List of partition utilities

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of partition utilities.


[edit] Free/Open Source

[edit] Proprietary

[edit] Hard disk manufacturers' tools

[edit] References

  1. ^ Cute Partition Manager - An advanced partition manager
  2. ^ Free-FDisk - Utilitaires - Logiciels Libres - Framasoft
  3. ^ Project details for G4L
  4. ^ sfdisk(8): Partition table manipulator for - Linux man page
  5. ^ AEFDISK - the disk partitioning solution
  6. ^ Using Diskpart to create, extend or delete a disk partition
  7. ^ MS-DOS diskpart command help
  8. ^ Ranish Partition Manager. Hard Disk Partitioning Software. Download freeware tools and source code