List of islands by name (R)

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This article features a list of islands sorted by their name beginning with the letter R.

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[edit] R

Island’s Name Island group(s) Country/Countries
Rab Flag of Croatia Croatia
Rabbit There are four Rabbit islands in NZ, the best known is in Tasman Bay Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Rabbit Lower Lough Erne Flag of Ireland Ireland
Rabbit Calcasieu Lake, Flag of Louisiana Louisiana Flag of the United States United States
Rabbit Georgian Bay, Flag of Ontario Ontario Flag of Canada Canada
Rabbit Mississippi River, Flag of Mississippi Mississippi Flag of the United States United States
Racoon Flag of Louisiana Louisiana Flag of the United States United States
Ragged Lake Winnipesaukee, Flag of New Hampshire New Hampshire Flag of the United States United States
Rakino Hauraki Gulf Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Raiatea Windward Islands, Society Islands, Flag of French Polynesia French Polynesia Flag of France Overseas Lands of France
Rainsford Boston Harbor, Flag of Massachusetts Massachusetts Flag of the United States United States
Raippaluoto Ostrobothnia Flag of Finland Finland
Rakahanga Cook Islands Flag of the Cook Islands Cook Islands
Rambutyo Admiralty Islands Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Ramea Flag of Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Flag of Canada Canada
Ramree Flag of Burma Myanmar
Ramshead Lake Mead, Flag of Nevada Nevada Flag of the United States United States
Randall's East River, Flag of New York New York Flag of the United States United States
Randolph Grand Bay, Flag of New Brunswick New Brunswick Flag of Canada Canada
Random Flag of Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Flag of Canada Canada
Rangiroa Palliser Islands, Flag of Tuamotus Tuamotus, Flag of French Polynesia French Polynesia Flag of France France
Rangitata Rangitata River Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Rangitoto Hauraki Gulf Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Raoul Kermadec Islands Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Raroia Flag of Tuamotus Tuamotus, Flag of French Polynesia French Polynesia Flag of France France
Rarotonga Cook Islands Flag of the Cook Islands Cook Islands
Raspberry Mississippi River, Flag of Minnesota Minnesota Flag of the United States United States
Raspberry Kodiak Archipelago, Flag of Alaska Alaska Flag of the United States United States
Rat Rat Islands group of the Aleutian Islands, Flag of Alaska Alaska Flag of the United States United States
Rat City Island Harbor, Flag of New York New York Flag of the United States United States
Rathlin Northern Ireland Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Rathlin O'Birne Flag of Ireland Ireland
Rato Estremadura islands Flag of Portugal Portugal
Ile aux Rats Cosmoledo atoll Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Rattlesnake Clear Lake, Flag of California California Flag of the United States United States
Rattlesnake Okanagan Lake, Flag of British Columbia British Columbia Flag of Canada Canada
Rattlesnake Lake Winnipesaukee, Flag of New Hampshire New Hampshire Flag of the United States United States
Ravenga Banks Islands Flag of Vanuatu Vanuatu
Île de Ré Pertuis d'Antioche Flag of France France
Reao Flag of Tuamotus Tuamotus, Flag of French Polynesia French Polynesia Flag of France France
Rearlaplap Arno Atoll Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Rebbenesøy Karlsøy and Tromsø Flag of Norway Norway
Ile aux Récifs Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Reclaimed Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Red Rock San Francisco Bay, Flag of California California Flag of the United States United States
Redbud Susquehanna River, Flag of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Flag of the United States United States
Redhead Lake Winnipesaukee, Flag of New Hampshire New Hampshire Flag of the United States United States
Redman Point Bar Mississippi River, Flag of Arkansas Arkansas and Flag of Tennessee Tennessee Flag of the United States United States
Reedy Delaware River, Flag of Delaware Delaware Flag of the United States United States
Reichenau Lake Constance Flag of Germany Germany
Reindeer Lake Winnipeg, Flag of Manitoba Manitoba Flag of Canada Canada
Reinøya Karlsøy and Tromsø Flag of Norway Norway
Rémire Amirante Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
René-Levasseur Manicouagan Reservoir, Flag of Quebec Quebec Flag of Canada Canada
Rennell Rennell and Bellona Province, Solomon Islands Flag of the Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Rennesøy Ryfylke Islands, Rogaland Flag of Norway Norway
Residence St. Joseph's Atoll Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Resolution Flag of Nunavut Nunavut Flag of Canada Canada
Resolution Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Resource Island St. Joseph's Atoll Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Revillagigedo Alexander Archipelago, Flag of Alaska Alaska Flag of the United States United States
Rharbi Kerkenna Islands Flag of Tunisia Tunisia
Rhineia Cyclades Flag of Greece Greece
Rhodes Dodecanese Flag of Greece Greece
Rice Lost Lake, Flag of Louisiana Louisiana Flag of the United States United States
Rikers Upper East River, Flag of New York New York Flag of the United States United States
Rincah Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
Ringvassøy Karlsøy and Tromsø Flag of Norway Norway
Ripapa Lyttelton Harbour Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Roaninish County Donegal Flag of Ireland Ireland
Roanoke Outer Banks, Flag of North Carolina North Carolina Flag of the United States United States
Roastbeef Flag of Namibia Namibia
Robben Table Bay Flag of South Africa South Africa
Robert South Shetland Islands Claimed by:
Argentine Antarctica, Flag of Argentina Argentina,
Flag of Antártica Chilena Province Antártica Chilena Province of Flag of Chile Chile, and
Flag of British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory of theFlag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Isla Robertson South Orkney Islands Claimed by the:Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom as part of the Flag of the Falkland Islands Falkland Islands and by
Flag of Argentina Argentina
Robertson Cumberland River, Flag of Tennessee Tennessee Flag of the United States United States
Robertson Tygart Valley River, Flag of West Virginia West Virginia Flag of the United States United States
Robins Peconic Bay, Flag of New York New York Flag of the United States United States
Robinson Crusoe Juan Fernández Islands Flag of Chile Chile
Roche Babri Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Roche Bouquet Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Roche Canon Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Roche Du Sud Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Roche Grande Maman Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Roche Tortue Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Rocher Des Oiseaux Flag of Mauritius Mauritius
Ile Roches Flag of Mauritius Mauritius
Rock Willamette River, Flag of Oregon Oregon Flag of the United States United States
Rock Bay of Green Bay, Flag of Wisconsin Wisconsin Flag of the United States United States
Rockabill Flag of Ireland Ireland
Rockall North Atlantic Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Roderick Flag of British Columbia British Columbia Flag of Canada Canada
Roi-Namur Kwajalein Atoll, Ralik Chain Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Ilhéu das Rólas Gulf of Guinea Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe
Rømø North Frisian Islands Flag of Germany Germany
Romsø Great Belt Flag of Denmark Denmark
Ile Ronde Flag of Mauritius Mauritius
Ile Ronde Inner Islands Flag of the Seychelles Seychelles
Rondeau Ohio River, Flag of Kentucky Kentucky Flag of the United States United States
Rongelap Atoll Ralik Chain Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Rongerik Atoll Kwajalein Atoll, Ralik Chain Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Roosevelt East River, Flag of New York New York Flag of the United States United States
Rose Georgian Bay, Flag of Ontario Ontario Flag of Canada Canada
Ross Antarctica
Ross Willamette River, Flag of Oregon Oregon Flag of the United States United States
Ross Allegheny River, Flag of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Flag of the United States United States
Rosscor Lower Lough Erne Flag of Ireland Ireland
Røst Lofoten Flag of Norway Norway
Rostam Persian Gulf Flag of Iran Iran
R. Thompson's Allegheny River, Flag of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Flag of the United States United States
Rotoroa Hauraki Gulf Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Rottumeroog Eemsmond, Flag of Groningen Groningen Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Rottumerplaat Eemsmond, Flag of Groningen Groningen Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Rotuma Flag of Fiji Fiji
Rough Lower Lough Erne Flag of Ireland Ireland
Rough Solway Firth Flag of Scotland Scotland
Round Krenitzin Islands subgroup of the Fox Islands group of the Aleutian Islands, Flag of Alaska Alaska Flag of the United States United States
Round Straits of Mackinac, Flag of Michigan Michigan Flag of the United States United States
Round Mississippi Sound, Flag of Mississippi Mississippi Flag of the United States United States
Round Lake Winnipesaukee, Flag of New Hampshire New Hampshire Flag of the United States United States
Rousay The North Isles, Flag of Orkney Orkney Islands Flag of Scotland Scotland
Rowa Banks Islands Flag of Vanuatu Vanuatu
Rowett South Shetland Islands Claimed by Argentine Antarctica, Flag of Argentina Argentina, Flag of Antártica Chilena Province Antártica Chilena Province of Flag of Chile Chile, and Flag of British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory of theFlag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Rowley Queen Elizabeth Islands, Flag of Nunavut Nunavut Flag of Canada Canada
Isle Royale Lake Superior, Flag of Michigan Michigan Flag of the United States United States
Rozenburg Flag of South Holland South Holland Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Ruapuke Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Rubud Al Gharbiyah Hawar Islands Flag of Bahrain Bahrain
Rubud Al Sharqiyah Hawar Islands Flag of Bahrain Bahrain
Ruden Flag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Flag of Germany Germany
ostrov Rudolfa Franz Josef Land Flag of Russia Russia
Rügen Flag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Flag of Germany Germany
Rugged South Shetland Islands Claimed by Argentine Antarctica, Flag of Argentina Argentina, Flag of Antártica Chilena Province Antártica Chilena Province of Flag of Chile Chile, and Flag of British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory of theFlag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ruhnu Gulf of Riga Flag of Estonia Estonia
Rùm Small Isles of the Inner Hebrides Flag of Scotland Scotland
Rush Mississippi River, Flag of Iowa Iowa Flag of the United States United States
Rusk Holm The North Isles, Flag of Orkney Orkney Islands Flag of Scotland Scotland
Russell Lake Huron Flag of Ontario Ontario Flag of Canada Canada
Russel Flag of Nunavut Nunavut Flag of Canada Canada
Russel St. Clair River, Flag of Michigan Michigan Flag of the United States United States
Russell Flag of Queensland Queensland Flag of Australia Australia
Rysa Little The South Isles,Flag of Orkney Orkney Islands Flag of Scotland Scotland