List of fictional places in G.I. Joe

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The G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comic book series was first published by Marvel Comics and later, Devil's Due Productions. The Marvel comics series was written primarily by Larry Hama.


[edit] Countries

Larry Hama frequently uses fictional countries as stand-ins for real countries with similar political and economic conditions. These countries are frequently a satire of the real world counterparts. Devil's Due productions also continued the trend of using fictional stand-ins.

Listed are the fictional countries in the G.I. Joe comics universe.

  • Sierra Gordo - capital Rio Lindo. It is a Central American country and is a stand-in for banana republics[citation needed]. Several members of the October Guard died during a battle in that country.
  • Trucial Abysmia - Located somewhere in North Africa, it represents Middle-Eastern dictator-ruled countries in the region. Cobra used the country as a launching point for the invasion of Benzheen and capture its oil. The invasion was meant to mirror the actual Gulf War[citation needed].
  • Benzheen - the oil-rich neighbor of Trucial Abysmia. This country is a fictional stand-in for Kuwait[citation needed].
  • Darklonia - a small country ruled by Destro's cousin, Darklon. It is situated between Trans-Carpathia and Wolkekuckukkland.
  • Trans-Carpathia - a stand-in for Transylvania and other Balkan regions, and home of the Silent Castle, the site of many Joe/Cobra confrontations..
  • Borovia - capital Krogdnsz. This country was originally a stand-in for communist Eastern Europe[citation needed]. Just like its real-world counterparts, communism fell and democracy was put in place. Near the end of the Marvel comics series, it became a satire for the breakup and war in Yugoslavia. The country was renamed into Borigia/Krazny-Marengo which even the characters in the series admit as a more confusing name. Ir is referred to as Borovia again in the Devil's Due relaunch of G.I.Joe, #23.
  • Badhikstan
  • Punto del Mucosa - Sierra Gordo's neighboring country. It is featured in G.I.Joe Special Missions #28. It allied with G.I.Joe to host a military base, which Cobra manages to destroy.
  • Wolkekuckukkland - A country next to Darklonia. It is featured in G.I.Joe #148 (May 1994) when it is invaded by Cobra; despite the threat of an approaching asteroid threatening to destroy all life on earth.
  • Kalingaland - formally Equatorial Kalingaland, with its capital of Kalingaville. This country was wracked by a civil war between Soviet-backed Kalinga-Rouge rebels and the U.S.-backed Kalinga government before its leader Prince Ngoto returned.
  • Sierra Muerte - a country neighboring Sierra Gordo, which Destro allied himself with in his elaborate ruse to keep both G.I. Joe and Cobra distracted from his discovery of Mindbender's Tempest device.

Several fictional American cities have played important roles in the G.I.Joe comic books.

[edit] Cities, American

  • Springfield - was the first entire-COBRA controlled town. Cobra stored much there; for example many otherwise innocent-looking garages has tanks inside. It was the site for many Cobra operations, including the creation of Serpentor. It was invaded and neutralized in issue #50 of the Marvel Comic book series.
  • Broca Beach - was the secondary town crafted by Cobra. It was in New Jersey. This was run by the Dreadnoks. It was discovered by two Joes, Rock'N'Roll and Clutch, but they were brainwashed into forgetting the Cobra influence.
  • Millville - This industry-heavy town already had a well established history free from the influence of Cobra Commander. Cobra forces invaded and simply took it over in G.I.Joe issue #100 (May 1990). Communications were cut. The police were imprisoned. The citizens were rounded up and brainwashed. Two other Joes, Mutt and Spirit, were on hand, visiting family. They formed a small resistance movement that includes several Millville citizens. The other town members have been brainwashed to act normal when the authorities visit, causing much chaos for the Joe team.
  • Delhi Hills - Featured in the Devil's Due relaunch, specifically G.I.Joe A Real American Hero #14 - 15, Jan 2002. A smaller town, economically struggling. Cobra had not fully taken it over yet, as some of the citizens were innocent of their influence. Rock'N'Roll, Alpine, Bazooka and Mutt discover the situation after odd behavior in a local bar. The Joes successfully escape the resulting battle, the bar burns down and no sign of Cobra is found. Despite no evidence, the group's story is believed by the other Joes. A young child, moving into town, discovers an attic full of Cobra supplies. The Joe's efforts are backed up when a revived Serperntor, wishing to distract Joe forces, leaks information about multiple Cobra outposts. Scarlett is seen leading a squad arresting several Delhi Hill Cobra operatives.

[edit] See also

[edit] References