List of craters with ray systems

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This is a list of craters with ray systems. In the following tables, the listed coordinates and the diameter are for the crater.


[edit] Mercury

The following craters on Mercury possess ray systems.

Crater Latitude Longitude Diameter
Degas 37.4° N 126.4° E 60 km
Kuiper 11.3° S 31.1° E 62 km

[edit] Mars

The following craters on Mars possess ray systems (These were discovered in THEMIS infrared images).

Crater Latitude Longitude Diameter
Dilly 37.4° N 126.4° E 2 km
Gratteri 17.7° S 199.9° E 6.9 km
Tomini 16.3° N 125.9° E 7.4 km
Zumba 28.7° S 226.9° E 3.3 km
Zunil 7.7° N 166° E 10.1 km

[edit] Moon

This table lists the lunar impact craters that have ray systems. Crater names followed by a letter are satellite craters associated with the primary crater of the same name.

Crater Latitude Longitude Diameter
Anaxagoras 73.4° N 10.1° W 50 km
Aristarchus 23.7° N 47.4° W 40 km
Aristillus 33.9° N 1.2° E 55 km
Autolycus 30.7° N 1.5° E 39 km
Byrgius A 24.5° S 63.7° W 19 km
Copernicus 9.7° N 20.1° W 93 km
Crookes 10.3° S 164.5° W 49 km
Das 26.6° S 136.8° W 38 km
Dionysius 2.8° N 17.3° E 18 km
Fechner T 59.1° S 122.9° E 14 km
Giordano Bruno 35.9° N 102.8° E 22 km
Glushko 8.4° N 77.6° W 43 km
Godin 1.8° N 10.2° E 34 km
Harpalus 52.6° N 43.4° W 39 km
Jackson 22.4° N 163.1° W 71 km
Joule T 27.7° N 148.2° W 37 km
Kepler 8.1° N 38.0° W 31 km
Langrenus 8.9° S 61.1° E 127 km
Larmor Q 28.6° N 176.2° E 22 km
Laue G 27.8° N 93.2° W 36 km
Messier A 2.0° S 47.0° E 13 km
Moore F 20.2° N 176.1° W 25 km
Necho 5.0° S 123.1° E 30 km
Ohm 18.4° N 113.5° W 64 km
Petavius B 19.9° S 57.1° E 33 km
Proclus 16.1° N 46.8° E 28 km
Sirsalis F 13.5° S 60.1° W 13 km
Stevinus A 31.8° S 51.6° E 8 km
Thales 61.8° N 50.3° E 31 km
Timocharis 26.7° N 13.1° W 33 km
Triesnecker 4.2° N 3.6° E 26 km
Tycho 43.4° S 11.1° W 102 km
Ventris M 4.9° S 158.0° E 95 km

[edit] See also