List of fictional literature featuring opera

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This is a list of literary fiction which features opera in the plot. "Features" excludes fleeting mentions: for a literary work to be on this list opera must be a significant part of the plot, or, alternatively, provide siginificant context and backdrop. The bibliographic references are to the date and place of earliest publication.


[edit] Authors A-B

  • [anon]: Aus den Memoiren einer Sängerin (Pauline: memoirs of a singer, or Promiscuous Pauline; or, The Memoirs of a German Opera Singer)
    Stuttgart: Franck, 1829. Fictionalized biography of the opera singer Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient.
  • Martha Albrand: Final encore -- New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978.ISBN 0312289413.
  • Kingsley Amis: The Alteration
  • Oskar Paul Wilhelm Anwand: Die Primadonna Friedrichs des Grossen. -- Berlin: R. Bong, 1930. -- Fictionalized account of the love affair between Gertrud Elisabeth Mara and Frederick II of Prussia
  • Laura Argiri: The God In Flight New York: Random House, 1994. ISBN 0679428313
  • Gertrude Atherton: Tower of Ivory New York: Macmillan Co., 1910.
  • Honoré de Balzac: Gambara; features an opera by its eponymous composer on the life of Mahomet, as well as a disquisition on Meyerbeer's opera Robert le diable
  • Charles Barnard: The soprano: a musical story
  • Robert Barnard : Death on the High C's
  • Robert Barnard: Death and the Chaste Apprentice
  • Eva Fanny Bernhardine Turk Baudissin, Grafin von:: Wilhelmine Schroder-Devrient: der Schicksalsweg einer grossen Kunstlerin
  • Ines Castellani Fantoni Benaglio: Mario
  • Edward Frederic Benson: Queen Lucia
  • Edward Frederic Benson: Lucia in London
  • Edward Frederic Benson: Trouble for Lucia
  • Siegfried Berger: Der Konig und die Sangerin: ein heiterer Roman
  • Manfred Bieler : Der Madchenkrieg
  • Dan Billamy: Opera House Murders
  • David Black: Murder at the Met
  • Janos Bokay: Bohemek es pillangok
  • Vance Bourjaily: Now playing at Canterbury
  • Malcolm Bradbury: Why come to Slaka?; features the interminable Slakan national opera Vedontakal Vrop, by Z. Leblat.
  • Marion Zimmer Bradley: Night's Daughter
  • Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Forest House
  • Richard Brickner : Tickets
  • Carter Brown : The Savage Salome
  • Anthony Burgess : Earthly Powers
  • Dino Buzzati: Paura alla Scala
  • May Clarissa Gillington Byron: A day with Richard Wagner

[edit] Authors C

  • James M. Cain: A Career in C Major
  • James M. Cain: Mildred Pierce
  • James M. Cain: Serenade
  • Joseph Caldwell : The Uncle from Rome
  • Paola Capriolo: Vissi d'amore (translated as Floria Tosca)
  • Roger M. Carew: The Contralto
  • John Stewart Carter: Full Fathom Five
  • Willa Cather: The Song of the Lark
  • Willa Cather: Lucy Gayheart
  • Willa Cather: A Wagner Matinee
  • Frances Cavanah: Two Loves for Jenny Lind
  • Rodolfo Celletti: Tu che la vanita
  • Robin Close: The Boheme Combination
  • Francis Marion Crawford: The Diva's Ruby
  • Francis Marion Crawford: The Primadonna
  • Francis Marion Crawford: Soprano; a Portrait (also published as: Fair Margaret; a Portrait)
  • Edmund Crispin: Swan Song

[edit] Authors D

[edit] Authors E-F

[edit] Authors G-H

[edit] Authors I-K

  • Ingo Insterburg: Das Leben des Otto Darmstadt
  • John Irving: The Hotel New Hampshire
  • Anna Jacobson: Nachklange Richard Wagners im Roman
  • Ottokar Janetschek: Der Konig und sein Meister
  • Ottokar Janetschek: Die Primadonna: ein Mozartroman
  • Fred G. Jarvis: Murder at the Met
  • Robert F. Joseph: The Diva
  • James Joyce: Ulysses
  • Stuart Kaminsky: Poor Butterfly
  • Carol J. Kane: Diva
  • Susan Kay: Phantom
  • Terry Kay: Shadow song
  • H. R. F. Keating: Death of a Fat God
  • Doris Parkin Keil: The Ploughboy and the Nightingale
  • Jane Kingsford: The Soprano: a Musical Story
  • James Kirkwood, Jr.: Good Times/Bad Times
  • Gustav Kobbé: Signora, a child of the opera house
  • Zdenko von Kraft: Abend in Bayreuth
  • Zdenko von Kraft: Wahnfried: ein Richard-Wagner-Roman
  • Max Kronberg: Feuerzauber: ein Lebens-Roman Richard Wagners
  • Max Kronberg: Konig und Kunstler: Roman Konig Ludwigs II. und Richard Wagner
  • Max Kronberg: Der Sieg der Melodie: ein Puccini-Caruso-Roman
  • Joachim Kuupsch: Ein Ende in Dresden: ein Richard-Wagner-Roman

[edit] Authors L

[edit] Authors M

[edit] Authors N-Q

  • Roy Nash: Sing, my poor heart, sing
  • Beverley Nichols: Evensong
  • Hans Nowak and Georg Zivier: Die Macht des Schicksals: ein Verdi-Roman
  • Kate O'Brien: As Music and Splendor
  • Daniel Odier: Diva
  • Eduard Marie Oettinger: Rossini
  • Conrad L. Osborne: O Paradiso
  • Barbara Paul: A Cadenza for Caruso
  • Barbara Paul: A Chorus of Detectives
  • Barbara Paul: Prima Donna at Large
  • Laurence Payne: Vienna Blood
  • Diane Pearson: Voices of Summer
  • Ursula Perrin: Unheard Music
  • Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter): Funeral of Figaro
  • Ellis Peters: The Horn of Roland
  • Ellis Peters: The House of Green Turf
  • Ellis Peters: The Will and the Deed
  • Audrey Peterson: Deadly Rehearsal
  • Frederik Pohl: Outnumbering the Dead
  • Terry Pratchett: Maskerade
  • Wilhelm Pultz: Die Geburt der deutschen Oper
  • James Purdy : Out with the Stars
  • Barbara Pym: The Sweet Dove Died

[edit] Authors R

[edit] Authors S

[edit] Authors T-Z