • Science and Rationalists' Association of India
  • Skeptical Inquirers of New England
  • Skeptics Canada (Formerly Ontario Skeptics)
  • Sociedade Brasileira de Céticos e Racionalistas
  • Sociedade da Terra Redonda
  • South Shore Skeptics
  • St. Kloud ESP Teaching Investigation Committee
  • Sri Lanka Rationalist Association
  • Stichting Skepsis
  • Studiekring voor Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudo-wetenschap en het Paranormale
  • Tampa Bay Skeptics
  • Tucson Skeptical Society (TUSKS)
  • The Association for Skeptical Enquiry
  • The Finnish Association of Skeptics
  • The National Council Against Health Fraud (Peabody, Massachusetts)
  • The Skeptics Society (California)
  • The Society for Sensible Explanations
  • UK-Skeptics
  • Union Rationaliste
  • West Virginians for Science and Reason
  • Western New York Paranormal
  • Western New York Skeptics
  • Zetetics Laboratory of the University of Nice

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links
