List of named asteroids (A-C)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A List of named asteroids ordered alphabetically from A to C.
See also:
- List of named asteroids (D-E)
- List of named asteroids (F-H)
- List of named asteroids (I-K)
- List of named asteroids (L-N)
- List of named asteroids (O-R)
- List of named asteroids (S-V)
- List of named asteroids (W-Z)
Contents |
[edit] A
[edit] Aa
- 20813 Aakashshah
- 677 Aaltje
- 2676 Aarhus
- 22656 Aaronburrows
- 11451 Aarongolden
- 12553 Aaronritter
- 13928 Aaronrogers
- 21933 Aaronrozon
- 3277 Aaronson
- 9836 Aarseth
- 2366 Aaryn
- 3654 AAS
- 864 Aase
- 2678 Aavasaksa
- 8900 AAVSO
[edit] Ab
- 4466 Abai
- 2722 Abalakin
- 1581 Abanderada
- 3480 Abante
- 4263 Abashiri
- 1390 Abastumani
- 5224 Abbe
- 17023 Abbott
- 15262 Abderhalden
- 22638 Abdulla
- 21483 Abdulrasool
- 5379 Abehiroshi
- 3449 Abell
- 8926 Abemasanao
- 13624 Abeosamu
- 5677 Aberdonia
- 2646 Abetti
- 9172 Abhramu
- 21411 Abifraeman
- 15559 Abigailhines
- 24838 Abilunon
- 2671 Abkhazia
- 5175 Ables
- 456 Abnoba
- 19488 Abramcoley
- 9532 Abramenko
- 3409 Abramov
- 21850 Abshir
- 6805 Abstracta
- 9423 Abt
- 16413 Abulghazi
- 151 Abundantia
[edit] Ac
- 8652 Acacia
- 19524 Acaciacoleman
- 829 Academia
- 5547 Acadiau
- 2594 Acamas
- 6349 Acapulco
- 8833 Acer
- 5126 Achaemenides
- 1150 Achaia
- 5144 Achates
- 588 Achilles
- 117430 Achosyx
- 9084 Achristou
- 6522 Aci
- 1821 Aconcagua
- 18796 Acosta
- 12238 Actor
[edit] Ad
- 523 Ada
- 7803 Adachi
- 330 Adalberta
- 4535 Adamcarolla
- 13286 Adamchauvin
- 10588 Adamcrandall
- 11685 Adamcurry
- 6146 Adamkrafft
- 15421 Adammalin
- 6537 Adamovich
- 13434 Adamquade
- 7655 Adamries
- 1996 Adams
- 18142 Adamsidman
- 22551 Adamsolomon
- 20503 Adamtazi
- 18084 Adamwohl
- 6757 Addibischoff
- 19444 Addicott
- 525 Adelaide
- 812 Adele
- 647 Adelgunde
- 276 Adelheid
- 229 Adelinda
- 60001 Adélka
- 145 Adeona
- 4401 Aditi
- 11519 Adler
- 398 Admete
- 85030 Admetos
- 17806 Adolfborn
- 608 Adolfine
- 20256 Adolfneckař
- 2101 Adonis
- 268 Adorea
- 239 Adrastea
- 143 Adria
- 820 Adriana
- 21758 Adrianveres
- 6530 Adry
- 3646 Aduatiques
- 23017 Advincula
- 1903 Adzhimushkaj
- 10237 Adzic
[edit] Ae
- 15420 Aedouglass
- 91 Aegina
- 96 Aegle
- 2401 Aehlita
- 159 Aemilia
- 1155 Aënna
- 10175 Aenona
- 396 Aeolia
- 369 Aëria
- 2876 Aeschylus
- 1027 Aesculapia
- 446 Aeternitas
- 132 Aethra
- 1064 Aethusa
- 1142 Aetolia
[edit] Af
[edit] Ag
- 3326 Agafonikov
- 14042 Agafonov
- 911 Agamemnon
- 5023 Agapenor
- 2267 Agassiz
- 13185 Agasthenes
- 7366 Agata
- 228 Agathe
- 3862 Agekian
- 4722 Agelaos
- 2470 Agematsu
- 1873 Agenor
- 7137 Ageo
- 4392 Agita
- 47 Aglaja
- 641 Agnes
- 16765 Agnesi
- 49109 Agnesraab
- 847 Agnia
- 12848 Agostino
- 9503 Agrawain
- 3212 Agricola
- 15372 Agrigento
- 645 Agrippina
- 8241 Agrius
- 1800 Aguilar
- 744 Aguntina
[edit] Ah
- 17984 Ahantonioli
- 21435 Aharon
- 24761 Ahau
- 21400 Ahdout
- 3192 A'Hearn
- 16113 Ahmed
- 15155 Ahn
- 3181 Ahnert
- 2395 Aho
- 950 Ahrensa
- 2826 Ahti
[edit] Ai
- 5908 Aichi
- 861 Aïda
- 978 Aidamina
- 31192 Aigoual
- 1918 Aiguillon
- 19913 Aigyptios
- 4585 Ainonai
- 11104 Airion
- 17314 Aisakos
- 3584 Aisha
- 1568 Aisleen
- 3070 Aitken
- 3787 Aivazovskij
- 5458 Aizman
- 14820 Aizuyaichi
[edit] Aj
[edit] Ak
- 6422 Akagi
- 53157 Akaishidake
- 4584 Akan
- 7418 Akasegawa
- 5881 Akashi
- 8686 Akenside
- 3067 Akhmatova
- 5101 Akhmerov
- 13691 Akie
- 16518 Akihikoito
- 7830 Akihikotago
- 5355 Akihiro
- 8047 Akikinoshita
- 9985 Akiko
- 8321 Akim
- 10633 Akimasa
- 11928 Akimotohiro
- 4521 Akimov
- 6658 Akiraabe
- 3872 Akirafujii
- 5782 Akirafujiwara
- 8187 Akiramisawa
- 8232 Akiramizuno
- 9865 Akiraohta
- 8182 Akita
- 10727 Akitsushima
- 2153 Akiyama
- 6792 Akiyamatakashi
- 15868 Akiyoshidai
- 8034 Akka
- 4797 Ako
- 9549 Akplatonov
- 4777 Aksenov
- 2067 Aksnes
- 7385 Aktsynovia
- 10164 Akusekijima
[edit] Al
- 738 Alagasta
- 1969 Alain
- 2927 Alamosa
- 14158 Alananderson
- 29137 Alanboss
- 9291 Alanburdick
- 4420 Alandreev
- 4151 Alanhale
- 20259 Alanhoffman
- 24898 Alanholmes
- 6227 Alanrubin
- 17225 Alanschorn
- 20341 Alanstack
- 2500 Alascattalo
- 19148 Alaska
- 702 Alauda
- 111468 Alba Regia
- 5576 Albanese
- 10051 Albee
- 8439 Albellus
- 10186 Albéniz
- 719 Albert
- 85168 Albertacentenary
- 1290 Albertine
- 10950 Albertjansen
- 19718 Albertjarvis
- 21395 Albertofilho
- 21413 Albertsao
- 21623 Albertshieh
- 20006 Albertus Magnus
- 15619 Albertwu
- 8594 Albifrons
- 2697 Albina
- 8005 Albinadubois
- 7903 Albinoni
- 7671 Albis
- 1783 Albitskij
- 10656 Albrecht
- 2241 Alcathous
- 8596 Alchata
- 8549 Alcide
- 11428 Alcinoös
- 3174 Alcock
- 44103 Aldana
- 2941 Alden
- 17921 Aldeobaldia
- 17019 Aldo
- 6470 Aldrin
- 14832 Alechinsky
- 15379 Alefranz
- 1909 Alekhin
- 7222 Alekperov
- 2711 Aleksandrov
- 9933 Alekseev
- 9533 Aleksejleonov
- 7910 Aleksola
- 465 Alekto
- 418 Alemannia
- 12061 Alena
- 22842 Alenashort
- 58682 Alenašolcová
- 16683 Alepieri
- 5185 Alerossi
- 70745 Aleserpieri
- 13704 Aletesi
- 259 Aletheia
- 1194 Aletta
- 3367 Alex
- 21422 Alexacarey
- 22942 Alexacourtis
- 54 Alexandra
- 8969 Alexandrinus
- 21986 Alexanduribe
- 17073 Alexblank
- 21461 Alexchernyak
- 3771 Alexejtolstoj
- 17193 Alexeybaran
- 17119 Alexisrodrz
- 15021 Alexkardon
- 15032 Alexlevin
- 14335 Alexosipov
- 11781 Alexroberts
- 24608 Alexveselkov
- 18935 Alfandmedina
- 1191 Alfaterna
- 3884 Alferov
- 15258 Alfilipenko
- 1375 Alfreda
- 24907 Alfredhaar
- 12057 Alfredsturm
- 1778 Alfvén
- 1213 Algeria
- 1394 Algoa
- 929 Algunde
- 3851 Alhambra
- 59239 Alhazen
- 18812 Aliadler
- 9426 Aliante
- 291 Alice
- 18825 Alicechai
- 20109 Alicelandis
- 14513 Alicelindner
- 4751 Alicemanning
- 5951 Alicemonet
- 11123 Aliciaclaire
- 13281 Aliciahall
- 18737 Aliciaworley
- 1567 Alikoski
- 11422 Alilienthal
- 58097 Alimov
- 21684 Alinafiocca
- 887 Alinda
- 266 Aline
- 8651 Alineraynal
- 108140 Alir
- 14225 Alisahamilton
- 2526 Alisary
- 21558 Alisonliu
- 16023 Alisonyee
- 15819 Alisterling
- 124 Alkeste
- 11156 Al-Khwarismi
- 12714 Alkimos
- 4592 Alkissia
- 82 Alkmene
- 11169 Alkon
- 3037 Alku
- 11414 Allanchu
- 4419 Allancook
- 457 Alleghenia
- 11348 Allegra
- 19727 Allen
- 48643 Allen-Beach
- 22995 Allenjanes
- 18983 Allentran
- 24680 Alleven
- 14182 Alley
- 20834 Allihewlett
- 20852 Allilandstrom
- 22174 Allisonmae
- 19439 Allisontjong
- 21694 Allisowilson
- 13579 Allodd
- 20271 Allygoldberg
- 390 Alma
- 4339 Almamater
- 11606 Almary
- 17040 Almeida
- 5879 Almeria
- 3045 Alois
- 15230 Alona
- 73533 Alonso
- 9995 Alouette
- 11824 Alpaidze
- 100122 Alpes Maritimes
- 925 Alphonsina
- 7269 Alprokhorov
- 10957 Alps
- 10478 Alsabti
- 971 Alsatia
- 1617 Alschmitt
- 955 Alstede
- 2232 Altaj
- 7742 Altamira
- 8121 Altdorfer
- 9336 Altenburg
- 8832 Altenrath
- 4857 Altgamia
- 119 Althaea
- 850 Altona
- 117156 Altschwendt
- 4104 Alu
- 2508 Alupka
- 2353 Alva
- 3581 Alvarez
- 3567 Alvema
- 6996 Alvensleben
- 13677 Alvin
- 7248 Älvsjö
- 1169 Alwine
- 80451 Alwoods
- 16114 Alyono
- 21924 Alyssaovaitt
[edit] Am
- 44821 Amadora
- 11716 Amahartman
- 650 Amalasuntha
- 284 Amalia
- 113 Amalthea
- 725 Amanda
- 10607 Amandahatton
- 19857 Amandajane
- 20415 Amandalu
- 19467 Amandanagy
- 19465 Amandarusso
- 12595 Amandashaw
- 11688 Amandugan
- 6247 Amanogawa
- 14172 Amanolivere
- 3762 Amaravella
- 1085 Amaryllis
- 4161 Amasis
- 9667 Amastrinc
- 1035 Amata
- 10385 Amaterasu
- 19183 Amati
- 1042 Amazone
- 1905 Ambartsumian
- 2933 Amber
- 21431 Amberhess
- 3519 Ambiorix
- 25301 Ambrofogar
- 193 Ambrosia
- 986 Amelia
- 3471 Amelin
- 18020 Amend
- 5010 Amenemhêt
- 4847 Amenhotep
- 10804 Amenouzume
- 916 America
- 6278 Ametkhan
- 9509 Amfortas
- 516 Amherstia
- 18675 Amiamini
- 3809 Amici
- 367 Amicitia
- 39678 Ammannito
- 871 Amneris
- 2437 Amnestia
- 1221 Amor
- 8721 AMOS
- 2948 Amosov
- 198 Ampella
- 10183 Ampère
- 10247 Amphiaraos
- 5244 Amphilochos
- 5652 Amphimachus
- 37519 Amphios
- 29 Amphitrite
- 20644 Amritdas
- 11945 Amsterdam
- 3554 Amun
- 1065 Amundsenia
- 3375 Amy
- 55576 Amycus
- 22679 Amydavid
- 9274 Amylovell
- 10060 Amymilne
- 22865 Amymoffett
- 5560 Amytis
[edit] An
- 8834 Anacardium
- 980 Anacostia
- 2339 Anacreon
- 39677 Anagaribaldi
- 270 Anahita
- 19860 Anahtar
- 3848 Analucia
- 21560 Analyons
- 15500 Anantpatel
- 824 Anastasia
- 20477 Anastroda
- 11166 Anatolefrance
- 3286 Anatoliya
- 19539 Anaverdu
- 4180 Anaxagoras
- 6006 Anaximandros
- 6051 Anaximenes
- 21801 Ančerl
- 18263 Anchialos
- 1173 Anchises
- 14088 Ancus
- 10719 Andamar
- 6013 Andanike
- 2788 Andenne
- 4815 Anders
- 2476 Andersen
- 7813 Anderserikson
- 6424 Ando
- 42403 Andraimon
- 8151 Andranada
- 2175 Andrea Doria
- 8164 Andreasdoppler
- 17459 Andreashofer
- 1296 Andrée
- 4199 Andreev
- 20284 Andreilevin
- 5761 Andreivanov
- 14040 Andrejka
- 8477 Andrejkiselev
- 116166 Andrémaeder
- 2282 Andrés Bello
- 79353 Andrewalday
- 21778 Andrewarren
- 18159 Andrewcook
- 6947 Andrewdavis
- 15635 Andrewhager
- 17962 Andrewherron
- 17956 Andrewlenoir
- 78430 Andrewpearce
- 19424 Andrewsong
- 11001 Andrewulff
- 3413 Andriana
- 7721 Andrillat
- 42748 Andrisani
- 8048 Andrle
- 5027 Androgeos
- 175 Andromache
- 2294 Andronikov
- 11003 Andronov
- 133293 Andrushivka
- 8257 Andycheng
- 17399 Andysanto
- 1172 Äneas
- 10456 Anechka
- 8289 An-Eefje
- 20773 Aneeshvenkat
- 9991 Anežka
- 7468 Anfimov
- 3158 Anga
- 1957 Angara
- 30788 Angekauffmann
- 11911 Angel
- 16132 Angelakim
- 22064 Angelalewis
- 9428 Angelalouise
- 23057 Angelawilson
- 965 Angelica
- 20643 Angelicaliu
- 64 Angelina
- 3160 Angerhofer
- 1712 Angola
- 18102 Angrilli
- 8420 Angrogna
- 42487 Ångström
- 9560 Anguita
- 8593 Angustirostris
- 6120 Anhalt
- 2162 Anhui
- 791 Ani
- 3358 Anikushin
- 1016 Anitra
- 8060 Anius
- 8820 Anjandersen
- 26057 Ankaios
- 1457 Ankara
- 265 Anna
- 11299 Annafreud
- 15014 Annagekker
- 2519 Annagerman
- 7787 Annalaura
- 9823 Annantalová
- 3055 Annapavlova
- 27150 Annasante
- 18707 Annchi
- 15042 Anndavgui
- 39429 Annebrontë
- 5535 Annefrank
- 18244 Anneila
- 21739 Annekeschwob
- 17904 Annekoupal
- 7330 Annelemaître
- 910 Anneliese
- 3667 Anne-Marie
- 3724 Annenskij
- 12527 Anneraugh
- 3664 Anneres
- 2839 Annette
- 22137 Annettelee
- 48774 Anngower
- 817 Annika
- 9774 Annjudge
- 23018 Annmoriarty
- 8835 Annona
- 2572 Annschnell
- 17835 Anoelsuri
- 4109 Anokhin
- 8564 Anomalocaris
- 9611 Anouck
- 46737 Anpanman
- 9996 ANS
- 12033 Anselmo
- 8435 Anser
- 3136 Anshan
- 107074 Ansonsylva
- 6717 Antal
- 2404 Antarctica
- 2207 Antenor
- 1943 Anteros
- 22729 Anthennig
- 7214 Anticlus
- 129 Antigone
- 651 Antikleia
- 1583 Antilochus
- 9828 Antimachos
- 1863 Antinous
- 90 Antiope
- 8319 Antiphanes
- 13463 Antiphos
- 6614 Antisthenes
- 3686 Antoku
- 7957 Antonella
- 27864 Antongraff
- 11657 Antonhajduk
- 272 Antonia
- 12580 Antonini
- 16744 Antonioleone
- 19783 Antoniromanya
- 65357 Antoniucci
- 14317 Antonov
- 20480 Antonschraut
- 1294 Antwerpia
- 1912 Anubis
- 12072 Anupamakotha
- 3575 Anyuta
- 2061 Anza
[edit] Ao
[edit] Ap
- 4232 Aparicio
- 8273 Apatheia
- 5885 Apeldoorn
- 1388 Aphrodite
- 19139 Apian
- 32811 Apisaon
- 132524 APL
- 10780 Apollinaire
- 1862 Apollo
- 358 Apollonia
- 99942 Apophis
- 3190 Aposhanskij
- 6710 Apostel
- 988 Appella
- 10959 Appennino
- 1768 Appenzella
- 9393 Apta
[edit] Aq
[edit] Ar
- 849 Ara
- 15144 Araas
- 841 Arabella
- 1157 Arabia
- 1087 Arabis
- 407 Arachne
- 1005 Arago
- 5070 Arai
- 21082 Araimasaru
- 4718 Araki
- 8707 Arakihiroshi
- 973 Aralia
- 9384 Aransio
- 96205 Ararat
- 16077 Arayhamilton
- 1020 Arcadia
- 6645 Arcetri
- 9860 Archaeopteryx
- 4030 Archenhold
- 65590 Archeptolemos
- 5806 Archieroy
- 5873 Archilochos
- 3600 Archimedes
- 11941 Archinal
- 6535 Archipenko
- 16986 Archivestef
- 14995 Archytas
- 6556 Arcimboldo
- 1031 Arctica
- 8769 Arctictern
- 4849 Ardenne
- 10501 Ardmacha
- 10130 Ardre
- 394 Arduina
- 4337 Arecibo
- 1502 Arenda
- 737 Arequipa
- 12052 Aretaon
- 197 Arete
- 95 Arethusa
- 1551 Argelander
- 469 Argentina
- 43 Ariadne
- 1225 Ariane
- 1395 Aribeda
- 3496 Arieso
- 20855 Arifawan
- 9651 Arii-SooHoo
- 3523 Arina
- 2135 Aristaeus
- 3999 Aristarchus
- 2319 Aristides
- 2934 Aristophanes
- 6123 Aristoteles
- 793 Arizona
- 10702 Arizorcas
- 20300 Arjunsuri
- 20961 Arkesilaos
- 4424 Arkhipova
- 15112 Arlenewolfe
- 35978 Arlington
- 1717 Arlon
- 17893 Arlot
- 13830 ARLT
- 10502 Armaghobs
- 3376 Armandhammer
- 14572 Armando
- 6855 Armellini
- 780 Armenia
- 514 Armida
- 1464 Armisticia
- 774 Armor
- 6469 Armstrong
- 16714 Arndt
- 959 Arne
- 3457 Arnenordheim
- 1100 Arnica
- 8055 Arnim
- 1018 Arnolda
- 12211 Arnoschmidt
- 10745 Arnstadt
- 1304 Arosa
- 2958 Arpetito
- 4696 Arpigny
- 2194 Arpola
- 5697 Arrhenius
- 5263 Arrius
- 404 Arsinoë
- 7212 Artaxerxes
- 1956 Artek
- 105 Artemis
- 2597 Arthur
- 5279 Arthuradel
- 3961 Arthurcox
- 18610 Arthurdent
- 7171 Arthurkraus
- 3769 Arthurmiller
- 19025 Arthurpetron
- 15378 Artin
- 4136 Artmane
- 61384 Arturoromer
- 2313 Aruna
- 8600 Arundinaceus
[edit] As
- 8233 Asada
- 12364 Asadagouryu
- 10157 Asagiri
- 8747 Asahi
- 5230 Asahina
- 43751 Asam
- 6986 Asamayama
- 2023 Asaph
- 4756 Asaramas
- 4531 Asaro
- 8405 Asbolus
- 12649 Ascanios
- 214 Aschera
- 3568 ASCII
- 17972 Ascione
- 4581 Asclepius
- 21485 Ash
- 2157 Ashbrook
- 6564 Asher
- 20799 Ashishbakshi
- 6961 Ashitaka
- 4399 Ashizuri
- 3460 Ashkova
- 6752 Ashley
- 18672 Ashleyamini
- 7208 Ashurbanipal
- 67 Asia
- 7679 Asiago
- 5020 Asimov
- 11554 Asios
- 4894 Ask
- 24162 Askaci
- 4946 Askalaphus
- 1216 Askania
- 962 Aslög
- 13303 Asmitakumar
- 2174 Asmodeus
- 2848 ASP
- 409 Aspasia
- 7939 Asphaug
- 958 Asplinda
- 246 Asporina
- 4191 Assesse
- 8401 Assirelli
- 15342 Assisi
- 1041 Asta
- 11027 Astaf'ev
- 2408 Astapovich
- 672 Astarte
- 1218 Aster
- 73883 Asteraude
- 658 Asteria
- 29401 Asterix
- 4805 Asteropaios
- 233 Asterope
- 5 Astraea
- 1128 Astrid
- 25000 Astrometria
- 1154 Astronomia
- 59800 Astropis
- 24626 Astrowizard
- 1871 Astyanax
- 4077 Asuka
[edit] At
- 18725 Atacama
- 4721 Atahualpa
- 152 Atala
- 36 Atalante
- 1139 Atami
- 3546 Atanasoff
- 27952 Atapuerca
- 111 Ate
- 2062 Aten
- 7590 Aterui
- 3307 Athabasca
- 515 Athalia
- 230 Athamantis
- 730 Athanasia
- 881 Athene
- 17072 Athiviraham
- 161 Athor
- 18930 Athreya
- 1827 Atkinson
- 1198 Atlantis
- 21404 Atluri
- 810 Atossa
- 14791 Atreus
- 273 Atropos
- 5679 Atsukadou
- 8414 Atsuko
- 4842 Atsushi
- 20403 Attenborough
- 8975 Atthis
- 1138 Attica
- 1489 Attila
[edit] Au
- 3920 Aubignan
- 19620 Auckland
- 15838 Auclair
- 9117 Aude
- 4238 Audrey
- 20004 Audrey-Lucienne
- 14252 Audreymeyer
- 75564 Audubon
- 9908 Aue
- 13184 Augeias
- 254 Augusta
- 43806 Augustepiccard
- 5171 Augustesen
- 10825 Augusthermann
- 17496 Augustinus
- 1480 Aunus
- 1488 Aura
- 19912 Aurapenenta
- 700 Auravictrix
- 419 Aurelia
- 22769 Aurelianora
- 1231 Auricula
- 6043 Aurochs
- 94 Aurora
- 63 Ausonia
- 19861 Auster
- 19602 Austinminor
- 8088 Australia
- 2236 Austrasia
- 136 Austria
- 2920 Automedon
- 1465 Autonoma
- 5461 Autumn
[edit] Av
- 17445 Avatcha
- 26356 Aventini
- 8318 Averroes
- 3580 Avery
- 2755 Avicenna
- 10011 Avidzba
- 9385 Avignon
- 22627 Aviscardi
- 12294 Avogadro
- 8588 Avosetta
- 19544 Avramkottke
- 3324 Avsyuk
[edit] Aw
[edit] Ax
[edit] Ay
[edit] Az
- 3290 Azabu
- 1056 Azalea
- 2698 Azerbajdzhan
- 8723 Azumayama
- 6933 Azumayasan
- 7851 Azumino
- 8713 Azusa
- 95593 Azusienis
[edit] B
[edit] Ba
- 1501 Baade
- 6524 Baalke
- 7164 Babadzhanov
- 9017 Babadzhanyan
- 11341 Babbage
- 3167 Babcock
- 5808 Babel'
- 5820 Babelsberg
- 7490 Babička
- 4316 Babinkova
- 10684 Babkina
- 2059 Baboquivari
- 24948 Babote
- 36060 Babuška
- 15417 Babylon
- 17967 Bacampbell
- 2063 Bacchus
- 1814 Bach
- 856 Backlunda
- 2940 Bacon
- 333 Badenia
- 4866 Badillo
- 23578 Baedeker
- 26821 Baehr
- 12688 Baekeland
- 4569 Baerbel
- 2513 Baetslé
- 10002 Bagdasarian
- 2901 Bagehot
- 5136 Baggaley
- 4088 Baggesen
- 7079 Baghdad
- 3127 Bagration
- 5533 Bagrov
- 4400 Bagryana
- 2358 Bahner
- 19434 Bahuffman
- 26640 Bahýľ
- 2776 Baikal
- 2700 Baikonur
- 1280 Baillauda
- 3115 Baily
- 1591 Baize
- 8315 Bajin
- 2549 Baker
- 30934 Bakerhansen
- 4011 Bakharev
- 3242 Bakhchisaraj
- 11786 Bakhchivandji
- 8782 Bakhrakh
- 131245 Bakich
- 5681 Bakulev
- 8678 Bäl
- 6777 Balakirev
- 24649 Balaklava
- 16116 Balakrishnan
- 3749 Balam
- 20821 Balasridhar
- 2242 Balaton
- 12895 Balbastre
- 4059 Balder
- 1491 Balduinus
- 4831 Baldwin
- 19776 Balears
- 770 Bali
- 7331 Balindblad
- 11668 Balios
- 4808 Ballaero
- 11277 Ballard
- 12755 Balmer
- 5315 Bal'mont
- 4391 Balodis
- 6109 Balseiro
- 5610 Balster
- 5870 Baltimore
- 5701 Baltuck
- 18430 Balzac
- 2031 BAM
- 324 Bamberga
- 4490 Bambery
- 15845 Bambi
- 5804 Bambinidipraga
- 16856 Banach
- 1286 Banachiewicza
- 21663 Banat
- 1713 Bancilhon
- 10091 Bandaisan
- 9780 Bandersnatch
- 597 Bandusia
- 17784 Banerjee
- 25864 Banič
- 13956 Banks
- 3394 Banno
- 24265 Banthonytwarog
- 43293 Banting
- 10453 Banzan
- 298 Baptistina
- 2883 Barabashov
- 93061 Barbagallo
- 234 Barbara
- 15056 Barbaradixon
- 19982 Barbaradoore
- 11473 Barbaresco
- 1860 Barbarossa
- 8978 Barbatus
- 6816 Barbcohen
- 12433 Barbieri
- 16251 Barbifrank
- 23055 Barbjewett
- 945 Barcelona
- 17062 Bardot
- 1615 Bardwell
- 33330 Barèges
- 14505 Barentine
- 17803 Barish
- 7868 Barker
- 5781 Barkhatova
- 4524 Barklajdetolli
- 2730 Barks
- 6428 Barlach
- 15466 Barlow
- 118173 Barmen
- 819 Barnardiana
- 5655 Barney
- 8768 Barnowl
- 6590 Barolo
- 7196 Baroni
- 5958 Barrande
- 19395 Barrera
- 111558 Barrett
- 6695 Barrettduff
- 3693 Barringer
- 1703 Barry
- 20405 Barryburke
- 25273 Barrycarole
- 16076 Barryhaase
- 9139 Barrylasker
- 19980 Barrysimon
- 16102 Barshannon
- 4204 Barsig
- 17823 Bartels
- 16459 Barth
- 6484 Barthibbs
- 4982 Bartini
- 141496 Bartkevicius
- 2279 Barto
- 4132 Bartók
- 12399 Bartolini
- 33480 Bartolucci
- 3485 Barucci
- 78429 Baschek
- 6084 Bascom
- 7573 Basfifty
- 21937 Basheehan
- 2657 Bashkiria
- 2033 Basilea
- 3991 Basilevsky
- 4267 Basner
- 3599 Basov
- 6460 Bassano
- 49501 Basso
- 26757 Bastei
- 2855 Bastian
- 4318 Baťa
- 20309 Batalden
- 4616 Batalov
- 21399 Bateman
- 10327 Batens
- 2434 Bateson
- 441 Bathilde
- 20526 Bathompson
- 592 Bathseba
- 18581 Batllo
- 11739 Baton Rouge
- 2702 Batrakov
- 8155 Battaglini
- 12828 Batteas
- 3931 Batten
- 11176 Batth
- 18556 Battiato
- 9115 Battisti
- 172 Baucis
- 14400 Baudot
- 1553 Bauersfelda
- 8502 Bauhaus
- 151997 Bauhinia
- 11787 Baumanka
- 3683 Baumann
- 17770 Baumé
- 813 Baumeia
- 157640 Baumeler
- 9699 Baumhauer
- 11673 Baur
- 2306 Bauschinger
- 11580 Bautzen
- 301 Bavaria
- 22908 Bayefsky-Anand
- 11946 Bayle
- 5304 Bazhenov
[edit] Be
- 3161 Beadell
- 656 Beagle
- 3314 Beals
- 55108 Beamueller
- 13606 Bean
- 1043 Beate
- 8749 Beatles
- 16226 Beaton
- 3087 Beatrice Tinsley
- 83 Beatrix
- 2925 Beatty
- 9161 Beaufort
- 17858 Beaugé
- 11385 Beauvoir
- 7333 Bec-Borsenberger
- 8935 Beccaria
- 21269 Bechini
- 5024 Bechmann
- 10856 Bechstein
- 6074 Bechtereva
- 1349 Bechuana
- 21050 Beck
- 3522 Becker
- 3737 Beckman
- 6914 Becquerel
- 4567 Bečvář
- 3691 Bede
- 16672 Bedini
- 15092 Beegees
- 1896 Beer
- 4026 Beet
- 1815 Beethoven
- 5665 Begemann
- 943 Begonia
- 68325 Begues
- 8009 Béguin
- 17102 Begzhigitova
- 3278 Běhounek
- 1651 Behrens
- 65685 Behring
- 23457 Beiderbecke
- 6718 Beiglböck
- 7072 Beijingdaxue
- 1474 Beira
- 8050 Beishida
- 31065 Beishizhang
- 13258 Bej
- 21503 Beksha
- 19678 Belczyk
- 11284 Belenus
- 14669 Beletic
- 14790 Beletskij
- 1052 Belgica
- 5110 Belgirate
- 9612 Belgorod
- 2808 Belgrano
- 3747 Belinskij
- 178 Belisana
- 1074 Beljawskya
- 22276 Belkin
- 695 Bella
- 79271 Bellagio
- 1808 Bellerophon
- 18148 Bellier
- 3659 Bellingshausen
- 6445 Bellmore
- 28 Bellona
- 48844 Belloves
- 2626 Belnika
- 10770 Belo Horizonte
- 1004 Belopolskya
- 8786 Belskaya
- 3498 Belton
- 12442 Beltramemass
- 15620 Beltrami
- 2368 Beltrovata
- 2030 Belyaev
- 8448 Belyakina
- 2863 Ben Mayer
- 15897 Beňačková
- 20532 Benbilby
- 11219 Benbohn
- 21508 Benbrewer
- 35229 Benckert
- 14702 Benclark
- 734 Benda
- 4684 Bendjoya
- 6579 Benedix
- 5102 Benfranklin
- 19416 Benglass
- 1846 Bengt
- 1784 Benguella
- 21662 Benigni
- 45737 Benita
- 976 Benjamina
- 29463 Benjaminpeirce
- 15565 Benjaminsteele
- 13332 Benkhoff
- 863 Benkoela
- 9012 Benner
- 4093 Bennett
- 12578 Bensaur
- 16230 Benson
- 5293 Bentengahama
- 5419 Benua
- 7967 Beny
- 1517 Beograd
- 38086 Beowulf
- 10387 Bepicolombo
- 70179 Beppechiara
- 6876 Beppeforti
- 11197 Beranek
- 776 Berbericia
- 4184 Berdyayev
- 6319 Beregovoj
- 2998 Berendeya
- 653 Berenike
- 5694 Berényi
- 5682 Beresford
- 7950 Berezov
- 4528 Berg
- 7280 Bergengruen
- 12729 Berger
- 3093 Bergholz
- 14596 Bergstralh
- 8695 Bergvall
- 716 Berkeley
- 3604 Berkhuijsen
- 95179 Berkó
- 4359 Berlage
- 69288 Berlioz
- 114239 Bermarmi
- 1313 Berna
- 18236 Bernardburke
- 27983 Bernardi
- 629 Bernardina
- 8079 Bernardlovell
- 3266 Bernardus
- 7848 Bernasconi
- 16051 Bernero
- 13926 Berners-Lee
- 21505 Bernert
- 3038 Bernes
- 2643 Bernhard
- 3467 Bernheim
- 8437 Bernicla
- 7149 Bernie
- 13916 Bernolák
- 2034 Bernoulli
- 4476 Bernstein
- 422 Berolina
- 4702 Berounka
- 3684 Berry
- 4603 Bertaud
- 8266 Bertelli
- 154 Bertha
- 15905 Berthier
- 420 Bertholda
- 12750 Berthollet
- 8698 Bertilpettersson
- 16002 Bertin
- 46392 Bertola
- 11102 Bertorighini
- 85320 Bertram
- 10067 Bertuch
- 3179 Beruti
- 10380 Berwald
- 1729 Beryl
- 16953 Besicovitch
- 46610 Bésixdouze
- 6374 Beslan
- 1552 Bessel
- 11446 Betankur
- 19619 Bethbell
- 21513 Bethcochran
- 30828 Bethe
- 7994 Bethellen
- 6856 Bethemmons
- 937 Bethgea
- 42924 Betlem
- 21506 Betsill
- 19787 Betsyglass
- 18785 Betsywelsh
- 7329 Bettadotto
- 7141 Bettarini
- 17076 Betti
- 250 Bettina
- 21679 Bettypalermiti
- 8644 Betulapendula
- 1580 Betulia
- 14953 Bevilacqua
- 10325 Bexa
- 1611 Beyer
- 17285 Bezout
- 1963 Bezovec
- 3096 Bezruč
- 12686 Bezuglyj
[edit] Bh
[edit] Bi
- 19981 Bialystock
- 218 Bianca
- 42775 Bianchini
- 6742 Biandepei
- 4821 Bianucci
- 1146 Biarmia
- 8771 Biarmicus
- 11206 Bibee
- 51895 Biblialexa
- 30722 Biblioran
- 18113 Bibring
- 55844 Bičák
- 4837 Bickerton
- 4620 Bickley
- 9398 Bidelman
- 3246 Bidstrup
- 2281 Biela
- 54598 Bienor
- 73640 Biermann
- 10218 Bierstadt
- 10442 Biezenzo
- 5683 Bifukumonin
- 8850 Bignonia
- 4460 Bihoro
- 7928 Bijaoui
- 20331 Bijemarks
- 5372 Bikki
- 2991 Bilbo
- 585 Bilkis
- 10967 Billallen
- 4175 Billbaum
- 11675 Billboyle
- 9930 Billburrows
- 21531 Billcollin
- 15058 Billcooke
- 6007 Billevans
- 15846 Billfyfe
- 20234 Billgibson
- 15964 Billgray
- 79896 Billhaley
- 9116 Billhamilton
- 15849 Billharper
- 73703 Billings
- 4322 Billjackson
- 4838 Billmclaughlin
- 7607 Billmerline
- 8537 Billochbull
- 6135 Billowen
- 5738 Billpickering
- 11017 Billputnam
- 21148 Billramsey
- 5630 Billschaefer
- 7812 Billward
- 85217 Bilzingsleben
- 8291 Bingham
- 2029 Binomi
- 2873 Binzel
- 3924 Birch
- 960 Birgit
- 2744 Birgitta
- 15896 Birkhoff
- 4803 Birkle
- 10034 Birlan
- 65100 Birtwhistle
- 2477 Biryukov
- 17286 Bisei
- 2633 Bishop
- 7586 Bismarck
- 12934 Bisque
- 2038 Bistro
- 5120 Bitias
- 5299 Bittesini
- 6596 Bittner
- 26969 Biver
- 5797 Bivoj
- 4289 Biwako
- 13241 Biyo
[edit] Bl
- 2145 Blaauw
- 11207 Black
- 10652 Blaeu
- 4891 Blaga
- 22442 Blaha
- 4069 Blakee
- 20230 Blanchard
- 4478 Blanco
- 7498 Blaník
- 13841 Blankenship
- 47294 Blanský les
- 2320 Blarney
- 17637 Blaschke
- 2445 Blazhko
- 9693 Bleeker
- 15406 Bleibtreu
- 11248 Blériot
- 11582 Bleuler
- 99262 Bleustein
- 22927 Blewett
- 3263 Bligh
- 5572 Bliskunov
- 3318 Blixen
- 10447 Bloembergen
- 2540 Blok
- 13231 Blondelet
- 16887 Blouke
- 19582 Blow
- 23061 Blueglass
- 16197 Bluepeter
- 18106 Blume
- 21414 Blumenthal
- 10857 Blüthner
- 55755 Blythe
[edit] Bo
- 8925 Boattini
- 5871 Bobbell
- 6708 Bobbievaile
- 24249 Bobbiolson
- 19577 Bobbyfisher
- 5642 Bobbywilliams
- 13562 Bobeggleton
- 54411 Bobestelle
- 10498 Bobgent
- 12014 Bobhawkes
- 2829 Bobhope
- 7159 Bobjoseph
- 63305 Bobkepple
- 37859 Bobkoff
- 2507 Bobone
- 6641 Bobross
- 18321 Bobrov
- 2637 Bobrovnikoff
- 5549 Bobstefanik
- 39890 Bobstephens
- 13423 Bobwoolley
- 19149 Boccaccio
- 19915 Bochkarev
- 17653 Bochner
- 15053 Bochníček
- 15710 Böcklin
- 1487 Boda
- 998 Bodea
- 152559 Bodelschwingh
- 6528 Boden
- 22322 Bodensee
- 3459 Bodil
- 3458 Boduognat
- 8175 Boerhaave
- 7804 Boesgaard
- 6617 Boethius
- 4269 Bogado
- 3839 Bogaevskij
- 4794 Bogard
- 6784 Bogatikov
- 12680 Bogdanovich
- 15495 Bogie
- 3885 Bogorodskij
- 3710 Bogoslovskij
- 4275 Bogustafson
- 371 Bohemia
- 720 Bohlinia
- 1141 Bohmia
- 15938 Bohnenblust
- 8010 Böhnhardt
- 3948 Bohr
- 1635 Bohrmann
- 9008 Bohšternberk
- 7897 Bohuška
- 34666 Bohyunsan
- 6685 Boitsov
- 1654 Bojeva
- 1983 Bok
- 2338 Bokhan
- 3205 Boksenberg
- 8367 Bokusui
- 21852 Bolander
- 712 Boliviana
- 7873 Böll
- 2601 Bologna
- 7858 Bolotov
- 17821 Bölsche
- 8785 Boltwood
- 24712 Boltzmann
- 1441 Bolyai
- 2622 Bolzano
- 17696 Bombelli
- 12834 Bomben
- 17703 Bombieri
- 8742 Bonazzoli
- 12657 Bonch-Bruevich
- 11981 Boncompagni
- 13693 Bondar
- 767 Bondia
- 3129 Bonestell
- 20590 Bongiovanni
- 13766 Bonham
- 7256 Bonhoeffer
- 15346 Bonifatius
- 16804 Bonini
- 14965 Bonk
- 5947 Bonnie
- 361 Bononia
- 9587 Bonpland
- 1477 Bonsdorffia
- 10654 Bontekoe
- 10028 Bonus
- 17734 Boole
- 13825 Booth
- 7086 Bopp
- 88292 Bora-Bora
- 13684 Borbona
- 39540 Borchert
- 11225 Borden
- 9262 Bordovitsyna
- 1916 Boreas
- 16065 Borel
- 11510 Borges
- 95219 Borgman
- 19855 Borisalexeev
- 20840 Borishanin
- 6284 Borisivanov
- 11016 Borisov
- 18295 Borispetrov
- 9148 Boriszaitsev
- 26197 Bormio
- 13954 Born
- 3859 Börngen
- 4453 Bornholm
- 3075 Bornmann
- 6780 Borodin
- 3544 Borodino
- 38454 Boroson
- 5858 Borovitskia
- 2706 Borovský
- 1539 Borrelly
- 4673 Bortle
- 6923 Borzacchini
- 7414 Bosch
- 17056 Boschetti
- 14361 Boscovich
- 3296 Bosque Alegre
- 13583 Bosret
- 16234 Bosse
- 1354 Botha
- 11228 Botnick
- 741 Botolphia
- 5194 Böttger
- 7355 Bottke
- 2337 Boubín
- 4313 Bouchet
- 11552 Boucolion
- 7649 Bougainville
- 12897 Bougeret
- 8190 Bouguer
- 8523 Bouillabaisse
- 8521 Boulainvilliers
- 7346 Boulanger
- 8489 Boulder
- 9706 Bouma
- 3264 Bounty
- 13674 Bourge
- 1543 Bourgeois
- 6207 Bourvil
- 3435 Boury
- 13390 Bouška
- 859 Bouzaréah
- 2246 Bowell
- 3363 Bowen
- 1639 Bower
- 2996 Bowman
- 3681 Boyan
- 2563 Boyarchuk
- 2611 Boyce
- 4301 Boyden
- 1215 Boyer
- 11967 Boyle
- 5345 Boynton
- 12270 Bozar
- 7699 Božek
- 20534 Bozeman
- 7382 Bozhenkova
- 3628 Božněmcová
[edit] Br
- 1342 Brabantia
- 10645 Brač
- 10392 Brace
- 9954 Brachiosaurus
- 8433 Brachyrhynchus
- 11666 Bracker
- 12775 Brackett
- 9766 Bradbury
- 3430 Bradfield
- 2383 Bradley
- 2472 Bradman
- 8223 Bradshaw
- 8553 Bradsmith
- 5251 Bradwood
- 7691 Brady
- 3877 Braes
- 4884 Bragaria
- 4572 Brage
- 11150 Bragg
- 3488 Brahic
- 1818 Brahms
- 9969 Braille
- 99928 Brainard
- 640 Brambilla
- 6429 Brancusi
- 6068 Brandenburg
- 1168 Brandia
- 15020 Brandonimber
- 8831 Brändström
- 3503 Brandt
- 606 Brangäne
- 4140 Branham
- 31605 Braschi
- 5502 Brashear
- 293 Brasilia
- 6587 Brassens
- 7887 Bratfest
- 3372 Bratijchuk
- 4018 Bratislava
- 6748 Bratton
- 18119 Braude
- 1411 Brauna
- 5583 Braunerová
- 5182 Bray
- 32571 Brayton
- 11369 Brazelton
- 63387 Brazos Bend
- 4242 Brecher
- 12298 Brecht
- 18773 Bredehoft
- 786 Bredichina
- 16915 Bredthauer
- 18398 Bregenz
- 7054 Brehm
- 10980 Breimer
- 3918 Brel
- 6320 Bremen
- 1609 Brenda
- 3824 Brendalee
- 21854 Brendandwyer
- 761 Brendelia
- 16053 Brennan
- 8054 Brentano
- 6837 Bressi
- 14977 Bressler
- 1211 Bressole
- 3232 Brest
- 3937 Bretagnon
- 20839 Bretharrison
- 6179 Brett
- 11583 Breuer
- 11678 Brevard
- 9468 Brewer
- 5799 Brewington
- 10315 Brewster
- 4192 Breysacher
- 2683 Brian
- 17885 Brianbeyt
- 17211 Brianfisher
- 12562 Briangrazer
- 22057 Brianking
- 12926 Brianmason
- 22869 Brianmcfar
- 19442 Brianrice
- 11374 Briantaylor
- 18125 Brianwilson
- 7199 Brianza
- 7714 Briccialdi
- 4029 Bridges
- 19029 Briede
- 21548 Briekugler
- 4209 Briggs
- 8849 Brighton
- 20584 Brigidsavage
- 450 Brigitta
- 22938 Brilawrence
- 655 Briseïs
- 1071 Brita
- 4522 Britastra
- 17902 Britbaker
- 1219 Britta
- 20772 Brittajones
- 51599 Brittany
- 15126 Brittanyanderson
- 4079 Britten
- 22545 Brittrusso
- 521 Brixia
- 55874 Brlka
- 2889 Brno
- 10128 Bro
- 4724 Brocken
- 27765 Brockhaus
- 22913 Brockman
- 18766 Broderick
- 17965 Brodersen
- 9974 Brody
- 1879 Broederstroom
- 18542 Broglio
- 6769 Brokoff
- 4575 Broman
- 1315 Bronislawa
- 16119 Bronner
- 3385 Bronnina
- 7002 Bronshten
- 9949 Brontosaurus
- 11229 Brookebowers
- 2773 Brooks
- 31122 Brooktaylor
- 3309 Brorfelde
- 3979 Brorsen
- 3144 Brosche
- 24105 Broughton
- 1746 Brouwer
- 1643 Brown
- 3259 Brownlee
- 16244 Brož
- 5079 Brubeck
- 21430 Brubrew
- 4203 Brucato
- 2430 Bruce Helin
- 11679 Brucebaker
- 86279 Brucegary
- 5262 Brucegoldberg
- 9127 Brucekoehn
- 4957 Brucemurray
- 5004 Bruch
- 455 Bruchsalia
- 323 Brucia
- 3955 Bruckner
- 9664 Brueghel
- 9472 Bruges
- 5127 Bruhns
- 4916 Brumberg
- 290 Bruna
- 6055 Brunelleschi
- 72819 Brunet
- 18974 Brungardt
- 123 Brunhild
- 10943 Brunier
- 2499 Brunk
- 6807 Brünnow
- 68947 Brunofunk
- 1570 Brunonia
- 16590 Brunowalter
- 4687 Brunsandrej
- 901 Brunsia
- 7396 Brusin
- 1811 Bruwer
- 2689 Bruxelles
- 2488 Bryan
- 22157 Bryanhoran
- 4591 Bryantsev
- 49272 Bryce Canyon
- 19599 Brycemelton
- 18704 Brychristian
- 19563 Brzezinska
[edit] Bu
- 16355 Buber
- 3141 Buchar
- 15465 Buchroeder
- 3209 Buchwald
- 12583 Buckjean
- 20084 Buckmaster
- 8166 Buczynski
- 908 Buda
- 16155 Buddy
- 15392 Budějický
- 2524 Budovicium
- 338 Budrosa
- 10042 Budstewart
- 7850 Buenos Aires
- 7420 Buffon
- 17983 Buhrmester
- 7553 Buie
- 6820 Buil
- 13734 Buklad
- 12409 Bukovanská
- 3469 Bulgakov
- 2575 Bulgaria
- 16062 Buncher
- 6722 Bunichi
- 3890 Bunin
- 11292 Bunjisuzuki
- 2283 Bunke
- 10361 Bunsen
- 19243 Bunting
- 73465 Buonanno
- 17891 Buraliforti
- 5490 Burbidge
- 5159 Burbine
- 3447 Burckhalter
- 6754 Burdenko
- 3583 Burdett
- 384 Burdigala
- 12414 Bure
- 10100 Bürgel
- 2481 Bürgi
- 19543 Burgoyne
- 374 Burgundia
- 7867 Burian
- 14570 Burkam
- 4874 Burke
- 4549 Burkhardt
- 9143 Burkhead
- 4719 Burnaby
- 4427 Burnashev
- 5798 Burnett
- 6235 Burney
- 834 Burnhamia
- 16120 Burnim
- 2708 Burns
- 8612 Burov
- 16121 Burrell
- 21811 Burroughs
- 8681 Burs
- 6078 Burt
- 5340 Burton
- 2593 Buryatia
- 3254 Bus
- 7121 Busch
- 20658 Bushmarinov
- 2490 Bussolini
- 5196 Bustelli
- 20524 Bustersikes
- 21418 Bustos
- 4936 Butakov
- 125592 Buthiers
- 13543 Butler
- 13049 Butov
- 9094 Butsuen
- 4344 Buxtehude
- 8852 Buxus
- 10961 Buysballot
- 14318 Buzinov
- 16198 Búzios
- 6517 Buzzi
[edit] By
- 199 Byblis
- 16783 Bychkov
- 2661 Bydžovský
- 2170 Byelorussia
- 4682 Bykov
- 3505 Byrd
- 3306 Byron
- 6180 Bystritskaya
[edit] C
[edit] Ca
- 7317 Cabot
- 2997 Cabrera
- 39335 Caccin
- 9934 Caccioppoli
- 7092 Cadmus
- 297 Caecilia
- 57424 Caelumnoctu
- 18458 Caesar
- 6377 Cagney
- 11112 Cagnoli
- 21410 Cahill
- 952 Caia
- 13219 Cailletet
- 12359 Cajigal
- 8967 Calandra
- 8269 Calandrelli
- 2926 Caldeira
- 72804 Caldentey
- 9478 Caldeyro
- 12341 Calevoet
- 96192 Calgary
- 341 California
- 42365 Caligiuri
- 3833 Calingasta
- 19738 Calinger
- 4742 Caliumi
- 19741 Callahan
- 2542 Calpurnia
- 2906 Caltech
- 1245 Calvinia
- 5653 Camarillo
- 2531 Cambridge
- 21921 Camdenmiller
- 11896 Camelbeeck
- 957 Camelia
- 9500 Camelot
- 2980 Cameron
- 21438 Camibarnett
- 17959 Camierickson
- 107 Camilla
- 25593 Camillejordan
- 3752 Camillo
- 11371 Camley
- 5160 Camoes
- 16879 Campai
- 377 Campania
- 1077 Campanula
- 2751 Campbell
- 8776 Campestris
- 3327 Campins
- 13722 Campobagatin
- 12696 Camus
- 8123 Canaletto
- 4899 Candace
- 3015 Candy
- 17305 Caniff
- 1120 Cannonia
- 6256 Canova
- 740 Cantabia
- 34718 Cantagalli
- 3563 Canterbury
- 16246 Cantor
- 17836 Canup
- 78249 Capaccioni
- 14097 Capdepera
- 1931 Čapek
- 11696 Capen
- 55428 Cappellaro
- 49777 Cappi
- 10928 Caprara
- 479 Caprera
- 11083 Caracas
- 15553 Carachang
- 12557 Caracol
- 14571 Caralexander
- 11174 Carandrews
- 18505 Caravelli
- 11373 Carbonaro
- 8262 Carcich
- 11421 Cardano
- 1391 Carelia
- 3578 Carestia
- 22692 Carfrekahl
- 7680 Cari
- 491 Carina
- 78816 Caripito
- 1470 Carla
- 132661 Carlbaeker
- 5046 Carletonmoore
- 4121 Carlin
- 4362 Carlisle
- 117715 Carlkirby
- 5598 Carlmurray
- 12339 Carloo
- 100050 Carloshernandez
- 2858 Carlosporter
- 1769 Carlostorres
- 360 Carlova
- 7911 Carlpilcher
- 17184 Carlrogers
- 5890 Carlsberg
- 12356 Carlscheele
- 21647 Carlturner
- 3294 Carlvesely
- 26074 Carlwirtz
- 20632 Carlyrosser
- 16106 Carmagnola
- 48416 Carmelita
- 3929 Carmelmaria
- 558 Carmen
- 671 Carnegia
- 12289 Carnot
- 11690 Carodulaney
- 2214 Carol
- 10974 Carolalbert
- 8078 Carolejordan
- 16078 Carolhersh
- 5531 Carolientje
- 235 Carolina
- 12239 Carolinakou
- 21549 Carolinelang
- 12074 Carolinelau
- 157421 Carolpercy
- 23013 Carolsmyth
- 22947 Carolsuh
- 19821 Caroltolin
- 16951 Carolus Quartus
- 4446 Carolyn
- 9171 Carolyndiane
- 21583 Caropietsch
- 128166 Carora
- 44711 Carp
- 1852 Carpenter
- 66207 Carpi
- 8106 Carpino
- 3837 Carr
- 4171 Carrasco
- 3050 Carrera
- 7324 Carret
- 18788 Carriemiller
- 21746 Carrieshaw
- 13333 Carsenty
- 6572 Carson
- 17917 Cartan
- 10683 Carter
- 4700 Carusi
- 7042 Carver
- 9342 Carygrant
- 4814 Casacci
- 7356 Casagrande
- 39549 Casals
- 7328 Casanova
- 6364 Casarini
- 21504 Caseyfreeman
- 18681 Caseylipp
- 12226 Caseylisse
- 21700 Caseynicole
- 16021 Caseyvaughn
- 26986 Čáslavská
- 5387 Casleo
- 3956 Caspar
- 6936 Cassatt
- 3382 Cassidy
- 24101 Cassini
- 1683 Castafiore
- 17041 Castagna
- 4769 Castalia
- 9956 Castellaz
- 72037 Castelldefels
- 9630 Castellion
- 15594 Castillo
- 7132 Casulli
- 83360 Catalina
- 13868 Catalonia
- 11413 Catanach
- 9922 Catcheller
- 6493 Cathybennett
- 22143 Cathyfowler
- 1116 Catriona
- 1344 Caubeta
- 16249 Cauchy
- 1974 Caupolican
- 8687 Caussols
- 505 Cava
- 9811 Cavadore
- 10149 Cavagna
- 5184 Cavaillé-Coll
- 9392 Cavaillon
- 18059 Cavalieri
- 8945 Cavaradossi
- 11073 Cavell
- 12727 Cavendish
- 10591 Caverni
- 13145 Cavezzo
- 16755 Cayley
[edit] Cc
[edit] Ce
- 3305 Ceadams
- 2363 Cebriones
- 10931 Ceccano
- 13798 Cecchini
- 7739 Čech
- 4058 Cecilgreen
- 8261 Ceciliejulie
- 8657 Cedrus
- 8856 Celastrus
- 20572 Celemorrow
- 6697 Celentano
- 1252 Celestia
- 20479 Celisaucier
- 3782 Celle
- 117539 Celletti
- 3857 Cellino
- 4169 Celsius
- 8411 Celso
- 186 Celuta
- 13223 Cenaceneri
- 1240 Centenaria
- 513 Centesima
- 2198 Ceplecha
- 133528 Ceragioli
- 807 Ceraskia
- 1865 Cerberus
- 8857 Cercidiphyllum
- 1 Ceres
- 2252 CERGA
- 12790 Cernan
- 26195 Černohlávek
- 6802 Černovice
- 43881 Cerreto
- 79144 Cervantes
- 100049 Césarann
- 13992 Cesarebarbieri
- 57879 Cesarechiosi
- 18498 Cesaro
- 1571 Cesco
- 8112 Cesi
- 11101 Českáfilharmonie
- 11134 České Budějovice
- 2747 Český Krumlov
- 2089 Cetacea
- 65489 Ceto
- 12579 Ceva
- 1333 Cevenola
- 6069 Cevolani
- 6674 Cézanne
[edit] Ch
- 12675 Chabot
- 1622 Chacornac
- 3984 Chacos
- 2981 Chagall
- 9483 Chagas
- 4103 Chahine
- 1671 Chaika
- 12539 Chaikin
- 90713 Chajnantor
- 1246 Chaka
- 313 Chaldaea
- 2562 Chaliapin
- 3960 Chaliubieju
- 2040 Chalonge
- 9250 Chamberlin
- 3035 Chambers
- 24711 Chamisso
- 18634 Champigneulles
- 8732 Champion
- 3414 Champollion
- 5671 Chanal
- 20476 Chanarich
- 1958 Chandra
- 2051 Chang
- 7485 Changchun
- 3221 Changshi
- 20760 Chanmatchun
- 16107 Chanmugam
- 3315 Chant
- 1707 Chantal
- 20780 Chanyikhei
- 3906 Chao
- 4566 Chaokuangpiu
- 4630 Chaonis
- 19521 Chaos
- 21436 Chaoyichi
- 3623 Chaplin
- 4032 Chaplygin
- 2409 Chapman
- 16238 Chappe
- 3938 Chapront
- 21128 Chapuis
- 11314 Charcot
- 10199 Chariklo
- 627 Charis
- 5878 Charlene
- 15969 Charlesgreen
- 29613 Charlespicard
- 32222 Charlesvest
- 13933 Charleville
- 4479 Charlieparker
- 8677 Charlier
- 10426 Charlierouse
- 1510 Charlois
- 543 Charlotte
- 39427 Charlottebrontë
- 10642 Charmaine
- 20335 Charmartell
- 6829 Charmawidor
- 9445 Charpentier
- 19531 Charton
- 388 Charybdis
- 18510 Chasles
- 15037 Chassagne
- 13087 Chastellux
- 2984 Chaucer
- 20264 Chauhan
- 12281 Chaumont
- 7048 Chaussidon
- 1804 Chebotarev
- 2010 Chebyshev
- 22158 Chee
- 2369 Chekhov
- 8608 Chelomey
- 21612 Chelsagloria
- 3913 Chemin
- 21510 Chemnitz
- 2963 Chen Jiageng
- 33000 Chenjiansheng
- 10929 Chenfangyun
- 2743 Chengdu
- 47005 Chengmaolan
- 20879 Chengyuhsuan
- 12701 Chénier
- 7681 Chenjingrun
- 3560 Chenqian
- 21645 Chentsaiwei
- 21718 Cheonghapark
- 4412 Chephren
- 7727 Chepurova
- 3966 Cherednichenko
- 4307 Cherepashchuk
- 5483 Cherkashin
- 4053 Cherkasov
- 29552 Chern
- 10005 Chernega
- 30821 Chernetenko
- 21454 Chernoby
- 4207 Chernova
- 2325 Chernykh
- 2783 Chernyshevskij
- 77185 Cherryh
- 2701 Cherson
- 6358 Chertok
- 568 Cheruskia
- 6042 Cheshirecat
- 12104 Chesley
- 15673 Chetaev
- 21563 Chetgervais
- 8397 Chiakitanaka
- 4398 Chiara
- 29869 Chiarabarbara
- 21511 Chiardola
- 10376 Chiarini
- 334 Chicago
- 6991 Chichibu
- 47162 Chicomendez
- 7268 Chigorin
- 4577 Chikako
- 9153 Chikurinji
- 6237 Chikushi
- 4580 Child
- 4636 Chile
- 3177 Chillicothe
- 2221 Chilton
- 623 Chimaera
- 1633 Chimay
- 5557 Chimikeppuko
- 24939 Chiminello
- 1125 China
- 21464 Chinaroonchai
- 9365 Chinesewilson
- 3797 Ching-Sung Yu
- 21827 Chingzhu
- 4429 Chinmoy
- 1787 Chiny
- 6261 Chione
- 19004 Chirayath
- 6981 Chirman
- 2060 Chiron
- 9090 Chirotenmondai
- 2977 Chivilikhin
- 5686 Chiyonoura
- 3113 Chizhevskij
- 2692 Chkalov
- 5053 Chladni
- 29750 Chleborad
- 402 Chloë
- 410 Chloris
- 938 Chlosinde
- 6474 Choate
- 5553 Chodas
- 63145 Choemuseon
- 22171 Choi
- 5389 Choikaiyau
- 3011 Chongqing
- 3784 Chopin
- 8577 Choseikomori
- 9110 Choukai
- 4976 Choukyongchol
- 7403 Choustník
- 71461 Chowmeeyee
- 6014 Chribrenmark
- 12093 Chrimatthews
- 6723 Chrisclark
- 21528 Chrisfaust
- 15851 Chrisfleming
- 22848 Chrisharriot
- 30767 Chriskraft
- 17908 Chriskuyu
- 21562 Chrismessick
- 52649 Chrismith
- 9709 Chrisnell
- 4892 Chrispollas
- 1015 Christa
- 2695 Christabel
- 18653 Christagünt
- 11823 Christen
- 8313 Christiansen
- 13280 Christihaas
- 20379 Christijohns
- 628 Christine
- 21556 Christineli
- 18548 Christoffel
- 1698 Christophe
- 21587 Christopynn
- 2834 Christy Carol
- 24259 Chriswalker
- 32726 Chromios
- 202 Chryseïs
- 637 Chrysothemis
- 11356 Chuckjones
- 3816 Chugainov
- 11417 Chughtai
- 11793 Chujkovia
- 3094 Chukokkala
- 2509 Chukotka
- 5465 Chumakov
- 34779 Chungchiyung
- 6646 Churanta
- 10343 Church
- 3942 Churivannia
- 2627 Churyumov
- 4988 Chushuho
- 3429 Chuvaev
- 2670 Chuvashia
- 38962 Chuwinghung
- 22940 Chyan
- 7923 Chyba
- 43954 Chýnov
[edit] Ci
- 29705 Cialucy
- 19464 Ciarabarr
- 8193 Ciaurro
- 14155 Cibronen
- 9446 Cicero
- 18845 Cichocki
- 8601 Ciconia
- 7192 Cieletespace
- 13777 Cielobuio
- 8744 Cilla
- 43511 Cima Ekar
- 1275 Cimbria
- 1307 Cimmeria
- 1373 Cincinnati
- 2298 Cindijon
- 18947 Cindyfulton
- 3138 Ciney
- 36446 Cinodapistoia
- 21799 Ciociaria
- 13848 Cioffi
- 12812 Cioni
- 11600 Cipolla
- 34 Circe
- 11158 Cirou
- 10861 Ciske
- 4643 Cisneros
- 6799 Citfiftythree
- 8965 Citrinella
- 16068 Citron
- 2420 Čiurlionis
[edit] Cl
- 9592 Clairaut
- 15967 Clairearmstrong
- 8979 Clanga
- 31110 Clapas
- 59793 Clapiès
- 4305 Clapton
- 642 Clara
- 302 Clarissa
- 4923 Clarke
- 5243 Clasien
- 311 Claudia
- 11264 Claudiomaccone
- 7117 Claudius
- 5658 Clausbaader
- 12873 Clausewitz
- 29246 Clausius
- 2461 Clavel
- 8452 Clay
- 4564 Clayton
- 3118 Claytonsmith
- 1101 Clematis
- 1919 Clemence
- 13993 Clemenssimmer
- 252 Clementina
- 4503 Cleobulus
- 6296 Cleveland
- 4276 Clifford
- 3034 Climenhaga
- 16150 Clinch
- 1982 Cline
- 33747 Clingan
- 3185 Clintford
- 11592 Clintkelly
- 935 Clivia
- 5511 Cloanthus
- 14539 Clocke Roeland
- 661 Cloelia
- 282 Clorinde
- 54902 Close
- 6081 Cloutis
- 15499 Cloyd
- 6523 Clube
- 9364 Clusius
[edit] Co
- 9997 COBE
- 4551 Cochran
- 6436 Coco
- 2939 Coconino
- 17179 Codina
- 237 Coelestina
- 15388 Coelum
- 6713 Coggie
- 1764 Cogshall
- 972 Cohnia
- 106545 Colanduno
- 9553 Colas
- 9164 Colbert
- 5569 Colby
- 3495 Colchagua
- 1135 Colchis
- 5635 Cole
- 8147 Colemanhawkins
- 22065 Colgrove
- 19547 Collier
- 19411 Collinarnold
- 6471 Collins
- 8963 Collurio
- 1973 Colocolo
- 18149 Colombatti
- 7030 Colombini
- 5042 Colpa
- 5893 Coltrane
- 327 Columbia
- 8434 Columbianus
- 489 Comacina
- 1655 Comas Solá
- 7636 Comba
- 3446 Combes
- 5791 Comello
- 10207 Comeniana
- 13770 Commerson
- 8767 Commontern
- 8990 Compassion
- 52337 Compton
- 3521 Comrie
- 7016 Conandoyle
- 58 Concordia
- 9389 Condillac
- 7960 Condorcet
- 3679 Condruses
- 12932 Conedera
- 7853 Confucius
- 14582 Conlin
- 4816 Connelly
- 29292 Conniewalker
- 15139 Connormcarty
- 13700 Connors
- 1528 Conrada
- 13024 Conradferdinand
- 5032 Conradhirsh
- 7777 Consadole
- 12524 Conscience
- 4597 Consolmagno
- 8237 Constable
- 315 Constantia
- 3061 Cook
- 2618 Coonabarabran
- 35365 Cooney
- 95962 Copito
- 4532 Copland
- 815 Coppelia
- 1322 Coppernicus
- 504 Cora
- 4598 Coradini
- 8964 Corax
- 2442 Corbett
- 4008 Corbin
- 2758 Cordelia
- 92685 Cordellorenz
- 2942 Cordie
- 365 Corduba
- 21425 Cordwell
- 6175 Cori
- 16564 Coriolis
- 425 Cornelia
- 8250 Cornell
- 8826 Corneville
- 34419 Corning
- 8858 Cornus
- 6672 Corot
- 6206 Corradolamberti
- 13917 Correggia
- 91428 Cortesi
- 50240 Cortina
- 27776 Cortland
- 1232 Cortusa
- 8515 Corvan
- 1442 Corvina
- 915 Cosette
- 2129 Cosicosi
- 644 Cosima
- 4993 Cossard
- 17024 Costello
- 10445 Coster
- 20140 Costitx
- 2026 Cottrell
- 9633 Cotur
- 2190 Coubertin
- 9071 Coudenberghe
- 27712 Coudray
- 12237 Coughlin
- 30826 Coulomb
- 18776 Coulter
- 3528 Counselman
- 6798 Couperin
- 18555 Courant
- 8238 Courbet
- 63129 Courtemanche
- 18101 Coustenis
- 4909 Couteau
- 5439 Couturier
- 95959 Covadonga
- 3009 Coventry
- 5424 Covington
- 1898 Cowell
- 13843 Cowenbrown
- 24308 Cowenco
- 1476 Cox
- 18560 Coxeter
- 14429 Coyne
[edit] Cr
- 9839 Crabbegat
- 7763 Crabeels
- 4137 Crabtree
- 5068 Cragg
- 23042 Craigpeters
- 18192 Craigwallace
- 18157 Craigwright
- 8284 Cranach
- 8761 Crane
- 83982 Crantor
- 1725 CrAO
- 7327 Crawford
- 21423 Credo
- 14062 Cremaschini
- 486 Cremona
- 660 Crescentia
- 4373 Crespo
- 96747 Crespodasilva
- 8760 Crex
- 12845 Crick
- 1140 Crimea
- 2757 Crisser
- 8775 Cristata
- 29348 Criswick
- 20690 Crivello
- 589 Croatia
- 10606 Crocco
- 1220 Crocus
- 12282 Crombecq
- 10283 Cromer
- 1899 Crommelin
- 11423 Cronin
- 6318 Cronkite
- 2825 Crosby
- 18973 Crouch
- 4052 Crovisier
- 3531 Cruikshank
- 3753 Cruithne
- 9679 Crutzen
[edit] Cs
[edit] Cu
- 11094 Cuba
- 2731 Cucula
- 16794 Cucullia
- 2334 Cuffey
- 17029 Cuillandre
- 20858 Cuirongfeng
- 2275 Cuitlahuac
- 35056 Cullers
- 19573 Cummings
- 11672 Cuney
- 2226 Cunitza
- 1754 Cunningham
- 4183 Cuno
- 763 Cupido
- 15017 Cuppy
- 8656 Cupressus
- 7126 Cureau
- 7000 Curie
- 3898 Curlewis
- 30441 Curly
- 32897 Curtharris
- 3621 Curtis
- 48737 Cusinato
- 9614 Cuvier
- 1917 Cuyo
- 8279 Cuzco
[edit] Cy
- 403 Cyane
- 8757 Cyaneus
- 22701 Cyannaskye
- 65 Cybele
- 1106 Cydonia
- 52975 Cyllarus
- 15992 Cynthia
- 14135 Cynthialang
- 3582 Cyrano
- 6762 Cyrenagoodrich
- 133 Cyrene
- 7209 Cyrus