List of ideologies named after people
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This list contains names of ideological systems, movements and trends named after persons. The stem may be either a person's real name or a nickname. Some of the eponyms are given by people adherring to the movements mentioned, others by outsiders.
Contents |
[edit] Political
- Blairite or Blairism - after Tony Blair
- Castroism - after Fidel Castro
- Clintonism - after Bill Clinton
- Francoism - after Francisco Franco
- Gandhism - after Mahatma Gandhi
- Gaullism - after Charles de Gaulle
- Georgist - after Gheorge I. Brătianu (though this is also the name of a philosophical ideology; see below)
- Jacobitism - after James II of England (Jacobus in Latin)
- Josephinism - after Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
- Kaczism - after Jarosław Kaczyński
- Kemalism - after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
- Kimilsungism - after former North-Korean leader Kim Il-Sung
- Leninism - after Vladimir Lenin
- Machiavellianism - after Niccolò Machiavelli (note: this link goes to the psychological term)
- Maoism - after Mao Zedong
- Marxism - after German political economist Karl Marx
- McCarthyism - after United States Senator Joseph McCarthy
- Nasserism - after Gamal Abdel Nasser
- Pabloism - after Michel Pablo
- Peronism - after former Argentine president Juan Perón
- Reaganism - after Ronald Reagan
- Sandinism - after Augusto César Sandino
- Shachtmanism - after Max Shachtman
- Sparticism - after Spartacus
- Stalinism - after Joseph Stalin
- Strasserism - after Gregor and Otto Strasser
- Thatcherism - after former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher
- Titoism - after Josip Broz Tito
- Trotskyism - after Leon Trotsky
- Whitlamism - after Gough Whitlam
- Yeltsinism - after Boris Yeltsin
- Zapatism - after Emiliano Zapata
[edit] Religious and Philosophical
- Ahmadiyah - after Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
- Alevi - after Ali
- Althusserianism - after Louis Althusser
- Amish - after Jacob Amman
- Arianism - after Christian theologian Arius
- Aristotelianism - after Aristotle
- Arminianism - after Jacobus Arminius
- Augustinism - after Augustine of Hippo
- Averroism - after Averroes
- Bábism - after the Báb
- Badawiyyah - after Ahmad al-Badawi
- Bahá'í Faith - after Bahá'u'lláh
- Basilideans - after Basilides
- Bektashi - after Hajji Bektash Wali
- Benthamism - after Jeremy Bentham
- Buchmanism - after Frank N. D. Buchman
- Buddhism - after Buddha
- Calvinism - after John Calvin
- Cartesianism - after Descartes
- Christianity - after Jesus Christ
- Confucianism - after Confucius
- Darbyism - after John Nelson Darby
- Darqawa - after Muhammad al-Arabi al-Darqawi
- Dominican - after Saint Dominic
- Epicureanism - after Epicurus
- Erastianism - after Thomas Erastus
- Febronianism - after Justinus Febronius
- Feeneyism - after Leonard Feeney
- Franciscan - after Francis of Assisi
- Georgism - after Henry George (though there's also a political philosophy called this)
- Halveti - after Pir Umar Halveti
- Hanafi - after Abu Hanifa an-Nu‘man
- Hegelianism - after Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- Hobbesianism - after Thomas Hobbes
- Hutterite - after Jakob Hutter
- Ismaili - after Ismail bin Jafar
- Jansenism - after Cornelius Jansen
- Jerrahi - after Pir Nureddin al-Jerrahi
- Kantianism - after Immanuel Kant
- Kubrawiya - after Najmeddin Kubra
- Laestadianism - after Lars Levi Laestadius
- Lutheranism and Neo-Lutheranism - after Church reformer Martin Luther
- Manicheism - after Mani (prophet)
- Martinism - after Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin
- Mennonite - after Menno Simons
- Millerite - after William Miller (preacher)
- Mohism - after Mozi
- Montanism - after Montan
- Naqshbandi - after Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari
- Nestorianism - after Nestorius
- Nimatullahi - after Shah Nimatullah
- Pelagianism - after Pelagius
- Platonism and Neo-Platonism - after Plato
- Puseyism - after Edward Bouverie Pusey
- Pyrrhonism - after Pyrrho
- Qadiriyyah - after Abdul Qadir Jilani
- Rastafarianism - after the Ras Tafari
- Raëlism - after Raël
- Rifaiyyah - after Ahmed ar-Rifa'i
- Sabellianism - after Sabellius
- Safaviyeh - after Safi Al-Din
- Senussi - after Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi
- Socinianism - after Laelius Socinus
- Shadhili - after Abu-l-Hassan ash-Shadhili
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram - after Sri Aurobindo
- Suhrawardiyya - after Abu al-Najib al-Suhrawardi
- Thomism - after Thomas Aquinas
- Tijaniyyah - after Sidi Ahmed al-Tidjani
- Wahhabism - after Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab
- Yazidism - may have been after Yazid I
- Wycliffite - after John Wyclif (may be misspelled)
- Zahediyeh - after Zahed Gilani
- Zoroastrianism - after Zoroaster
- Zwingliism - after Huldrych Zwingli
[edit] Economical
- Keynesianism - after John Maynard Keynes
- Malthusianism - after Thomas Malthus
[edit] Scientific
- Cartesian - René Descartes (also a philosopher)
- Comtism - after Auguste Comte
- Darwinism - after Charles Darwin
- Lamarckism- after Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
[edit] Other
- Fordism - after Henry Ford
- Freudianism and post-Freudianism - after Sigmund Freud
- Social Darwinism - after Charles Darwin
- Taylorism - after Frederick Winslow Taylor
- Victorianism - after Queen Victoria