List of mathematics articles (G-I)

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Mathematics topics
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Mathematicians: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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[edit] G

G-networks -- Gδ set -- G-structure -- G-test -- G127 -- G2 (mathematics) -- G2 manifold -- G2-structure -- Gabor atom -- Gabor filter -- Gabor transform -- Gabor-Wigner transform -- Gabow's algorithm -- Gabriel graph -- Gabriel's Horn -- Gail Howard -- Gain graph -- Gain group -- Galerkin method -- Galilean transformation -- Galileo's paradox -- Gall-Peters projection -- Gallery of curves -- Gallery of named graphs -- Galley division -- Galois cohomology -- Galois connection -- Galois extension -- Galois group -- Galois module -- Galois theory -- Galois/Counter Mode -- Galton-Watson process -- Galton's problem --

[edit] Gam

Gambler's conceit -- Gambler's fallacy -- Gambler's ruin -- Gambling and information theory -- Game complexity -- Game of chance -- Game semantics -- Game theory -- Game tree -- Gaming mathematics -- Gamma distribution -- Gamma function -- Gamma matrices -- Gamma process -- Gamma test (statistics) -- Gamma variate -- Ganea conjecture -- Gantt chart -- Gap theorem (disambiguation) -- Garden of Eden pattern -- Gårding domain -- Gårding's inequality -- Gâteaux derivative -- Gauge covariant derivative -- Gauge function -- Gauge space -- Gauge theory -- Gauged supergravity -- Gauss–Bonnet theorem -- Gauss–Codazzi equations -- Gauss-Codazzi equations (relativity) -- Gauss–Jordan elimination -- Gauss–Kuzmin distribution -- Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing operator -- Gauss-Legendre algorithm -- Gauss-Lucas theorem -- Gauss-Manin connection -- Gauss map -- Gauss–Markov -- Gauss–Markov process -- Gauss–Markov theorem -- Gauss–Newton algorithm -- Gauss–Seidel method -- Gauss sum -- Gauss' law -- Gauss' law for gravity -- Gauss's constant -- Gauss's lemma -- Gauss's lemma (number theory) -- Gauss's lemma (polynomial) -- Gauss's lemma (Riemannian geometry) -- Gaussian binomial -- Gaussian curvature -- Gaussian elimination -- Gaussian free field -- Gaussian function -- Gaussian integer -- Gaussian integral -- Gaussian isoperimetric inequality -- Gaussian measure -- Gaussian period -- Gaussian polar coordinates -- Gaussian process -- Gaussian quadrature -- Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo -- Gaussian random field -- Gaussian rational -- Gaussian surface --

[edit] Gcd

GCD domain -- Geary's C -- Gegenbauer polynomials -- Gelfand-Mazur theorem -- Gelfand-Naimark-Segal construction -- Gelfand–Naimark theorem -- Gelfand pair -- Gelfand representation -- Gelfond–Schneider constant -- Gelfond–Schneider theorem -- Gelfond's constant -- Gell-Mann matrices -- Genealogical numbering systems -- General Algebraic Modeling System -- General covariance -- General frame -- General linear group -- General linear model -- General Matrix Multiply -- General number field sieve -- General position -- General relativity -- General set theory -- General topology -- Generalised circle -- Generalised hyperbolic distribution -- Generalised logistic function -- Generalised metric -- Generalised Morse sequence -- Generalizability theory -- Generalization (logic) -- Generalization error -- Generalizations of Fibonacci numbers -- Generalizations of Pauli matrices -- Generalized additive model -- Generalized Appell polynomials -- Generalized arithmetic progression -- Generalized canonical correlation -- Generalized complex structure -- Generalized continued fraction -- Generalized coordinates -- Generalized Dirichlet distribution -- Generalized eigenvector -- Generalized extreme value distribution -- Generalized f-mean -- Generalized Fitting subgroup -- Generalized Fourier series -- Generalized function -- Generalized game -- Generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem -- Generalized Gauss–Newton method -- Generalized Gaussian distribution -- Generalized Helmholtz theorem -- Generalized inverse -- Generalized inverse Gaussian distribution -- Generalized Jacobian -- Generalized Kac–Moody algebra -- Generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation -- Generalized linear array model -- Generalized linear model -- Generalized mean -- Generalized method of moments -- Generalized minimal residual method -- Generalized multidimensional scaling -- Generalized n-gon -- Generalized Ozaki cost function -- Generalized permutation matrix -- Generalized Pochhammer symbol -- Generalized Poincaré conjecture -- Generalized quadrangle -- Generalized Riemann hypothesis -- Generalized singular value decomposition -- Generalized star height problem -- Generalized taxicab number -- Generalized Verma module -- Generalized Wiener process -- Generating function -- Generating primes -- Generating set -- Generating set of a group -- Generating trigonometric tables -- Generator (category theory) -- Generator matrix -- Generic filter -- Generic point -- Generic polynomial -- Generic property -- Generic scalar transport equation -- Genetic algorithm -- Genetic algorithm in economics -- Genetic operator -- Genetic programming -- Genocchi number -- Gentleman's Diary -- Gentzen's consistency proof -- Genus (mathematics) -- Genus of a multiplicative sequence --

[edit] Geo

Geoboard -- Geocentric coordinates -- Geodemographic segmentation -- Geodesic -- Geodesic convexity -- Geodesic curvature -- Geodesic deviation equation -- Geodesic dome -- Geodesic grid -- Geodesic manifold -- Geodesic map -- Geodesics as Hamiltonian flows -- GeoGebra -- Geombinatorics -- Geometric algebra -- Geometric analysis -- Geometric Brownian motion -- Geometric continuity -- Geometric data analysis -- Geometric distribution -- Geometric flow -- Geometric function theory -- Geometric genus -- Geometric graph theory -- Geometric group action -- Geometric group theory -- Geometric-harmonic mean -- Geometric hashing -- Geometric integrator -- Geometric invariant theory -- Geometric mean -- Geometric measure theory -- Geometric median -- Geometric model -- Geometric primitive -- Geometric programming -- Geometric progression -- Geometric quantization -- Geometric series -- Geometric spanner -- Geometric standard deviation -- Geometric topology -- Geometric topology (object) -- Geometrization conjecture -- Geometry -- Geometry & Topology -- Geometry and topology -- Geometry Expressions -- Geometry of interaction -- Geometry of numbers -- Geometry processing -- Geometry template -- GEOS circle --

[edit] Ger

Gerbe -- Germ (mathematics) -- German Mathematical Society -- German tank problem -- Gershgorin circle theorem -- Gerstenhaber algebra -- Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik -- GEUP -- GF(2) -- Ghost Leg -- Gianfelici Transform -- Giant component -- Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem -- Gibbs algorithm -- Gibbs-Helmholtz equation -- Gibbs measure -- Gibbs paradox -- Gibbs phenomenon -- Gibbs sampling -- Gibbs state -- Gibbs' inequality -- Gibbs' phase rule -- Gift wrapping algorithm -- Gigantic prime -- Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm -- Gilbert-Varshamov bound -- Gilbreath's conjecture -- Gillespie algorithm -- Gimel function -- Gingerbreadman map -- Gini coefficient --

[edit] Gir

Girih tiles -- Girsanov theorem -- Girth -- Girvan-Newman algorithm -- Gittins index -- Giuga number -- Given, Required, Analysis, Solution, and Paraphrase -- Givens rotation -- Glaisher-Kinkelin constant -- Glaisher's theorem -- Gleason's theorem -- Glide plane -- Glide reflection -- Glivenko-Cantelli theorem -- Glivenko's theorem -- Global analytic function -- Global dimension -- Global element -- Global field -- Global optimization -- Global optimum -- Global square -- Global symmetry -- Glossary of arithmetic and Diophantine geometry -- Glossary of category theory -- Glossary of classical physics -- Glossary of differential geometry and topology -- Glossary of field theory -- Glossary of game theory -- Glossary of graph theory -- Glossary of group theory -- Glossary of order theory -- Glossary of probability and statistics -- Glossary of Riemannian and metric geometry -- Glossary of ring theory -- Glossary of scheme theory -- Glossary of semisimple groups -- Glossary of shapes with metaphorical names -- Glossary of systems theory -- Glossary of tensor theory -- Glossary of topology --

[edit] Glu

Gluing axiom -- Gnomon (figure) -- Gnomonic projection -- Go and mathematics -- Goal node (computer science) -- Goal programming -- God Created the Integers -- God's algorithm -- Goddard–Thorn theorem -- Gödel–Gentzen negative translation -- Gödel number -- Gödel numbering for sequences -- Gödel Prize -- Gödel's completeness theorem -- Gödel's incompleteness theorems -- Gödel, Escher, Bach -- Godunov's scheme -- Godunov's theorem -- Goertzel algorithm -- Going up and going down -- Golay code -- Gold code -- Goldbach-Euler theorem -- Goldbach's comet -- Goldbach's conjecture -- Goldbach's weak conjecture -- Golden angle -- Golden function -- Golden ratio -- Golden ratio base -- Golden rectangle -- Golden section search -- Golden spiral -- Golden-Thompson inequality -- Golden triangle (mathematics) -- Goldie's theorem -- Goldstine theorem -- Golod–Shafarevich theorem -- Golomb coding -- Golomb-Dickman constant -- Golomb ruler -- Golomb sequence -- Golygon --

[edit] Gom

Gömböc -- Gomory's theorem -- Gompertz function -- Gompertz-Makeham law of mortality -- Gonality of an algebraic curve -- Good–Turing frequency estimation -- Good Will Hunting -- Goodman and Kruskal's lambda -- Goodman-Nguyen-van Fraassen algebra -- Goodman relation -- Goodness of fit -- Goodstein's theorem -- Googol -- Googolplex -- Goormaghtigh conjecture -- Goppa code -- Gordon-Luecke theorem -- Gorenstein ring -- Gosper curve -- Goursat's lemma -- Graceful labeling -- Grad (angle) -- Grad-Shafranov equation -- Grade (slope) -- Graded algebra -- Graded category -- Graded Lie algebra -- Graded poset -- Graded vector space -- Gradient -- Gradient conjecture -- Gradient descent -- Gradient-related -- Gradient theorem -- Graduate Studies in Mathematics -- Graduate Texts in Mathematics -- Graeco-Latin square -- Graeffe's method -- Graftal -- Graham scan -- Graham's number -- Gram–Schmidt process -- Gramian matrix -- Grand 120-cell -- Grand 600-cell -- Grand antiprism -- Grand mean -- Grand Riemann hypothesis -- Grand stellated 120-cell -- Grand supercycle -- Grandi's series -- Grandi's series in education -- Granger causality -- Graph (data structure) -- Graph (mathematics) -- Graph automorphism -- Graph center -- Graph coloring -- Graph cuts in computer vision -- Graph drawing -- Graph embedding -- Graph enumeration -- Graph genus -- Graph homomorphism -- Graph isomorphism -- Graph labeling -- Graph manifold -- Graph of a function -- Graph of groups -- Graph operations -- Graph paper -- Graph partition -- Graph pebbling -- Graph product -- Graph property -- Graph reduction -- Graph rewriting -- Graph theory -- Graph toughness -- Graph transformation -- Graph traversal -- Graphical comparison of musical scales and mathematical progressions -- Graphical model -- Graphical projection -- Grassmann–Cayley algebra -- Grassmann number -- Grassmannian -- Gravitational energy -- Gravitational instanton -- Gravitational singularity -- Gravity (social science methodology) -- Gravity set -- Gray code -- Gray graph --

[edit] Gre

GRE Mathematics Test -- Great 120-cell -- Great circle -- Great-circle distance -- Great cubicuboctahedron -- Great Deluge algorithm -- Great dirhombicosidodecahedron -- Great disnub dirhombidodecahedron -- Great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron -- Great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron -- Great dodecahedron -- Great dodecahemicosahedron -- Great dodecahemidodecahedron -- Great dodecicosahedron -- Great dodecicosidodecahedron -- Great ellipse -- Great grand 120-cell -- Great grand stellated 120-cell -- Great icosahedral 120-cell -- Great icosahedron -- Great icosicosidodecahedron -- Great icosidodecahedron -- Great icosihemidodecahedron -- Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search -- Great inverted snub icosidodecahedron -- Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron -- Great rhombidodecahedron -- Great rhombihexahedron -- Great rhombitriheptagonal tiling -- Great rhombitrihexagonal tiling -- Great snub dodecicosidodecahedron -- Great snub icosidodecahedron -- Great stellated 120-cell -- Great stellated dodecahedron -- Great stellated truncated dodecahedron -- Great truncated cuboctahedron -- Great truncated icosidodecahedron -- Greatest common divisor -- Greatest common divisor of two polynomials -- Greatest element -- Greatest fixed point -- Greedoid -- Greedy algorithm -- Greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions -- Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure -- Greek letters used in mathematics, science, and engineering -- Greek mathematics -- Greek numerals -- Green formula -- Green-Kubo relations -- Green measure -- Green–Tao theorem -- Green's function -- Green's function for the three-variable Laplace equation -- Green's identities -- Green's matrix -- Green's relations -- Green's theorem -- Gregory number -- Greibach normal form -- Gretl --

[edit] Gri

Grid cell topology -- Grid method -- Griess algebra -- Grimm's conjecture -- Gröbner basis -- Gromov–Hausdorff convergence -- Gromov norm -- Gromov product -- Gromov-Ruh theorem -- Gromov-Witten invariant -- Gromov's compactness theorem -- Gromov's compactness theorem (geometry) -- Gromov's compactness theorem (topology) -- Gromov's inequality for complex projective space -- Gromov's systolic inequality for essential manifolds -- Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth -- Grönwall's inequality -- Gross (unit) -- Grosshans subgroup -- Grothendieck connection -- Grothendieck group -- Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem -- Grothendieck inequality -- Grothendieck–Katz p-curvature conjecture -- Grothendieck spectral sequence -- Grothendieck topology -- Grothendieck universe -- Grothendieck's connectedness theorem -- Grothendieck's Galois theory -- Grothendieck's relative point of view -- Grothendieck's Séminaire de géométrie algébrique -- Grötzsch graph -- Ground expression -- Groundwater flow equation -- Group (mathematics) -- Group action -- Group algebra -- Group code -- Group cohomology -- Group extension -- Group homomorphism -- Group Hopf algebra -- Group isomorphism -- Group method of data handling -- Group object -- Group of Lie type -- Group representation -- Group ring -- Group scheme -- Group theory -- Group velocity -- Group with operators -- Groupoid -- Grover's algorithm -- Growth curve -- Growth rate (group theory) --

[edit] Gru

Grubbs' test for outliers -- Grundy's game -- Grundzüge der Mengenlehre -- Grunwald-Letnikov differintegral -- Grzegorczyk hierarchy -- GS8 Braille -- Guard digit -- Gudermannian function -- Guess value -- Guesstimate -- Guesstimate matrix -- Guide to Available Mathematical Software -- Guided Local Search -- Guillotine problem -- Gun (cellular automaton) -- Guttman scale -- Guy Medal -- Guyou hemisphere-in-a-square projection -- Gy's sampling theory -- Gyrate bidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Gyrate rhombicosidodecahedron -- Gyrated tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb -- Gyrated triangular prismatic honeycomb -- Gyration -- Gyration tensor -- Gyrobifastigium -- Gyroelongated alternated cubic honeycomb -- Gyroelongated dipyramid -- Gyroelongated pentagonal bicupola -- Gyroelongated pentagonal birotunda -- Gyroelongated pentagonal cupola -- Gyroelongated pentagonal cupolarotunda -- Gyroelongated pentagonal pyramid -- Gyroelongated pentagonal rotunda -- Gyroelongated square bicupola -- Gyroelongated square cupola -- Gyroelongated square dipyramid -- Gyroelongated square pyramid -- Gyroelongated triangular bicupola -- Gyroelongated triangular cupola -- Gyroelongated triangular prismatic honeycomb -- Gyroid --

[edit] Gys

Gysin sequence --

Mathematics topics
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Recent changes: 0-9 A-C D-F G-I J-L M-O P-R S-U V-Z All
Mathematicians: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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[edit] H

H-cobordism -- H-derivative -- H-index -- H-infinity methods in control theory -- H relation -- H-space -- H-theorem -- H tree -- Haag's theorem -- Haagerup property -- Haaland equation -- Haar measure -- Haar wavelet -- Haboush's theorem -- Hackenbush -- Hadamard code -- Hadamard conjecture -- Hadamard finite part integral -- Hadamard manifold -- Hadamard matrix -- Hadamard three-circle theorem -- Hadamard transform -- Hadamard's dynamical system -- Hadamard's inequality -- Hadamard's lemma -- Hadwiger conjecture (graph theory) -- Hadwiger-Finsler inequality -- Hadwiger–Nelson problem -- Hadwiger's theorem -- Hafner-Sarnak-McCurley constant --

[edit] Hah

Hahn–Banach theorem -- Hahn decomposition theorem -- Hahn embedding theorem -- Hahn-Kolmogorov theorem -- Hairy ball theorem -- Haken manifold -- Halbert L. Dunn Award -- Hales–Jewett theorem -- Half circle distribution -- Half-integer -- Half iterate -- Half-life -- Half-logistic distribution -- Half-normal distribution -- Half-period ratio -- Half range Fourier series -- Half-space -- Hall–Janko graph -- Hall–Janko group -- Hall polynomial -- Hall subgroup -- Hall's universal group -- Halley's method -- Halpern-Lauchli theorem -- Halting problem -- Halton sequence -- Ham sandwich theorem -- Hamburger moment problem -- Hamilton institute -- Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation -- Hamilton–Jacobi equation -- Hamilton Mathematics Institute -- Hamilton's principle -- Hamiltonian -- Hamiltonian (control theory) -- Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) -- Hamiltonian group -- Hamiltonian matrix -- Hamiltonian mechanics -- Hamiltonian path -- Hamiltonian path problem -- Hamiltonian vector field -- Hamming bound -- Hamming code -- Hamming distance -- Hamming graph -- Hamming space -- Hamming weight -- Hamming(7,4) -- Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics --

[edit] Han

Hanan grid -- Handbook of Automated Reasoning -- Handle (mathematics) -- Handle decomposition -- Handlebody -- Handwaving -- Hankel contour -- Hankel matrix -- Hankel singular value -- Hankel transform -- Hann function -- Hanner's inequalities -- Happy Ending problem -- Happy number -- Harada-Norton group -- Harald Ganzinger -- Harary's generalized tic-tac-toe -- Hardy–Littlewood circle method -- Hardy-Littlewood maximal function -- Hardy notation -- Hardy–Ramanujan theorem -- Hardy space -- Hardy-Weinberg principle -- Hardy's inequality -- Hardy's theorem -- Harish-Chandra character -- Harish-Chandra class -- Harish-Chandra homomorphism -- Harish-Chandra Research Institute -- Harmonic -- Harmonic (mathematics) -- Harmonic analysis -- Harmonic conjugate -- Harmonic division -- Harmonic divisor number -- Harmonic function -- Harmonic map -- Harmonic mean -- Harmonic measure -- Harmonic number -- Harmonic oscillator -- Harmonic polynomial -- Harmonic series (mathematics) -- Harmonic spectrum -- Harmonic wavelet transform -- Harmonices Mundi -- Harmonious coloring -- Harmonograph -- Harmony search -- Harnack's curve theorem -- Harnack's inequality -- Harnack's principle -- Harshad number -- Hartley transform -- Hartman-Grobman theorem -- Hartogs number -- Hartogs' lemma -- Hartogs' theorem -- Hartree equation -- Hartree-Fock -- Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament --

[edit] Has

Hasegawa-Mima equation -- Hasse–Davenport relation -- Hasse diagram -- Hasse invariant of a quadratic form -- Hasse–Minkowski theorem -- Hasse norm theorem -- Hasse principle -- Hasse-Weil zeta function -- Hasse-Witt matrix -- Hasse's theorem -- Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves -- Hat matrix -- Hat operator -- Hatch mark -- Hauksbók -- Hauptvermutung -- Hausdorff density -- Hausdorff dimension -- Hausdorff distance -- Hausdorff maximal principle -- Hausdorff measure -- Hausdorff moment problem -- Hausdorff paradox -- Hausdorff space -- Hausman specification test -- Haven (graph theory) -- Haversine formula -- Hawaiian earring -- Hazard ratio -- Heap (mathematics) -- Heaps' law -- Hearing the shape of a drum -- Heat equation -- Heath-Brown–Moroz constant -- Heaviside step function -- Heavy-tailed distribution -- Heawood conjecture -- Heawood graph -- Heawood number --

[edit] Heb

Hebesphenomegacorona -- Hebrew numerals -- Hecke algebra -- Hecke character -- Hecke operator -- Heckman correction -- Hectagonal number -- Hedetniemi's conjecture -- Hedgehog space -- Heegaard splitting -- Heegner number -- Heegner point -- Heesch's problem -- Height (mathematics) -- Height (ring theory) -- Height of a polynomial -- Heilbronn triangle problem -- Heine–Borel theorem -- Heine–Cantor theorem -- Heine's identity -- Heinz mean -- Heisenberg group -- Heisenberg model -- Heisenberg picture -- Hekat (volume) -- Held group -- Helical axis -- Helicoid -- Helix -- Hellenic Mathematical Society -- Hellinger distance -- Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem -- Helly–Bray theorem -- Helly family -- Helly's selection theorem -- Helly's theorem -- Helmert transformation -- Helmert-Wolf blocking -- Helmholtz decomposition -- Helmholtz equation -- Helmholtz theorem -- Helmholtz theorem (classical mechanics) -- Helmholtz's theorems --

[edit] Hem

Hemi-cube (geometry) -- Hemi-dodecahedron -- Hemi-icosahedron -- Hemicompact space -- Hemicontinuity -- Hemimetric space -- Henagon -- Hendecagon -- Hendecagram -- Hennessy-Milner logic -- Hénon map -- Hensel's lemma -- Henselian ring -- Henstock-Kurzweil integral -- Heptacross -- Heptadecagon -- Heptagon -- Heptagonal antiprism -- Heptagonal number -- Heptagonal pyramidal number -- Heptagram -- Heptagrammic prism (7/2) -- Heptagrammic prism (7/3) -- Heptahedron -- Heptapeton -- Hepteract -- Hepteractic heptacomb -- Heptomino -- Herbrand base -- Herbrand interpretation -- Herbrand quotient -- Herbrand–Ribet theorem -- Herbrand structure -- Herbrand theory -- Herbrand universe -- Herbrand's theorem -- Hereditarily countable set -- Hereditarily finite set -- Hereditary C*-subalgebra -- Hereditary property -- Hereditary ring -- Hereditary set -- Hermite constant -- Hermite–Hadamard inequality -- Hermite interpolation -- Hermite polynomials -- Hermite spline -- Hermite's identity -- Hermitian -- Hermitian adjoint -- Hermitian function -- Hermitian hat wavelet -- Hermitian manifold -- Hermitian matrix -- Hermitian symmetric space -- Hermitian variety -- Hermitian wavelet -- Heron's formula -- Heronian mean -- Heronian tetrahedron -- Heronian triangle -- Herzog–Schönheim conjecture --

[edit] Hes

Hessenberg matrix -- Hessian curve -- Hessian matrix -- Heston model -- Heteroclinic bifurcation -- Heteroclinic cycle -- Heteroclinic network -- Heteroclinic orbit -- Heteroscedasticity -- Heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors -- Heterosquare -- Heun's equation -- Heun's method -- Hewitt-Savage zero-one law -- Hex (board game) -- Hexacode -- Hexacross -- Hexadecagon -- Hexadecimal -- Hexaflake -- Hexagon -- Hexagonal antiprism -- Hexagonal bifrustum -- Hexagonal bipyramid -- Hexagonal lattice -- Hexagonal number -- Hexagonal prism -- Hexagonal prismatic honeycomb -- Hexagonal pyramidal number -- Hexagonal tiling -- Hexagonal trapezohedron -- Hexagonal truncated trapezohedron -- Hexagram -- Hexahedron -- Hexany -- Hexapawn -- Hexateron -- Hexavigesimal -- Hexeract -- Hexeractic hexacomb -- Hexomino --

[edit] Hey

Heyting algebra -- Heyting arithmetic -- Hicksian demand function -- Hidden Field Equations -- Hidden Markov model -- Hidden semi-Markov model -- Hidden subgroup problem -- Hierarchical Bayes model -- Hierarchical hidden Markov model -- Hierarchical linear modeling -- Hierarchy (mathematics) -- Higgs mechanism -- Higgs prime -- High (computability) -- High availability -- High-dimensional model representation -- High-resolution scheme -- High School Attached to Beijing University of Technology -- Higher category theory -- Higher dimension -- Higher-order control -- Higher order derivative test -- Higher-order function -- Higher-order grammar -- Higher-order logic -- Higher residuosity problem -- Higher spin alternating sign matrix -- Highest averages method -- Highest weight module -- Highest weight representation and lowest weight representation -- Highest weight vector -- Highly abundant number -- Highly composite number -- Highly cototient number -- Highly totient number -- Higman–Sims graph -- Higman–Sims group -- Higman's embedding theorem -- Higman's lemma --

[edit] Hil

Hilbert basis -- Hilbert basis (linear programming) -- Hilbert C*-module -- Hilbert class field -- Hilbert cube -- Hilbert curve -- Hilbert manifold -- Hilbert matrix -- Hilbert modular form -- Hilbert number -- Hilbert–Poincaré series -- Hilbert–Pólya conjecture -- Hilbert polynomial -- Hilbert projection theorem -- Hilbert scheme -- Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator -- Hilbert–Schmidt operator -- Hilbert-Schmidt theorem -- Hilbert–Smith conjecture -- Hilbert space -- Hilbert–Speiser theorem -- Hilbert-style deduction system -- Hilbert symbol -- Hilbert transform -- Hilbert's arithmetic of ends -- Hilbert's axioms -- Hilbert's basis theorem -- Hilbert's eighteenth problem -- Hilbert's eighth problem -- Hilbert's eleventh problem -- Hilbert's fifteenth problem -- Hilbert's fifth problem -- Hilbert's first problem -- Hilbert's fourteenth problem -- Hilbert's fourth problem -- Hilbert's irreducibility theorem -- Hilbert's nineteenth problem -- Hilbert's ninth problem -- Hilbert's Nullstellensatz -- Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel -- Hilbert's problems -- Hilbert's program -- Hilbert's second problem -- Hilbert's seventeenth problem -- Hilbert's seventh problem -- Hilbert's sixteenth problem -- Hilbert's sixth problem -- Hilbert's syzygy theorem -- Hilbert's tenth problem -- Hilbert's theorem (differential geometry) -- Hilbert's Theorem 90 -- Hilbert's third problem -- Hilbert's thirteenth problem -- Hilbert's twelfth problem -- Hilbert's twentieth problem -- Hilbert's twenty-first problem -- Hilbert's twenty-second problem -- Hilbert's twenty-third problem -- Hill climbing -- Hill's equation -- Hill's model -- Hille–Yosida theorem --

[edit] Him

Himmelblau's function -- Hindcast -- Hindu-Arabic numeral system -- Hindu units of measurement -- Hinge theorem -- Hipparchus On Sizes and Distances -- Hippopede -- Hiroshima Mathematical Journal -- Hiroyuki Goto -- Hirsch conjecture -- Hirschberg's algorithm -- Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem -- Histogram -- Historia Mathematica -- Historiometry -- History monoid -- History of algebra -- History of calculus -- History of computer science -- History of computing -- History of geometry -- History of Grandi's series -- History of knot theory -- History of large numbers -- History of logic -- History of manifolds and varieties -- History of mathematical notation -- History of mathematics -- History of numerical solution of differential equations using computers -- History of statistics -- History of the Church-Turing thesis -- History of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system -- History of the separation axioms -- History of trigonometry -- History of variational principles in physics -- History of writing ancient numbers --

[edit] Hit

Hitchin functional -- Hitting set -- Hitting time -- Hjalmar Ekdal topology -- Hjelmslev transformation -- Hjelmslev's theorem -- Hjulstrøm curve -- HN group -- HNN extension -- Hoberman sphere -- Hochschild homology -- Hodge conjecture -- Hodge cycle -- Hodge dual -- Hodge index theorem -- Hodge structure -- Hodge theorem -- Hodge theory -- Hodges-Lehmann estimator -- Hodgkin–Huxley model -- HoDoMS -- Hoeffding's inequality -- Hoffman–Singleton graph -- Hoffmann-Zeller theorem -- Hofstadter sequence -- Hofstadter's butterfly -- Hölder condition -- Hölder's inequality -- Hölder's theorem -- Holditch's theorem -- Holland's schema theorem -- Hollow matrix -- Holm-Bonferroni method -- Holmström's theorem -- Holomorph (mathematics) -- Holomorphic function -- Holomorphic functional calculus -- Holomorphic sheaf -- Holomorphic vector bundle -- Holomorphically convex hull -- Holomorphically separable -- Holonomic -- Holonomic constant -- Holonomy -- Holor -- Holyhedron --

[edit] Hom

Hom functor -- Homeomorphism -- Homeomorphism (graph theory) -- Homeotopy -- Homeschool mathematics -- HOMFLY polynomial -- Homicidal chauffeur problem -- Homoclinic bifurcation -- Homoclinic orbit -- Homoeoid -- Homogeneity (statistics) -- Homogeneous (large cardinal property) -- Homogeneous (mathematics) -- Homogeneous coordinates -- Homogeneous differential equation -- Homogeneous function -- Homogeneous linear equation -- Homogeneous polynomial -- Homogeneous relation -- Homogeneous space -- Homogeneous tree -- Homogeneously Suslin set -- Homography -- Homological algebra -- Homological conjectures in commutative algebra -- Homological dimension -- Homological mirror symmetry -- Homology (mathematics) -- Homology manifold -- Homology sphere -- Homology theory -- Homomorphic secret sharing -- Homomorphism -- Homoscedasticity -- Homothetic center -- Homothetic transformation -- Homotopical algebra -- Homotopy -- Homotopy category -- Homotopy category of chain complexes -- Homotopy extension property -- Homotopy group -- Homotopy groups of spheres -- Homotopy lifting property -- Homotopy principle -- Homotopy sphere --

[edit] Hon

Honest leftmost branch -- Honeycomb -- Honeycomb (geometry) -- Honeycomb conjecture -- Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest -- Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad -- Hopcroft–Karp algorithm -- Hopf algebra -- Hopf bifurcation -- Hopf conjecture -- Hopf fibration -- Hopf invariant -- Hopf link -- Hopf manifold -- Hopf maximum principle -- Hopf–Rinow theorem -- Hopfian group -- Horizontal bundle -- Horizontal coordinate system -- Horizontal line test -- Horizontal plane -- Hörmander's condition -- Horn function -- Horn-satisfiability -- Horner scheme -- Horoball -- Horocycle -- Horopter -- Horrocks-Mumford bundle -- Horseshoe lemma -- Horseshoe map --

[edit] Hos

Hosohedron -- Hosoya index -- Hosoya's triangle -- Hotelling's lemma -- Hotelling's T-square distribution -- Hough function -- House with two rooms -- Householder operator -- Householder transformation -- Householder's method -- How Does One Cut a Triangle? -- How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension -- How to Lie with Statistics -- How to Solve It -- How to Solve It By Computer -- Hsiang-Lawson's conjecture -- Hu Washizu principle -- Hua's lemma -- Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation -- Hubbert curve -- Huber-White standard errors -- Huffman coding -- Huge cardinal -- Human-based genetic algorithm -- Hume's principle -- Hunayn ibn Ishaq -- Hundred (word) -- Hundred-dollar, Hundred-digit Challenge problems -- Hundredth -- Hungarian algorithm -- Hunt process -- Hunter–Saxton equation -- Huntington-Hill method -- Huntington University Math Competition --

[edit] Hur

Hurewicz theorem -- Hurst exponent -- Hurwitz matrix -- Hurwitz polynomial -- Hurwitz quaternion -- Hurwitz surface -- Hurwitz zeta function -- Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem -- Hurwitz's theorem -- Husimi Q representation -- Hutchinson metric -- Huzita-Hatori axioms -- Hybrid automaton -- Hybrid bond graph -- Hybrid logic -- Hybrid system -- Hybrid topology -- Hylomorphism (computer science) -- Hyman Levy -- Hyper-exponential distribution -- Hyper-Graeco-Latin square design -- Hyper operator -- Hyper-Woodin cardinal -- Hyperarithmetical theory -- Hyperbola -- Hyperbolic 3-manifold -- Hyperbolic angle -- Hyperbolic coordinates -- Hyperbolic Dehn surgery -- Hyperbolic distribution -- Hyperbolic equilibrium point -- Hyperbolic function -- Hyperbolic geometry -- Hyperbolic group -- Hyperbolic growth -- Hyperbolic link -- Hyperbolic manifold -- Hyperbolic motion -- Hyperbolic-orthogonal -- Hyperbolic partial differential equation -- Hyperbolic quaternion -- Hyperbolic secant distribution -- Hyperbolic sector -- Hyperbolic set -- Hyperbolic soccerball -- Hyperbolic space -- Hyperbolic spiral -- Hyperbolic triangle -- Hyperbolic volume (knot) -- HyperbolicTree -- Hyperboloid -- Hyperboloid model -- Hyperboloid structure -- Hypercell -- Hypercomplex manifold -- Hypercomplex number -- Hypercomputation -- Hypercone -- Hyperconnected space -- Hypercube -- Hypercube graph -- Hypercubic honeycomb -- Hypercycle (geometry) -- Hyperdeterminant -- Hyperelliptic curve -- Hyperelliptic curve cryptography -- Hyperfinite type II factor -- HyperFun -- Hyperfunction -- Hypergeometric differential equation -- Hypergeometric distribution -- Hypergeometric function of a matrix argument -- Hypergeometric identities -- Hypergeometric series -- Hypergraph -- Hyperhomology -- Hyperkähler manifold -- Hypernumber -- Hyperparameter -- Hyperperfect number -- Hyperplane -- Hyperplane at infinity -- Hyperplane section -- Hyperreal number -- Hyperrectangle -- Hyperspecial subgroup -- Hyperstability -- Hyperstructure -- Hypersurface -- Hypertranscendental function -- Hypertranscendental number -- Hypocycloid -- Hypoelliptic operator -- Hypoexponential distribution -- Hypostatic abstraction -- Hypotenuse -- Hypothesis of linear regression -- Hypothetical syllogism -- Hypotrochoid -- Hypsometric equation --

[edit] Hys

Hysteresivity --

Mathematics topics
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Recent changes: 0-9 A-C D-F G-I J-L M-O P-R S-U V-Z All
Mathematicians: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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[edit] Ia

IA automorphism -- ICER -- ICMI -- Icosagon -- Icosahedral 120-cell -- Icosahedral symmetry -- Icosahedron -- Icosian Calculus -- Icosidodecadodecahedron -- Icosidodecahedron -- Icositetrachoronic tetracomb -- Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron -- ICTP Ramanujan Prize -- Ideal (order theory) -- Ideal (ring theory) -- Ideal (set theory) -- Ideal class group -- Ideal number -- Ideal quotient -- Ideal sheaf -- Ideal theory -- Ideal triangle -- Idealised population -- Idempotence -- Idempotent measure -- Identical particles -- Identically zero -- Identifiability condition -- Identity (mathematics) -- Identity component -- Identity element -- Identity function -- Identity matrix -- Identity theorem -- Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces -- Identric mean --

[edit] Ido

Idoneal number -- If and only if -- Ignorability -- Igusa zeta-function -- Ihara zeta function -- Ikeda map -- Illegal number -- Illegal prime -- Illustration of the central limit theorem -- Image (category theory) -- Image (mathematics) -- Image functors for sheaves -- Imaginary curve -- Imaginary element -- Imaginary line (mathematics) -- Imaginary number -- Imaginary part -- Imaginary point -- Imaginary unit -- Imagining Numbers -- Immanant of a matrix -- Immersion (mathematics) -- Impartial game -- Imperfect group -- Implementation of mathematics in set theory -- Implicant -- Implication graph -- Implicational propositional calculus -- Implicit function -- Implicit function theorem -- Implied volatility -- Importance sampling -- Impossible cube -- Impossible event -- Imprecise probability -- Impredicativity -- Improbability -- Improper integral -- Improper rotation -- Impulse -- Impulse response -- Imputation (statistics) --

[edit] In

In-place matrix transposition -- Inaccessible cardinal -- Incidence (geometry) -- Incidence algebra -- Incidence geometry (structure) -- Incidence matrix -- Incidence structure -- Incircle and excircles of a triangle -- Inclined plane -- Inclusion-exclusion principle -- Inclusion map -- Inclusive -- Incommensurable magnitudes -- Incomplete Cholesky factorization -- Incomplete Fermi–Dirac integral -- Incomplete gamma function -- Incomplete LU factorization -- Incomplete polylogarithm -- Incompressible flow -- Incompressible surface -- Increasing process -- Increment theorem -- Indecomposability -- Indecomposable continuum -- Indecomposable distribution -- Indecomposable module -- Indefinite and fictitious numbers -- Indefinite inner product space -- Indefinite logarithm -- Indefinite orthogonal group -- Independence (mathematical logic) -- Independence-friendly logic -- Independent and identically-distributed random variables -- Independent component analysis -- Independent equation -- Independent set -- Independent set problem -- Indeterminacy in concurrent computation -- Indeterminate -- Indeterminate (variable) -- Indeterminate equation -- Indeterminate form -- Indeterminate system -- Index (mathematics) -- Index calculus algorithm -- Index notation -- Index of coincidence -- Index set -- Indexed family -- Indexed language -- India at the IMO -- Indian logic -- Indian mathematics -- Indian National Mathematics Olympiad -- Indian numbering system -- Indian numerals -- Indian Statistical Institute -- Indiana Pi Bill -- Indiana University Mathematics Journal -- Indicator function -- Indicators of spatial association -- Indiscernibles -- Indra's Pearls (book) -- Induced homomorphism -- Induced metric -- Induced path -- Induced representation -- Induced subgraph isomorphism problem -- Inductive dimension -- Inductive inference -- Inductive set -- Inductive set (axiom of infinity) -- Industrial-grade prime --

[edit] Ine

Ineffable cardinal -- Ineffably Ramsey cardinal -- Inequality -- Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means -- Inequation -- Inexact differential -- Infimum -- Infinitary combinatorics -- Infinitary logic -- Infinite arithmetic series -- Infinite conjugacy class property -- Infinite descending chain -- Infinite descent -- Infinite-dimensional holomorphy -- Infinite-dimensional optimization -- Infinite divisibility -- Infinite divisibility (probability) -- Infinite loop -- Infinite monkey theorem -- Infinite monkey theorem in popular culture -- Infinite-period bifurcation -- Infinite product -- Infinite set -- Infinite skew polyhedron -- Infinitely near point -- Infinitesimal -- Infinitesimal character -- Infinitesimal generator (stochastic processes) -- Infinitesimal transformation -- Infinity -- Infinity-Borel set -- Infinity plus one -- Infix notation -- Inflection point -- Infomax -- Informal mathematics -- Information -- Information bottleneck method -- Information entropy -- Information geometry -- Information set -- Information set (game theory) -- Information theory -- Information theory and measure theory -- Infrared fixed point --

[edit] Inh

Inhabited set -- Inherent bias -- Inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation -- Initial algebra -- Initial object -- Initial topology -- Initial value problem -- Injective cogenerator -- Injective function -- Injective hull -- Injective metric space -- Injective module -- Injective object -- Injective sheaf -- Inner angle -- Inner automorphism -- Inner measure -- Inner model -- Inner model theory -- Inner product space -- Inner regular measure -- Innumeracy (book) -- Input selection -- Input shaping -- Inscribed angle -- Inscribed figure -- Inscribed sphere -- INSEE code -- Inseparable differential equation -- Inspec -- Instability -- Instant Insanity -- Instanton -- Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques -- Institut Henri Poincaré -- Institute for Advanced Study -- Institute for Mathematics and its Applications -- Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics -- Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics -- Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications -- Institute of Mathematical Sciences -- Institute of Mathematics (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) -- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications -- Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy -- Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics -- Institute of Statistical Mathematics -- Institute of Statisticians -- Institution (computer science) -- Institutional model theory -- Institutiones calculi integralis -- Instituto Nacional de Estatística -- Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada -- Instrumental variable --

[edit] Int

Integer -- Integer factorization -- Integer factorization records -- Integer lattice -- Integer matrix -- Integer relation algorithm -- Integer sequence -- Integer square root -- Integer-valued polynomial -- Integrability -- Integrability conditions for differential systems -- Integrable function -- Integrable system -- Integral -- Integral curve -- Integral domain -- Integral equation -- Integral Equations and Operator Theory -- Integral geometry -- Integral of secant cubed -- Integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space -- Integral symbol -- Integral test for convergence -- Integral transform -- Integral Transforms and Special Functions -- Intégrale, longueur, aire -- Integrality -- Integrally closed -- Integraph -- Integrated mathematics -- Integrating factor -- Integration by mass -- Integration by parts -- Integration by parts operator -- Integration by reduction formulae -- Integration by substitution -- Integration of the normal density function -- Integrator -- Integro-differential equation -- Integrodifference equation -- Inter-rater reliability -- Inter-School Mathematics Contest -- Interaction (statistics) -- Interaction variable -- Interactive computation -- Interactive evolutionary computation -- Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP) -- Interactive theorem proving -- Intercept theorem -- Interchange of limiting operations -- Interclass correlation -- Interclass dependence -- Interconnectivity -- Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling -- Interesting number paradox -- Interim analysis -- Interior (topology) -- Interior algebra -- Interior point method -- Interior product -- Interleave sequence -- Intermediate logic -- Intermediate treatment of tensors -- Intermediate value theorem -- Intermittency -- Internal angle -- Internal consistency -- Internal set -- Internal set theory -- International Centre for Mathematical Sciences -- International Centre for Theoretical Physics -- International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics -- International Congress of Mathematicians -- International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- International Congress on Mathematical Education -- International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics -- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences -- International Mathematical Olympiad -- International Mathematical Olympiad selection process -- International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp -- International Mathematical Union -- International Mathematics Competition for University Students -- International Society for Bayesian Analysis -- International Society for Mathematical Sciences -- International Statistical Institute -- International Symposium on Graph Drawing -- International Workshops on Lattice QCD and Numerical Analysis -- Interpolation -- Interpolation (computer programming) -- Interpretability -- Interpretable structure -- Interpretation (logic) -- Interpretation (model theory) -- Interprime -- Interquartile mean -- Interquartile range -- Intersection (set theory) -- Intersection array -- Intersection graph -- Intersection homology -- Intersection number -- Intersection of a polyhedron with a line -- Intersection theorem -- Intersection theory -- Intersection theory (mathematics) -- Interval (mathematics) -- Interval arithmetic -- Interval chromatic number of an ordered graph -- Interval estimation -- Interval exchange transformation -- Interval graph -- Interval order -- Interval temporal logic -- Intervening variable -- Intraclass correlation -- Intransitivity -- Intrinsic coordinates -- Intrinsic metric -- Introduction to Arithmetic -- Introduction to Commutative Algebra -- Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy -- Introduction to systolic geometry -- Intuitionism -- Intuitionistic logic -- Intuitionistic type theory --

[edit] Inv

Invalid proof -- Invariance of domain -- Invariance theorem -- Invariant (mathematics) -- Invariant basis number -- Invariant differential operators -- Invariant estimator -- Invariant factor -- Invariant factorization of LPDOs -- Invariant measure -- Invariant polynomial -- Invariant subspace -- Invariant subspace problem -- Invariant theory -- Invariants of tensors -- Inventiones Mathematicae -- Inventory control problem -- Inverse (mathematics) -- Inverse-chi-square distribution -- Inverse curve -- Inverse distance weighting -- Inverse eigenvalues theorem -- Inverse element -- Inverse function -- Inverse function theorem -- Inverse functions and differentiation -- Inverse Galois problem -- Inverse gambler's fallacy -- Inverse-gamma distribution -- Inverse Gaussian distribution -- Inverse hyperbolic function -- Inverse image functor -- Inverse iteration -- Inverse Laplace transform -- Inverse limit -- Inverse mean curvature flow -- Inverse Mills ratio -- Inverse probability -- Inverse problem -- Inverse problem for Lagrangian mechanics -- Inverse quadratic interpolation -- Inverse relation -- Inverse relationship -- Inverse scattering problem -- Inverse scattering transform -- Inverse semigroup -- Inverse-square law -- Inverse Symbolic Calculator -- Inverse system -- Inverse transform sampling -- Inverse trigonometric function -- Inverse-Wishart distribution -- Inversion in a point -- Inversion operator -- Inversion transformation -- Inversive congruential generator -- Inversive geometry -- Inversive plane -- Inversive ring geometry -- Inverted bell -- Inverted pendulum -- Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron -- Invertible knot -- Invertible matrix -- Invertible sheaf -- Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space -- Involute -- Involution -- Involutive relation -- Involutory matrix -- Involve, a Journal of Mathematics --

[edit] Ip

IP set -- Irish Mathematical Society -- Irrational base discrete weighted transform -- Irrational number -- Irrational rotation -- Irreducible (mathematics) -- Irreducible component -- Irreducible fraction -- Irreducible polynomial -- Irregular matrix -- Irregularity of distributions -- Irving Joshua Matrix -- Irwin-Hall distribution -- Isaac Newton Institute -- Isaac Newton's early life and achievements -- Isaac Newton's later life -- Isaac Newton's occult studies -- IsaPlanner -- Ishango bone -- Ishimori equation -- Ising model -- Isis (journal) -- Islamic mathematics -- ISO 31-11 -- Isocline -- Isodynamic point -- Isogonal conjugate -- Isogonal trajectory -- Isolated point -- Isolated singularity -- Isomap -- Isometric illusion -- Isometric projection -- Isometries in physics -- Isometry -- Isometry (Riemannian geometry) -- Isometry group -- Isomonodromic deformation -- Isomorphism -- Isomorphism class -- Isomorphism-closed subcategory -- Isomorphism extension theorem -- Isomorphism of categories -- Isomorphism theorem -- Isoparametric manifold -- Isoperimetric dimension -- Isoperimetric inequality -- Isoperimetric problem -- Isopsephy -- Isoptic -- Isosceles trapezoid -- Isospectral -- Isothermal coordinates -- Isothetic polygon -- Isotomic conjugate -- Isotomic lines -- Isotonic regression -- Isotopy of loops -- Isotropic coordinates -- Isotropic line -- Isotropic manifold -- Isotropic quadratic form --

[edit] Ita

Italian Mathematical Union -- Italian school of algebraic geometry -- Item tree analysis -- Iterated binary operation -- Iterated function -- Iterated function system -- Iterated Hilbert Transform -- Iterated logarithm -- Iterated monodromy group -- Iteration -- Iterative Closest Point -- Iterative deepening depth-first search -- Iterative learning control -- Iterative method -- Iteratively re-weighted least squares -- ITest -- Itō calculus -- Itō diffusion -- Itō isometry -- Itō's lemma -- Itoh-Tsujii inversion algorithm -- Iverson bracket -- Iwasawa decomposition -- Iwasawa group -- Iwasawa manifold -- Iwasawa theory --