List of U.S. cars

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This page tries to show every U.S. car ever made by manufacturer.

There were over 1800 automobile manufacturers in the United States from 1896 to 1930. Very few survived and only a few new ones were started after that period.


[edit] Major current US automakers

With their various brand-names, many of which earlier had been independent companies:

[edit] Minor current US automakers

[edit] Other US automakers

[edit] A

[edit] B

[edit] C

  • [[C.N.CADY(auto trucks) (1900-1901)

Cameron (1903-1920)

[edit] D

[edit] E

[edit] F-G

[edit] H

[edit] I-K

[edit] L

[edit] M

[edit] N-O

[edit] P-R

[edit] S

[edit] T-V

[edit] W-Z

[edit] See also