List of butterflies of Karnataka
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This is a list of butterfly species found in Karnataka State. In this state about 318 species of butterflies have been recorded.
- Papilionidae - Swallowtail Butterflies (19 species)
- Pieridae - Yellow-White Butterflies (29 species)
- Nymphalidae- Brush-Footed Butterflies (92 species)
- Lycaenidae- Blues, hairstreaks and Gossamer-Winged Butterflies (98 species)
- Hesperiidae - Skipper Butterflies (80 species)
[edit] Family Papilionidae
[edit] Subfamily Papilioninae
[edit] Genus Graphium (Pathysa) - The Swordtails, Zebras
- Spot Swordtail, Pathysa nomius (Esper, 1798)
- Fivebar Swordtail, Pathysa antiphates (Cramer, 1775)
[edit] Genus Graphium (Graphium) - The Bluebottles and Jays
- Common Jay, Graphium doson (C. & R. Felder, 1864)
- Tailed Jay, Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Common Bluebottle, Graphium sarpedon (Linnaeus, 1758)
[edit] Genus Atrophaneura (Pachliopta) - The Roses
- Common Rose, Pachliopta aristolochiae (Fabricius, 1775)
- Crimson Rose, Pachliopta hector (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Malabar Rose, Pachliopta pandiyana (Moore, 1881)
[edit] Genus Troides - The Birdwings
- Southern Birdwing, Troides minos (Cramer, 1779)
[edit] Genus Papilio (Chilasa) - The Mimes
- Common Mime, Chilasa clytia, Linnaeus, 1758
[edit] Genus Papilio (Papilio) - The Swallowtails
- Malabar Banded Swallowtail, Papilio liomedon (Moore, 1874)
- Blue Mormon, Papilio polymnestor (Cramer, 1775)
- Red Helen, Papilio helenus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Common Mormon, Papilio polytes (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Malabar Raven, Papilio dravidarum (Wood-Mason, 1880)
- Lime Butterfly, Papilio demoleus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Common Banded Peacock, Papilio crino (Fabricius, 1792)
- Malabar Banded Peacock, Papilio buddha (Westwood, 1872)
- Paris Peacock, Papilio paris (Linnaeus, 1758)
[edit] Family Pieridae
There are 34 species recorded.
[edit] Subfamily Pierinae - The Whites
[edit] Genus Pieris, The Whites
- Indian Cabbage White , Pieris canidia Linnaeus, 1768
[edit] Genus Anaphaeis - The Pioneers
- Pioneer(Caper White) , Anaphaeis aurota Fabricius, 1793
[edit] Genus Cepora - The Gulls
- Common Gull , Cepora nerissa Fabricius, 1775
- Lesser Gull , Cepora nadina Lucas, 1852
[edit] Genus Ixias - The Indian Orange Tips
- White Orange Tip , Ixias marianne Cramer, 1779
- Yellow Orange Tip , Ixias pyrene Linnaeus, 1764
[edit] Genus Delias - The Jezebels
- Common Jezebel , Delias eucharis Drury, 1773
[edit] Genus Prioneris - The Sawtooths
- Painted Sawtooth , Prioneris sita C. Felder, 1865
[edit] Genus Appias - The Puffins and Albatrosses
- Plain Puffin , Appias indra Moore, 1857
- Striped Albatross , Appias libythea Fabricius, 1775
- Chocolate Albatross , Appias lyncida Cramer, 1777
- Common Albatross, Appias albina Felder
- Lesser Albatross , Appias wardii (Moore, 1884)
[edit] Genus Leptosia - The Psyche
[edit] Genus Hebomoia - The Great Orange Tip
- Great Orange-Tip , Hebomoia glaucippe Linnaeus, 1758
[edit] Genus Colotis - The Arabs
- Small Salmon Arab , Colotis amata Fabricius, 1775
- Large Salmon Arab , Colotis fausta (Olivier, 1804)
- Small Orange-Tip , Colotis etrida Boisduval, 1836
- Plain Orange-Tip , Colotis eucharis Fabricius, 1775
- Crimson-Tip , Colotis danae (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Pareronia - The Wanderers
- Dark Wanderer , Pareronia ceylanica (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
- Common Wanderer , Pareronia valeria (Cramer, 1776)
[edit] Subfamily Coliadinae - The Yellows
[edit] Genus Catopsilia - The Emigrants
- Common Emigrant , Catopsilia pomona Fabricius, 1775
- Mottled Emigrant , Catopsilia pyranthe Latreille, 1758
[edit] Genus Eurema - The Grass Yellows
- Small Grass Yellow , Eurema brigitta Cramer, 1780
- Spotless Grass Yellow , Eurema laeta Boisduval, 1836
- Common Grass Yellow , Eurema hecabe Linnaeus, 1758
- Three-Spot Grass Yellow , Eurema blanda Boisduval, 1836
[edit] Genus Colias - The Clouded Yellows
- Nilgiri Clouded Yellow , Colias nilgiriensis
[edit] Family Nymphalidae
[edit] Subfamily Libytheinae
[edit] Genus Libythea - The Beaks
- Common Beak Libythea lepita (Moore, 1857)
- Club Beak Libythea myrrha', (Godart, 1819)
[edit] Subfamily Danainae
[edit] Genus Parantica - The Glassy Tigers
- Glassy Tiger, Parantica aglea (Stoll, 1782)
- Nilgiri Tiger, Parantica nilgiriensis (Moore, 1877)
[edit] Genus Tirumala - The Blue Tigers
- Dark Blue Tiger, Tirumala septentrionis (Butler, 1874)
- Blue Tiger, Tirumala limniace Cramer, 1775
[edit] Genus Danaus - The Tigers
- Plain Tiger, Danaus chrysippus Linnaeus, 1758
- Common Or Striped Tiger, Danaus genutia Cramer, 1779
[edit] Genus Euploea - The Crows
- Common Indian Crow, Euploea core (Cramer, 1780)
- Double-Branded Crow, Euploea sylvester (Fabricius, 1793)
- Blue King Crow, Euploea klugii Moore, 1858
[edit] Genus Idea - The Tree Nymphs
- Malabar Tree Nymph, Idea malabarica Moore, 1877
[edit] Subfamily Charaxinae
[edit] Genus Charaxes - The Rajahs
- Tawny Rajah Charaxes bernardus (Fabricius, 1793)
- Black Rajah Charaxes solon (Fabricius, 1793)
[edit] Genus Polyura - The Nawabs
- Blue Nawab Polyura schreiberi (Godart, 1819)
- Common Nawab Polyura athamas (Drury, 1773)
- Anomalous Common Nawab Polyura agraria
[edit] Subfamily Morphinae
[edit] Genus Discophora - The Duffers
- Southern Duffer Discophora lepida (Moore, 1857)
[edit] Subfamily Satyrinae
[edit] Genus Mycalesis - The Bushbrowns
- Whitebar Bushbrown Mycalesis anaxias Hewitson, 1862
- Small Longbrand Bushbrown Mycalesis igilia Fruhstorfer, 1909
- Long-Brand Bushbrown Mycalesis visala Moore, 1858
- Palebrand Bushbrown Mycalesis khasia Evans, 1920
- Redeye Bushbrown Mycalesis adolphei (Guérin-Ménéville, 1843)
- Gladeye Bushbrown, Mycalesis patnia Moore, 1857
- Tamil Bushbrown Mycalesis subdita Moore
- Common Bushbrown Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775)
- Dark Branded Bushbrown Mycalesis mineus (Linnaeus, 1758)
[edit] Genus Lethe - The Treebrowns
- Common Treebrown Lethe rohria (Fabricius, 1787)
- Tamil Treebrown Lethe drypetis (Hewitson, ?1868)
- Bamboo Treebrown Lethe europa (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Ypthima - The Rings
- Common Threering Ypthima asterope
- Jewel Fourring Ypthima avanta Moore, 1875
- Common Fivering Ypthima baldus (Fabricius, 1775)
- White Fourring Ypthima ceylonica Hewitson, 1865
- Nilgiri Fourring Ypthima chenui (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)
- Common Fourring Ypthima huebneri Kirby, 1871
- Baby Fivering Ypthima philomela (Linnaeus, 1763)
[edit] Genus Zipoetis - The Catseyes
- Tamil Catseye Zipoetis saitis Hewitson, 1863
[edit] Genus Orsotriaena - The Nigger
- Nigger Orsotriaena medus (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Melanitis - The Evening Browns
- Common Evening Brown Melanitis leda (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Dark Evening Brown Melanitis phedima (Cramer, 1780)
- Great Evening Brown Melanitis zitenius (Herbst, 1796)
[edit] Genus Parantirrhoea - The Travancore Evening Brown
- Travancore Evening Brown Parantirrhoea marshalli Wood-Mason, 1880
[edit] Genus Elymnias - The Palmflies
- Common Palmfly Elymnias hypermnestra (Linnaeus, 1763)
[edit] Subfamily Heliconiinae
[edit] Genus Vindula - The Cruiser
- Cruiser Vindula erota Fabricius, 1793
[edit] Genus Cirrochroa - The Yeomen
- Tamil Yeoman Cirrochroa thais (Fabricius, 1787)
[edit] Genus Cupha - The Rustic
- Rustic Cupha erymanthis (Drury, 1773)
[edit] Genus Phalanta - The Leopards
- Small Leopard Phalanta alcippe Stoll, 1782
- Leopard Phalanta phalantha Drury, 1773
[edit] Genus Argynnis - The Fritillaries
- Indian Fritillary Argynnis hyperbius Linnaeus, 1763
[edit] Genus Cethosia - The lacewings
- Tamil Lacewing Cethosia nietneri Felder & Felder, 1867
[edit] Subfamily Acraeinae
[edit] Genus Acraea - The Tawny Coster
- Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758)
[edit] Subfamily Limenitidinae
[edit] Genus Limenitis - The Admirals
- Commander Limenitis procris (Cramer, 1777)
[edit] Genus Athyma - The Sergeants
- Common Sergeant Athyma perius (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Blackvein Sergeant Athyma ranga Moore, 1857
- Staff Sergeant, Athyma selenophora (Kollar, 1844)
- Colour Sergeant, Athyma nefte (Cramer, 1780)
[edit] Genus Pantoporia - The Lascars
- Common Lascar Pantoporia hordonia (Stoll, 1790)
- Extra Lascar Pantoporia sandaka (Butler, 1892)
[edit] Genus Neptis - The Sailers
- Common Sailer Neptis hylas Linnaeus, 1758
- Shortbanded Sailer Neptis columella
- Chestnut-Streaked Sailer Neptis jumbah Moore, 1857
- Yellowback Sailer Neptis viraja
- Sullied Sailer Neptis soma
- Clear Sailer Neptis nata
- Southern Sullied Sailer Neptis clinia
[edit] Genus Parthenos - The Clipper
- Clipper Parthenos sylvia (Cramer, 1775)
[edit] Genus Euthalia - The Barons
- Common Baron Euthalia aconthea (Cramer, 1777)
- Gaudy Baron Euthalia lubentina (Cramer, 1777)
- Baronet Euthalia nais (Forster, 1771)
- Blue Baron Euthalia telchinia (Ménétriés, 1857)
[edit] Genus Tanaecia - The Counts
- Grey Count Tanaecia lepidea (Butler, 1868)
[edit] Genus Dophla - The Dukes
- Redspot Duke Dophla evelina (Stoll, 1790)
[edit] Subfamily Cyrestinae
[edit] Genus Cyrestis - The Map Butterflies
- Common Map Cyrestis thyodamas Boisduval, 1836
[edit] Subfamily Biblidinae
[edit] Genus Ariadne - The Castors
- Angled Castor Ariadne ariadne Linnaeus, 1763
- Common Castor Ariadne merione
[edit] Genus Byblia - The Joker
- Joker Byblia ilithyia (Drury, 1773)
[edit] Subfamily Apaturinae
[edit] Genus Rohana -
- Black Prince Rohana parisatis (Westwood, 1850)
[edit] Genus Euripus - The Courtesans
- Painted Courtesan Euripus consimilis (Westwood, 1850)
[edit] Subfamily Nymphalinae
[edit] Genus Vanessa - Admirals, Painted Lady
- Indian Red Admiral Vanessa indica (Herbst, 1794)
- Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
[edit] Genus Kaniska
- Blue Admiral Kaniska canace (Linnaeus, 1763)
[edit] Genus Junonia - The Pansies
- Gray Pansy Junonia atlites (Linnaeus, 1763)
- Peacock Pansy Junonia (Precis) almana (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Yellow Pansy Junonia (Precis) hierta (Fabricius, 1798)
- Chocolate Pansy, Junonia (Precis) iphita (Cramer, 1779)
- Lemon Pansy Junonia (Precis) lemonias (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Blue Pansy Junonia orithya (Linnaeus, 1758)
[edit] Genus Hypolimnas - The Eggflies
- Great Eggfly Hypolimnas bolina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Danaid Eggfly Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764)
[edit] Genus Kallima - The Oakleafs
- South Indian Blue Oakleaf Kallima horsfieldi Kollar, 1844
[edit] Genus Doleschallia - The Autumn Leaf
- Autumnleaf Doleschallia bisaltide malabarica (Cramer, 1777)
[edit] Family Lycaenidae
[edit] Genus Abisara, The Judies
[edit] Genus Logania - The Mottles
- Mottle Logania distanti Semper, 1889.
[edit] Genus Spalgis - The Apefly
- Apefly Spalgis epius (Westwood, 1851) (L6.1)
[edit] Genus Talicada - The Red Pierrot
- Red Pierrot Talicada nyseus Guérin, 1843. (L8.1)
[edit] Genus Castalius - The Common Pierrot
- Common Pierrot Castalius rosimon Fabricius, 1775. (L9.1)
- Dark Pierrot Castalius ananda de Nicéville, 1884 previously Tarucus ananda De Nicéville (L10.1)
[edit] Genus Caleta - The Angled Pierrot
- Angled Pierrot Caleta caleta Hewitson, 1876 earlier Castalius caleta Moore (L9.2)
[edit] Genus Discolampa - The Banded Blue Pierrot
- Banded Blue Pierrot Discolampa ethion Westwood, 1851 earlier Castalius ethion Doubleday & Hewitson (L9.3)
[edit] Genus Tarucus - The Blue Pierrots
- Spotted Pierrot Tarucus callinara Butler, 1886 (L10.4)
- Striped Pierrot Tarucus nara Kollar, 1848 (L10.9)
- Indian Pierrot Tarucus indica Evans, 1932
[edit] Genus Syntarucus - The Zebra Blue
- Zebra Blue Syntarucus plinius (Fabricius, 1793) (L11.1) (synonyms Leptotus plinius, Tarucus plinius)
[edit] Genus Azanus - The Babul Blues
- Bright Babul Blue Azanus ubaldus Cramer, 1782 (L12.1)
- Dull Babul Blue Azanus uranus Butler, 1886 (L12.2)
- African Babul Blue Azanus jesous Guérin-Meneville, 1847 (L12.4)
[edit] Genus Neopithecops - The Quaker
- Quaker Neopithecops zalmora Butler 1870 (L15.1)
[edit] Genus Megisba - The Malayan
- Malayan Megisba malaya (Horsfield, 1828) (H20.1, p. 220)
[edit] Genus Celastrina - The Hedge Blues
- Plain Hedge Blue Celastrina lavendularis (Moore, 1877) previously Lycaenopsis lavendularis Moore (L19.15)
[edit] Genus Acytolepis - The Hedge Blues
- Common Hedge Blue Acytolepis puspa (Horsfield, 1828) previously Lycaenopsis puspa (Toxopeus) (L19.1)
- Hampson's Hedge Blue Acytolepis lilacea (Hampson, 1889) Lycaenopsis lilacea Hampson (L19.2)
[edit] Genus Akasinula - The White Hedge Blue
- White Hedge Blue Akasinula akasa (Horsfield, 1828) previously Lycaenopsis akasa Frühstorfer (L19.10)
[edit] Genus Cyaniris - The Hedge Blues
- Whitedisc Hedge Blue Cyaniris albidisca Moore, 1883 previously Lycaenopsis albidisca Moore (L19.6)
[edit] Genus Chilades - The Lime Blue
- Lime Blue Chilades laius (Cramer, 1782) (L21.1)
- Indian Cupid Chilades parrhasius (Fabricius, 1793) previously Everes parrhasius Fabricius (L16.4)
- Small Cupid Chilades contracta (Butler 1880) previously Euchrysops contracta Butler (L23.2)?
[edit] Genus Zizeeria - The Grass Blues
- Dark Grass Blue Zizeeria lysimon (Hübner, 1798-1803) (L22.3)
- Lesser Grass Blue Zizeeria otis (Fabricius, 1787) (L22.5)
[edit] Genus Pseudozizeeria - The Pale Grass Blue
- Pale Grass Blue Pseudozizeeria maha (Kollar, 1848) previously Zizeeria maha Kollar (L22.2)
[edit] Genus Zizula - The Tiny Grass Blue
- Tiny Grass Blue Zizula gaika (Trimen, 1862) synonym Zizula hylax (Fabricius 1775) (now suppressed) (L22.4)
[edit] Genus Freyeria - The Grass Jewel
- Grass Jewel Freyeria trochylus (Freyer, 1845) previously Zizeeria trochilus Freyer (L22.1)
[edit] Genus Euchrysops - The Gram Blues
- Gram Blue Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius, 1798) (L23.1)
[edit] Genus Edales - The Plains Cupid
- Plains Cupid Edales pandava (Horsfield, 1829) previously Euchrysops pandava Horsfield (L23.3)
[edit] Genus Anthene - The Ciliate Blues
- Ciliate Blue Anthene emolus (Godart, 1823) previously Lycaenesthes emolus Godart (L24.1)
- Pointed Ciliate Blue Anthene lycaenina (C. Felder, 1868) previously Lycaenesthes lycaenina Felder (L24.2)
[edit] Genus Catachrysops - The Forget-me-nots
- Forget-me-not Catachrysops strabo (Fabricius, 1793) (L25.1)
- Silver Forget-me-not Catachrysops panoramus (C. Felder, 1860)
[edit] Genus Lampides - The Ceruleans and the Peablue
- Peablue Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) (L26.1)
[edit] Genus Jamides - The Ceruleans
- Dark Cerulean Jamides bochus Stoll, 1782 (L27.1)
- Common Cerulean Jamides celeno (Cramer, 1775) (L27.3)
- Metallic Cerulean Jamides alecto (Felder, 1860) (L27.7)
[edit] Genus Nacaduba - The Lineblues
- Large Four-line Blue Nacaduba pactolus (Felder, 1860) (L30.2)
- Pale Four-line Blue Nacaduba hermus (Felder, 1860) (L30.3)
- Pointed Lineblue Nacaduba helicon Felder,? (L30.7)
- Transparent Six-line Blue Nacaduba kurava (Moore, 1857) (L30.8)
- Opaque Six-line Blue Nacaduba beroe (Felder & Felder, 1865) (L30.9)
- Rounded Six-line Blue Nacaduba berenice (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) (L30.10)
- Dark Ceylon Six-line Blue Nacaduba calauria (C. Felder, 1860)
[edit] Genus Prosotas - The Lineblues
- Common Lineblue Prosotas nora (Felder, 1860) previously Nacaduba nora Felder (L30.13)
- Tailless Lineblue Prosotas dubiosa (Semper, 1879) previously Nacaduba dubiosa Evans (L30.14)
- White-tipped Lineblue Prosotas noreia (Felder, 1868) previously Nacaduba noreia Felder (L30.15)
[edit] Genus Petrelea - The Dingy Lineblue
- Dingy Lineblue Petrelea dana (De Nicéville, 1884) previously Nacaduba dana De Nicéville (L30.16)
[edit] Genus Curetis - The Sunbeams
- Indian Sunbeam Curetis thetis (Drury, 1773) (L40.1)
- Shiva's Sunbeam Curetis siva Evans, 1954
- Toothed Sunbeam Curetis dentata Moore, 1879
[edit] Genus Iraota - The Silverstreak Blues
- Silverstreak Blue Iraota timoleon Stoll, 1790 (L41.1)
[edit] Genus Horsfieldia - The Leaf Blue
[edit] Genus Thaduka - The Many-tailed Oak-Blue
- Many-tailed Oak-Blue Thaduka multicaudata Moore, 1878 (L43.1)
[edit] Genus Arhopala - The Oakblues
- Large Oakblue Arhopala amantes (Hewitson, 1862) previously Amblypodia amantes Hewitson (L45.18)
- Aberrant Bushblue Arhopala abseus (Hewitson, 1862) previously Amblypodia abseus (L45.39)
- Dark Broken-Band Oakblue Arhopala atrax (Hewitson, 1862)
[edit] Genus Nilasera - The Oakblues
- Centaur Oakblue Nilasera centaurus (Fabricius, 1775) previously Amblypodia centaurus Moore (L45.16)
[edit] Genus Panchala - The Oakblues
- Rosy Oakblue Panchala alea (Hewitson, 1862) previously Amblypodia alea Hewitson (L45.11)
[edit] Genus Narathura - The Tamil Oakblue
- Tamil Oakblue Narathura bazaloides (Hewitson, 1878) previously Amblypodia bazaloides Hewitson (L45.23)
[edit] Genus Surendra - The Acacia Blue
- Common Acacia Blue Surendra quercetorum (Moore, 1857) (L46.1)
[edit] Genus Zinaspa - The Silver Streaked Acacia Blue
- Silver Streaked Acacia Blue Zinaspa todara (Moore, 1883) previously Surendra todara Moore (L46.2)
[edit] Genus Loxura - The Yamfly
- Yamfly Loxura atymnus (Cramer, 1782) (L48.1)
[edit] Genus Spindasis - The Silverlines
- Common Silverline Spindasis vulcanus (Fabricius, 1775) (L52.1)
- Long-banded Silverline Spindasis lohita (Horsfield, 1829) (L52.11)
[edit] Genus Aphnaeus - The Silverlines
- Plumbeous Silverline Aphnaeus schistacea Moore, 1881 previously Spindasis schistacea Moore (L52.2)
- Abnormal Silverline Aphnaeus abnormis Moore, 1883 previously Spindasis abnormis Moore (L52.4)
- Common Shot Silverline Aphnaeus ictis Hewitson, 1865 previously Spindasis ictis Felder (L52.5)
- Scarce Shot Silverline Aphnaeus elima Moore, 1877 previously Spindasis elima Moore (L52.6)
- Lilac Silverline Aphnaeus lilacinus Moore, 1884 previously Apharitis lilacinus Moore (L51.2)
[edit] Genus Zesius - The Redspot
[edit] Genus Pratapa - The Tufted Royals
- White Royal Pratapa deva (Moore, 1857) (L54.5)
[edit] Genus Ancema - The Royals
- Silver Royal Ancema blanka (De Nicéville, 1895) previously Pratapa blanka Evans (L54.4)
[edit] Genus Creon - The Broadtail Royal
- Broadtail Royal Creon cleobis (Godart, 1823) previously Pratapa cleobis Godart (L54.8)
[edit] Genus Tajuria - The Royals
- Plains Blue Royal Tajuria jehana Moore, 1883 (L55.12)
- Peacock Royal Tajuria cippus (Fabricius, 1798) (L55.13)
- Spotted Royal Tajuria maculata Hewitson, ? (L55.17)
[edit] Genus Ops - The Branded Royal
- Branded Royal Ops melastigma (De Nicéville, 1887) previously Tajuria melastigma De Nicéville (L55.4)
[edit] Genus Charana - The Mandarin Blues
- Banded Royal Charana jalindra Moore (L56.1)
[edit] Genus Cheritra - The Common Imperial
- Common Imperial Cheritra freja (Fabricius, 1793) (L60.1)
[edit] Genus Rathinda - The Monkeypuzzle
- Monkeypuzzle Rathinda amor (Fabricius, 1775) (L63.1)
[edit] Genus Horaga - The Onyxs
- Common Onyx Horaga onyx (Moore, 1857) (L64.1)
- Brown Onyx Horaga viola Moore, 1882 (L64.4)
[edit] Genus Catapaecilma - The Common Tinsel
- Common Tinsel Catapaecilma elegans Druce, 1873 (L64.1)
[edit] Genus Chliaria - The Tits
- Orchid Tit Chliaria othona (Hewitson, 1865) (L66.1)
- Nilgiri Tit Chliaria nilgirica (Moore, 1883) previously Hypolycaena nilgirica Moore (L67.1)
[edit] Genus Zeltus - The Fluffy Tit
- Fluffy Tit Zeltus etolus (Fabricius, 1787) (L68.1)
[edit] Genus Deudorix - The Cornelians
[edit] Genus Virachola - The Guava Blues
- Common Guava Blue Virachola isocrates (Fabricius, 1793) (L71.1)
- Large Guava Blue Virachola perse (Hewitson, 1863) (L71.2)
[edit] Genus Rapala - The Flashes
- Indigo Flash Rapala varuna (Hewitson, 1863) (L72.7)
- Slate Flash Rapala schistacea (Moore, 1879) (L72.8)
- Common Red Flash Rapala iarbus (Fabricius, 1787) previously Rapala jarbas Fabricius (L72.13)
[edit] Genus Vadebra - The Malabar Flash
- Malabar Flash Vadebra lankana (Moore, 1879) previously Rapala lankana Moore (L72.3)
[edit] Genus Bindahara - The Plane
- Plane Bindahara phocides (Fabricius, 1793) (L74.1)
[edit] Family Hesperiidae
[edit] Coeliadinae
[edit] Genus Badamia - The Brown Awl
- Brown Awl Badamia exclamationis (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Bibasis - The Orange Tailed Awl
- Pale Green Awlet Bibasis gomata (Moore, 1865)
- Orange-striped Awl/Orange Awlet Bibasis jaina (Moore, 1865)
- Orangetail Awl/Pale Green Awlet Bibasis sena (Moore, 1865)
[edit] Genus Choaspes - The Awlkings.
- Indian Awlking, Choaspes benjaminii (Guérin-Meneville, 1843)
[edit] Genus Hasora - The Awls
- Common Awl Hasora badra (Moore , 1857)
- Common Banded Awl Hasora chromus (Cramer , 1780)
- White Banded Awl Hasora taminatus (Hübner, 1818)
- Plain Banded Awl Hasora vitta (Butler , 1870)
[edit] Hesperiinae
[edit] Genus Aeromachus - The Scrub Hoppers
- Dingy Scrub-Hopper Aeromachus dubius (Elwes & Edwards , 1897)
- Pygmy Grass/Scrub-Hopper Aeromachus pygmaeus (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Ampittia - The Bush Hoppers
- Bush Hopper Ampittia dioscorides (Fabricius, 1793)
[edit] Genus Arnetta - The Bobs
- Coorg Forest Hopper Arnetta mercara (Evans, 1932)
- Vindhyan Bob Arnetta vindhiana (Moore, 1883)
[edit] Genus Baoris - The Swifts.
- Paintbrush Swift Baoris farri (Moore , 1878)
[edit] Genus Baracus - Hedge Hoppers
- Hedge/Hampson's Hedge-Hopper Baracus vittatus (Felder, 1862)
[edit] Genus Pseudoborbo - Bevan's Swift
- Beavan's Swift Pseudoborbo bevani (Moore, 1878) ?
[edit] Genus Borbo - The Swifts
- Rice Swift Borbo cinnara (Wallace, 1866)
[edit] Genus Caltoris - The Swifts
- Kanara Swift Caltoris canaraica (Moore , 1883)
- Blank Swift Caltoris kumara (Moore , 1878)
- Philippine Swift Caltoris philippina (Herrich-Schäffer , 1869)
[edit] Genus Cupitha - The Wax Dart
- Wax Dart Cupitha purreea (Moore , 1877)
[edit] Genus Erionota - The Palm Redeye
- Palm Redeye Erionota thrax (Linnaeus , 1767)
[edit] Genus Gangara - The Giant Redeye
- Giant Redeye Gangara thyrsis (Fabricius , 1775)
[edit] Genus Halpe - The Aces
- Indian/Ceylon Ace Halpe homolea (Hewitson, 1868)
- Moore's Ace Halpe porus (Mabille , 1876)
- Chestnut Bob Iambrix salsala (Moore, 1865)
[edit] Genus Matapa - The Branded Redeye
- Common Redeye Matapa aria (Moore, 1865)
[edit] Genus Notocrypta - The Demons
- Restricted Demon Notocrypta curvifascia (Felder & Felder, 1862)
- Common Banded Demon Notocrypta paralysos (Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1881)
[edit] Genus Parnara
- African Straight/Straight Swift Parnara naso (Fabricius, 1798)
- Continental Swift Parnara ganga (Evans, 1937)
[edit] Genus Pelopidas - The Branded Swifts
- Dark Branded Swift Pelopidas agna (Moore, 1865)
- Conjoined Swift Pelopidas conjuncta (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)
- Dark Small-Branded Swift Pelopidas mathias (Fabricius, 1798)
- Large Branded Swift Pelopidas subochracea (Moore, 1878)
[edit] Genus Polytremis
- Contiguous Swift Polytremis lubricans (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)
[edit] Genus Potanthus - The Darts
- Confucian/Chinese Dart Potanthus confucius (Felder & Felder, 1862)
- Pallied Dart Potanthus pallida (Evans, 1932)
- Palni Dart Potanthus palnia (Evans, 1914)
- Pava Dart Potanthus pava (Fruhstorfer, 1911)
- Pseudomaesa/Common Dart Potanthus pseudomaesa (Moore, 1881)
[edit] Genus Psolos - The Coon
- Coon Psolos fuligo (Mabille, 1876)
[edit] Genus Quedara
- Yellow-Base/Golden Tree Flitter Quedara basiflava (De Nicéville, 1888)
[edit] Genus Salanoemia - The Lancer
- Maculate Lancer Salanoemia sala (Hewitson, 1866)
[edit] Genus Sovia
- Bicolour Ace Sovia hyrtacus (De Nicéville, 1897)
[edit] Genus Suastus - The Palm Bob.
- Indian Palm Bob, Suastus gremius (fabricius, 1798)
- Small Palm Bob, Suastus minuta (Moore, 1877)
[edit] Genus Taractrocera - The Grass Darts
- Tamil Grass Dart Taractrocera ceramas (Hewitson, 1868)
- Common Grass Dart Taractrocera maevius (Fabricius, 1793)
[edit] Genus Telicota - The Palm Darts
- Dark Palm Dart Telicota ancilla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)
- Pale Palm Dart Telicota colon (Fabricius, 1775)
[edit] Genus Cephrenes
- Plain Palm Dart Cephrenes chrysozona (Plötz, 1883)
[edit] Genus Thoressa - The Aces
- Southern Spotted Ace or Unbranded Ace Thoressa astigmata (Swinhoe, 1890)
- Evershed's Ace Thoressa evershedi (Evans, 1910)
- Madras Ace Thoressa honorei (De Nicéville, 1887)
- Tamil Ace or Sitala Ace Thoressa sitala (De Nicéville, 1885)
[edit] Genus Udaspes - The Grass Demon.
- Grass Demon, Udaspes folus (Cramer, 1775)
[edit] Genus Hyarotis - The Flitters
- Tree Flitter Hyarotis adrastus (Stoll , 1782)
- Brush Flitter Hyarotis microstrictum (Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1887)
[edit] Genus Oriens - The Dartlets
- Tamil Dartlet Oriens concinna (Elwes & Edwards, 1897)
- Common Dartlet Oriens goloides (Moore, 1881)
[edit] Pyrginae
[edit] Genus Caprona - The Angles
- Golden Angle Caprona ransonnetti (Felder, 1868)
- Spotted Angle Caprona agama (Moore , 1857 )
- Spotted Angle Caprona alida (De Nicéville , 1891)
[edit] Genus Celaenorrhinus - The Flat
- Malabar Spotted Flat Celaenorrhinus ambareesa (Moore, 1865)
- Common Spotted Flat Celaenorrhinus leucocera (Kollar , 1848)
- Tamil Spotted Flat Celaenorrhinus ruficornis (Mabille , 1878)
[edit] Genus Cogia
- Tricolour Flat Cogia indrani (Moore, 1865)
[edit] Genus Coladenia - The PiedFlats
- Fulvous Pied Flat Coladenia dan (Fabricius , 1787)
[edit] Genus Daimio - The White Flat
- Common Yellowbreasted Flat Daimio bhagava (Moore, 1865) ?
[edit] Genus Gomalia
- African Mallow/Marbled Skipper, Gomalia elma (Trimen , 1862)
[edit] Genus Odontoptilum - The Angles
- Chestnut/Banded Angle Odontoptilum angulata (Felder, 1862)
[edit] Genus Sarangesa - The Samll Flats.
- Common Small Flat Sarangesa dasahara (Moore, 1865)
- Spotted Small Flat Sarangesa purendra (Moore, 1882)
[edit] Genus Spialia - The Grizzled Skippers.
- Indian Grizzled/Indian Skipper Spialia galba (Fabricius, 1793)
[edit] Genus Tagiades - The Snow Flats.
- Immaculate/Large/Suffused Snow Flat Tagiades gana (Moore, 1865)
- Common/Ceylon Snow Flat Tagiades jepetus (Stoll, 1782)
- Water Snow Flat Tagiades litigiosa (Möschler, 1878)
[edit] Genus Tapena - The Angles
- Angled Flat/Black Angle Tapena twaithesi (Moore, 1881)
[edit] Notes
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- Kunte, K. (In press.) Checklist of the Butterflies of the Western Ghats, Southwestern India. In K. A. Subramanian (ed.) Diversity and Conservation of Invertebrates in the Western Ghats.
- Evans, W. H. (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
- Wynter-Blyth, M. A. (1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.
- Gaonkar, H. 1996. Butterflies of the Western Ghats, India (including Sri Lanka): a biodiversity assessment of a threatened mountain system. Report to the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Bangalore.
- Larsen, T. B. 1987-88. The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., vol 84 & 85.