List of postal codes in Brazil

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These are list of postal codes in Brazil. Since 1993, the eight digit form was introduced, prior to 1993, the Brazilian postal codes formerly used the five digit form. Unlike the North American, some European and some other postal/ZIP codes, the first few digits (except for 0xxxx-xxx which first represents the municipality and 1xxxx-xxx which begins in Santos outside the state capital of São Paulo, Federal District and Goiás) as some postal systems in the beginning of the postal number of each state (e.g. 29000-xxx to 29999-xxx, the first being 290xx is in the capital of Vitoria, Espirito Santo) is used for the state capital, the other over for example 292xx is used for other parts of the state. Here are a list of postal codes.:


[edit] Eight digit form

  • 01000-000 to 09999-999 - São Paulo Metropolitan Region including the suburbs or the area outside the São Paulo metropolitan region
  • 11000-000 to 19999-999 - State of São Paulo
  • 20000-000 to 28999-999 - State of Rio de Janeiro
  • 29000-000 to 29999-999 - State of Espírito Santo
  • 30000-000 to 39999-999 - State of Minas Gerais
  • 40000-000 to 48999-999 - State of Bahia
  • 49000-000 to 49999-999 - State of Sergipe
  • 50000-000 to 56999-999 - State of Pernambuco
  • 57000-000 to 57999-999 - State of Alagoas
  • 58000-000 to 58999-999 - State of Paraíba
  • 59000-000 to 59999-999 - State of Rio Grande do Norte
  • 60000-000 to 63999-999 - State of Ceará
  • 64000-000 to 64999-999 - State of Piauí
  • 65000-000 to 65999-999 - State of Maranhão
  • 66000-000 to 68899-999 - State of Pará
  • 68900-000 to 68999-999 - State of Amapá
  • 69000-000 to 69299-999 - State of Amazonas (part 1)
  • 69300-000 to 69399-999 - State of Roraima
  • 69400-000 to 69899-999 - State of Amazonas (part 2)
  • 69900-000 to 69999-999 - State of Acre
  • 70000-000 to 72799-999 - Federal District (part 1)
  • 72800-000 to 72999-999 - State of Goiás (part 1)
  • 73000-000 to 73699-999 - Federal District (part 2)
  • 73700-000 to 76999-999 - State of Goiás (part 2)
  • 77000-000 to 77999-999 - State of Tocantins
  • 78000-000 to 78899-999 - State of Mato Grosso
  • 78900-000 to 78999-999 - State of Rondônia
  • 79000-000 to 79999-999 - State of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • 80000-000 to 87999-999 - State of Paraná
  • 88000-000 to 89999-999 - State of Santa Catarina
  • 90000-000 to 99999-999 - State of Rio Grande do Sul

[edit] Acre

[edit] Alagoas

  • 57000-xxx - Maceió
  • 57010-xxx - Maceió
  • 57020-xxx - Maceió
  • 57030-xxx - Maceió
  • 57040-xxx - Maceió
  • 57050-xxx - Maceió
  • 57060-xxx - Maceió
  • 57070-xxx - Maceió
  • 57080-xxx - Maceió
  • 57090-xxx - Maceió
  • 57930-xxx - Barra de Santo Antônio

[edit] Amazonas

  • 68000-xxx - Manaus
  • 68010-xxx - Manaus
  • 68020-xxx - Manaus
  • 68030-xxx - Manaus
  • 68040-xxx - Manaus
  • 68050-xxx - Manaus
  • 68060-xxx - Manaus
  • 68070-xxx - Manaus
  • 68080-xxx - Manaus
  • 68090-xxx - Manaus
  • 69600-xxx - São Paulo de Olivença
  • 69680-xxx - Santo Antônio do Içá

[edit] Amapá

[edit] Bahia

[edit] 40000s

  • 40000-xxx - Salvador
  • 40010-xxx - Salvador
  • 40020-xxx - Salvador
  • 40030-xxx - Salvador
  • 40040-xxx - Salvador
  • 40050-xxx - Salvador
  • 40060-xxx - Salvador
  • 40070-xxx - Salvador
  • 40080-xxx - Salvador
  • 40090-xxx - Salvador
  • 40100-xxx - Salvador
  • 40110-xxx - Salvador
  • 40120-xxx - Salvador
  • 40130-xxx - Salvador
  • 40140-xxx - Salvador
  • 40150-xxx - Salvador
  • 40160-xxx - Salvador
  • 40170-xxx - Salvador
  • 40180-xxx - Salvador
  • 40190-xxx - Salvador
  • 40200-xxx - Salvador
  • 40210-xxx - Salvador
  • 40220-xxx - Salvador
  • 40230-xxx - Salvador
  • 40240-xxx - Salvador
  • 40250-xxx - Salvador

[edit] 44000s

[edit] 45000s

[edit] 46000s

  • 46100-xxx - Brumado
  • 46765-xxx - Piatã

[edit] 47000s

[edit] Ceará

  • 63000-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63010-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63020-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63030-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63040-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63050-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63060-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63070-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63080-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63090-xxx - Fortaleza
  • 63860-xxx - Madalena

[edit] Goiás

mentira nem uma da so lamento

[edit] Maranhão

  • 65000-xxx - São Luís
  • 65010-xxx - São Luís
  • 65020-xxx - São Luís
  • 65030-xxx - São Luís
  • 65040-xxx - São Luís
  • 65050-xxx - São Luís
  • 65060-xxx - São Luís
  • 65070-xxx - São Luís
  • 65080-xxx - São Luís
  • 65730-xxx - Santo Antônio dos Lopes

[edit] Mato Grosso

  • 78000-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78010-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78020-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78030-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78040-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78050-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78060-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78070-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78080-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78090-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78100-xxx - Cuiabá
  • 78170-xxx - Nossa Senhora do Livramento
  • 78700-xxx - Rondonópolis

[edit] Mato Grosso do Sul

  • 79000-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79010-xxx - Campo Grande ms
  • 79020-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79030-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79040-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79050-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79060-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79070-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79080-xxx - Campo Grande
  • 79090-xxx - Campo Grande

[edit] Minas Gerais

[edit] 30000s

  • 30000-xxx - Belo Horizonte (downtown area)
  • 30010-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30020-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30030-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30040-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30050-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30060-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30070-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30080-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30090-xxx - Belo Horizonte
  • 30100-xxx - Belo Horizonte

[edit] 32000s

[edit] 36000s

[edit] 37000s

[edit] 38000s

[edit] 39000s

[edit] Pará

  • 66000-xxx - Belém
  • 66010-xxx - Belém
  • 66020-xxx - Belém
  • 66030-xxx - Belém
  • 66040-xxx - Belém
  • 66050-xxx - Belém
  • 66060-xxx - Belém
  • 66070-xxx - Belém
  • 66080-xxx - Belém
  • 66090-xxx - Belém
  • 66100-xxx - Belém
  • 66110-xxx - Belém
  • 66120-xxx - Belém
  • 66130-xxx - Belém
  • 66140-xxx - Belém
  • 66150-xxx - Belém
  • 66151-xxx - Belém
  • 68780-xxx - Vigia

[edit] Paraíba

[edit] 58000s

  • 58000-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58010-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58020-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58030-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58040-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58050-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58060-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58070-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58080-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58090-xxx - João Pessoa
  • 58645-xxx - Riacho de Santo Antônio
  • 58990-xxx - Curral Velho

[edit] Paraná

  • 80000-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80010-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80020-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80030-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80040-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80050-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80060-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80070-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80080-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80090-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80100-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80110-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80120-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80130-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80140-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80150-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80160-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80170-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80180-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80190-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80200-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80210-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80220-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80230-xxx - Curitiba
  • 80240-xxx - Curitiba - in the area of Kyocera Arena
  • 85555-xxx - Palmas
  • 86200-xxx - Guaraci
  • 86305-xxx - Santo Antônio do Paraíso
  • 87240-xxx - Terra Boa

[edit] Pernambuco

  • 50000-xxx - Recife
  • 50010-xxx - Recife
  • 50020-xxx - Recife
  • 50030-xxx - Recife
  • 50040-xxx - Recife
  • 50050-xxx - Recife
  • 50060-xxx - Recife
  • 50070-xxx - Recife
  • 50080-xxx - Recife
  • 50090-xxx - Recife
  • 53000-xxx - Olinda
  • 53400-xxx - Paulista

[edit] Piauí

[edit] Rio Grande do Norte

  • 59000-xxx - Natal
  • 59010-xxx - Natal
  • 59020-xxx - Natal
  • 59030-xxx - Natal
  • 59040-xxx - Natal
  • 59050-xxx - Natal
  • 59060-xxx - Natal
  • 59070-xxx - Natal
  • 59080-xxx - Natal
  • 59090-xxx - Natal
  • 59295-xxx - Santo Antônio

[edit] Rio Grande do Sul

[edit] 90000s

  • 90000-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90010-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90020-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90030-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90040-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90050-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90060-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90070-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90080-xxx - Porto Alegre
  • 90090-xxx - Porto Alegre

[edit] 96000s

[edit] 97000s

[edit] 98000s

[edit] 99000s

  • 99900-xxx - Getúlio Vargas

[edit] Rio de Janeiro

[edit] 20000s

  • 20000-xxx - Rio de Janeiro (downtown area)
  • 20010-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20020-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20030-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20040-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20050-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20060-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20070-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20080-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20090-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20100-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20110-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20120-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20130-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20140-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20150-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20160-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20170-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20180-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20190-xxx - Rio de Janeiro
  • 20200-xxx - Rio de Janeiro

[edit] 23000s

[edit] 24000s

  • 24000-xxx - Niterói
  • 24010-xxx - Niterói
  • 24020-xxx - Niterói
  • 24030-xxx - Niterói
  • 24040-xxx - Niterói
  • 24050-xxx - Niterói
  • 24060-xxx - Niterói
  • 24070-xxx - Niterói
  • 24080-xxx - Niterói
  • 24090-xxx - Niterói

[edit] 25000s

  • 25600-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25610-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25620-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25630-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25640-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25650-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25660-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25670-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25680-xxx - Petrópolis
  • 25690-xxx - Petrópolis

[edit] 28000s

[edit] Rondônia

[edit] Roraima

  • 63000-xxx - Boa Vista
  • 63010-xxx - Boa Vista
  • 63020-xxx - Boa Vista
  • 63030-xxx - Boa Vista
  • 63040-xxx - Boa Vista
  • 63050-xxx - Boa Vista

[edit] Santa Catarina

[edit] 88000s

  • 88000-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88010-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88020-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88030-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88040-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88050-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88060-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88066-xxx - Florianópolis - in the area around Lagoa de Conceição
  • 88070-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88080-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88090-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88100-xxx - Florianópolis - in the subdivision of Kobrasol
  • 88110-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88120-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88130-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88140-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88150-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88160-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88170-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88180-xxx - Florianópolis
  • 88190-xxx - Florianópolis

[edit] 89000s

  • 89000-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89010-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89020-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89030-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89040-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89050-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89060-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89070-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89080-xxx - Blumenau
  • 89100-xxx - Joinville
  • 89110-xxx - Joinville
  • 89120-xxx - Joinville
  • 89130-xxx - Joinville
  • 89140-xxx - Joinville
  • 89150-xxx - Joinville
  • 89160-xxx - Joinville
  • 89170-xxx - Joinville
  • 89180-xxx - Joinville
  • 89190-xxx - Joinville
  • 89200-xxx - Joinville
  • 89201-xxx - Joinville (area of the city/prefectural hall)
  • 89300-xxx - Mafra
  • 89700-xxx - Laguna

[edit] São Paulo

The Brazilian postal codes for the state of São Paulo are arranged in regions, the 00000s to 09000s are reserved for the São Paulo metropolitan region and its suburbs, the 00000s through 05000s are for the city of São Paulo, the 06000s are founded in the area southwest of the city of São Paulo, the 07000s and 08000s are founded in the eastern suburbs and the 09000s are founded in the area northwest of the city of São Paulo, the 11000s are for the southeastern and the eastern parts of the state as well as in the area around Santos, the 12000s are used for the eastern part of the state, the 13000s are used in the central part of the state, the 14000s are used in the northeastern part of the state, the 15000s are mainly used in the northwestern part of the state, the 16000s are not used, the 17000s are used in the northwestern part of the state, the 18000s are used in the southern and the southwestern parts of the state and the 19000s are used in the western part of the state.

[edit] 01000s

  • 01000-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01010-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01020-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01030-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01040-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01050-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01060-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01070-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01080-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01090-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01100-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01110-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01120-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01130-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01140-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01150-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01160-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01170-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01180-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01190-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01200-xxx - São Paulo
  • 01219-xxx - São Paulo

[edit] 02000s

  • 02000-xxx - São Paulo

[edit] 03000s

  • 03000-xxx - São Paulo

[edit] 04000s

  • 04000-xxx - São Paulo
  • 04120-xxx - São Paulo

[edit] 05000s

  • 05000-xxx - São Paulo

[edit] 06000s

[edit] 07000s

[edit] 08000s

[edit] 09000s

[edit] 11000s

  • 11100-xxx - Santos
  • 11110-xxx - Santos
  • 11120-xxx - Santos
  • 11130-xxx - Santos
  • 11140-xxx - Santos
  • 11150-xxx - Santos
  • 11160-xxx - Santos
  • 11170-xxx - Santos
  • 11175-xxx - Santos (Vila Belmiro)
  • 11250-xxx - Bertioga
  • 11260-xxx - Bertioga
  • 11300-xxx - São Vicente
  • 11310-xxx - São Vicente
  • 11320-xxx - São Vicente
  • 11330-xxx - São Vicente
  • 11340-xxx - São Vicente
  • 11400-xxx - Guarujá
  • 11410-xxx - Guarujá
  • 11420-xxx - Guarujá
  • 11430-xxx - Guarujá
  • 11440-xxx - Guarujá
  • 11500-xxx - Cubatão
  • 11510-xxx - Cubatão
  • 11520-xxx - Cubatão
  • 11530-xxx - Cubatão
  • 11540-xxx - Cubatão
  • 11600-xxx - São Sebastião
  • 11630-xxx - Ilhabela
  • 11660-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11661-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11662-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11663-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11664-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11665-xxx - Caraguatatuba
  • 11670-xxx — 11679-xxx - not used
  • 11680-xxx - Ubatuba
  • 11700-xxx - Praia Grande
  • 11710-xxx - Praia Grande
  • 11720-xxx - Praia Grande
  • 11730-xxx - Mongaguá
  • 11740-xxx - Itanhaém
  • 11750-xxx - Peruíbe
  • 11760-xxx - Itariri
  • 11790-xxx - Pedro de Toledo

[edit] 12000s

[edit] 13000s

[edit] 14000s

  • 14000-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14010-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14020-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14030-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14040-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14050-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14060-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14070-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14080-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14090-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14100-xxx - Ribeirão Preto
  • 14350-xxx - Santo Antônio da Alegria
  • 14660-xxx - Sales
  • 14770-xxx - Colina
  • 14771-xxx — 14779-xxx - not used
  • 14780-xxx — 14789-xxx - Barretos
  • 14790-xxx - 14794-xxx - not used
  • 14795-xxx - Colômbia
  • 14796-xxx - 14799-xxx - not used

[edit] 15000s

[edit] 16000s

[edit] 17000s

[edit] 18000s

  • 18000-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18010-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18020-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18030-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18040-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18050-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18060-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18070-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18080-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18090-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18100-xxx - Sorocaba
  • 18130-xxx - São Roque
  • 18220-xxx - Alambari
  • 18800-000 - Piraju

[edit] 19000s

  • 19000-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19010-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19020-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19030-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19040-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19050-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19060-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19070-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19080-xxx - Presidente Prudente
  • 19090-xxx - Presidente Prudente

[edit] Tocantins

  • 77000-xxx - Palmas
  • 77010-xxx - Palmas
  • 77020-xxx - Palmas
  • 77030-xxx - Palmas
  • 77040-xxx - Palmas
  • 77050-xxx - Palmas
  • 77060-xxx - Palmas
  • 77070-xxx - Palmas

[edit] Federal District

  • 70000-xxx to 72799-xxx - Federal District (downtown Brasília?)
  • 73000-xxx to 73699-xxx - Federal District

[edit] See also

List of postal codes