List of primary characters in Code Lyoko

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This is a list of primary characters in the French animated television series Code Lyoko. It covers the protagonists, the antagonist, and the primary supporting characters.


[edit] Main characters

The main characters are Aelita Schaeffer (earlier "named" Aelita Hopper, school identity as Aelita Stones), Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama, Ulrich Stern, and Xana. The first five are the protagonists, commonly referred to as "the group" or "Lyoko warriors" in the series. They are the ones who attempt to foil Xana's plans. The primary antagonist is Xana, who seeks to take over the world.

[edit] Aelita Hopper

Aelita (voiced by Sharon Mann) is the younger female in the group and the more naive one of the five, having had comparatively less experience with the real world than her friends. Thought to be an A.I within Lyoko for the first two seasons, Aelita's former life is slowly explored past the revelation that she is human near the end of the second season. She is the daughter of Franz Hopper, who designed both the supercomputer and Xana. She manages to settle into her new life by the start of the third season, making more jokes and generally being less naive, and more reflected in her combat skills. Aelita is also capable of running the supercomputer in the event that Jeremie cannot. On Earth, her full name is Aelita Stones. In Wrong Exposure it is revealed that Aelita's true last name is Schaeffer, but that her father had changed it to Hopper, her mother's maiden name, to make a fresh start.

Aelita wears two main outfits throughout the series. She wears a dark pink jumper dress over a light pink hooded long sleeved shirt and dark pink knee boots for the second and third season. In the fourth season, her outfit consists of a dark purple dress that comes to her knees and light pink tights underneath. Her boots are a deep red.

She wears two different outfits depending on the season. For the first three seasons, Aelita's outfit consists of a pink mini skirt and a matching top that go over trousers and a long shirt that are both off-white, and matching shoes. She also has elf-like ears, with a small dangle earring in the left one. In the fourth season, Aelita receives a new pink form-fitting suit on Lyoko, which has a pair of retractable energy wings that enable Aelita to fly.

Her main interest is music, specifically audio mixing. Her childhood memories show that Franz Hopper taught her to play the piano at an early age. In the fourth season, she wins a contest to star in one of the Subdigitals' concerts. She, like Jeremie, is also a capable programmer and an excellent student.

Aelita's main power on Lyoko is her creativity, which allows her to alter small portions of Lyoko's terrain at will. She can use the same power to create clones of herself, though they have limited functionality, acting in a pre-determined manner. Aelita also has the power to deactivate the towers on Lyoko, the main component in stopping Xana's attacks in the real world. In the third season, Aelita is able to defend herself by generating pink orbs (called "energy fields") which can destroy any monster on contact, regardless of where they hit. Two energy fields can also be touched together, forming something like a chain that can stop certain attacks (such as a Megatank's shot).

Because Jeremie was the first person to encounter Aelita when she was stuck in Lyoko, and because he had the most interaction with her and was so concerned for her well-being, she has become quite fond of him, and has begun pursuing a romantic relationship.

[edit] Jeremie Belpois

Jeremie (voiced by Sharon Mann) is the brains of the group, directing their missions from the supercomputer and designing various program to improve their chances of victory (though, as a recurring plot device, these programs almost always malfunction). Jeremie does not participate in the battles on Lyoko because he is needed back in the real world for technical support and to run the virtualization, devirtualization, and other computer programs in case of an emergency.

Something of a workaholic, Jeremie invests the majority of his time into finding ways of stopping Xana, having spent the entirety of season one trying to materialize Aelita onto the real world, and spent all of season two trying to make an anti-virus after Xana infected her. In season three, he spends most of his time trying to find a way to virtualize the group into the Internet directly, until Xana possessed the newly-inducted William and destroyed Lyoko. At the end of the season, Jeremie receives a message from Franz Hopper, and manages to recreate Lyoko using the codes. In season 4, he spends the majority of his time locating Replikas, deciphering data from the internet, and trying to free William from Xana. From Season 2 onwards, one of his major overall goals is to free Aelita's father, Franz.

Often, his determination to fight against Xana will take priority and he will leave his friends in the interests of working more. They rarely respond positively to this; however, he usually finds a way to make things up by the end of the episode.

Jeremie was the one who discovered Lyoko, as well as Aelita, and over the first season he became very attracted to her. He is very attracted to Aelita's intellect, curiosity, and bravery, and although Jeremie can be shy at times, he has sought a romantic relationship with her.

[edit] Odd Della Robbia

Odd Della Robbia (first voiced by Christophe Caballero and then Matthew Géczy) is the prankster of the group, acting less serious and more carefree than the others in any given situation. This attitude extends to most forms of danger, which Odd only seems to take seriously when responsible for the welfare of others. While Odd doesn't appear to be a serious student, he maintains a 75% average, apparently aided by high art scores as well as his propensity to copy the papers of others during those tests he actually attempts to pass. During his free time, he prefers to work on music, film, drawing, other forms of art, as well as skateboarding, and trying to find his one true love.

The first of Odd's two outfits in the series consists of a long-sleeve shirt and bellbottom pants, and platform shoes. His hair is styled into a large point in the same fashion as his hair on Lyoko. He also has a purple diamond on the front of his hair (which is naturally that color, as seen in both "Unchartered Territory" and "Revelation"). In the fourth season, his outfit consists of a purple hooded sweatshirt with a lighter purple shirt underneath, purple bell bottoms, and dark red-orange shoes.

Odd considers himself to be something of a ladies' man, having managed to date almost every (similarly aged) girl at the school in the two years he's been attending it, sometimes two at a time. A recurring theme in the series is Odd attempting to impress one girl or another, if he is not already dating them.

Another recurring theme, though less prevalent, are jokes about Odd's size in comparison to his eating habits. Despite eating two or three portions at every meal, Odd never gains weight or height, being the shortest member of the group, which is somewhat disguised by his platform shoes and hairstyle. The school nurse attributes this to Odd's high metabolism.

Odd has a pet dog named Kiwi, which he keeps in his room against school policy. Despite the rule against dogs, most of the students know Odd has the dog. Odd also shares a room with Ulrich. The others have their own rooms or live at home. This occasionally results in arguments between the two on roommate-related issues.

On Lyoko, he is dressed as a self-described "giant purple cat." The outfit is almost identical to the one he wears in the real world color-wise, but has no sleeves and is generally closer-fitting. To complete the "giant cat" motif, Odd only has four fingers (three digits and a thumb), complete with claws, and a tail. In the fourth season, he receives a new outfit almost identical to the previous one, except being a slimmer full-body suit, with slightly altered highlights, and with cat ears in addition to his human ones. His vehicle is the Overboard, a similarly-themed purple hoverboard.

Odd's gloves are equipped with arrow launchers, which are his main weapon. Odd prefers to attack from long-range, using his accuracy to destroy monsters out of harm's way, but will often fight close-quarters in order to get a shot in. Odd's powers vary between seasons. In the first season, Odd has the ability to see into the future, though not at will and only for short periods. The ability (as explained in the third season episode "Triple Trouble") was lost in the second season when Jeremie improved their abilities. In exchange, Odd gets an arm-mounted energy shield which appears when he summons it. His claws also allow him to climb up objects with ease.

[edit] Yumi Ishiyama

Yumi (voiced by Mirabelle Kirkland) is the oldest member of the group, being a year older than the others, and is of Japanese descent. Although sometimes a bit short-tempered, Yumi is very clever. Yumi varies between reasonable and stubborn at various points; though willing to reveal the supercomputer to the police in order to prevent a nuclear explosion, it takes the destruction of most of Lyoko to convince her to let William Dunbar join the group.

In the first three seasons, she wears a black turtleneck and black ankle pants. Her hair is usually left hanging down. In the fourth season, her outfit is slightly lighter but still mainly black, consisting of a long-sleeved shirt with an extra large neck hole. Her pants cut off halfway between her ankles and knees. Both of her outfits reveal her stomach.

In terms of character development, the two major themes revolving around Yumi are her relationship with Ulrich Stern and her parents' unstable marriage, the former of which is the central focus. Yumi's relationship with Ulrich remains platonic, though they almost kiss in "Routine" and decide to keep it a secret. Yumi decides to outwardly declare their relationship to be just friendship at the start of the third season, though the series finale "Echoes" implies the two eventually explore their romantic relationship again.

The second season introduces Yumi's younger brother, Hiroki. He constantly teases Yumi about Ulrich. Most of the time, Yumi acts as if she can't stand Hiroki, but episodes such as "Lost at Sea" show that Yumi does care for him.

Yumi's outfit is modeled after those worn by geisha. Her outfit consists of a short-sleeved/hemmed kimono over red tights, black thigh-length boots, red eye liner, red blush on her cheeks, a white-painted face and neck, and some red on her lips to complete the look. She also has a yellow sash tied to her back. Her hair is bunched up into a small bun with three bangs left hanging. In the fourth season, Yumi gets a new, ninja-like outfit. It consists of form-fitting, purple bodysuit, but retains the yellow sash from the previous one. Her hair is worn down instead of in a bun. The geisha makeup is less prevalent with the new outfit, though it's more apparent with her 2D model. Yumi uses the Overwing, a hovering scooter, for travel on Lyoko. She usually shares this vehicle with Aelita.

Yumi's main weapons on Lyoko are her dual metal fans that function like boomerangs when thrown. In flight, they turn into fast-moving circular saws which cut through almost anything, and also serve as shields to block enemy laser fire. She also has telekinetic powers.

[edit] Ulrich Stern

Ulrich (voiced by Barbara Weber-Scaff) is the silently-strong introvert of the group, unwilling to talk about himself unless prodded considerably. Along with Odd, he is often the first to suggest taking immediate action against Xana.

In the first three seasons, Ulrich wears a jersey with a vest over it and cargo pants, all varying shades of green. In the fourth season, his vest is replaced by a jacket.

Ulrich doesn't say much about his personal life and is evasive when someone asks him about himself or his family. His parents, his father in particular, are very hard to please and have high expectations of their son. He also has trouble expressing his feelings, mainly where Yumi Ishiyama is concerned. A common theme in the series is Ulrich only admitting to something after a brush with death or an otherwise dire scenario. In addition to his troubles with Yumi, Ulrich has to deal with Sissi's affections. Due to her being the daughter of the principal, he is often forced into humoring her in order to get something from her father.

Ulrich's Lyoko attire is modeled after a samurai, minus armor, and he carries a sword. An Oni is drawn on his back and the clothing is largely colored yellow and black. He gets a new outfit in the fourth season, which trades his more loose-fitting clothes for a tighter body suit. A device on his back is traded for his sword sheath, which, in addition to carrying two swords, hides the blades when they're not in use. For travel, he uses a one-wheeled motorcycle called the Overbike, which is also capable of flight.

Ulrich's two swords allow him to cut through monsters with ease or deflect enemy laser fire. His super-sprint speed on Lyoko is enhanced, such that he can deflect even rapid laser fire with relative ease and run faster than most monsters. He can create two clones of himself to aid in battle (called Triplicate), each of which can take one hit before being destroyed. He can bring these clones back together into him (called Fusion). He can also summon his clones to make a triangle around his enemy, then attack it when least expected. Both he and Yumi are practitioners of Pencak Silat, and in several episodes take classes with Jim.

[edit] William Dunbar

William (voiced by David Gasman) is first introduced in the second season as a new student at Kadic, having been kicked out from his previous school for plastering love letters everywhere. William serves as a foil for Ulrich, both in his attraction to Yumi and outspoken personality.

William's first outfit consists of a short-sleeved black shirt with a long-sleeved red undershirt, blue jeans and boots. His outfit in the fourth season consists of dark-blue pants, a black shirt with a red logo, and a tan jacket to replace the red undershirt.

William joins the Lyoko warriors near the end of the third season, but is quickly possessed by Xana. Xana then uses William to destroy Lyoko, thereby turning William into an avatar of sorts for Xana. From this point on, William serves as an evil counterpart to the Lyoko warriors, commanding Xana's monsters in battles to even the odds. He even has his own personal Manta, which is colored black instead of the standard blue. He uses it as a vehicle on Lyoko. He is freed from Xana in "Down to Earth", but the group is wary to trust him again. Xana again possesses him in "Fight to the Finish", and he is once again freed once Xana is destroyed.

In his short appearance in "Final Round", William's Lyoko attire consists of a white and blue form-fitting bodysuit. After he is taken over by Xana, his outfit changes to a similar, all-black outfit with red outlines and the eye of Xana on his forehead and chest, as opposed to his eyes. He also gains a spiked gauntlet on his left arm capable of blocking attacks.

William's primary weapon on Lyoko is a large white sword resembling an oversized cleaver. His Xana-themed version has black vines creeping up the blade and the eye of Xana near the hilt on either side. Like Ulrich's sword, it can absorb and deflect lasers as well as attacks from the Lyoko warriors. Under Xana's control, William can strike with such force that the sword damages the terrain. William can also fire disc-shaped blasts of energy from the sword, another Xana-given ability, by charging and swinging it.

His primary power on Lyoko, once possessed by Xana, is smoke manipulation, reflecting Xana's use of smoke-like ghosts in the real world. He forms his weapon from smoke and reduces it to such when not in use, which allows him to call the weapon back if they are separated. He can also reduce himself to smoke, allowing him to move at high speeds, and can quickly transform back upon reaching his destination. Finally, he can create smoke in his hands and fire it at his opponents to restrain them, after which he can use the smoke to achieve a limited form of telekinesis on his target. Other powers include hovering and long-range vision.

Unlike the other Lyoko warriors, William doesn't devirtualize when dealt enough damage. Instead, he is reduced to glowing red smoke which dissipates into the ground. Additionally, while he usually needs only one successful hit to devirtualize the Lyoko warriors, it takes either several hits or one fairly powerful attack (being cut in half, for example) for him to do the same.

[edit] Xana

Created by Franz Hopper, Xana (voiced by David Gasman) is the antagonist of the show. He seeks to take over the world, but often focuses his efforts on the group, seeing as how they foil most of his plans. Most of his attacks tend to be fairly straightforward with little or no warning beforehand. In the first season Xana's attacks are directed mostly at humans in general. From the second season on, the attacks are centered around the group. Xana's favorite targets are Aelita and Jeremie, since they are the two most capable of operating the supercomputer, and generally the weakest targets.

Xana's main power is possession through an energy-based, ethereal "ghost", capable of possessing virtually any object and likewise modifying it to almost any necessary end. When a human is "xanafied" or possessed by Xana, their eyes often have the Lyoko/Xana symbol (found on all of Xana's monsters) instead of pupils. The ghosts themselves can also manifest themselves as people without the need for a host. Among the common abilities imparted by the ghosts are electricity-manipulation, phasing through solid matter, enhanced strength and speed, and the less common ability to self-replicate.

Xana also has a theme song thing, but the title of it is unknown as of now.

[edit] Supporting characters

Along with the main characters, several supporting characters are seen in almost every episode, usually as a barrier to the main characters or as comic relief, or both.

[edit] Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas

Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas (first voiced by Christine Flowers and then Jodi Forrest) is the spoiled daughter of the school's principal, Jean-Pierre Delmas, and considers herself to be the most attractive girl in school. She prefers to be called Sissi, and usually becomes angry whenever someone uses her full name. She is attracted to Ulrich (who does not feel the same way) and is jealous of Yumi (whom Ulrich is attracted to). Undoubtedly snobbish, during the first season she only rarely showed a more empathic side. She has lightened up in the second season, and sometimes helps the group achieve victory, though she's not quite aware of the extent to which she helps. She admits in the first season episode "Holiday in the Fog" that all she wants is to be accepted by Jeremie and the others, which she gets in "Echoes" after discovering the factory and making a scene about it. The group uses a return trip to wipe her memory then accepts her to keep her from following them, stating that "Kadic life is boring without her."

[edit] Franz Hopper

Franz Hopper (voiced by Paul Bandey) is the creator of the supercomputer, Lyoko, and Xana, as well as being Aelita's father. He was once a science teacher at Kadic, having been replaced by Suzanne Hertz after his disappearance 10 years ago. He lived at a house near Kadic called the Hermitage with Aelita, and before that had a home in a mountainous region. Franz Hopper built Lyoko and Xana to destroy a military project called Project Carthage, which was designed to disrupt enemy communications. Lyoko was later adapted to serve as a sanctuary for him and Aelita, an apparent result of his suspicions that someone was watching him. Upon fleeing Lyoko, however, Aelita and Franz were attacked by Xana. Franz unsuccessfully tried to reason with Xana, and when that failed he shut down the supercomputer, leaving it inactive until it was found nearly a decade later by Jeremie.

Franz is variously depicted in Lyoko with sphere-shaped constructs. In "Aelita", he is depicted as numerous white spheres, while his appearance in "Distant Memory" is that of a larger purple sphere. Franz Hopper, like Xana, can reach out to the real world through the use of the towers, but not nearly as effectively as Xana can. He helps the warriors at various points in the series, even helping them to recreate Lyoko after its destruction in "Final Round". In "Wrong Exposure", his name is revealed to be Waldo Schaeffer (the name printed on the folder in the closing credits), while "Franz" is actually his middle name and "Hopper" is his wife's, Antea Hopper, maiden name. In "Fight to the Finish", he sacrifices himself to give the multi-agent system enough power to completely wipe out Xana.

[edit] Jim Moralés

Jim Morales (voiced by David Gasman) is the Kadic physical education teacher, handyman, and campus supervisor. As campus supervisor, his job is to keep the students in line. He alternates between lighthearted and strict, commonly leaning towards the latter. In addition to his jobs at Kadic, Jim has apparently served under a wide variety of occupations. However, any attempt to get him to elaborate on his past jobs is usually met with his trademark answer of "I'd rather not talk about it." He has a nephew named Chris, who is the drummer for the Subdigitals. He also has an interest in Suzanne Hertz as well.

[edit] See also
