List of Virtual Boy demos

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Due to the Virtual Boy's short life span, there were few games made for the system. Because of that fact the demos for the Virtual Boy have become a valuable resource for seeing what the Virtual Boy could have become.


[edit] Technology demos

Dolphin Demo

This demo shows a small group of dolphins swimming around at a beach. It serves to show off some various water effects.

Driving Demo

Driving Demo is one of the more advanced demos, its 30-second clip showed a first-person view of driving by road signs and palm trees. This demo was shown on and CES in 1995.

Mario Demo

The start-up screen of the Virtual Boy Prototype that was shown in Shoshinkai in 1994.


A simple demo that came with the VUE Debugger software. The only thing to do is move a ball around a three-dimensional field.

Sample Soft for VUE Programming

A sample program for Virtual Boy programmers. The source code came with every VUE-debugger and served to highlight some basic functions. The demo is made up of five programmes:

  1. Background Display (title screen)
  2. Object and Background Display (running monkey)
  3. Background Affin Transformation (spinning Nintendo logo)
  4. Background H Bias (vibrating Nintendo logo)
  5. Inter Pupillary Distance (IPD) and Focus Adjustment (Nintendo standard screen)
Star Fox demo

This demo of what would have been a Star Fox game is showing a Star Fox-like Arwing doing various spins and motions. Cinematic camera angles were a key element, as they were in Star Fox 2. It was shown on E³ and CES in 1995.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links