List of TVOntario transmitters

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This is a list of transmitters broadcasting the TVOntario network in the Canadian province of Ontario.

Location OTA channel Call sign
Algoma Mills 45 CICO-55
Allan Water 15 CICE-12
Armstrong 13 CICO-90
Aroland 10 CICA-01
Attawapiskat 10 CICA-90
Barclay 30 CICO-17
Barwick 21 CICA-57
Batchawana Bay 17 CICO-82
Bearskin Lake 9 CICA-47
Belle Vallée 34 CICA-40
Belleville 53 CICO-53
Big Trout Lake 8 CICA-66
Birch Island 56 CICO-97
Brethour 22 CICE-13
Britt 15 CICO-64
Caramat 10 CICA-72
Cartier 17 CICA-02
Cat Lake 9 CICA-30
Chamberlain 61 CICO-83
Charlton 43 CICO-21
Chatham-Kent 59 CICO-59
Cloyne 55 CICO-92
Coleman 38 CICA-31
Collins 8 CICA-32
Constance Lake 13 CICA-20
Coppell 14 CICO-98
Dack 59 CICO-65
Deer Lake 9 CICA-08
Desbarats 42 CICO-66
Devlin 43 CICA-62
Dobie 16 CICA-33
Dorion 6 CICA-48
Duck Lake 15 CICO-76
Eabametoong 9 CICA-25
Eagle Lake 32 CICO-99
Eagle River 11 CICA-88
Ear Falls 3 CICA-11
Earlton 31 CICA-34
Elk Lake 17 CICA-35
Emo 8 CICA-76
Englehart 39 CICA-36
Espanola 49 CICO-71
Eton-Rugby 26 CICO-46
Eva Lake 6 CICA-67
Evanturel 57 CICO-67
Fauquier 29 CICA-92
Foleyet 11 CICA-24
Fort Albany 5 CICA-58
Fort Severn 9 CICA-59
Gogama 17 CICO-33
Gore Bay 28 CICA-21
Goulais River 28 CICO-77
Gowganda 10 CICA-37
Grassy Narrows 18 CICO-34
Greater Sudbury 19 CICO-19
Gull Bay 15 CICO-47
Hallam 55 CICO-68
Hallebourg 19 CICA-03
Hanbury 51 CICA-41
Harris 29 CICA-14
Harty 53 CICA-93
Hawkesbury 48 CICO-96
Heron Bay 17 CICO-23
Hilliard 55 CICA-04
Hilton Beach 17 CICA-05
Hudson 19 CICA-89
Huntsville 13 CICA-13
Ignace 12 CICA-26
Iron Bridge 23 CICA-09
Jellicoe 6 CICA-81
Kagawong 34 CICA-16
Karalash Corners 41 CICO-84
Kasabonika 9 CICA-27
Kashabowie 15 CICO-78
Kashechewan 2 CICE-17
Kearns 46 CICO-01
Keewaywin 2 CICE-21
Kejick Bay 3 CICO-35
Kenabeek 56 CICO-69
Kenogami 15 CICO-70
Kenora 44 CICO-91
Killarney 44 CICO-85
Kingfisher Lake 8 CICA-68
Kingston 38 CICO-38
Kirby's Corner 30 CICE-18
Kirkland Lake 32 CICA-17
Kitchener 28 CICO-28
Kitigan 17 CICO-43
Lac la Croix 12 CICE-25
Lac-Sainte-Thérèse 20 CICO-02
Laird 15 CICO-03
Lake Helen 21 CICO-50
Little Current 33 CICA-22
London 18 CICO-18
Longlac 5 CICA-71
Macdiarmid 5 CICA-83
Mackenzie 36 CICE-01
MacLeod 3 CICO-04
Madawaska 16 CICO-86
Markstay-Warren 21 CICO-88
Marten Falls 9 CICA-60
Marten River 36 CICA-19
Matachewan 32 CICA-61
Mattice 9 CICA-94
McArthur's Mills 42 CICO-93
Michipicoten 39 CICE-02
Minaki 10 CICO-54
Mindemoya 42 CICA-54
Mine Centre 8 CICA-65
Mishkeegogamang 5 CICO-06
Missanabie 19 CICO-72
Moonbeam 35 CICA-95
Moosonee 11 CICA-91
Morson 11 CICA-64
Muskrat Dam 8 CICO-36
Nairn 28 CICO-05
Nakina 11 CICA-82
Neebing 35 CICE-06
Neskantaga 8 CICO-25
Nestor Falls 13 CICA-79
Nibinamik 12 CICO-81
North Bay 6 CICA-06
North Branch 18 CICO-79
North Spirit Lake 9 CICO-37
Oba 11 CICA-69
Opasatika 47 CICA-96
Ottawa 24 CICO-24
Owen Sound 12 CICA-12
Oxdrift 22 CICO-39
Parry Sound 42 CICE-11
Pays Plat 24 CICE-15
Pearl 19 CICO-56
Peawanuck 5 CICE-03
Pembroke 29 CICE-16
Penetanguishene 51 CICA-53
Peterborough 18 CICO-74
Pickle Lake 11 CICA-75
Pic Mobert 18 CICO-51
Pikangikum 9 CICA-70
Pinewood 12 CICA-86
Pointe au Baril 24 CICE-24
Poplar Hill 8 CICO-40
Prince 49 CICE-04
Providence Bay 48 CICO-26
Quibell 38 CICO-80
Rainy River 4 CICA-77
Red Lake 15 CICO-41
Redditt 5 CICA-49
Richard's Landing 34 CICO-75
Rossport 18 CICO-58
Ryland 16 CICO-07
Sabaskong Bay 32 CICE-05
Sables-Spanish Rivers 32 CICO-44
Sachigo Bay 9 CICA-50
Sandy Lake 8 CICA-52
Sault Ste. Marie 20 CICO-20
Savant Lake 10 CICA-63
Savard 19 CICO-60
Searchmont 22 CICO-08
Seine River 19 CICO-87
Serpent River 51 CICO-61
Shakespeare/Webbwood 14 CICE-07
Shebandowan 17 CICO-48
Sheguiandah 39 CICA-18
Shoal Lake 19 CICO-27
Silver Water 20 CICO-10
Sioux Lookout 2 CICA-85
Sioux Narrows 10 CICA-78
Slate Falls 15 CICE-14
South Gillies 33 CICE-08
Spragge 31 CICO-62
Spring Bay 46 CICA-23
Stratton 19 CICA-73
Sultan 11 CICA-45
Tehkummah 49 CICO-11
Temagami 23 CICO-12
Temiskaming Shores 42 CICO-31
Thessalon 27 CICA-46
Thornloe 40 CICO-13
Thunder Bay 9 CICO-09
Timmins 7 CICA-07
Tobermory 49 CICO-95
Toronto 19 CICA
Upsala 11 CICO-42
Val Côté 21 CICO-14
Val Rita 25 CICA-97
Vermilion Bay 7 CICA-87
Virginiatown 36 CICA-98
Wabigoon 18 CICO-29
Wabigoon Lake 21 CICE-09
Wapekeka 9 CICO-30
Watten 23 CICO-45
Weagamow 9 CICA-99
Webequie 9 CICA-28
West Bay 29 CICO-15
Wharncliffe 28 CICO-16
Whitefish Bay 19 CICA-42
Whitefish Falls 27 CICA-55
Whitney 21 CICO-89
Wikwemikong 53 CICO-63
Wild Goose 20 CICO-94
Windsor 32 CICO-32
Wunnummin Lake 9 CICA-29