List of electrical engineers

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This is a list of electrical engineers, people who made contributions to electrical engineering or computer engineering.

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Who Contribution(s)
Edwin Armstrong Regenerative circuit, frequency modulation (FM)
John Bardeen Two Nobel prizes: transistor, superconductivity
Emile Baudot Communications
Alexander Graham Bell Bell telephone company
Ottó Bláthy Pioneering electrical engineer
Alan Blumlein Inventions in telecommunications, sound recording, stereo, television, radar
Karlheinz Brandenburg Audio compression scheme MP3
Walter Bruch Television pioneer, inventor of the PAL colour television system
William Coolidge X-rays
Seymour Cray Supercomputer architect
Lee DeForest Audion vacuum tube
Georges de Mestral Velcro
Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky Inventor of Three-phase motor
Ray Dolby Dolby sound
J. Presper Eckert Computer pioneer
Thomas Edison Prolific inventor: phonograph, first practical light bulb, telegraph improvements
A. K. Erlang Communications and Queueing
Lloyd Espenschied Developments in radio communications and coaxial cable technology.
Michael Faraday Discovered electromagnetic induction and Faraday shield
Philo T. Farnsworth American television pioneer
Galileo Ferraris Rotating magnetic field
Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti Ferranti Corporation
Reginald Fessenden "Father of Radio Broadcasting"
Gerhard Fischer Handheld metal detector
John Ambrose Fleming Inventor of the thermionic valve (vacuum tube)
Thomas Flowers Designer of the first programmable digital electronic computer
Jay Forrester American computer pioneer
Charles Legeyt Fortescue Canadian - symmetrical components for three-phase power system analysis
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Physicist; Fourier transform / Fourier series
Dennis Gabor Hungarian inventor of holography, Nobel Laureate
Ralph Hartley Electronics
Oliver Heaviside Re-formulated Maxwell's equations (vector calculus)
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Hertzian Waves
Peter Cooper Hewitt Mercury vapor lamp, mercury arc rectifier
William Hewlett Hewlett-Packard
Godfrey Hounsfield Inventor of the world's first computed tomography (CT) scanner
John Hopkinson Inventor of Three-phase electrical system
Grace Hopper Computer programmer (first compiler)
Lawrence A. Hyland Radar pioneer, leader of Hughes Aircraft
Kees Schouhamer Immink Pioneer optical recording, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray Disc
Bill Joy Unix - Sun Microsystems
Rudolf Kalman Inventor of the Kalman filter
Charles Kettering Automobile electrical innovations, Delco founder
Jack Kilby Nobel prize: Integrated circuit
Herbert Kroemer Heterostructures and semiconductor physics
Eric Laithwaite Linear induction motor
Hedy Lamarr Communications
Uno Lamm Swedish, HVDC and mercury arc valves
Guglielmo Marconi Practical radio
John Mauchly ENIAC designer
Charles Hesterman Merz NESCO Electric power grid, England
Robert Moog Electronic music pioneer, invented Moog synthesizer
Arthur Nielsen Nielsen ratings developer
Robert Noyce Co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel
Bernard M. (Barney) Oliver Hewlett-Packard, Founder HP Labs
Kenneth Olsen Magnetic core memory; Digital Equipment Corporation
Donald Pederson Father of SPICE
David Packard Hewlett-Packard
Valdemar Poulsen Magnetic recording
Michael I. Pupin Long-distance telephone communication. "Pupin coil"
Alec Reeves Inventor of pulse code modulation
Hyman G. Rickover "Father of the Nuclear Navy"
Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Inventor of the first successful AC radio tube
H. J. Round Radio pioneer and assistant to Guglielmo Marconi
Thomas Johann Seebeck Thermoelectric effect
Claude Shannon "Father of Communication Theory"
Percy Spencer Microwave oven
Frank J. Sprague "Father of Electric Traction"
Charles Proteus Steinmetz Alternating current theories
Sarkes Tarzian Radio inventor, broadcasting, radio manufacturer
Albert H. Taylor First demonstration of radar
Nikola Tesla Revolving magnetic field electric motor, Tesla coil, Polyphase transmission systems, transformer
Elihu Thomson Entrepreneur
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) Telegraphic cables
Milan Vidmar Power transformers and transmission of electric current
Andrew Viterbi Communications
Trevor Wadley Innovations in radio and microwave technology
Harry Ward Leonard Inventor of the Ward Leonard control system.
Robert Watson-Watt First practical radar
George Westinghouse AC power industrialist
Niklaus Wirth Computer programming languages
Steve Wozniak Personal computers; Apple Computer
Konrad Zuse Computers

[edit] See also