List of philatelic topics

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This is a list of philatelic topics.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

- Acknowledgement of receipt - Aerogram - Aerophilately - Affixing machine - Airmail - Airmail etiquette - Arrow block - Astrophilately - Philatelic auction - Philatelic auction catalog

[edit] B

- Balloon mail - Bicycle mail - Bisect - Bogus postal markings - Bogus stamp issue - Booklet - British Guiana 1c magenta - Bulk mail

[edit] C

- Cachet - Camel mail - Cancellation - Cancelled to order - Caribou mail - Carrier's stamp - Censored mail - Center line block - Certified mail - Charity stamp - chinese new year stamps - Christmas seal - Christmas stamp - Cigarette tax stamp - Cinderella stamp - Circular delivery mail - Classic stamp - Coil stamp - Color guide - Color trial - Combination cover - Commemorative issue - Commemorative stamp - Concentration camp mail - Consular fee stamp - Control mark - Counterfeit stamps - Courier mail - Cover - Crash cover - Crown agent - Cut square

[edit] D

- Damaged mail - Dead letter mail - Definitive issue - Definitive series - Delayed mail - Design error - Die proof - Diplomatic pouch mail - Dirigible mail - Disinfected mail - Dog mail - Dogsled mail - Dummy stamp

[edit] E

- Earliest known use (EKU) - Embossing - Engraver's mark - Engraving - Entire - Envelope - Errors and varieties - Errors, freaks, and oddities (EFO) - Essay - Expert - Europa postage stamp - Expertization - Express company - Express mail

[edit] F

- Famous stamps - Fancy cancel - Favor cancel - Favor sheet - Fee paid mail - Field post office - First day ceremony - First day cover - First day of issue - First flight - First issue - Fiscal cancellation - Fiscal issue - Flat plate press - Floor sweepings - Forerunner - Forged stamps - Forwarding agent - Fractional currency - Franchise stamp - Franking privilege - Free frank - Fumigated mail

[edit] G

- Graphite line - Grill - Guide line - Guide line pair - Gum - Gutter block - Gutter pair

[edit] H

- Handstruck stamp - Health stamp - Highway post office - History of philately - Hotel post - Hovercraft mail

[edit] I

- Illegal stamps - Illustration law - Imitation stamp - Imperforate - Imprint - Imprint block - Postage stamp ink - Inscription - Inscription block - Institutional collection - Insured mail - International mail - International reply coupon - Inverted Jenny - Inverted Swan - Philatelic investment - Irradiated mail - Interrupted mail

[edit] J

- James Chalmers - Joint issue - Joint line - Joint line pair

[edit] K

- Killer - Kiloware

[edit] L

- Label - Late fee stamp - Letter carrier - Letterpress - Letter sheet - Line pair - Linn's Stamp News - List of entities that have issued postage stamps - List of philatelic topics (deliberate self-link) - List of philatelists - List of notable postage stamps - List of stamp catalogues - List of stamp collectors - List of stamp dealers - Lithography - Local post - Luminescent issue

[edit] M

- Mail delivery by animal - Mail fraud - Mail robbery - Mailman - Marcophily - Marginal marking - Marine insurance stamp - Maritime mail - Maximaphily - Maximum card - Metered mail - Michel catalog - Military mail - Millennium stamp - Miniature sheet - Minipack - Mixed franking - Mobile post office - Money order - Mr Zip

[edit] N

- Naval cover - Naval mail - Navigation and Commerce issue - New issue - Newspaper stamp - Newspaper wrapper - Nicholas F. Seebeck

[edit] O

- Occupation stamp - Offices abroad - Official mail - Offset printing - Overprint

[edit] P

- Packet letter - Packet mark - Postage stamp paper - Paquebot - Parcel post - Paste-up pair - Penalty mail - Pen cancel - Penny post - Perfin - Perforation - Permit mail - Phantom issue - Philatelic agency - Philatelic cover - Philatelic literature - Philatelic museums - Philately - PHQ Cards - Picture post card - Pigeon mail - Pillar box - Plate block - Plate marking - Plate number coil - Printing plate - Plating - Plebiscite issue - Pneumatic mail - Polar mail - Postage due - Postage stamp booklet - Postage stamp color - Postage stamp reuse - Postage stamp separation - Postal card - Postal convention - Postal history - Postal laws and regulations - Postal marking - Postal route - Postal savings - Postal slogan - Postal stationery - Postal tax - Postal treaty - Postal union - Postcard - Post office - Post Office Cards - Post Office circulars - Post road - Precancel - Presentation album - Presentation book - Price list - Postage stamp printing - Prisoner-of-war mail - Private cancellation - Private carrier - Private overprint - Private post - Stamp proof - Provisional stamp

[edit] R

- Railway post office - Railway mail - Rare issue - Ration stamp - Receiving mark - Red Cross label - Registered mail - Regummed stamp - Reissue - Reprint - Remainder - Reperforation - Reply card - Reply coupon - Revenue cancellation - Revenue stamp - Rocket mail - Rotary press - Rouletting - Rowland Hill

[edit] S

- Savings issue - Scott catalog - Se-tenant - Semi-official - Semi-postal - Separation - Ship mail - Siege mail - Slogan cancellation - Socked on the nose (SON) - Souvenir card - Souvenir sheet - Space cover - Space mail - Special delivery - Special handling - Specimen stamp - Stamp album - Stamp catalog - Stamp collecting - Stamp condition - Stamp design - Stamp exhibition - Stamp finder - Stamp gum - Stamp hinge - Stamp mounting - Stamp separation - Stanley Gibbons - Steamship issue - Streetcar mail - Strike mail - Study circle - Submarine mail - Surcharge

[edit] T

- Tagging - Tax stamp - Telegraph stamp - Test stamp - Tete-beche - Thematic collecting - Tin Can Mail - Topical collecting - Training stamp - Transatlantic mail - Transoceanic mail - Treaty port - Treskilling Yellow

[edit] U

- Unaccepted design - Undeliverable mail - Undesirable issue - Universal Postal Union - Untagged - Used abroad

[edit] V

- Valentine cover - Variety - Varnish bars - Stamp vending machine - View card

[edit] W

- Want list - War cover - War issue - War mail - War savings issue - War tax - Watermark - Wrapper - Wreck cover

[edit] Y

- Yvert catalog

[edit] Z

- Zeppelin mail - Zip block