List of current Argentine Deputies

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This is a list of current Argentine Deputies - members of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies - arranged by the province they represent and by party block.


[edit] Composition

Chamber of Deputies of Argentina
(as of 2006)
Party blocs Seats Party blocs Seats
PJ Front for Victory
Radical Civic Union
PJ Federal Peronist
Support for an Egalitarian Republic (ARI)
Socialist Party
New Party agst corruption, for honesty and transp.
Neuquino People's Movement
Front of the Popular Movement
Republican Force Tucumán
Civic and Social Front of Catamarca
Civic Front for Santiago
257 members

[edit] List of current Deputies

[edit] City of Buenos Aires

[edit] Buenos Aires Province

[edit] Catamarca Province

*Formerly of the Front for Victory

[edit] Chaco Province

[edit] Chubut Province

[edit] Córdoba Province

[edit] Corrientes Province

[edit] Entre Ríos Province

[edit] Formosa Province

[edit] Jujuy Province

[edit] La Pampa Province

[edit] La Rioja Province

[edit] Mendoza Province

[edit] Misiones Province

[edit] Neuquén Province

[edit] Río Negro Province

* Elected as UCR

[edit] Salta Province

[edit] San Juan Province

[edit] San Luis Province

  • Ivana Bianchi, Justice, Union and Liberty Front, 2007-2011
  • Luis Lusquiños, Justice, Union and Liberty Front, 2005-2009
  • Mario Merlo, Justice, Union and Liberty Front, 2007-2011
  • Claudio Poggi, Justice, Union and Liberty Front, 2005-2009
  • María Angélica Torrontegui, Justice, Union and Liberty Front, 2005-2009

[edit] Santa Cruz Province

[edit] Santa Fe Province

[edit] Santiago del Estero Province

[edit] Tierra del Fuego Province

[edit] Tucumán Province

[edit] 2005 election

ed Summary of the 23 October 2005 Argentine National Congress election results
Coalitions and parties Chamber of Deputies of the Nation:
127 out of 257 seats
Senate of the Nation:
24 out of 72 seats
Votes % Deputies Votes % Senators
Front for Victory (Frente para la Victoria) 5,071,094 29.9 50 3,572,361 45.1 14
Radical Civic Union (Unión Cívica Radical) 1,514,653 8.9 10 597,730 7.5 2
Alternative for a Republic of Equals (Alternativa por una República de Iguales) 1,227,726 7.2 8 549,208 6.9 -
Justicialist Party (Partido Justicialista) 1,142,522 6.7 9 58,485 0.7 1
Republican Proposal (Propuesta Republicana - PRO) 1,046,020 6.2 9 492,892 6.2 -
Justicialist Front (Frente Justicialista) 670,309 3.9 7 1,364,880 17.2 3
Progressive, Civic and Social Front (Frente Progresista Cívico y Social) 625,335 3.7 5
Alliance Union of Córdoba (Alianza Unión Córdoba) 530,115 3.1 4
Federalist Unity Party (Partido Unidad Federalista) 372,843 2.2 2
Alliance New Front (Alianza Frente Nuevo) 347,412 2.0 3
Front of Everyone (Frente de Todos) 316,294 1.9 6
Front for the Renewal of Concord (Frente Renovador de la Concordia) 189,327 1.1 2 187,255 2.4 2
Civic Front for Santiago (Frente Cívico por Santiago) 185,733 1.1 3
Neuquino People's Movement (Movimiento Popular Neuquino) 85,700 0.5 2
Front of Jujuy (Frente Jujeño) 78,051 1.0 1
Alliance Front of Production and Labour (Alianza Frente Produccion y Trabajo) 71,984 0.9 1
Others 3,647,997 21.5 7 953,739 12.0 -
Total (turnout 70.9 % resp. 72.3 %) 16,973,080   127 7,926,585 24
Registered voters 26,098,546 12,081,098
Votes cast 18,513,717 8,730,094
Invalid votes 1,540,637 8.3 803,509 9.2
Source: Adam Carr's Website

Be aware that parties operate under various labels and alliances in the provinces.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links