List of fish common names
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This is a list of fish common names. While some common names refer to a single species or family, others have been used for a confusing variety of different types; the articles listed here should explain the possibilities if the name is ambiguous.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- African glass catfish
- African lungfish
- aholehole
- airbreathing catfish
- airsac catfish
- Alaska blackfish
- albacore
- alewife
- alfonsino
- algae eater
- alligatorfish
- Amago
- American sole
- Amur pike
- anchovy
- anemonefish
- angelfish
- angel shark
- anglemouth
- angler
- angler catfish
- anglerfish
- Antarctic cod
- Antarctic dragonfish
- Antarctic icefish
- antenna codlet
- arapaima
- archerfish
- Arctic char
- armored catfish
- armored gurnard
- armored searobin
- armorhead
- armorhead catfish
- arowana
- arrowtooth eel
- aruana
- Asian carps
- Asiatic glassfish
- Atka mackerel
- Atlantic cod
- Atlantic eel
- Atlantic herring
- Atlantic salmon
- Atlantic saury
- Atlantic silverside
- Atlantic trout
- Australasian salmon
- Australian grayling
- Australian herring
- Australian lungfish
- Australian prowfish
- Ayu
[edit] B
- Baikal oilfish
- Bala shark
- ballan wrasse
- bamboo shark
- banded killifish
- bandfish
- bango
- bangu
- banjo catfish
- barb
- barbel
- barbeled dragonfish
- barbeled houndshark
- barbelless catfish
- barfish
- barracuda
- barracudina
- barramundi
- barred danio
- barreleye
- basking shark
- bass
- basslet
- batfish
- bat ray
- beachsalmon
- beaked salmon
- beaked sandfish
- beardfish
- beluga sturgeon
- bengal danio
- bent-tooth
- betta
- bichir
- bigeye
- bigeye squaretail
- bighead carp
- bigmouth buffalo
- bigscale
- bigscale fish
- bigscale pomfret
- billfish
- bitterling
- black angelfish
- black bass
- black dragonfish
- blackchin
- blackfish
- blacktip reef shark
- black mackerel
- black pickerel
- black prickleback
- black scalyfin
- black sea bass
- blacksmelt
- black swallower
- black tetra
- black triggerfish
- bleak
- blenny
- blind goby
- blind shark
- blue catfish
- blue danio
- blue-redstripe danio
- blue eye
- bluefin tuna
- bluefish
- bluegill
- blue gourami
- blue shark
- blue triggerfish
- blue whiting
- bluntnose knifefish
- bluntnose minnow
- boafish
- boarfish
- bobtail snipe eel
- bocaccio
- boga
- Bombay duck
- bonefish
- bonito
- bonnetmouth
- bonytail chub
- bonytongue
- bottlenose
- bowfin
- boxfish
- bramble shark
- bream
- bristlemouth
- bristlenose catfish
- broadband dogfish
- brook lamprey
- brook trout
- brotula
- brown trout
- buffalofish
- bullhead
- bullhead shark
- bull shark
- bull trout
- burbot
- buri
- burma danio
- burrowing goby
- butterfish
- butterfly ray
- butterflyfish
[edit] C
- California flyingfish
- California halibut
- California smoothtongue
- canary rockfish
- candiru
- candlefish
- capelin
- cardinalfish
- carp
- carpetshark
- carpsucker
- catalufa
- catfish
- catla
- cat shark
- cavefish
- Celebes rainbowfish
- central mudminnow
- cepalin
- chain pickerel
- channel bass
- channel catfish
- char
- cherry salmon
- chimaera
- chinook salmon
- Cherubfish
- chub
- chubsucker
- chum salmon
- cichlid
- cisco
- climbing catfish
- climbing gourami
- climbing perch
- clingfish
- clownfish
- clown loach
- clown triggerfish
- cobbler
- cobia
- cod
- cod icefish
- codlet
- codling
- coelacanth
- coffinfish
- coho salmon
- coley
- collared carpetshark
- collared dogfish
- Colorado squawfish
- combfish
- combtail gourami
- combtooth blenny
- common carp
- common tunny
- conger eel
- convict blenny
- cookie-cutter shark
- coolie loach
- cornetfish
- cowfish
- cownose ray
- cow shark
- crappie
- creek chub
- crestfish
- crevice kelpfish
- croaker
- crocodile icefish
- crocodile shark
- crucian carp
- cuchia
- cuckoo wrasse
- cusk-eel
- cuskfish
- cutlassfish
- cutthroat eel
- cutthroat trout
[edit] D
- dab
- dace
- daggertooth pike conger
- damselfish
- danio
- darter
- dartfish
- dealfish
- Death Valley pupfish
- deep sea anglerfish
- deep sea bonefish
- deep sea eel
- deep sea smelt
- deepwater cardinalfish
- deepwater flathead
- deepwater stingray
- delta smelt
- demoiselle
- denticle herring
- desert pupfish
- Devario
- devil ray
- discus
- diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver
- dogfish
- dogfish shark
- dogteeth tetra
- dojo loach
- Dolly Varden trout
- dorab
- dorado
- dory
- dottyback
- dragonet
- dragonfish
- dragon goby
- driftfish
- driftwood catfish
- drum (fish)
- duckbill
- duckbilled barracudina
- duckbill eel
- dusky grouper
- dwarf gourami
- dwarf loach
[edit] E
- eagle ray
- earthworm eel
- eel
- eelblenny
- eel cod
- eel-goby
- eelpout
- eeltail catfish
- elasmobranch
- electric catfish
- electric eel
- electric knifefish
- electric ray
- electric stargazer
- elephantfish
- elephantnose fish
- elver
- emperor
- emperor angelfish
- emperor bream
- escolar
- eucla cod
- eulachon
- European chub
- European eel
- European flounder
- European minnow
[edit] F
- false brotula
- false cat shark
- false moray
- false trevally
- fangtooth
- fathead sculpin
- featherback
- featherfin knifefish
- fierasfer
- filefish
- finback cat shark
- fingerfish
- fire bar danio
- firefish
- flabby whalefish
- flagblenny
- flagfin
- flagfish
- flagtail
- flashlight fish
- flatfish
- flathead
- flathead catfish
- flat loach
- flier
- flounder
- flying characin
- flying gurnard
- flyingfish
- footballfish
- forehead brooder
- four-eyed fish
- french angelfish
- freshwater eel
- freshwater flyingfish
- freshwater hatchetfish
- freshwater herring
- freshwater shark
- frigate mackerel
- frilled shark
- frogfish
- frogmouth catfish
- fusilier fish
[edit] G
- galjoen fish
- Ganges shark
- gar
- garden eel
- garibaldi
- garpike
- ghost flathead
- ghost carp
- ghost knifefish
- ghost pipefish
- ghoul
- giant danio
- giant gourami
- giant sea bass
- giant wels
- gianttail
- gibberfish
- Gila trout
- gizzard shad
- glass catfish
- glassfish
- glass knifefish
- glowlight danio
- goatfish
- goblin shark
- goby
- golden dojo
- golden loach
- golden trout
- goldeye
- goldfish
- goldspotted killifish
- gombessa
- goosefish
- gopher rockfish
- gouramie
- grass carp
- graveldiver
- gray eel-catfish
- grayling
- gray mullet
- gray reef shark
- great white shark
- green swordtail
- greeneye
- greenling
- grenadier
- grideye
- ground shark
- grouper
- grunion
- grunt
- grunter
- grunt sculpin
- gudgeon
- guitarfish
- gulf menhaden
- gulper eel
- gulper
- gunnel
- guppy
- gurnard
[edit] H
- haddock
- hagfish
- hairtail
- hake
- half-gill
- halfbeak
- halfmoon
- halibut
- halosaur
- hamlet
- hammerhead shark
- Hammerjaw
- handfish
- hardhead catfish
- harelip sucker
- hatchetfish
- hawkfish
- herring
- herring smelt
- hillstream loach
- hog sucker
- hoki
- horn shark
- horsefish
- houndshark
- huchen
- humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a
- hussar
[edit] I
[edit] J
- jack
- jackfish
- Jack Dempsey
- Japanese eel
- jawfish
- jellynose fish
- jewelfish
- jewel tetra
- jewfish
- john dory
[edit] K
- Kafue pike
- kahawai
- kaluga
- kanyu
- kelp perch
- kelpfish
- killifish
- king of herring
- king-of-the-salmon
- kissing gourami
- knifefish
- knifejaw
- koi
- kokanee
- kokopu
- kuhli loach
[edit] L
- labyrinth fish
- ladyfish
- lagena
- lake trout
- lake whitefish
- lampfish
- lamprey
- lancetfish
- lanternfish
- large-eye bream
- largemouth bass
- largenose fish
- leaffish
- leatherjacket
- lefteye flounder
- lemon shark
- lenok
- leopard danio
- lightfish
- lighthousefish
- limia
- lined sole
- ling
- ling cod
- lionfish
- livebearer
- lizardfish
- loach
- loach catfish
- loach goby
- loach minnow
- longfin
- longfin dragonfish
- longfin escolar
- long-finned char
- long-finned pike
- longjaw mudsucker
- longneck eel
- longnose chimaera
- longnose dace
- longnose lancetfish
- longnose sucker
- longnose whiptail catfish
- long-whiskered catfish
- lookdown catfish
- loosejaw
- Lost River sucker
- louvar
- loweye catfish
- luminous hake
- luderick
- luminous hake
- lumpsucker
- lungfish
- lyretail
[edit] M
- mackerel
- mackerel shark
- madtom
- mahi-mahi
- mahseer
- mail-cheeked fish
- mako shark
- manefish
- man-of-war fish
- Manta Ray
- marblefish
- marine hatchetfish
- marlin
- masu salmon
- medaka
- medusafish
- megamouth shark
- menhaden
- merluccid hake
- Mexican blind cavefish
- Mexican golden trout
- midshipman
- milkfish
- minnow
- Modoc sucker
- mojarra
- mola
- molly
- monkeyface prickleback
- monkfish
- mooneye
- moonfish
- Moorish idol
- mora
- moray eel
- morid cod
- morwong
- Moses sole
- mosquitofish
- mosshead warbonnet
- mouthbrooder
- Mozambique tilapia
- mrigal
- mud catfish (mud cat)
- mudfish
- mudminnow
- mudskipper
- mudsucker
- mullet
- mummichog
- murray cod
- muskellunge
- mustache triggerfish
- mustard eel
[edit] N
- naked-back knifefish
- nase
- needlefish
- neon tetra
- New World rivuline
- New Zealand smelt
- nibbler
- noodlefish
- North American darter
- North American freshwater catfish
- North Pacific daggertooth
- northern anchovy
- northern clingfish
- northern lampfish
- northern pearleye
- northern pike
- northern sea robin
- northern squawfish
- northern Stargazer
- Norwegian Atlantic salmon
- nurseryfish
- nurse shark
[edit] O
- oarfish
- ocean perch
- ocean sunfish
- oceanic flyingfish
- oceanic whitetip shark
- oilfish
- oldwife
- Old World knifefish
- Old World rivuline
- olive flounder
- opah
- opaleye
- orange roughy
- orangespine unicorn fish
- orangestriped triggerfish
- orbicular batfish
- orbicular velvetfish
- Oregon chub
- oreo
- Oriental loach
- Owens pupfish
[edit] P
- Pacific albacore
- Pacific argentine
- Pacific cod
- Pacific hake
- Pacific herring
- Pacific lamprey
- Pacific salmon
- Pacific saury
- Pacific trout
- Pacific viperfish
- paddlefish
- paperbone
- paradise fish
- parasitic catfish
- parrotfish
- peacock flounder
- peamouth
- pearleye
- pearlfish
- pearl danio
- pearl perch
- pejerrey
- peladillo
- pelagic cod
- pelican eel
- pelican gulper
- pencil catfish
- pencilfish
- pencilsmelt
- perch
- Peter's elephantnose fish
- pickerel
- pigfish
- pike characid
- pike conger
- pike eel
- pike
- pikeblenny
- pikehead
- pikeperch
- pilchard
- pilot fish
- pineconefish
- pink salmon
- píntano
- pipefish
- piranha
- pirarucu
- pirate perch
- plaice
- platy
- platyfish
- pleco
- plownose chimaera
- plunderfish
- poacher
- pollyfish
- pollock
- pomfret
- pompano
- pompano dolphinfish
- ponyfish
- poolfish
- popeye catafula
- porbeagle shark
- porcupinefish
- porgy
- Port Jackson shark
- powen
- priapumfish
- prickleback
- pricklefish
- prickly shark
- prowfish
- pufferfish
- pumpkinseed
- pupfish
- pygmy sunfish
[edit] Q
- queen danio
- queen parrotfish
- queen triggerfish
- quillback
- quillfish
[edit] R
- rabbitfish
- raccoon butterfly fish
- ragfish
- rainbow trout
- rainbowfish
- rasbora
- ratfish
- rattail
- ray
- razorback sucker
- razorfish
- red snapper
- redfin
- redfish
- redhorse sucker
- redlip blenny
- redmouth whalefish
- redside
- redtooth triggerfish
- red velvetfish
- red whalefish
- reedfish
- reef triggerfish
- regal whiptail catfish
- remora
- requiem shark
- ribbon eel
- ribbon sawtail fish
- ribbonbearer
- ribbonfish
- rice eel
- ricefish
- ridgehead
- riffle dace
- righteye flounder
- Rio Grande perch
- river loach
- river shark
- river stingray
- rivuline
- roach
- roanoke bass
- rock bass
- rock beauty
- rock cod
- rocket danio
- rockfish
- rockling
- rockweed gunnel
- rohu
- ronquil
- roosterfish
- ropefish
- rough pomfret
- rough scad
- rough sculpin
- roughy
- roundhead
- round herring
- round stingray
- round whitefish
- rudd
- rudderfish
- ruffe
- Russian sturgeon
[edit] S
- sabalo
- sabertooth
- saber-toothed blenny
- sabertooth fish
- sablefish
- sailback scorpionfish
- sailbearer
- sailfin silverside
- sailfish
- salamanderfish
- salmon
- salmon shark
- sandbar shark
- sandburrower
- sand dab
- sanddiver
- sand eel
- sandfish
- sand goby
- sand knifefish
- sand lance
- sandperch
- sandroller
- sand stargazer
- sand tiger
- sand tilefish
- sarcastic fringehead
- sardine
- sargassumfish
- sauger
- saury
- sawfish
- saw shark
- sawtooth eel
- scabbard fish
- scaleless black dragonfish
- scaly dragonfish
- scat
- scissor-tail rasbora
- scorpionfish
- sculpin
- scup
- scythe butterfish
- sea bass
- sea catfish
- sea chub
- seadevil
- seadragon
- seahorse
- sea lamprey
- seamoth
- sea raven
- searobin
- sea snail
- sea toad
- Sevan trout
- seatrout
- sergeant major
- shad
- shark
- sharksucker
- sharpnose pufferfish
- sheatfish
- sheepshead
- sheepshead minnow
- shell-ear
- shiner
- shortnose chimaera
- shortnose greeneye
- shortnose sucker
- shovelnose sturgeon
- shrimpfish
- Siamese fighting fish
- sillago
- silver carp
- silver dollar
- silver driftfish
- silver hake
- silverside
- sind danio
- sixgill ray
- sixgill shark
- skate
- skate moss
- skilfish
- skipjack tuna
- skipping goby
- slender barracudina
- slender mola
- slender snipe eel
- sleeper
- sleeper shark
- slickhead
- slimehead
- slimy mackerel
- slimy sculpin
- slipmouth
- smalleye squaretail
- smalltooth sawfish
- smelt
- smelt-whiting
- smooth dogfish
- smoothtongue
- snailfish
- snake eel
- snakehead
- snake mackerel
- snake mudhead
- snapper
- snipe eel
- snipefish
- snoek
- snook
- snubnose eel
- snubnose parasitic eel
- soapfish
- sockeye salmon
- soldierfish
- sole
- South American darter
- South American Lungfish
- southern Dolly Varden
- southern flounder
- southern grayling
- southern hake
- southern sandfish
- southern smelt
- spadefish
- spaghetti eel
- Spanish mackerel
- spearfish
- speckled trout
- spiderfish
- spikefish
- spinefoot
- spiny-back
- spiny basslet
- spiny dogfish
- spiny dwarf catfish
- spiny eel
- spinyfin
- splitfin
- spookfish
- spotted danio
- spotted dogfish
- sprat
- springfish
- squarehead catfish
- squaretail
- squawfish
- squeaker
- squirrelfish
- staghorn sculpin
- stargazer
- starry flounder
- steelhead
- stickleback
- stingfish
- stingray
- stonecat
- stonefish
- stoneroller minnow
- straptail
- stream catfish
- streamer fish
- striped bass
- striped burrfish
- sturgeon
- sucker
- suckermouth armored catfish
- summer flounder
- Sundaland noodlefish
- sunfish (opah)
- sunfish (mola mola)
- surf sardine
- surfperch
- surgeonfish
- swallower
- swamp-eel
- swampfish
- sweeper
- swordfish
- swordtail
[edit] T
- tadpole cod
- tadpole fish
- tailor
- taimen
- tang
- tapetail
- tarpon
- tarwhine
- telescopefish
- temperate bass
- temperate ocean-bass
- temperate perch
- tench
- tenpounder
- tenuis
- tetra
- thorny catfish
- thornfish
- thornyhead
- threadfin
- threadfin bream
- threadsail
- threadtail
- three spot gourami
- threespine stickleback
- three-toothed puffer
- thresher shark
- tidewater goby
- tiger barb
- tigerperch
- tiger shark
- tiger shovelnose catfish
- tilapia
- tilefish
- titan triggerfish
- toadfish
- tommy ruff
- tompot blenny
- tonguefish
- tope
- topminnow
- torpedo
- torrent catfish
- torrent fish
- trahira
- treefish
- trevally
- triggerfish
- triplefin blenny
- triplespine
- tripletail
- tripod fish
- trout
- trout cod
- trout-perch
- trumpeter
- trumpetfish
- trunkfish
- tubeblenny
- tube-eye
- tube-snout
- tubeshoulder
- tui chub
- tuna
- turbot
- turkeyfish
[edit] U
[edit] V
- velvet-belly shark
- velvet catfish
- velvetfish
- vendace
- vimba
- viperfish
[edit] W
- wahoo
- walking catfish
- wallago
- walleye
- walleye pollock
- walu
- warbonnet
- warmouth
- warty angler
- waryfish
- wasp fish
- weasel shark
- weatherfish
- weever
- weeverfish
- wels catfish
- whale catfish
- whalefish
- whale shark
- whiff
- whiptail gulper
- whitebait
- white croaker
- whitefish
- white marlin
- white shark
- whitetip reef shark
- whiting
- wobbegong
- wolf-eel
- wolffish
- wolf-herring
- woody sculpin
- worm eel
- wormfish
- wrasse
- wrymouth
[edit] Y
- yellow-and-black triplefin
- yellowbanded perch
- yellow bass
- yellow-edged moray
- yellow-eye mullet
- yellowhead jawfish
- yellowfin croaker
- yellowfin cutthroat trout
- yellowfin grouper
- yellowfin pike
- yellowfin surgeonfish
- yellowfin tuna
- yellow jack
- yellowmargin triggerfish
- yellow moray
- yellow perch
- yellowtail
- yellowtail amberjack
- yellowtail barracuda
- yellowtail clownfish
- yellowtail horse mackerel
- yellowtail kingfish
- yellowtail snapper
- yellow tang
- yellow weaver
[edit] Z
- zander
- zebra bullhead shark
- zebra danio
- zebrafish
- zebra lionfish
- zebra loach
- zebra oto
- zebra pleco
- zebra shark
- zebra tilapia
- ziege
- zingel