List of fish of Ireland

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[edit] Class Cephalaspidomorphi

[edit] Hyperoartia

[edit] Order Petromyzontiformes

[edit] Family Petromyzontidae

[edit] Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

[edit] Superclass Osteichthyes (boned fish)

[edit] Class Actinopterygii (ray-finned)

==Class Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned)

  • Albacore (Longfin Tuna) * Angel Shark (Monkfish)
  • Anglerfish

* Atlantic Pomfret (Raysbream) * Bass Bermuda Sea Chub Black Sea Bream * Blackspot Sea Bream (Red Bream) * Blackbelly Rosefish (Bluemouth) * Blue Fin Tuna (Tunny) * Brill Boarfish Bullhead * Cod Coalfish, see Saithe Common Seabream (Couch's) * Conger Eel * Dab Dogfish, Black Mouthed * Dogfish, Greater (Bull Huss) * Dogfish, Lesser * Dogfish, Spur (Spurdog) Dragonet (Yellow Sculpin) Eel, European (Silver Eel) * Flounder (Fluke) * Garfish * Gurnard - Grey Gurnard - Long Fin * Gurnard - Tub * Gurnard - Red Gurnard - Flying Gilthead Bream

  • Haddock

* Halibut * Hake Herring Hagfish I

   * John Dory             

K Lamprey * Ling Lumpsucker

  • Mackerel

* Megrim * Mullet - Grey * Mullet - Red N Octopus * Plaice * Pollock * Pouting Poor Cod Q * Ray, Blonde

  • Ray, Cuckoo

* Ray, Electric * Ray, Small Eyed (Painted) * Ray, Spotted (Homelyn) * Ray, Sting * Ray, Thornback * Ray, Undulate Ray, Common Eagle Rock Cook * Rockling (six species) * Saithe (Black Pollack, Coalfish) Sandeel, Greater (Launcet) * Scad (Horse Mackerel)

  Shad, Allis

* Shad, Thwaite * Smooth Hound (Smut) * Skate, Common

  • Skate, White

Shorthorn Sculpin (Stony Cobbler)

  Shark, Mako

* Shark, Porbeagle * Shark, Blue * Shark, Six - Gilled * Sole, Black (Dover Sole) Shark, Thresher * Stone Basse (Wreckfish) Sea-Trout Sole, Lemon Swordfish Salmon Sunfish Shanny Tadpole Fish (Lesser Forkbeard) * Tope * Torsk (Tusk) * Trigger Fish * Turbot Undulate Ray, see under Ray V * Whiting Weaverfish, Lesser Weaverfish, Greater Witch * Wrasse, Ballen Wrasse, Corkwing * Wrasse, Cuckoo