List of deists

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This is a partial list of people who have been categorized as deists, the belief in a God based on natural religion only, or belief in religious truths discovered by people through a process of reasoning, independent of any revelation through scripture or prophets. They have been selected for their influence on Deism, or for their fame in other areas.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Times obituary of Adam Smith
  2. ^ Hume's religious views are very ambiguous, as he lived in a time when explicit opposition to Church doctrine could mean death. Most attempts to analyze his spiritual views are based on his philosophical dialogs, and experts are split on whether he was an atheist or a deist based on these. [1]
  3. ^ "“I don’t believe in a God who does much. But I do believe in God, for some reason that I can’t explain.”" Paste Magazine, August 1, 2007[2]
  4. ^ "Although [Jefferson] was elected to an Anglican parish vestry, no record exists of his having served in that capacity. He was famous for not attending church and did so semiregularly only during his presidency and near the end of his life. To friends, he referred to himself variously as a 'Theist,' 'Deist,' 'Unitarian,' 'Rational Christian,' and 'Epicurean'; 'I am a sect unto myself, as far as I know,' he wrote." America's Founding Faiths, by Forrest Church, UU World magazine, Vol. XXI, Nol 4, Winter 2007.
  5. ^ "This is a personal essay submitted by Rev. Keith R. Wright, president of the United Deist Church. Copyright © 2003 by Keith R. Wright Originally written: 2003-JAN- Latest update: 2003-DEC-22 Author: Keith R. Wright
  6. ^ Essays and commentaries on Deism and revealed religions
  7. ^ Marlon Brando