List of major opera composers

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This list provides a guide to the most important opera composers, as determined by their presence on a majority of compiled lists of significant opera composers. (See the "Lists Consulted" section for full details.) The composers run from Jacopo Peri, who wrote the first ever opera in late 16th century Italy, to John Adams, one of the leading figures in the contemporary operatic world. The brief accompanying notes offer an explanation as to why each composer has been considered major. Also included is a section about major women opera composers, compiled from the same lists. For an introduction to operatic history, see Opera. The organisation of the list is by birthdate.


[edit] 1550-1699

Jacopo Peri, who composed the first ever opera, Dafne.
Jacopo Peri, who composed the first ever opera, Dafne.
  • Jacopo Peri (1561-1633). A Florentine who composed both the first opera ever, Dafne (1598), and the first surviving opera, Euridice (1600).[1]
  • Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) is generally regarded as the first major opera composer.[2] In Orfeo (1607) he blended Peri's experiments in opera with the lavish spectacle of the intermedi.[3] Later, in Venice in the 1640s, he helped make opera a commercially viable form with Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria and L'incoronazione di Poppea, one of the earliest operas in the present-day operatic repertoire..
  • Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676). Amongst the most important of Monteverdi's successors, Cavalli was a major force in spreading opera throughout Italy and also helped introduce it to France. His Giasone was " the most popular opera of the 17th century".[4]
  • Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687). In close collaboration with the librettist Philippe Quinault, Lully founded the tradition of tragédie en musique,[5] combining singing, dance and visual spectacle, which would remain the most prestigious French operatic genre for almost a hundred years.
  • Henry Purcell (1659-1695). Purcell was the first English operatic composer of significance. His masterwork is Dido and Aeneas.[6]
  • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725). A key figure in the development of opera seria, Scarlatti claimed to have composed over 100 operas, of which La Griselda is a notable example.[7]
  • Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) was the most important French opera composer of the 18th century. Following in the genre established by Lully,[8] he endowed his works with a great richness of invention. Rameau's musical daring provoked great controversy in his day,[9] but he was an important influence on Gluck.
  • John Gay (1685-1732) and Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667-1752). Creators of the first English ballad opera, the biting political satire, The Beggar's Opera.[10]
  • George Frideric Handel (1685-1759). Handel's baroque-era opera serias set the standard in his day.[11] Despite the often stifling conventions of opera seria, Handel composed a series of over 30 operas that continue to fascinate audiences today. His masterwork is generally thought to be Giulio Cesare.

Stay, Prince and hear

A scene from Purcell's operatic masterpiece, Dido and Aeneas. The witches' messenger, in the form of Mercury himself, attempts to convince Aeneas to leave Carthage. Note the use of Italian-style recitative, a rarity in English opera at that time.[12]
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[edit] 1700-1799

Gluck, detail of a portrait by Joseph Duplessis, dated 1775 (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna)
Gluck, detail of a portrait by Joseph Duplessis, dated 1775 (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna)

[edit] 1800-1849

Giuseppe Verdi, by Giovanni Boldini, 1886 (National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome).
Giuseppe Verdi, by Giovanni Boldini, 1886 (National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome).

[edit] 1850-1899

Giacomo Puccini
Giacomo Puccini

[edit] 1900-present

[edit] Major female opera composers

John Singer Sargent: Ethel Smyth, 1901
John Singer Sargent: Ethel Smyth, 1901

Opera, with its high cost of production and high status, has historically been very difficult for women to break into,[78] and no woman composer met the criteria for inclusion above. However, some experts in our sample disagreed,[79] and named one or both of the women below as comparable to those already listed:

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Viking Opera Guidep.768
  2. ^ Orrey p.18
  3. ^ Professor Tim Carter in Viking Opera Guide (p.678) writes: "Monteverdi's recitative owes much to Peri...However "Orfeo" has much broader roots. There are many references to the tradition of the Florentine intermedi: the spectacular stage effects, the mythological subject matter, the allegorical figures, the number and scoring of the instruments and the extended choruses". See also Carter, writing about the intermedi in The Oxford Illustrated History of Opera (p.4): "rich display and erudite symbolism made the intermedi an ideal projection of princely magnificence".
  4. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.189
  5. ^ Orrey p.35
  6. ^ Orrey p.55
  7. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.942
  8. ^ Orrey p.40
  9. ^ Orrey p.40
  10. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.343
  11. ^ Orrey p.59
  12. ^ Orrey p.59
  13. ^ Oxford Companion to Music, p. 783
  14. ^ Orrey p.85
  15. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.216-218
  16. ^ Orrey p.101
  17. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.210
  18. ^ Orrey p.139
  19. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.1002
  20. ^ Viking Opera Guide pp.37-38
  21. ^ Orrey p. 140
  22. ^ Oxford Illustrated History of Opera p.146-150
  23. ^ Britannica p.631 C.2
  24. ^ Britannica p.631 C.2
  25. ^ Orrey p.134
  26. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.412
  27. ^ Orrey p.129-133
  28. ^ Orrey p.153
  29. ^ Orrey p.154
  30. ^ Orrey p.180
  31. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.1098.
  32. ^ Orrey p. 168-169
  33. ^ Orrey p.137-147
  34. ^ Orrey p.154
  35. ^ Britannica p.633 C.1
  36. ^ Orrey p.177
  37. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.134
  38. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.929. Viking says Saint-Saëns wrote 13 operas, including his part in an unfinished work by Guiraud and two opéra comiques.
  39. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.253.
  40. ^ Orrey p.156-157
  41. ^ Britannica p.637 C.2
  42. ^ Orrey p.182
  43. ^ David Brown (author of the four-volume Tchaikovsky: A Biographical and Critical Study, Gollancz, 1978-91) in Viking Opera Guide, pp. 1083-1095
  44. ^ Viking Opera Guide p. 197
  45. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.302
  46. ^ Orrey p.156
  47. ^ Graham Dixon in Viking Opera Guide, p. 622
  48. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.864
  49. ^ Britannica p.638 C.2
  50. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.563
  51. ^ Orrey p.225
  52. ^ Viking Opera Guide pp.202-204
  53. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.617
  54. ^ Orrey p.213
  55. ^ Britannica p.637 C.2
  56. ^ Orrey p.216
  57. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.772
  58. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.952
  59. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.848
  60. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.958
  61. ^ Orrey p.220
  62. ^ ALBAN BERG. Composers online. W. W. Norton & Company. Retrieved on 2006-09-10.
  63. ^ Orrey p. 225
  64. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.55
  65. ^ Britannica p.637 C.1
  66. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.467
  67. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.348
  68. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.1207
  69. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.1102
  70. ^ Orrey p.232
  71. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.51
  72. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.648
  73. ^ Orrey p.234
  74. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.461
  75. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.243
  76. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.360
  77. ^ Viking Opera Guide p.17
  78. ^ See, e.g. Katherine Kolb's review of Women Writing Opera: Creativity and Controversy in the Age of the French Revolution.
  79. ^ See #Lists consulted

[edit] References

[edit] Lists consulted

This list was compiled by consulting ten lists of great opera composers, created by recognized authorities in the field of opera, and selecting all of the composers who appeared on at least six of these (i.e. all composers on a majority of the lists). Judith Weir appears on four of the ten lists consulted, more than any other female composer in the sample. The lists used were:

  1. Graeme Kay's Guide to Opera, produced for the BBC.
  2. The "Opera" Encyclopaedia Britannica article.
  3. The "Opera" Columbia University Press Encyclopedia article.
  4. Composers mentioned in Nicholas Kenyon's introduction to the Viking Opera Guide (1993 edition) ISBN 0-670-81292-7.
  5. "The Standard Repertoire of Grand Opera 1607-1969", a list included in Norman Davies's Europe: a History (OUP, 1996; paperback edition Pimlico, 1997) ISBN 0-7126-6633-8.
  6. Composers mentioned in the chronology by Mary Ann Smart in The Oxford Illustrated History of Opera (OUP, 1994) ISBN 0-19-816282-0.
  7. "A Bird's Eye View of the World's Chief Opera Composers" in The Oxford Companion to Music by Percy Scholes (10th edition revised by John Owen Ward, 1970). ISBN 0-19-311306-6.
  8. Composers with recordings included in The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs ed. Greenfield, March and Layton (1993 edition) ISBN 0-14-046957-5.
  9. The New Kobbe's Opera Book, ed. Lord Harewood (1997 edition) ISBN 0-399-14332-7.
  10. Table of Contents of The Rough Guide to Opera. by Matthew Boyden. (2002 edition) ISBN 1-85828-749-9.


  • The composers included in all 10 lists cited are: Berg, Britten, Donizetti, Gluck, Handel, Monteverdi, Mozart, Puccini, Rameau, Rossini, Richard Strauss, Verdi, and Wagner.
  • The composers included in nine of the lists are: Bellini, Berlioz, Bizet, Glinka, Gounod, Lully, Massenet, Mussorgsky, and Tchaikovsky
  • The composers included in eight of the lists are: Adams, Debussy, Glass, Henze, Janacek, Leoncavallo, Menotti, Meyerbeer, Pergolesi, Purcell, Rimsky-Korsakov, Schoenberg, Smetana, Thomas (Ambroise), Tippett, and Weber
  • The composers included in seven of the lists are: Auber, Beethoven, Borodin, Cavalli, Cherubini, Cimarosa, Delibes, Hindemith, Mascagni, Offenbach, Prokofiev, Ravel, Saint-Saens, Shostakovich, and Gustave Charpentier
  • The composers included in six of the lists are: Barber, Bartók, Chabrier, Peter Maxwell Davies, Dvořák, Gay and Pepusch, Gershwin, Halévy, Peri, Pfitzner, Scarlatti, Schreker, Spontini, Stravinsky, Walton.
  • Judith Weir was included in four lists; Dame Ethel Smyth in two.

[edit] Other References