List of canonizations

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For a list of saints and blessed Roman Catholics, see Chronological list of saints and blesseds.

On 22 January 1588, with the Apostolic Constitution Immensa Aeterni Dei, Pope Sixtus V created the Sacred Congregation of Rites to regulate divine worship and to deal with the causes of saints.


[edit] Canonizations before 1588

Canonizations before CSS, retrieved 2008-05-15. In the table below, disputed indicates an asterisk ("*") in this source and indicates conflicting information.

[edit] Pontificate of Pope John XV

  • 31 January 993
    • Ulric of Augsburg

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Gregory V

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Benedict VI

  • 1016
    • Simeon of Polirone

[edit] Pontificate of Pope John XIX

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Benedict IX

  • 1032
  • 25 December 1041
    • Simon of Trier

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Clement II

05 January 1047

    • Wiborada of Sankt-Gall

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Leo IX

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Alexander II

  • 1067
    • Ariardus
  • 1070
    • Theobald, also known as Theobald of Provins
    • Iñigo of Oña, also known as Eneco

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Gregory VII

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Urban II

  • 1084
  • 1095
    • Erlembald Cotta
  • 1098
    • Nicholas Peregrinus Nicholas "Peregrinus"
  • c. 1089-1099, date uncertain
    • Adelaide, disputed, see explanation above
  • date uncertain
    • Attilanus of Zaragoza
  • 1100
    • Angilbert of Saint-Riquier

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Pascal II

  • 19 April 1101
    • Canute of Denmark
  • 04 June 1109
    • Peter of Anagni

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Callistus II

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Innocent II

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Eugene III

  • 04 March 1146
    • Henry I, also known as Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Adrian IV

  • 1154
    • Famian, disputed, see explanation above

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Alexander III

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Lucius III

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Clement III

  • 1188
    • Ketille, disputed, see explanation above
  • 21 March 1189
  • 29 April 1189
  • 06 May 1190
    • Malachy O'More
  • 1191
  • 04 March 1192
    • Ubald Baldassini of Gubbio
  • 08 January 1193
    • Bernwald of Hildesheim
  • 24 October 1193
  • c. 1195-1196, date uncertain
  • 27 April 1197
    • Gerard of Sauve-Majeur

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Innocent III

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Honorius III

  • 17 May 1218
    • William de Donjeon
  • 18 February 1220
  • 1220
    • Bertrand of Comminges, disputed, see explanation above
  • 08 January 1222
  • 21 January 1224
    • William of Roskilde
  • 11 December 1225
    • Lawrence O’Toole , also known as Lorcan Ua Tuathail

18 March 1226

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Gregory IX

03 July 1234

27 May 1235

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Innocent IV

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Alexander IV

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Urban IV

  • 25 January 1262
    • Richard de Wych

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Clement IV

  • 26 March 1267
    • Hedwig of Silesia

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Boniface VIII

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Clemente V

  • 05 May 1313

[edit] Pontificate of Pope John XXII

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Clemente VI

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Urban V

  • 15 April 1369
    • Eleazar de Sabran

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Boniface IX

  • 07 October 1391
  • 1401
    • John Thwing of Bridlington, disputed, see explanation above

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Martin V

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Eugene IV

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Nicholas V

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Callistus III

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Pius II

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Sixtus IV

  • 07 August, 1481
    • Berard, martyred 16 January 1120
    • Otto, also known as Otho, martyred 16 January 1120 with Berard
    • Peter, martyred 16 January 1120 with Berard
    • Accursius, martyred 16 January 1120 with Berard
    • Adjutus, martyred 16 January 1120 with Berard
  • 14 May 1482

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Innocent VIII

  • 06 January 1485
    • Leopold II

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Leo X

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Adrian VI

  • 1521
  • 31 May 1523
    • Benno of Meissen
    • Antoninus Pierozzi

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Sixtus V

[edit] Pontificate of John XV (1)

  • 4 July 993
    • Ulrich also sometimes spelled Uodalric or Odalrici

[edit] Pontificate of Leo IX (1)

[edit] Pontificate of Callixtus II (1)

[edit] Pontificate of Clement VIII (2)

[edit] Pontificate of Paul V (2)

[edit] Pontificate of Gregory XV (5)

[edit] Pontificate of Urban VIII (2)

[edit] Pontificate of Alexander VII (2)

[edit] Pontificate of Clement IX (2)

[edit] Pontificate of Clement X (5)

[edit] Pontificate of Alexander VIII (5)

[edit] Pontificate of Clement XI (4)

[edit] Pontificate of Benedict XIII (10)

  • 27 December 1726
  • 31 December 1726
  • March 19, 1729
    • Jan Nepomucký
    • Agnese Segni from Montepucian
    • Giacomo Gangali from the Marches
    • Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo Robledo
    • Francisco Solano Giménez
    • Juan de Yepes Álvarez of the Cross
    • Margherita Di Bartolomeo from Cortona
    • Juan de Prado

[edit] Pontificate of Clement XII (4)

[edit] Pontificate of Benedict XIV (5)

  • 29 June 1746
    • Camillo de Lellis
    • Caterina de’ Ricci
    • Fidelis Roy from Sigmaringen
    • Giuseppe Desideri from Leonessa
    • Pedro Regalado de la Costanilla

[edit] Pontificate of Clement XIII (6)

  • 16 July 1767
    • Joseph Calasanctius
    • Girolamo Emiliani [Miani]
    • Jeanne-Françoise Frémyot de Chantal
    • Jan Wacięga of Kęty
    • Giuseppe Desa
    • Serafino Pampiani

[edit] Pontificate of Pius VII (5)

[edit] Pontificate of Gregory XVI (5)

  • 26 May 1839
    • Veronica Giuliani
    • Alfonso de’ Liguori
    • Francesco De Geronim
    • Giovanni Giuseppe Calosinto of the Cross
    • Pacifico Divino from San Severino

[edit] Pontificate of Pius IX (52)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Leo XIII (18)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Pius X (4)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Benedict XV (3)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Pius XI (4)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Pius XII

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Paul VI

[edit] Pontificate of Pope John Paul II

  • December 11, 1988
    • Maria Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815–1876)
  • October 11, 1992
    • Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz (1848–1906)
  • March 21, 1993
    • Mary of St. Ignatius (Claudine Thévenet) (1774–1837)
    • Teresa de Jesus de los Andes (Juana Fernández Solar) (1900–1920)
  • June 16, 1993
    • Enrique de Ossó y Cercelló (1840–1896)
  • September 8, 1993
    • Saint Meinardo (1134/36–1196)
  • July 2, 1995
    • Martyrs of Kosice (+1619):
    • Marko Krizin (1588–1619)
    • Stefan Pongracz (1582–1609)
    • Melichar Grodziecki, SJ (1584–1619)
  • June 2, 1996
    • Jean-Gabriel Perboyre (1802–1840)
    • Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francis Anthony Postillo) (1729–1812)
    • Juan Grande Román, O.H. (1546–1600)
  • June 8, 1997
    • Hedwig, queen of Poland (1374–1399)
  • November 21, 1999
    • Brother Cyrill Bertrán and 8 Companions (+1934)
    • Inocencio de la Inmaculada (+1937)
    • Benedict Menni, OH (1841–1914)
    • Thomas of Cori, OFM (1655–1729)
  • April 30, 2000
  • November 25, 2001
    • Joseph Marello (1844-1895)
    • Paula Montal Fornes de San Jose de Calasanz (1799-1889)
    • Leonie Françoise de Sales Aviat (1844-1914)
    • Maria Crescentia Hoss (1682-1744)

[edit] Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI

[edit] External links
