List of mobile phone codes by country

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In many countries, mobile phones are assigned dedicated mobile phone codes within the country's telephone numbering plan. Some countries that do not use area codes (e.g. Singapore) allocate specific number ranges to mobile phones that are easily distinguishable from landlines. One notable exception to this type of assignment is the countries within the North American Numbering Plan (the United States and its territories, Canada, and much of the Caribbean), in which mobile phones are assigned subscriber numbers within geographic area codes, and are not easily distinguishable from landlines.

Many people, especially in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), are not aware of the fact that calls to international mobile numbers are usually charged a much higher rate compared to calls to regular landline telephone numbers. For example: a popular international calling provider lists the following rates for calls from the United States to the United Kingdom: 2.5 cents/min for calls to UK landlines, and 19.3 cents/min for calls to all UK mobile subscribers.

Basically there are two types of numbering plans in connection with this issue:

  • plans that don't differentiate between fixed and mobile numbers, such as the NANP
  • plans with different area codes/prefixes for mobile and fixed line numbers

The main difference between the two types of telephone plans is the "calling party pays" mobile network found in countries using the latter. In other words, the person being called wouldn't be charged for receiving calls on his mobile phone. The calling person pays a higher rate than when calling a landline number.

The following lists the mobile phone codes or prefixes by country, without the trunk calling prefix (0 in most countries, 1 in the NANP, 8 in former Soviet republics).

Note: this data is subject to frequent change as mobile networks grow. There does not appear to be a reliable (free) source of data on this subject. Readers should NOT consider this page a safe source of data for any commercial application.

The following table has been compiled semi-automatically from the original bullet-point list above, and the List of country calling codes. It has proven useful in creating an Asterisk PBX facility to warn a caller is about to dial an expensive foreign mobile .

Country Name International Code Mobile Code Notes
Afghanistan +93 75
Albania +355 6
Antigua and Barbuda +1268 7
Argentina +54 15
Armenia +374 9
Australia +61 4
Austria +43 650
Austria +43 660
Austria +43 664
Austria +43 676
Austria +43 680
Austria +43 681
Austria +43 688
Austria +43 699
Azerbaijan +994 5
Bahamas +1242 35
Bahamas +1242 45
Bahamas +1242 55
Bahrain +973 3
Bangladesh +880 181
Bangladesh +880 19
Bangladesh +880 17
Bangladesh +880 16
Belarus +375 25
Belarus +375 29
Belarus +375 33
Belarus +375 44
Belgium +32 47
Belgium +32 48
Belgium +32 49
Belize +501 6
Benin +229 9
Bhutan +975 17
Bolivia +591 7
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 61
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 62
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 63
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 65
Botswana +267 7
Brazil +55 7
Brazil +55 8
Brazil +55 9
Brunei +673 8
Bulgaria +359 87
Bulgaria +359 88
Bulgaria +359 89
Bulgaria +359 48
Burkina Faso +226 7
Burundi +257 7
Cambodia +855 9
Cape Verde +238 9
Chile +56 98
Chile +56 99
People's Republic of China +86 13
People's Republic of China +86 15
Colombia +57 31
Comoros +269 3
Republic of Congo +242 4
Republic of Congo +242 5
Republic of Congo +242 6
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 22
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 78
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 81
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 84
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 85
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 86
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 88
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 89
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 90
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 94
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 95
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 96
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 97
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 98
Democratic Republic of Congo +243 99
Costa Rica +506 3
Croatia +385 9
Cuba +53 5
Cyprus +357 99
Cyprus +357 96
Cyprus +357 97
Czech Republic +420 60
Czech Republic +420 72
Czech Republic +420 73
Czech Republic +420 77
Denmark +45 30
Denmark +45 40
Djibouti +253 8
Dominica ++1-767* 2
East Timor +670 7
Ecuador +593 9
Ecuador +593 8
Egypt +20 1
El Salvador +503 7
Equatorial Guinea +240 2
Eritrea +291 7
Estonia +372 5
Ethiopia +251 91
Fiji +679 9
Finland +358 4
Finland +358 50
France +33 6
Gambia +220 7
Gambia +220 9
Georgia +995 7
Georgia +995 9
Germany +49 15
Germany +49 16
Germany +49 17
Germany +49 700
Ghana +233 28
Gibraltar +350 58
Greece +30 693
Greece +30 694
Greece +30 697
Greece +30 699
Grenada ++1-473* 41
Guatemala +502 5
Guatemala +502 4
Guinea +224 6
Guinea-Bissau +245 6
Guinea-Bissau +245 7
Guyana +592 6
Honduras +504 3
Honduras +504 8
Honduras +504 9
Hong Kong +852 3
Hong Kong +852 6
Hong Kong +852 8
Hong Kong +852 9
Hungary +36 20
Hungary +36 30
Hungary +36 70
Iceland +354 6
Iceland +354 8
India +91 92
India +91 93
India +91 94
India +91 97
India +91 98
India +91 99
Indonesia +62 8
Iran +98 9
Ireland +353 8
Israel +972 5
Italy +39 328
Italy +39 329
Italy +39 333
Italy +39 338
Italy +39 339
Italy +39 340
Italy +39 347
Italy +39 348
Italy +39 349
Italy +39 393
Ivory Coast +225 0
Ivory Coast +225 6
Japan +81 70
Japan +81 80
Japan +81 90
Jordan +962 7
Kazakhstan +7 300
Kazakhstan +7 333
Kazakhstan +7 70
Kazakhstan +7 777
Kenya +254 7
Kosovo +381 377
Kuwait +965 6
Kuwait +965 7
Kuwait +965 9
Kyrgyzstan +996 5
Laos +856 20
Lebanon +961 3
Lebanon +961 70
Lebanon +961 71
Lesotho +266 58
Lesotho +266 6
Libya +218 91
Liechtenstein +423 7
Lithuania +370 6
Luxembourg +352 621
Luxembourg +352 628
Luxembourg +352 661
Luxembourg +352 668
Luxembourg +352 691
Luxembourg +352 698
Macau +853 6
Republic of Macedonia +389 70
Republic of Macedonia +389 71
Republic of Macedonia +389 75
Republic of Macedonia +389 76
Republic of Macedonia +389 77
Republic of Macedonia +389 78
Madagascar +261 3
Malawi +265 8
Malawi +265 9
Malaysia +60 1
Maldives +960 7
Maldives +960 9
Mali +223 3
Mali +223 4
Mali +223 5
Mali +223 6
Mali +223 9
Malta +356 79
Malta +356 99
Mauritania +222 6
Mauritius +230 7
Mauritius +230 8
Mauritius +230 9
Mexico +52 1
Moldova +373 65
Moldova +373 68
Moldova +373 69
Moldova +373 76
Moldova +373 78
Moldova +373 79
Monaco +377 4
Monaco +377 6
Montenegro +382 6
Mongolia +976 9
Morocco +212 6
Mozambique +258 8
Myanmar +95 9
Nauru +674 555
Nepal +977 98
Netherlands +31 6
New Zealand +64 20
New Zealand +64 21
New Zealand +64 24
New Zealand +64 25
New Zealand +64 27
New Zealand +64 28
New Zealand +64 29
Nicaragua +505 8
Nigeria +234 80
Nigeria +234 90
Norway +47 4
Norway +47 9
Oman +968 968
Pakistan +92 30
Pakistan +92 31
Pakistan +92 32
Pakistan +92 33
Pakistan +92 34
Pakistan +92 35
Pakistan +92 36
Palestinian Authority +970 59
Panama +507 5
Panama +507 6
Panama +507 7
Panama +507 4
Papua New Guinea +675 68
Papua New Guinea +675 69
Paraguay +595 9
Peru +51 9
Philippines +63 9
Poland +48 50
Poland +48 51
Poland +48 60
Poland +48 66
Poland +48 69
Poland +48 72
Poland +48 78
Poland +48 79
Poland +48 88
Portugal +351 9
Qatar +974 5
Qatar +974 6
Romania +40 7
Russia +7 9
Rwanda +250 08
Samoa +685 77
San Marino +378 66
Sao Tome and Principe +239 90
Saudi Arabia +966 50
Saudi Arabia +966 54
Saudi Arabia +966 55
Saudi Arabia +966 56
Senegal +221 5
Senegal +221 6
Serbia +381 6
Seychelles +248 5
Seychelles +248 7
Sierra Leone +232 23
Sierra Leone +232 30
Sierra Leone +232 33
Sierra Leone +232 7
Singapore +65 8
Singapore +65 9
Slovakia +421 9
South Africa +27 7
South Africa +27 8
South Korea +82 10
South Korea +82 11
South Korea +82 16
South Korea +82 17
South Korea +82 18
South Korea +82 19
Spain +34 6
Sri Lanka +94 7
Sudan +249 9
Suriname +597 8
Swaziland +268 60
Sweden +46 7
Switzerland +41 74
Switzerland +41 76
Switzerland +41 77
Switzerland +41 78
Switzerland +41 79
Syria +963 9
Taiwan +886 9
Tajikistan +992 9
Tanzania +255 74
Thailand +66 1
Thailand +66 9
Togo +228 9
Tunisia +216 2
Tunisia +216 9
Turkey +90 5
Uganda +256 7
Ukraine +380 39
Ukraine +380 50
Ukraine +380 63
Ukraine +380 66
Ukraine +380 67
Ukraine +380 68
Ukraine +380 97
United Arab Emirates +971 50
United Arab Emirates +971 55
United Kingdom +44 75
United Kingdom +44 77
United Kingdom +44 78
United Kingdom +44 79
Uruguay +598 94
Uruguay +598 96
Uruguay +598 98
Uruguay +598 99
Uzbekistan +998 9
Vanuatu +678 4
Vanuatu +678 5
Venezuela +58 4
Vietnam +84 9
Yemen +967 7
Zambia +260 9
Zimbabwe +263 11
Zimbabwe +263 23
Zimbabwe +263 91

[edit] See also

[edit] External links