List of companies of Argentina

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This article intends to list the most important companies of Argentina.


[edit] Food

[edit] Aeronautics

[edit] Energy and engineering

[edit] Real Estate and Construction

[edit] Clothing

[edit] High Technology

  • I.M.S. Interactive Messaging Systems S.A. (
  • INVAP (high technology and energy)
  • Teltron

[edit] Media

[edit] Television networks

[edit] Newspapers

[edit] Textile

  • Stabic

[edit] Transport

[edit] Airlines

[edit] Bus

[edit] Railways

[edit] Others

[edit] Worker controlled companies

[edit] Stores

  • Garbarino (appliance)
  • Red Megatone (appliance)
  • Fravega (appliance)
  • Ribeiro (appliance)

[edit] Supermarkets
