List of hummingbirds in taxonomic order

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This is a list of hummingbird genera in taxonomic order. List of hummingbirds has a complete species list sortable by common and binomial name.

Taxonomic lists of both genera and species are available at the subfamily pages Phaethornithinae and Trochilinae.

[edit] Subfamily Phaethornithinae

Saw-billed HermitRamphodon naevius
Saw-billed Hermit
Ramphodon naevius

Hermit hummingbirds. Relatively dull. Iridescence slight and typically limited to the upperparts. Most have a dark face and elongated central rectrices with white, buff or ochraceous tips. Long bills slightly decurved in most species, but much variation across group.

[edit] Subfamily Trochilinae

Typical hummingbirds. An incredible range of colors, shapes and sizes. Bills vary wildly. Sexes usually quite different in color; females often have metallic green upperparts and spangles on their white underside.

Male Violet SabrewingCampylopterus hemileucurus
Male Violet Sabrewing
Campylopterus hemileucurus
Male Purple-throated Mountain-gemLampornis calolaema
Male Purple-throated Mountain-gem
Lampornis calolaema
Male Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufus
Male Rufous Hummingbird
Selasphorus rufus