List of animal names

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This lists names of animals used depending on the context. Many species of animals, particularly those domesticated, have been given specific names for the male, the female, and the young of the species. There are a few generic terms, "bull-cow-calf", for instance, that are found across species, but many species have been granted unique names for these gender/age characteristics. Empty table cells indicate incomplete data, and should not be interpreted to mean that the animal does not have a specific name of that type.

See also: List of collective nouns.

[edit] Formal names

Animal Young Female Male Group Adjective Meat
Alligator hatchling cow bull bask, congregation[1]
Alpaca cria herd, flock
Angelfish host[2]
Ant larva, pupa queen, worker, gyne drone army, colony, nest, swarm, bike formic, myrmecine
Antelope calf doe buck herd, cluster alcelaphine, bubaline, antilopine
Ape infant [3] [3] shrewdness, troop simian
Ass[4], Donkey foal jenny jack pace, band, drove, herd, coffle asinine
Baboon infant [3] troop, congress, tribe, flange[2]
Badger kit sow boar cete, colony, sett, company musteline
Bat pup [3] [3] colony, cloud pteropine, noctillionine
Bear cub sow boar sleuth ursine
Beaver kit kitten, pup [3] [3] family, colony
Bee larva, pupa queen, worker [5] drone grist, hive, swarm, colony apic, apian, apiarian
Beetle larva [3] [3] possi
Bird chick hen cock [4] flock avian, muscicapine, oscine, passerine, pendeline, volucrine, ornithic
Bison calf cow bull herd, troop bisontine
Bluebird turdine[6]
Buffalo calf cow bull herd bovine, bubaline
Butterfly caterpillar rabble, flight, swarm, kaleidoscope, rainbow pieridine, pierine
Buzzard chick hen cock[4] wake
Camel calf cow bull flock camelid
Cat kitten queen tom [7] clowder, clutter, pounce, kindle (young) feline
Cattle[8] calf cow bull herd, drove bovine[9], vituline (young), vaccine (female), taurine (male) beef, veal
Chamois calf doe bull herd
Chicken chick hen, pullet Rooster, cock(-erel)[4][10] flock, brood, peep galline chicken[11], poultry
Chimpanzee infant [3] [3] community, group, cartload,posse
Clam bed
Cobra quiver[12] elapine
Cockroach nymph intrusion[12]
Cormorant gulp[12], flight phalacrocoracine
Coyote cub, pup, whelp bitch[4] dog pack, train
Crane herd, sedge, siege alectorine
Crocodile crocklet cow bull bask, nest, congregation, float crocodilian
Deer fawn, ass[4] doe, hind, cow buck, stag, bull, hart (red deer) herd cervine, elaphine venison, humble (organ meat)
Dog whelp, pup bitch[4] dog, sire pack, litter (young), kennel, gang, legion canine
Dolphin calf, pup cow bull team, school, pod, herd, alliance (male), party (female) delphine
Dove chick cote, flight, dole, dule, duet, troop, piteousness, pitying, prettying columbine
Duck duckling duck, hen drake flock, brace, team[13] anatine, fuliguline poultry
Eagle eaglet [3] [3] convocation, brood, aerie aquiline
Elephant calf cow bull herd, flock, parade, memory elephantine
Elk calf cow bull gang, herd cervine venison
Emu chick mob, ratite, struthious
Falcon eyass/eyas falcon tiercel acciptrine
Fennec skulk vulpine
Ferret kit jill hob [14] business musteline
Finch chick hen cock[4] charm, chirm, trembling, trimming fringilline
Fish fry, fingerling school, shoal piscine, ichthyic
Flamingo hen cock[4] stand, flamboyance phoenicopterine
Fox cub, kit, pup vixen reynard, todd, dog leash, skulk vulpine
Frog polliwog, tadpole, froglet army, colony, froggery, knot ranine
Gazelle calf gazelline
Gerbil pup doe buck horde cricetine
Giraffe calf cow bull tower, corps, herd, journey giraffine
Goat kid doe, nannie buck, billy[15] herd caprine, hircine chevon
Goldfinch chick hen cock[4] charm, chattering, drum, troubling, vein fringilline
Goose gosling goose gander gaggle (skein when in flight)[13] anatine, anserine poultry
Gorilla infant [3] [3] troop, group (band)
Guanaco chulengo camelid
Guinea pig pup sow boar herd
Gull chick, scorrie[16] hen cock[4] flock larine
Hamster pup doe buck horde cricetine
Hare leveret doe, jill buck, jack band, down leverine, leporine
Hawk eyas hen tiercel cast, kettle, boil accipitrine, falconine
Heron chick hen cock[4] siege[13]
Hippopotamus calf cow bull bloat, crash, herd, thunder[12] hippopotamine
Hog sow boar drift, herd suilline bacon, ham, roast
Hornet larvae, pupae queen drone swarm vespine
Horse[17] foal mare stallion herd, harass equine
Human infant, child woman man crowd, tribe, family, people human, anthropomorphic, humanoid, hominine
Hummingbird hen cock[4] charm, chattering, drum, hover, troubling trochiline
Hyena cub, pup, whelp bitch[4] dog clan, cackle hyenine
Insect larva swarm
Jackal pup pack
Jaguar cub
Jay chick hen cock[4] band, party garruline
Jellyfish ephyra smack, bloom, brood, smuth, smuck, fluther
Kangaroo joey flyer, doe boomer, buck mob, troop, court macropodine
Ladybug larva [3] [3] loveliness, possi
Lark chick hen cock[4] exaltation
Leopard cub leopardess leopard leap, lepe pardine
Lion cub lioness lion pride leonine
Llama cria hembra macho herd, flock camelid
Lobster hen cock[4] homarine
Louse nymph [3] [3] colony, infestation, lice pediculine
Magpie hen cock[4] tiding, tittering, gulp, murder, charm, flock garruline
Mallard duckling hen drake sord, lute, brace, puddling, flush anatine
Manatee calf cow bull herd manatine, sirenian
Mink cub, kit sow boar musteline
Minnows shoal, swarm
Mole pup [3] [3] labour,company, movement talpine
Mongoose mongooses, mongaggle viverrine, herpestine
Monkey infant [3] [3] troop, barrel, tribe, cartload simian
Moose calf cow bull cervine
Mosquito nymph, wriggler, tumbler [3] [3] scourge, swarm aedine, anopheline
Mouse pinkie, kitten, pup doe buck nest, colony, harvest, horde, mischief murine
Mule foal hinney, jenny jack barren, pack, span, rake
Nightingale chick hen cock[4] watch, flock, route, match philomelian
Opossum joey jill jack didelphine
Ostrich hen cock[4] flock, troop ratite, struthious
Otter pup, whelp [3] [3] romp, bevy, lodge, family, raft musteline, lutrine
Owl owlet parliament, stare, wisdom strigine
Ox calf cow bull yoke, team, drove, herd, nye bovine
Oyster bed, hive, cast, culch ostracine
Panda cub sow boar
Panther cub pantherine
Parrot chick hen cock[4] company, flock, prattle, pandemonium psittacine
Partridge chick, cheeper hen, chantelle cock[4] covey perdicine
Peafowl chick, peachick peahen peacock muster, ostentation, pride pavonine
Pelican chick, nestling hen cock[4]
Penguin chick hen cock[4] colony, rookery, parade, parcel, crèche, huddle spheniscine
Pheasant chick hen cock[4] bouquet, nest, nide, nye, brood, covey alectorine, phasianine pheasant
Pig[18] piglet, shoat, bonham, gilt(female) sow boar herd, drove, mob porcine, sulline pork, ham, bacon
Pigeon squab hen cock[4] flight, loft, flock, kit pullastrine
Platypus pug pile
Plover chick hen cock[4] wing, congregation charadrine
Polar bear cub sow boar stocks or populations
Polecat kit jill hob chine musteline
Pony foal (either sex), colt (young, immature male), filly (young, immature female) mare stallion herd equus
Porcupine pup sow boar prickle, family hystricine
Porpoise calf cow bull school, crowd, herd, pod phocaenine
Python pythonid
Quail chick hen cock[4] covey coturnine
Rabbit bunny, kit, kitten, leveret, nestling doe, jill buck, jack warren, nest, colony, bevy, bury, drove, trace leporine lapin, lapan
Raccoon kit sow boar nursery procyonine
Rail chick reeve ruff ralline
Ram lamb ewe ram flock arietine, ovine
Rat kitten, nestling, pinkie, pup doe buck colony, horde, pack, plague, swarm murine
Raven chick hen cock[4] unkindness[1], congress, conspiracy, parliament, murder, storytelling, nevermore corvine
Reindeer calf cow bull herd
Rhinoceros calf cow bull crash, herd
Rook chick hen cock[4] building, parliament
Scorpion instar bed, nest, colony
Sea lion pup, beach weaner cow bull pod, colony, crash, flock, harem, bob, herd, rookery, team, hurdle otarine
Sea urchin larva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)
Seal pup cow bull same as sea lion phocine, otarine
Shark pup [3] bull slew, shiver[12]
Sheep lamb ewe ram[15] drove, flock, herd ovine lamb, mutton, hoggett, haggis (visceral meat)
Skunk kit boar musteline
Snail walk escargot
Snake snakelet, hatchling (a newly-hatched snake) [3] [3] pit, nest or bed anguine, elapine, serpentine, viperine
Snipe chick hen cock[4] walk, wisp charadrine
Sparrow chick hen cock[4] flight, host, quarrel, tribe, ubiquity passerine
Spider spiderling cluster, clutter arachnine, arachnoid
Squirrel pup, kit, kitten doe buck dray, scurry[12] sciurine
Stork gosling ciconine
Swallow hen cock[4] hirundine
Swan cygnet, flapper pen cob cygnine
Swift chick hen cock[4] flock cypseline
Tapir larva [3] [3] colony
Tiger cub tigress tiger streak[12] tigrine
Toad tadpole, toadlet [3] [3] knot, lump ranine, batrachian
Turkey poult, chick hen tom rafter, flock meleagrine
Turtle hatchling [3] [3] bale chelonian
Weasel bitch[4], doe, jill buck, dog, hub, jack musteline
Whale calf cow bull gam, pod, herd cetacean, cetaceous
Wildfowl chick hen cock[4] flock
Wolf cub, pup, whelp bitch[4], fae dog, brute pack, rout lupine
Wombat joey jill jack mob, warren, wisdom, army phascolomian
Worm bed, bunch, clew, squirm helminthic, vermian
Wren chick jenny cock[4] flock troglodytine
Yak calf cow bull herd
Zebra foal mare stallion zebrine, hippotigrine

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Animal group names. Zoological Society of San Diego.
  2. ^ a b Collective Terms for Groups of Animals. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj This animal does not have a specific name for the indicated gender. For example, "male cheetah".
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al This word is considered a profanity in American English under certain connotations.
  5. ^ A worker bee is a sexually undeveloped female.
  6. ^ Turdine pertains to entire family turdidae, including the true thrushes
  7. ^ A castrated male cat is a gib or neuter.
  8. ^ Castrated male cattle are steers in the United States, or a bullock in the United Kingdom. A young female cow that has not given birth is a heifer. See Cattle for more names. Cow is often used informally to refer to cattle in general.
  9. ^ Bovine refers to all species of genus Bos.
  10. ^ A castrated male chicken is a capon.
  11. ^ chicken - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  12. ^ a b c d e f g Universe in Your Pocket by Joel Levy, published by Barnes & Noble, Inc.
  13. ^ a b c A group of geese, herons, or ducks in flight is a skein.
  14. ^ A castrated male ferret is a gib.
  15. ^ a b A castrated male sheep or goat is a wether. See sheep for more names.
  16. ^ Caithness CWS - Caithness Field Club - Annual Bulletins - 2002 - Early Flying In The North Of Scotland
  17. ^ A castrated male horse is a gelding. A male foal is a colt, and a female foal is a filly.
  18. ^ A young female pig that has not given birth is a gilt. A castrated male pig is a barrow.

[edit] External links