List of heads of state of Romania

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[edit] United Principalities (1859-1881)

Domnitor Picture Life Term of office Comments
Alexandru Ioan Cuza 1820-1873 24 January 1859-23 February 1866 First Domnitor of the United Principalities; deposed in 1866.

[edit] Princely Lieutenancy (23 February 1866-22 May 1866)

[edit] House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1866-1881)

Domnitor Picture Life Term of office Comments
Carol I 1839-1914 22 May 1866-26 March 1881 Become Domnitor after Alexandru Ioan Cuza was deposed in 1866; became first King of the Romanians in 1881.

[edit] Kingdom of Romania (1881-1947)

[edit] House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1881-1947)

King Picture Life Term of office Comments
Carol I 1839-1914 26 March 1881-10 October 1914 Become first King of the Romanians
Ferdinand I 1865-1927 10 October 1914-20 July 1927 Became King of Greater Romania in 1922.
Mihai I 1921- 20 July 1927-8 June 1930 First reign.

[edit] Regency (20 July 1927-8 June 1930)

In 1930, Carol II suddenly returned to the country at the invitation of politicians dissatisfied with the Regency, and was proclaimed King by the Parliament, designating Mihai I as crown prince with the title "Grand Voievod of Alba-Iulia".

King Picture Life Term of office Comments
Carol II 1893 - 1953 8 June 1930-6 September 1940 Abdicated in 1940.
Mihai I 1921- 6 September 1940-30 December 1947 Second reign; abdicated in 1947 under Communist pressure.

[edit] Peoples' Republic Romania (1948-1965) and Socialist Republic of Romania (1965-1989)

Name Picture Life Term of office Position(s)
Constantin Ion Parhon 1874-1969 30 December 1947-12 June 1952

President of the State Council (13 April 1948-13 April 1948), President of the Great National Assembly board (13 April 1948-12 June 1952)

Petru Groza 18841958 12 June 1952-7 January 1958 President of the State Council
Ion Gheorghe Maurer 19022000 11 January 1958-21 March 1961 President of the State Council
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej 19011965 21 March 1961-19 March 1965

President of the State Council

Chivu Stoica 19081975 24 March 1965-9 December 1967 President of the State Council
Nicolae Ceauşescu 1918-1989 9 December 1967-22 December 1989 President of the State Council (9 December 1967-28 March 1974), President of Romania (28 March 1974-22 December 1989)

[edit] Romania (1989-Present)

Name Picture Life Term of office Position(s)
Ion Iliescu 1930- 22 December 1989-17 November 1996 President of Council of the National Salvation Front (22 December 1989-6 February 1990), President of the Provisional National Unity Council (6 February 1990-20 June 1990, President of Romania (20 June 1990-29 November 1996)
Emil Constantinescu 1939 29 November 1996-20 December 2000 President of Romania
Ion Iliescu 1930- 20 December 2000-20 December 2004 President of Romania
Traian Băsescu 1951- 20 December 2004-20 April 2007 Suspended in the period from 20 April 2007 until 23 May 2007.
Nicolae Văcăroiu 1943- 20 April 2007-23 May 2007 ad interim President of Romania
Traian Băsescu 1951- 23 May 2007-Present Resumed the office of President of Romania after the Referendum

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Bulei, Ion, O istorie a românilor, Editura Meronia, Bucureşti, 2007, pg. 266-267