List of planets in the Honorverse

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A list of planets in the Honorverse.


[edit] Alphabetical order

[edit] A

  • Alizon

[edit] B

  • Basilica

Beowulf is a fictional planet in David Weber's Honor Harrington series of novels.

Located in the Sigma Draconis system, Beowulf is the oldest human colony, having been founded almost two thousand years before the events in the Honorverse saga. Beowulf is a major member of the Solarian League. It has a deserved reputation as the most advanced genetic medical establishment in the Galaxy, as well as a very clear commitment to medical ethics. It was also the home of one of the greatest hyperspace theorists and researchers in history.

Adding to the prosperity of Beowulf is the fact that the Sigma Draconis system is one of the termini of the Manticore Wormhole Junction, making the system a major trading partner of the Star Kingdom of Manticore.

Beowulf is known throughout human space for its extremely libertarian sexual mores, its permissiveness generally, and its tolerance for whatever lifestyle any person chooses. For this reason, people from newer colony worlds (especially those not members of the Solarian League) find Beowulfian reputation and sometimes behavior, scandalizing and sometimes offensive. Some Beowulfans, nevertheless, feel that Beowulfan society is actually conformist, since no one ever questions the social system or the principles that govern it.

Beowulf has a corporativist system of government, governed by a Board of Directors whose members are elected by lower-level boards which represent professions rather than geographical districts. With some minor adjustments, the system has worked for the full extent of Beowulfan history.

Honor Harrington's mother, Allison Chou Harrington, is a native of Beowulf. She finds great fun in scandalizing Sphinx´s strait-laced society with her morbid humor and double entendres.

[edit] C

[edit] D

  • Dresden

[edit] E

[edit] F

  • Flax

[edit] G

  • Gryphon

Gryphon is one of three habitable planets in the Manticore system, the home system of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, a fictional binary star system found in the Honorverse. It is one of two planets of Manticore B and the only habitable one, with a planetary population at the turn of the 20th Century post diaspora of 575 million inhabitants, plus another 298 million living in Manticore-B's asteroid belts. It has a very considerable axial tilt, leading to extreme seasonal weather. The planet's environment is not very pleasant, with extremely harsh winters with snowfall measured in meters. As a result, natives of Gryphon tend to be a very tough bunch, and also a little contemptuous of people who were not born on Gryphon.

With a sparse population, Manticore-B's single habitable planet was the least hospitable and last settled of the Manticore System's three Earth-like worlds with its notorious winters. On the other hand, Gryphon's weather has made the planet the Star Kingdom's leading ski resort, with tourism accounting for twenty percent of the gross planetary product. Gryphon's economy is mainly agrarian, although the extraction of minerals from Manticore-B's asteroid belts serves as the base of a sprawling space industry.

Gryphon is much more sparsely populated than either Sphinx or Manticore, but a higher percentage of her population joins the Royal Manticore Navy. Its society is very rough-edged, and people tend to view Manticorans and Sphinxians as soft. In Manticoran politics natives of Gryphon are considered to be conservative royalists.

The commoner population of Gryphon holds a significant degree of distrust and resentment towards the planetary aristocracy, which had its peak with the so-called "Gryphon Uprising"; a series of low-level conflicts early in the history of the Star Kingdom between the aristocracy and the commoners regarding the ownership and use of lands. As a consequence, the commoners of Gryphon are staunch supporters of the Crown as defender of the commoner population against the aristocracy, while the planetary aristocracy is mostly of conservative political leanings (supportive of the rule and privileges of the Star Kingdom's nobility).

Several references are made to "Gryphon granite," presumably a superiorly-dense mineral composite. Gryphon is also famous for the Kodiak Maximus, a species of large carnivores with highly valued fur.

[edit] H

  • Hades

Hades is a fictional place in the Honorverse.

Hades is a maximum security prison planet belonging to the People's Republic of Haven in the Cerubus system. Although the air is breathable and the climate is very much like Earth's, the planet is technically uninhabitable because virtually all of the plants and animals native to Hades cannot be eaten by humans. Likewise, humans are toxic to the native animals and insects. This does not prevent the native wild life from being a threat to the prisoners unlucky enough to be shipped to Hades. There are four continents called Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and one large island (Styx).

Although the planet's official name is Hades, most people, especially those who live there, call it Hell.

[edit] I

[edit] J

[edit] K

  • Ki-Rin
  • Kornati

[edit] L

  • Lois

[edit] M

  • Manticore

Manticore is a fictional planet from the Honorverse, a series of books written by David Weber and published by Baen Books.

It is the third planet of Manticore A (Manticore-A III), one of the binary stars of the Manticore system, and one of two habitable planets of that star. Now named Manticore, it is the capital of the Star Kingdom of Manticore. The capital city is Landing City.

Although it is much like Old Earth, long years (1 terran year (T-year) equals approximately 0.6 Manticore year) and extended seasons required only small adjustments compared to the indigenous disease it harbored. This plague had killed over 60% of the first group of colonists (almost 90% of those born on Old Earth).

HMSS Hephaestus, one the Royal Navy's shipyards, is in permanent orbit around the planet. As well as HMS Unconqurered, the only ship commanded by both Ellen D'Orville and Edward Saganami, now restored and in permanent commission in the Navy.

  • Masada
  • Medusa

Medusa in David Weber's Honor Harrington novels is the habitable planet orbiting the star Basilisk. It is the setting for some of the action in the novel On Basilisk Station. Discovered when one of the terminals of the Manticore Junction is found, the system is annexed by the Star Kingdom of Manticore, but the planet is a protectorate because of the non-human sentient species, the Medusans, or "Stilties," as they are informally called. The protectorate is administered by a Resident Commissioner and policed by the Native Protection Agency. Dame Estelle Matsuko is the Resident Commissioner for this .85g planet.

Medusa has long been a bone of contention in Manticoran politics. The Liberal party decried the annexation as imperialist, and expressed great concern that the native population would be exploited by Manticore. The Conservative Association opposed the annexation as a step onto the path of "foreign adventurism". The Progressive party was opposed because their fears that the annexation would antagonize the People's Republic of Haven.

The original Act of Annexation, in an attempt to address these issues, severely limited the scope of powers given to the Medusan territorial government. The biggest limitation was the renunciation of sovereignty over Medusa itself; the protectorate, strictly speaking, was established over the Medusans themselves. As such, the Resident Commissioner's office and the NPA had the authority to take measures to prevent the exploitation of the native population, but did not have the authority to restrict access to the planet itself. From a legal standpoint, it could even be argued that Manticore's territorial claim over the planet was meaningless, since it had no sovereignty. Before the events of On Basilisk Station, this was the legal opinion of the People's Republic of Haven. Another limitation of the Act of Annexation was the restriction on Manticore's military presence in the region. No permanent military installations were allowed, and mobile units were to be kept to the minimum required to maintain order. This restriction caused the Royal Manticoran Navy to conclude that if they were forbidden from keeping a force on station strong enough to repel an attack, there was no point in investing any more ships in the area than were necessary. The Admiralty responsible for formulating the doctrine for the Basilisk picket saw the ships placed there as advance scouts, the destruction of which would call for a response from the Manticoran Home Fleet.

It is the center of a plot by the Havenites to end Manticore's administration over the system by engineering a native revolt. This plot failed due to the actions of the light cruiser HMS Fearless and her commander, Commander Honor Harrington. Following this, it is annexed completely by the Star Kingdom, and Haven is severely penalized for their actions.

The Navy's presence on Medusa and the Basilisk system is beefed up after this incident, but the system becomes a battlefield during the later stages of the Haven-Manticore war, when a Havenite task force led by Admiral Javier Giscard staged a raid that succeeded in devastating Medusa's space industry (Echoes of Honor).

The Royal Navy's later Medusa-class of superdreadnoughts is named after the planet.

  • Meyerdahl
  • Mesa
  • Midsummer
  • Montana

[edit] N

  • Ndebele
  • Nagasaki
  • New Dijon
  • New Geneva

[edit] O

[edit] P

  • Pontifex
  • Prague

[edit] Q

[edit] R

  • Refuge
  • Rembrandt

Rembrandt is a fictional planet in the Honorverse, the background setting of David Weber's Honor Harrington series of novels. Rembrandt is located in the Talbott Cluster, a cluster of star systems close to the fringes of the Solarian League. Rembrandt was founded by Renaissance revivalists looking to resurrect Renaissance culture and art; however, these goals were quickly abandoned after the colonists discovered Rembrandt's cold and blustery climate.

Rembrandt is much better known for its merchant marine and the Rembrandt Trade Union, a merchant cartel established by Bernardus Van Dort in 1870 PD. The RTU was originally intended to improve the economy of Rembrandt to gain a better negotiating position for Rembrandt's future in the colonization of the Talbott Cluster by the Solarian Office of Frontier Security, seen as inevitable at that time. Through its deals with other worlds in the Talbott Cluster, Rembrandt prospered, and became one of the wealthiest planets in the Cluster — so much so, in fact, that the Rembrandt stellar is the most widely accepted currency in the Talbott Cluster.

This prosperity came at a cost, however. The RTU's chief contract negotiator, Ineka Vaandrager, in her negotiations with other worlds, used aggressive and retaliatory tactics to extract deals that were significantly more beneficial to Rembrandt than the worlds they negotiated with. This gained Rembrandt and the RTU a reputation as home to a group of exploitative profiteers, and fostered animosity among the populations of the worlds Rembrandt negotiated with.

When the Star Kingdom of Manticore discovered the Lynx terminus of their wormhole junction leading to the Talbott Cluster, Rembrandt led the push for the annexation of the Cluster by the Star Kingdom. The animosity held toward Rembrandt by the rest of the cluster proved to be an obstacle to annexation — especially when Bernardus Van Dort resigned as chairman of the RTU to lobby for the annexation effort in the committee for negotiating the terms of the annexation. This animosity would be made manifest in two terrorist factions to prevent the annexation — the Freedom Alliance of Kornati and the Montana Independence Movement. Eventually, the annexation was passed by the committee, and Rembrandt became a subject nation of the Star Kingdom.

[edit] S

  • San Martin

San Martin is a fictional planet that appears in David Weber's Honor Harrington series of novels.


Located in the Trevor's Star System, San Martin is quite possibly the heaviest-gravity planet settled by humans in the Honorverse, at about 2.7 times the gravity of Earth. For this reason, virtually all the people of San Martin, known as "San Martinos", descend from colonists who had been genetically engineered to survive the high-grav environment.


Genetic engineering was not enough to simply move in; the planet is so massive that its sea-level atmospheric pressure is capable of forming deadly concentrations of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. For this reason, settlement had been restricted to mountainous peaks and plateaus, of which San Martin had many. Probably as a result of being forced to live in small communities and of the planet's unforgiving environment, the San Martinos have developed an overall stubborn and indomitable personality.

The original San Martino colonists may have come from Latin America or Spain, as the planet's official language is Spanish, every San Martino character shown so far has a Spanish name and speaks Standard English with a Spanish accent.

Havenite Invasion

The Trevor's Star System also has one of the Manticore Wormhole Junction's terminus, which added to the planet's economic development until it was invaded by the People's Republic of Haven. The people of San Martin stubbornly resisted the invasion; the San Martin Navy, commanded by Commodore Jesus Ramirez, fought with such tenacity to cover refugee transports fleeing through the Junction that the People's Navy lost three ships for each San Martin ship they managed to destroy. Shortly after the planet's surrender, the Havenites executed President Hector Ramirez, uncle of Commodore Ramirez.

Havenite occupation was not easy: a planetwide resistance movement led by the Ramirez family struck hard at the Havenite garrison. In retaliation, the Havenites wiped out the entire Ramirez family, and kept the planet under martial law until the Manticoran Alliance freed it during the First Haven-Manticore War.

After the Havenite Oppression

Having survived Havenite imprisonment at the Cerberus III prison camps, Commodore Jesus Ramirez was elected as the first post-occupation President of San Martin. Within a few years and with the approval of the San Martin Congress, President Ramirez requested annexation within the Star Kingdom of Manticore, as a full member of the Star Kingdom with proportionate representation in both the Houses of Lords and Commons. There is one caveat in that their representative lords will not have cadet seats; which means either all of their peers will be Barons or their Earls and Countesses will be deprived of the privilege for a set period of time. They will be compensated for this with a larger number of MPs in the House of Commons. San Martin thus became the fifth planetary member of the Star Kingdom, after Manticore, Sphinx, Gryphon and Medusa.

  • Smoking Frog
  • Sidemore
  • Silesia
  • Sphinx

Sphinx is fictional planet in the "Honorverse", a series of books by David Weber. It is the fourth planet of Manticore A, which is a component of the Manticore binary star system. It is a heavy gravity world with gravity 1.35 times that of Earth. Its orbit gives it a long year compared to Terra, with cool if temperate summers and long extremely severe winters with very heavy snowfalls. By the beginning of the 20th Century post diaspora, Sphinx had a planetary population of 1,048 million. The economy of Sphinx is based upon mining, forestry and animal husbandry.

Sphinx is part of the Star Kingdom of Manticore and is also the native planet of a sentient species: Treecats. Native life is protected by Sphinx Forestry Service (SFS) and its rangers who are responsible for approximately 1/3 of Sphinx which has been exclusively reserved for native life. The SFS and the treecats' corporate claim to their third of the surface of Sphinx is authorized under the Ninth Amendment to the Manticoran Constitution; it is in large part the work of Stephanie Harrington, who discovered the treecats' existence and was the first human adoptee.

Honor Harrington was born, and grew up, on Sphinx.

Sphinxians tend to be the most socially and sexually conservative inhabitants of the Star Kingdom, and often are openly contemptuous of and disgusted by the liberal mores of the Star Kingdom's capital world of Manticore.

[edit] T

  • Torch — also known as Congo
  • Toulon

[edit] U

[edit] V

[edit] W

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

  • Zanzibar
  • Zulu

[edit] By Affiliation

Andermani Empire
  • Potsdam
    Capital planet of the Empire, formerly known as Kuan Yin
  • Gregor
    Near a Manticore Wormhole Junction Terminus
Star Kingdom of Manticore
  • Gryphon
    Orbits Manticore B and has an extreme axial tilt leading to very extreme weather
  • Lynx
    Nearest star to the Talbott Cluster Manticore Wormhole Terminus
  • Manticore
    Capital planet
  • Medusa
    Protectorate, orbiting Basilisk, a Terminus of the Manticore Wormhole Junction. Native planet of Stilties.
  • San Martin
    Orbits Trevor's star, a Terminus of the Manticore Wormhole Junction. The heaviest gravity planet inhabited by man.
  • Sphinx
    Slightly higher than Terran gravity planet with very severe and prolonged winters. Native planet of treecats.
Talbott Cluster

requested annexation by and incorporation into the Star Kingdom of Manticore, attempting to reach agreement with the Star Kingdom when last seen

  • Flax
    Interim colonial capital planet
  • Rembrandt
  • Kornati
  • Montana
  • Pontifex
  • Basilica
  • Dresden
  • Lynx
Republic of Haven

both precedes and succeeds the People's Republic of Haven

  • Barnett
  • Enki
    Industrial planet in the Barnett system
  • Hades
  • Haven
    Capital planet
  • Lois
  • Lovat
  • Midsummer
  • New Dijon
  • New Geneva
  • Prague
  • Toulon
Silesian Confederacy

currently in process of being divided between and incorporated into the SKM and the AE

Solarian League
  • Earth
    First among equals
  • Beowulf
    Near a Manticore Wormhole Junction Terminus
  • Hope
    Protectorate under the Office of Frontier Security
  • Ndebele
    Protectorate under the Office of Frontier Security
  • Zulu
    Protectorate under the Office of Frontier Security
  • Smoking Frog
    Protectorate, nominally under the Office of Frontier Security, in fact independent in practice. Captal of the Maya Sector, Solarian League.
  • Maya
Independent Planets
  • Alizon
    Member of the Manticore alliance
  • Erewhon
    Formerly member of the Manticore Alliance
  • Grayson
    A member of the Manticore Alliance
  • Masada
    Currently under joint military control of Grayson and Star Kingdom of Manticore, populated by fanatically religious, patriarchal descendants of the losing side in the Grayson Civil War
  • Mesa
    Independent planet, run by large mendacious corporations
  • Monica
    On the edge of the Talbott Cluster and nominally independent, but actually a pawn of the Office of Frontier Security
  • Refuge
    Planet settled by religious separatists from Haven
  • Sidemore
    On the little traveled boundary of the former Silesian Confederacy, site of a Manticoran Naval Station
  • Torch
    Formerly known as Congo by the Galaxy generally and Verdant Vista by Mesa (its former owner). Very humid and rain forested, rich in pharmaceutical production. Now independent and offering refuge to any escaped genetic slave from anywhere in the Galaxy. Liberated during the 2nd phase of the Manticore-Haven war by the 'Torch Liberation Army' (in fact, a company of Solarian Marines on leave, members of the Audobon Ballroom, and Thandi Palane's Amazons (formerly Scrags)), supported by Manticoran and Solarian Naval ships, Princess Ruth of Manticore and Anton Zilwiki of the Anti-Slavery League Manticore branch, and Victor Cachat of RH.
  • Zanzibar
    A member of the Manticore Alliance
Unknown Affiliation
  • Hamilton
  • Ki-Rin
  • Nagasaki

[edit] See also
