List of shows syndicated by Clear Channel

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The majority of Clear Channel's syndicated talk and music shows are done through its subsidiary, Premiere Radio Networks. Premiere is a dedicated syndication company that houses dozens of talents, with a marketing division that aggressively sells these shows to stations across the United States, and occasionally Canada. However, several Clear Channel radio shows are syndicated by their flagship stations and regional managers, without the aid of Premiere Radio. These shows are often broadcast through Clear Channel Satellite Servies, with the exception of a couple whose distribution rights belong to another company.

The following is a list of a shows produced by Clear Channel Communications that are syndicated to at least one other radio station, but are not part of the Premiere Radio Networks family.

Show Station Information
America's Trucking Network with Steve Sommers WLW Currently heard on two other stations.
Armstrong & Getty with Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty KNEW Syndicates to KSTE, and Sundays to KFI.
Dave and Jimmy WCNI Mainly heard in Ohio and surrounding states.
Elvis Duran and the Morning Zoo WHTZ Heard on two other stations in Pennsylvania and Florida.
John and Ken KFI A compilation show airs Sunday on KSTE. This show used to be syndicated nationally under Cox Radio ownership, but KFI dropped them and the show moved to KABC, then back locally to KFI under Clear Channel. Cable Radio Network also used to carry the show, but no longer does.
Lex and Terry KEGL This show was signed away from Cox Radio. It's heard on over 40 stations and is distributed by Envision Radio, which carries network-wide advertising.
MJ Morning Show WFLZ-FM Heard mostly in Florida, and in St. Louis, Missouri.
Paul and Young Ron WBGG-FM Also heard in West Palm Beach.
Ramsey Lewis Morning Show WNUA Syndicated to various affiliates.
Rover's Morning Glory WMMS This show was signed away from CBS Radio, and retained a couple non-CBS affiliates.
The Schnitt Show WFLA Heard mostly on coastline stations in the southeast. Jones Radio Networks sells and distributes the show, and includes network-wide advertising.
Dan Sileo WFLF Heard on stations in Florida.
Sean Valentine in the Morning KBIG Syndicated to seven other western stations.
The War Room with Quinn and Rose WPGB Syndicates mostly to the northeast, but is also heard on stations in the south and midwest.

Except for shows whose sales and distribution is handled by a third party, none of these shows have immense affiliate bases. In many cases, these shows were syndicated to other stations as a cost-cutting measure within the company. In others, the talent requested they be syndicated to a certain number of stations as a condition to work for, or continue working with, Clear Channel. It is rare that these shows get syndicated to large markets besides the one they're based out of, instead being syndicated to smaller market stations. Also, unlike Premiere and any shows listed otherwise, these shows do not carry required network advertisements, instead leaving all advertising open for the local stations to sell.