List of secondary characters in Code Lyoko

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This is a list of secondary characters in the French animated television series Code Lyoko. Many of these characters have played important parts in single episodes at one point or another, but don't play an especially important part in the overall plot. They are listed by grade or occupation below. It should be noted that everyone in Kadic Junior High School moves up one grade sometime between the episodes "Final Mix" and "The Key." The grades listed are their current grades. Since many of the students have played almost no part in any episode, other than non-speaking appearances, many are not listed as anything other than a name.


[edit] 7th grade

[edit] Milly Solovieff

Milly (voiced by Mirabelle Kirkland) is one of the two official journalists at Kadic, the other being Tamiya. The two share a dorm room. The two produce a newspaper together, called the Kadic Herald, and film news-worthy events. Milly is very interested in journalism and will take any opportunity to find something to report about. In the fourth season, Yumi's brother, Hiroki Ishiyama, has a crush on Milly.

[edit] Tamiya Diop

Tamiya (voiced by Barbara Weber-Scaff) does the camera work for the school newspaper as well as the film-based media. The two share a dorm room. She and Milly appear in Garage Kids artwork, but not in the five-minute pilot.

[edit] Johnny

Johnny (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is Hiroki's new friend upon entering Kadic; however, he only appears in three episodes of the third season. He was introduced in "Straight to Heart", where he expresses a romantic interest in Yumi to Hiroki, who then said that he was crazy for having a crush on his sister. Johnny was a prominent character in "The Pretender", shadowing Yumi upon misleading advice from a jealous Ulrich. He annoys Yumi considerably by tracking her everywhere around the school. After she is attacked by Xana-possessed crows, he accompanies her in the ambulance and to the hospital's ER. In the fourth season, he makes three appearances so far. One is in the episode "Skidbladnir",where he convinces Hiroki to help Yumi and the other is in "Hot Shower" where he helps Yumi control the meteor that will destroy the school. He carries a Swiss army knife. In "Canine Conundrum", he attends Jim's Pencak Silat class and is injured by the replicated Kiwi 2 units.

[edit] Other 7th-grade characters

  • Xavier Gosselin: Goalkeeper for Kadic's soccer team. He is seen at the techno party in "Final Mix."
  • Mohammed Kantaoui: Player on the Kadic soccer team. He was at the dances in "Teddygozilla" and "Final Mix". Strangely, he was in the 9th grade class photo in "Missing Link".
  • Tristan Brossard: Tristan gave Ulrich directions to his dorm room in "Amnesia". He also played soccer for Sissi's team in "Claustrophobia". Finally, he is seen being chased by Kankrelats in "False Start".
  • Emilio Rodriguez: Seen chatting with Caroline Savorani in "The Chips are Down".
  • Sandra Dialo: With three afropuffs, this girl was listed by Odd as a possible secret admirer of Ulrich's and in "Unchartered Territory" she took her turn scolding Aelita for holding up the lunch queue.

[edit] 8th grade

Aelita (goes by Aelita Stones), Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, and Ulrich Stern are in this grade, as well as Sissi Delmas.

[edit] Emily LeDuc

Emily appeared to be a possible alternate love interest for Ulrich in the first season. She is tall, dark haired, and generally quiet, but quick to temper.

In the episode "Swarming Attack," Ulrich got a love letter that he believed to be from Yumi, causing him to think she loved him, and eventually vice-versa. In truth, Sissi had actually written it as a mean-spirited joke to get Ulrich to take her more seriously. Ulrich told Jeremie and Odd about it, but would not tell them who it was from. He also told them not to tell Yumi about it. While the two speculated, Odd deduced that the secret admirer was Emily. When Yumi caught part of the conversation, Odd was forced to start a rumor that Emily was in love with Jim. Emily gave him a punch to the cheek when she found out about the rumor, stating that even Kiwi wouldn't recognize him if he started the rumor again.

Later, in the episode "Routine," Ulrich had some problems sorting out his feelings for Yumi. After a shower, he met Emily in the hall. Their conversation led Ulrich to wonder if Emily might be interested in him, so he began talking to her later on. Ulrich and Yumi sort their problems out later in the episode, which seems to end the association. Since then, she has just appeared as a minor character. She was transformed into a zombie in "Attack of the Zombies," along with almost every other student and teacher.

[edit] Hervé Pichon

Hervé (voiced by David Gasman) is one of Sissi's "cronies." Hervé has a personal vendetta against Jeremie because they are academic rivals. In "Big Bug," while in the garden shed, Hervé pounced on top of Sissi and said that he loved her, falling right on top of her. The meeting had been set up by Odd and Ulrich as a prank on Sissi.

Hervé's face is covered in pimples, which he complains about in "Tip-Top Shape" and gets angry about in "Xana's Kiss" (which starts up a quick fight between him and Nicolas, who seems to be the victor). "Replika" states that Hervé is afraid of heights.

In the French version he is voiced by Bruno Mullenaerts.

[edit] Naomi N'Guyen

Naomi's only appearance of any real significance was in the episode "Seeing is Believing", when she auditioned unsuccessfully to be the drummer in Odd's band, the Pop Rock Progressives. Odd still liked her, however, preferring to have her play rather than Nicolas. She is voiced by Jodi Forrest.

[edit] Nicolas Poliakoff

Nicolas (voiced by Matthew Géczy) simply follows Sissi wherever she goes. He enjoys playing drums and fishing; his idea of a romantic date is to go fishing in the moonlight with a pretty girl, but is regularly rejected. As a last resort, he goes fishing with Hervé instead. Nicolas generally stays quiet, and despite his external lack of intelligence, he did write the script for the school's adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet" in the episode "Laughing Fit" and showed working knowledge of supernatural phenomena in "Is Anybody Out There?".

[edit] Romain Le Goff

Romain (voiced by Matthew Géczy) appears in the episode "Contact" as an actor. Other than that, he just appears as a background character in most other episodes. He plays the part of Jim in Odd's short film, Natural Grandeur. His name is taken from the last name of Code Lyoko co-creator Thomas Romain.

[edit] Taelia

Taelia (voiced by Sharon Mann) is a girl who looks exactly like Aelita (her name is an anagram of "Aelita"). She appears in the first season episode "The Girl of the Dreams." Upon seeing her, Jeremie began to think that Taelia was in fact Aelita materialized on Earth, but with total amnesia, due to the shock from the materialization process. Being unable to contact Aelita on Lyoko only reinforced this belief. Throughout the episode, Jeremie tried to show his love to her. However, despite her similar appearance and similar voice, she was very rude to the group, especially Jeremie and Yumi, seeing them as a very strange (possibly disturbed) group. She even referred to Jeremie and Odd's explanations about Lyoko as "pick-up lines." Jeremie did not believe everyone's claims of Taelia not being Aelita.

Jeremie eventually brought her to the factory to protect her from a suit of samurai armor (one of Yumi's family heirlooms) that Xana had possessed. Aelita was in Lyoko the entire time, having been trapped by a Guardian. Taelia ended up leaving the factory and bringing the principal and the police back. After Jeremie wouldn't explain what he was doing to them, the police tried to arrest Jeremie, and almost succeeded. Aelita deactivated the tower and a return trip erased all the events that had taken place. After the return trip, Jeremie finally explained the differences between the two girls, saying that one would have to be blind to think that Taelia was Aelita, which he blamed Odd and Ulrich of (much to their surprise), even though it was really himself. She is not mentioned again thereafter; the reason behind her disappearance is the non-linear style of the first season, which followed little set continuity until the final two episodes of the season.

[edit] Theo Gauthier

Featured in the episode "Claustrophobia," Theo (voiced by David Gasman in his premiere episode) takes a liking to Sissi after first meeting her. When he wants to join the group, Sissi asks him to mummify the skeleton in the science building. Hervé tries to get him expelled, but Odd and Ulrich are there to prevent that, however unintentionally. After being trapped in the cafeteria by one of Xana's attacks, the two reconcile their differences. A return trip erases any traces of this events and some clever maneuvering by Odd and Yumi seems to prevent the relationship from forming in the first place. Theo makes several non-speaking appearances in various episodes.

[edit] Other eighth-grade characters

  • Claire Girard: Claire was seen talking to Sissi and occasionally accompanying her ("Zero Gravity Zone" and "Mister Pück"). She was also mentioned as a possible secret admirer of Ulrich's by Odd. In Xana Awakens, she is a member of the baton squad.
  • Heïdi Klinger: Heïdi witnessed Jeremie's injury in "Code: Earth" and called Jim crazy as a result. She was kissed by the polymorphic clone in "Xana's Kiss" while it was disguised as Jeremie. Odd was supposed to be her date in this episode, which helped with Xana's divide-and-conquer strategy.
  • Jeanne Le Bihan: Appears in the episode "The Key" with a different name, Carla.
  • Julien Xao: A victim of materialized Kankrelats in "False Start." He and Ulrich compare health records in "Tip-Top Shape".
  • Matthieu Ducrocq: One of Aelita's fans at the DJ Contest in "Final Mix".
  • Sorya Abulabbas: Usually a member of Sissi's diva group, possibly a close friend of hers. Has short brown hair. She was one of the finalists in the beauty contest in "Teddygozilla".
  • Magali De Vasseur: One of Odd's former girlfriends. In Xana Awakens, she is a member of the baton squad.
  • Paul Gaillard: A commonly featured extra, he was a member of the stage crew in "Final Mix".
  • Sophie Florenceau: Seen only once, in "Mister Pück", Sophie was with Claire and Sissi in the shower area and joined in laughing at Sissi's insults of Emily and Aelita.
  • Tania Grandjean: A brunette with a taste for black clothing, she sits in the front row of Mrs. Hertz's science class. Tania was visibly unnerved by Odd's lecture on photosynthesis in "A Great Day".
  • Thomas Jolviet: A brown haired boy with a preference for black clothing and Tania's desk partner in science class, Thomas shared a similar reaction to Odd's lesson in the aforementioned episode.
  • Jean-Baptiste Pujol: He played goalie for Sissi's team in "Claustrophobia". He was at the school formal in "Teddygozilla" and has been seen lounging around the Quad in other episodes.

[edit] 9th Grade

Aside from Yumi Ishiyama and William Dunbar, most of these students have never been a major part of any episode.

[edit] Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard

In "Seeing is Believing," Emmanuel (voiced by David Gasman) auditioned for the Pop Rock Progressives, just like Naomi. Yumi called him Mike then, presumably as a nickname or more 'American' name. While he was talented with the drums, he didn't make it into the band because he played a heavy metal beat, which was too far away from their more traditional style. He can also be seen in the episode "Attack of the Zombies" as one of the zombified people in the group outside the cafeteria.

[edit] Other 9th-grade characters

  • Christophe M'Bala: Christophe M'Bala is commonly cut off from reality by his omnipresent headphones and orange headband.
  • Caroline Savorani: Caroline was seen chatting with Emilio Rodriguez in the opening of "The Chips are Down". She and Maïtena L'Ecuyer also mocked Sissi after hearing about how her baton floated away in "Zero Gravity Zone". In Xana Awakens, she is a member of the cheerleading squad.
  • Anaïs Fiquet: Blonde and stern, Anaïs was part of a group with Sissi in "Teddygozilla" and raced Yumi in P.E. class on one occasion.
  • Priscilla Blaise: With short black hair and a sense of fashion, Priscilla was also part of Sissi's group and came in third in the race between her, Yumi, and Anaïs.
  • Matthias Durel: Matthias was kissed by a polymorphic clone disguised as Yumi in "Xana's Kiss" while trying to purchase some cola. Other times he is seen with his face buried in schoolwork and is rather studious.
  • Maïtena L'Ecuyer: Yumi said that she was studying mathematics with this girl in "Exploration". She was, along with Caroline Savorani, another girl to whom Sissi confided the story of her missing baton in "Zero Gravity Zone".

[edit] Teachers and administration

These are the various management, teachers, and workers at Kadic. Jim Moralés is among them, but is listed separately as he contributes more to the show's overall plot.

[edit] Gaston Lagrange

Gaston is one of the cafeteria workers at Kadic, along with Rosa Petitjean. He was given the name Charles in "Satellite".

[edit] Gilles Fumet

Gilles (voiced by David Gasman) is the history and geography teacher at Kadic. He is seen and heard rarely, usually as a background character during one episode or another.

[edit] Gustave Chardin

Gustave (voiced by David Gasman) is the art teacher at Kadic. He is seen a couple of times, most notably in the episode "Contact." In that episode, he introduces various short films made by his students. He speaks with a heavy French accent and is rather obsessed with the arts. He isn't happy about the lacking budget for the school's Drama department, as heard in "Temporary Insanity". The students usually fall asleep in his classes.

[edit] Hans Klotz

Hans is the counselor at Kadic. He tries to send Jeremie to a school for the gifted in one episode. Events conspired in Jeremie's favor to avoid being sent. In the episode "Plagued", he reveals that he is scared of rats due to some incident in his childhood involving a rat in a closet. During the episode, he refers to himself as Mr. Simone.

[edit] Jean-Pierre Delmas

Jean-Pierre (voiced by Allan Wenger) is the headmaster of Kadic. He is also Sissi's father, which gives reason for the group (usually Ulrich) to suck-up to Sissi a little. He is not too strict, but can be if necessary. In the episode "Code: Earth", Jean-Pierre fired Jim for injuring Jeremie, thinking that Jim did it on purpose. In the episode "False Lead", Odd names his Tamagotchi Jean-Pierre, an obvious reference to the principal. In the fourth season he often spends all of his time playing on his computer a web game where you have to place a head on a bird.

[edit] Michel Rouiller

Michel is the Kadic groundskeeper. He doesn't appear much, and always gets in the way of one of Xana's attacks when he does. So far, his only appearances have been in "Swarming Attack" and "Attack of the Zombies".

[edit] Mrs. Meyer

Mrs. Meyer (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is the math teacher at Kadic.

[edit] Nicole Weber

Nicole is the principal's secretary. The group has been forced to distract her on occasion while trying to do one thing or another that wouldn't be considered legal. Nicole shares the maiden name of Ulrich's voice actress, Barbara Weber-Scaff. However, she is voiced by Jodi Forrest.

[edit] Rosa Petitjean

Rosa Petitjean (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is one of the cafeteria workers at Kadic. She was also possessed by Xana in the episode "Temptation".

[edit] Suzanne Hertz

Suzanne Hertz (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is the science and homeroom teacher. Her hair is grayish and styled in a perm. She commonly wears a lab coat. Xana attacks during her class more often than any other class. Jim has a crush on her, though in the episode "Hot Shower", she claimed to be dating someone else.

[edit] Yolande Perraudin

Yolande Perraudin (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is the school nurse. She is often bewildered by the "afflictions" caused by Xana, which befall those at Kadic. It is discovered that she is engaged to be married in the episode "Xana's Kiss". In the first season, she was addressed by the name Dorothy. She is addressed by her French name from the second season onward.

[edit] Other characters

These are characters have either played important parts in single episodes or are just regularly seen, but aren't students or faculty at Kadic.

[edit] Antea Hopper

Antea Hopper is the wife of Franz Hopper and the mother of Aelita. She appears in flashbacks in two episodes, "The Key" and "Distant Memory". In Aelita's dream in "Distant Memory", it is shown that she was kidnapped by the same agents that nearly arrested her husband. She is voiced by Jodi Forrest in her second appearance, and by an unknown actress in her brief appearances in "The Key". Like her daughter, she has pink hair.

[edit] Brynja Heringsdötir

Brynja Heringsdötir is Sissi's pen pal from the country of Iceland. She is a single-episode character, only making an appearance in "Kadic Bombshell". She attracts all of the boys at the Academy, making Sissi feel jealous and ignored. While on her day-long stay in France, Odd falls in love with her and takes her to the factory, where she messes with a virtualization program that Jeremie and Aelita created. Because of this, Odd is forced to leave the group. At the end of the episode, after Odd saves Aelita, he is put back into the group. Sissi decides to send Brynja away to the country, stating that she always wanted to see the countryside.

[edit] Chris

Chris (voiced by David Gasman) is the drummer of the SubDigitals and Jim's nephew. Appearing in the episode "Opening Act", he visits the school to search for an opening act for an upcoming concert. In the end, he chooses Aelita. In his second appearance in "Crash Course", he runs the final audition between Aelita and two other candidates, again choosing Aelita.

[edit] Ellen

Ellen is the anchorwoman for the local news station. She usually appears to announce the strange happenings from Xana's attacks.

[edit] Hiroki Ishiyama

Hiroki (voiced by Barbara Weber-Scaff) is Yumi's younger brother, and appears to be around 9 or 10. His first appearance is in the second season episode "Exploration". He wears a yellow sweater similar in design to Jeremie's blue sweater, but in the fourth season he is seen wearing a dark blue/purple sweater. He often teases Yumi about her relationship with Ulrich, which makes her angry. In spite of that, he mentions that "That's the guy you should go out with", when Ulrich is protecting her from a materialized Krabe. In the episode, "Lost at Sea", he reveals that he has a crush on Milly.

[edit] James Finson

James Finson (voiced by David Gasman) is a director who is seen once in the episode "End of Take." He gets very angry whenever someone compares his works to the Alien movies, insisting all his films are unique. He came to Kadic to film another movie in the factory, despite Ulrich's attempts to prevent it. Xana eventually possessed the monster he had made for the movie. Once a time reversion wiped out any memory of the event, Ulrich got him to leave by saying someone had already filmed a movie much like his at that location. Finson then calls his producer, claiming that someone else had come up with the idea, although the producer does not seem to believe him.

[edit] John Swamp

John Swamp is a field reporter who is seen during news broadcasts, usually the same ones that Ellen reports on. Unlike Ellen, John is right in the middle of the action.

[edit] Kiwi

Kiwi (barking done by Barbara Weber-Scaff) is Odd's small dog. He boards secretly at Kadic with Odd. Pets are not allowed at Kadic, so Kiwi has gotten Odd into trouble on more than one occasion.

He was used in many other roles to help defeat Xana, such as carrying notes to the others when all of their cell phones were confiscated. Jeremie builds a "Kiwi 2" robot in "The Robots", which Xana later possesses in "Canine Conundrum". The possessed robot gains self-multiplication powers until the tower is deactivated.

In the episode "Attack of the Zombies," Kiwi was possessed by Xana. While possessed, Kiwi traveled around the school and bit various students and teachers. Like the events of Night of the Living Dead or any similar movie, the infected students and teachers moved on to infect others. By the time the attack was stopped, only a few students were left unconverted (such as Ulrich and Sissi). Jeremie was bitten, but he was able to hold on long enough to activate a return trip.

In "Dog Day Afternoon", Odd brings Kiwi to Lyoko. Because they were virtualized in the same scanner, however, their DNA was fused together. Later, Odd gained many of Kiwi's traits, such as a craving for dog food, heightened sense of smell, loss of balance in the real world (and on Lyoko), and the perception of a tail. Kiwi and Odd are separated at the end of the episode.

[edit] Michel Belpois

Jeremie's father, Michel, first appears in the episode "Franz Hopper". He appears to be quite proud of his genius son and, during his premiere episode, he asks his son if he would consider enrolling at a school for gifted children. Jeremie says yes at first, due to his tension with the others at the time, but later tells his father he'd changed his mind; Michel accepts this decision. Michel later appears in the episode "Distant Memory", where he makes it clear that he knows how much his son loves Aelita, comparing it to a similar sentiment shared with his unnamed wife.

[edit] Odd's parents

Odd's parents appear in "Bad Connection", having come to Kadic to watch a presentation Odd is doing for his film class. Odd's mother and father never find fault in anything Odd does, which he finds disappointing.

[edit] Patrick Belpois

Patrick is Jeremie's cousin, only making an appearance in "Cousins Once Removed". He comes to Kadic to enroll. Jeremie despises him for being "cooler" than he is. He is a practitioner of Aikido, which pleases Ulrich. His parents instead choose to enroll him in a school closer to where they live.

[edit] Peter Duncan

A local criminal responsible for all sorts of crimes, Peter Duncan appears in the episode "Common Interest" as Xana's puppet. Xana recruits him in order to replace the depleted uranium rod used to fuel the supercomputer. He obtains the uranium by stealing it from an armored car being used by military personnel. Duncan, along with Aelita, fainted several times along the way thanks to the supercomputer's periodic shutdowns as a result of the depleted fuel source. The fuel was replaced in a shotgun wedding collaboration between Jeremie and Duncan. After the supercomputer was refueled and Xana's attack was stopped, the group was able to deliver Duncan to the police discreetly.

[edit] Samantha Knight

Seen only in the episodes "Rock Bottom," and "Final Round," Samantha (voiced by Jodi Forrest) is a troublemaker, but Odd still has feelings for her nonetheless. Samantha does not attend school at Kadic. In "Rock Bottom," she attempts to steal one of the school's laptops for a party which Yumi was throwing, and Odd gets into trouble by covering for her. As a result of a Xana attack, she ends up being brought to the factory. A return trip wipes out any memory of the visit. After the return trip, Jeremie lets her use his computer to keep her from stealing one from the school. Samantha goes to Jules Verne Junior High School. In her second appearance, Samantha reveals to Odd that her family "moved to the coast".

In "Final Round", she attends the annual skateboarding competition at Kadic to see Odd again. They are happy to see each other and easily outdo the rest of the skateboarders in the competition. However, after Ulrich tells her to tell Odd to go to "he knows where" immediately before heading off to talk to his father, Sam opts not to, choosing to keep Odd with her for the little time they have left together, until Ulrich calls Odd and he has to leave. This was her last series appearance.

[edit] Thomas Vincent

Thomas Vincent (TV for short, voiced by David Gasman) is a lesser-known, but apparently more popular, field reporter. He is regularly accompanied by a camerawoman named Edna (voiced by Barbara Weber-Scaff), despite his constant threats to fire her. He appears in the episode "Cold War" to do a documentary on how the schools aren't educating students well enough. He acts like a jerk around to pretty much everyone and is also quick to blame others. He is ordered to take Hervé and Sissi back inside by Yumi. He reappears briefly in the episode "Temporary Insanity" to ask a policeman how he feels about being on the evening news, after Ulrich, thinking the police car was a Megatank, jumped out in front of it.

[edit] Ulrich's parents

Ulrich's parents have only appeared in three episodes so far. Ulrich's father expects Ulrich to be the best at everything, and views his friends as "good-for-nothings". In "Final Round," Ulrich's father returns to admonish Ulrich for his poor grades. In "Distant Memory", they return to pick up Ulrich for the holiday, after which Ulrich's father again admonishes Ulrich about his grades. Ulrich gets his hair color from his mother. Not much is known about her, though Ulrich does say that the holidays and his father's tense attitude stresses her out.

[edit] Yumi's parents

Yumi's father is Takeo Ishiyama (voiced by David Gasman). Her mother (voiced by Barbara Weber-Scaff) is never named in the episodes themselves, but is given the name Akiko according to several interviews with Sophie Decroisette. Yumi's parents have a somewhat unstable relationship. In the episode "Laughing Fit", they live apart for a while after a fight. They get back together thanks to the combined efforts of the group. Later on, in the second season, their relationship is more stable, but still rocky. Takeo works for a worldwide corporation, while his wife is currently working on a dictionary.

[edit] Odd's sisters

Odd has at least five older sisters, named Adele, Pauline, Elisabeth, Marie, and Louise. None of them have been seen as of yet, but Odd has had a phone conversation with Pauline onscreen. All five of them enjoy teasing/torturing Odd, to the point of locking him in a bathroom overnight on one occasion, because, according to Odd, they,"thought it was funny."

[edit] Men in Black

The Men in Black (voiced by David Gasman and Barbara Weber-Scaff) are mysterious Secret Service agents who dress in all-black suits. Two of them tried to arrest Franz Hopper before he first travelled to Lyoko. Two other agents showed up in "False Lead" when Xana framed Jeremie for hacking into the database of a weapons manufacturer.

[edit] External links
