List of magical weapons

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This is a list of magical weapons from fiction and folklore. A magical weapon is one that is directly described as such in the work; or one that has obvious fantastic or supernatural qualities.


[edit] In folklore

  • Vajra – A composite weapon made from the bones of a willing sage used by Indra.
  • Zulfiqar –a sword gifted from God to Imam Ali

[edit] Norse mythology

[edit] Irish mythology

  • Fragarach – Sword of the God of the Seas Manannan mac Lir and later Lugh in Irish legend; it was said to be a weapon that no armour could stop.
  • Caladbolg – Two-handed sword of Fergus mac Róich in Irish legend; said to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to cleave the tops from the hills.
  • Claíomh Solais – Sword of Nuada the King of the Gods in Irish mythology; In legend, the sword glowed with the light of the sun and was irresistible in battle, having the power to cut his enemies in half.
  • Gáe Bulg – Spear of Cúchulainn; made from the bones of a sea monster.
  • Spear of Lugh – Spear of Lugh, the champion of the Gods in Irish Mythology.

[edit] Arthurian legend

[edit] The Song of Roland

[edit] Japanese folklore

  • Ame-no-nuboko – Japanese halberd which formed the first island.
  • Kusanagi – Legendary Japanese sword.
  • Tonbogiri – one of three legendary spears created by the famed swordsmith Masazane.

[edit] In novels

[edit] The works of J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Anglachel – one of the two swords forged by Eöl the Dark Elf out of a black iron meteorite. It is said to be able to cleave any iron from within the earth. Anglachel appears to be a sentient sword that speaks on occasion and has some will of its own[1].
  • Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting – High-Elven swords; glow with a blue or white flame when Orcs are near[2].
  • Morgul-blade – magical poisoned dagger wielded by Nazgûl[2].
  • Caudimordax – this sword cannot be sheathed when a dragon comes within five miles of its bearer's presence[3].
  • Andúril/Narsil- the sword of Elendil (Narsil) reforged in Anduril on the return of his true heir, Aragorn- the reforging of the shards of Narsil was foretold as a sign of the coming of the true King of Gondor
  • Aiglos- the spear with which the Elven king Gil-galad went to war.

See also: List of Middle-earth weapons

[edit] In comics and graphic novels

[edit] In role-playing games

[edit] Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game with many unique magical weapons.

[edit] In video games

Magic weapons are a staple of fantasy video games.

See also:

[edit] In Anime and Manga

[edit] In TV

  • The Colt- mythical colt paterson revolver made by Samuel Colt for a paranormal hunter in 1835. Was designed to kill demons and is supposedly capable of killing anything with one shot. Originally thirteen bullets were designed for it but recently more have been made.Supernatural

[edit] Magical weapons by type

[edit] Other legendary weapons

Some weapons in fiction do not, strictly speaking, have magical properties, but are forged with materials or methods that are unique in the context of the story.

  • Green DestinyCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; a powerful jian. The blade was engraved with a technique that, by the time of the Han Dynasty, was long lost. The metal that the Green Destiny is forged of remains a mystery, though it is rumored to be made of a fallen meteorite.
  • various adamantium or adamantine weapons (in Dungeons & Dragons, for example) which are exceptionally hard.
  • various mithril weapons; in the context of The Lord of the Rings, mithril was an exceptionally light and rare metal. In other works of fiction the exact quality may vary.
  • Chrysaor – Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien
  2. ^ a b The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien
  3. ^ Farmer Giles of Ham, J. R. R. Tolkien