List of hospitals in South Korea

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This is a list of hospitals in South Korea.

  • Seoul National University Hospitals - Jong-ro, Seoul & Dong-jak, Seoul
  • Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Bundang, Seongnam
  • Yonsei University Medical Center (Known as "Severance Hospital") - Shinchon, Seoul
  • Samsung Medical Center - Suseo, Seoul & Seodamun, Seoul
  • KyungHee Medical Center - Dongdae-mun, Seoul
  • Asan Medical Center - Songpa, Seoul
  • Hallym Medical Center - Kyeyang, Incheon
  • Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine - Apgujeong, Seoul -
  • Bundang Jesaeng Hospital
  • KangNeung Hospital
  • Kyungpook National University Hospital- Joong, Daegu
  • Sung-Ae Hospital
  • Yeungnam University Medical Center
  • Chungnam National University Hospital, Deasa-Dong, Jung-Gu, Deajon, Korea
  • Maria Infertility Hospital - Dongdae-mun, Seoul and etc.
  • Cha Women's Hospital
  • Hamchoon Women's Clinic - Seocho, Seoul
  • The Catholic University of Korea Catholic Medical Center Hospitals - St. Mary's Hospital, Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital: Seoul, Korea / Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital, Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, St. Vincent's Hospital: Gyeongi-do, Korea / Holy Family Hospital: Bucheon, Korea / Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital: Daejeon, Korea