List of Star Wars Separatist characters

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The following is a list of fictional Star Wars characters from Separatist-affiliated factions, including the Corporate Alliance, Trade Federation, and the Techno Union. This list also includes Republic senators who jumped ship during the Clone Wars.


[edit] Separatist leaders

Separatist leaders were leaders of the Separatists in the Star Wars films. They were also known as the Separatist Council. They were led by Count Dooku and were leaders of planets and organizations who were dissillusioned with the Republic, and wished to break off from that system. Many of them were killed by Darth Vader.

[edit] Argente, Passel

Star Wars character
Passel Argente

Portrayed by Marty Wetherill

Position Senator of Fakir Sector, Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance
Homeworld Kooriva
Species Koorivar
Gender Male
Affiliation Corporate Alliance, Confederacy of Independent Systems

Passel Argente was the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance and a senator in the Galactic Senate. His homeworld was the planet Kooriva, which was part of the Corporate Sector. He was also the head and Senate representative of a powerful mercantile company from his homeworld. Passel Argente had a female aide, named Denaria Kee, sometimes known as Twink Kee. Passel was also a key member of Count Dooku's Separatist movement and was present at the first Separatist meeting on Geonosis. He joined the Separatist movement with the promise of more wealth and pledged his forces to support the Separatist cause.

Passel Argente met his end in Revenge of the Sith when Darth Vader stormed the Separatist conference centre on Mustafar. With his and his aides's deaths, the Corporate Alliance faded into oblivion.

Passel secretly had an engagement ring for Denaria but was never able to present it to her.

[edit] Dofine, Lushros

Star Wars character
Lushros Dofine

Lushros Dofine aboard the Invisible Hand
Portrayed by Colin Ware/Ben Burtt

Position Captain of the Invisible Hand
Homeworld Unknown
Species Nemoidian


Gender Unknown
Affiliation Unknown

Lushros Dofine was a cousin of Daultay Dofine, who had perished at the Battle of Naboo. Lushros was the captain of General Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand. During the Battle of Coruscant, Lushros was on the bridge and was almost killed when Grievous shattered the viewport in an attempt to suck Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker into space. Lushros and what remained of his crew then ran off the bridge. Dofine attempted to evacuate the Invisible Hand, but his escape pod was hit by stray turbolaser fire and vaporized, killing Dofine and all other passengers.

In the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous kills all of the Neimoidians aboard the Invisible Hand, (though Lushros is not mentioned), in an attempt to make it impossible for Skywalker and Kenobi to land the ship. This contrasts greatly with the actual film, wherein Lushros and his crew of battle droid pilots are simply told to keep the ship in orbit prior to Grievous' leaving the vessel.

Lushros was played by Colin Ware, and voiced by sound designer Ben Burtt.

[edit] Dooku, Count

Main article: Count Dooku

The founder of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a former Jedi Knight and a Sith Lord named Darth Tyranus.

[edit] Fac, Sun

Star Wars character
Sun Fac

Portrayed by N/A

Position Admiral
Homeworld Geonosis
Species Geonosian
Gender Male
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems

Sun Fac is chief lieutenant to Poggle the Lesser, as well as military commander during the Battle of Geonosis. He is present at the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and later the failed execution of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. He is later assassinated by the members of Delta Squad whilst trying to escape in 22 BBY Geonosis in the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando.

[edit] Grievous, General

Main article: General Grievous

The cyborg commander of the Separatist droid armies. He was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Utapau battle.

[edit] Gunnay, Rute

Star Wars character
Rute Gunnay

Portrayed by Colin Ware

Position Aide
Homeworld Neimoidia
Species Neimoidian
Gender Male
Affiliation Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems

Rute Gunnay was a Neimoidian who served as Nute Gunray and Rune Haako's aide on Mustafar. When Anakin Skywalker arrived to murder the entire Separatist council, Gunnay was the sixth to be killed by him, slashed across the torso.

Rute Gunnay's name, given in Dressing a Galaxy, stems from the fact he was mistakenly identified as Nute Gunray in Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary. He was played by Colin Ware.

[edit] Gunray, Nute

Main article: Nute Gunray

Nute Gunray is a Neimoidian, an amphibian-faced humanoid with snake-like eyes. He is the Viceroy of the Trade Federation.

[edit] Haako, Rune

Star Wars character
Rune Haako

Portrayed by Jerome Blake/James Taylor (Episode I) and Sandy Thompson (Episode III)

Position Settlement officer
Homeworld Cato Neimoidia
Species Neimoidian
Gender Male
Affiliation Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems

Rune Haako is second in command to viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray as well as advisor and legal counsel for Gunray. Rune Haako was a pessimistic Neimoidian who shows more intellect than his superior and can sense some thing going wrong much faster than Gunray. Hakko was the one who told Gunray to order the invasion of naboo after Queen Amidala said the blockade would not last much longer. He wore a frilled attorney's cowl In The Phantom Menace. he was the only member of Gunray's inner circle who had encountered a Jedi Knight prior to the invasion of Naboo (and the fact that he walked with an obvious limp much of the time suggests the encounter was not a pleasant one).

He was captured by Queen Amidala and the Naboo Royal Security Force under Captain Panaka along with Viceroy Gunray following the defeat of the Trade Federation's droid army during the Battle of Naboo, and sent to Coruscant for trial. Like Gunray however, Haako was not convicted thanks to Darth Sidious' machinations. (This was revealed in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, although Rune did appear in this film.)

Rune appeared in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, where he wore a heritage miter and once again served as Gunray's advisor and lieutenant, during the Viceroy's time in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He went with Gunray to Mustafar, where he was slashed by Darth Vader along with the Trade Federation Viceroy and all the other Separatists.

External links

[edit] Hill, San

Star Wars character
San Hill

Portrayed by Chris Truswell (voice actor)

Position Chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan
Homeworld Muunilinst
Species Muun
Gender Male
Affiliation Intergalactic Banking Clan, Confederacy of Independent Systems

San Hill was the chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. He was from the planet Muunilinst and of the Muun species. He also was one of the key leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was present at the first meeting on Geonosis.

The Banking Clan was responsible for supplying hailfire droids to the droid armies of the Confederacy. In addition, San Hill was the primary financier of the rehabilitation of General Grievous, a Kaleesh warlord and CIS general who required extensive cybernetic enhancements in order to be kept alive.

San Hill and the IG Banking Clan were a primary objective of the Battle of Muunilinst, one of the first battles of the Clone Wars, which saw the first war-time appearance of the bounty hunter Durge, the Gen'dai warrior, as well as the IG Lancer droids, predecessors of both the IG-100 MagnaGuards and the Imperial-era bounty hunter IG-88. San Hill was captured by Obi-Wan Kenobi, but later escaped Republic custody.

In the later stages of the Clone Wars, San Hill was hidden on Utapau along with the other members of the Separatist Council by General Grievous as the Confederacy was beginning to lose ground, and they were soon moved to fiery Mustafar. On that volcanic world, Hill was killed by Darth Vader.

Though Hill's body is never seen in the film, he is shown to be killed both in the novelization and comic adaptation. Lucasfilm's official stance is that if the events of such adaptations don't explicitly contradict what is seen on the screen, then they can be considered canon. Also, it is unlikely that Hill survived, as he at least would have made an attempt to escape or alert the rest of the Separatist forces; however, it is already known that the galaxy at large, including most of the remaining Separatist army, has no idea what happened on Mustafar.

[edit] Kee, Denaria

Denaria Kee was Passel Argente's primary aide. She helped her master order the Corporate Alliance droids into war during the Clone Wars, she was Passel's most prized possession. Denaria, who was just as greedy as her boss, worried that the Separatists would lose the Clone Wars, which got Count Dooku, leader of the Separatists, worried that Denaria would ruin the Separatists' plans. Dooku, who was about to expel Denaria from the Separatist council, was stopped by Argente, who threatened to quit if his aide was dismissed. Shu Mai, president of the Commerce Guild, told Dooku that Argente and Denaria were too powerful to let go, so Dooku let Denaria stay.

Denaria was frightened of Separatist droid army leader General Grievous, who was placed to keep Denaria and the rest of the Separatist Council safe on Mustafar. When Darth Sidious told his new apprentice, Darth Vader, to kill the Separatists, the entire Council, including Denaria and Argente, was killed. She was the second to die, immediately after San Hill, when Vader ran her through with his lightsaber. Argente joined her immediately thereafter.

[edit] Libkath, Gilramos

Star Wars character
Gilramos Libkath

Portrayed by David Healey/Christopher Truswell

Position Aide and contract-scribe
Homeworld Cato Neimoidia
Species Neimoidian
Gender Male
Affiliation Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems

Gilramos Libkath was Nute Gunray's aide and contract-scribe during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. When Viceroy Gunray was on Geonosis to sign the treaty that would combine the Trade Federation's droid armies with those of the Techno Union, Libkath accompanied him to ensure that the alliance would translate into an equitable agreement for the Trade Federation. When an army of Jedi Knights and Clone troopers invaded, it was Libkath who suggested to the Viceroy that they flee the planet. Libkath escaped Geonosis with Gunray aboard their shuttle, Lapiz Cutter.

In Boba Fett: Hunted, Libkath left the Trade Federation two months after the Battle of Geonosis and became a slaver on Tatooine. He forced children to steal for him, keeping the children under control using devices called the "Eyes of the Master" implanted in their hands that released toxins in the body if the children left the planet. Libkath even went as far as to steal weapon and spice shipments from Jabba the Hutt, earning him the Hutt's hatred. He died in a confrontation with a young Boba Fett and the bounty hunter Durge, who had been hired to kill the Neimoidian by Jabba, and Libkath's miter-like hat was given to Jabba by Boba. In a bit of a plot-hole, the novel makes it appear that both Durge and Libkath are killed in the explosion.

Originally, it was intended for Rune Haako to appear at Nute Gunray's side just as he had in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. However, Rune's mask was lost shortly after the first film completed shooting. The production crew gave uncredited actor David Healey the mask of Daultay Dofine instead. Although the "new" Neimoidian had no official name during filming (the character was only referred to by the crew as "Nute's friend"), he was eventually named Gilramos Libkath, after costume supervisor Gillian Libbert and production controller Kathryn Ramos. Unfortunately a mix-up in the end credits not only erroneously lists Alan Ruscoe in the part, but also says the Neimoidian is Lott Dod (the Trade Federation senator seen briefly in Episode I). An attempt to resolve the discrepancy in-universe was made by saying Lott Dod was disfigured in a speeder accident between Episodes I and II, resulting in his new appearance and voice, however confirmed by Lucas the Neimodian is Rune although the deep voice and different appearance and Libkath has since been established as a separate individual.

Libkath (Hakkao) was played by David Healey and voiced by Christopher Truswell.

[edit] Mai, Shu

Shu Mai was the President of the Commerce Guild. She is a member of the Gossam species from Castell. Early in her career, Shu Mai once used an economic depression on her own homeworld Castell to further her rank in the Commerce Guild. As Chief of Property Resources, Shu Mai used her position to save her people from the oppression placed by the Commerce Guild. However, she soon purchased Castell only to demand more tribute from her people. As a reward, Shu Mai was promoted to the post of President of the Commerce Guild.

Years later, Shu Mai tried to secede Ansion from the Republic by causing hostilities between the cities and the Alwari nomads. In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Shu Mai was present on Geonosis and pledged the Commerce Guild's Security Forces to the Separatist cause, making the Commerce Guild an important part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Guild contributed both the Dwarf spider droid and the Homing spider droid to the ground war.

In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Shu Mai is placed under the protection of General Grievous, along with the other members of the Separatist Council. Despite this, Shu Mai found herself confronted by the murderous Darth Vader at the Separatist base on Mustafar, who had been ordered by his master Darth Sidious to wipe out the Separatist leaders. Shu Mai was probably one of the last to die as in the original script it said that she fled into the conference room with Wat Tambor. Shu Mai learned that Vader could not be bribed and lost her head.

[edit] Merai, Commander

Commander Merai was the Mon Calamari commander, appearing in Star Wars Republic 50: The Battle of Kamino. He joined the ranks of the Confederacy during The Clone Wars, and led his forces against Republic forces during the Battle of Kamino, but ultimately lost the battle and sacrificed himself.

Merai was considered to be one of the greatest Calamari commanders of his time, and was given the chance to strike at the heart of the Republic's clone army: Kamino itself. He acquired the coordinates for the main reactor of Tipoca City from the Corporate Alliance, enabling him to cut off the supply of clone troopers for the Republic. The fact that the information had little background or supporting evidence didn't bother Merai, who went with his instinct and attacked Kamino. His starfighters engaged with the Jedi starfighters protecting Kamino, and the battle began to go well for the Separatists.

However, Merai's ship was shot down, but he managed to pilot his starfighter, the Shark, out of his downed command ship, attempting to destroy the main reactor himself. It was then he realized he had been fooled, as the Corporate Alliance information was false, and Merai found himself surrounded by Jedi starfighters. Merai managed to draw the Jedi away from his forces, who were still attacking the Kaminoan defenses. In a last-ditch effort to save the lost battle, he flew the Shark into the midst of the hyperspace rings used to transport the Jedi starfighters to Kamino. He sacrificed himself by blowing up his ship, taking out many hyperspace rings and allowing his forces to retreat.

[edit] Miin, Cat

Cat Miin was Shu Mai's second chief aide during the end of the Clone Wars. She was killed by Darth Vader right after her master Shu Mai was decapitated during the Separatist Massacre on Mustafar.

[edit] Nudo, Po

Star Wars character
Po Nudo

Portrayed by Paul Nicholson

Position Senator of Dufilvian Sector, Head of the Hyper-Communications Cartel
Homeworld Ando
Species Aqualish
Gender Male
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems

Po Nudo was a Aqualish senator from the planet Ando. He eventually joined Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems, and helped bring the resource-rich Ando in line with the Separatist cause. He also shared a special relationship with fellow Senator and Separatist Tikkes.

As a reward for bringing Ando into the Confederacy, the Separatists appointed Po Nudo head of the Hyper-Communications Cartel. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Po Nudo served on the Separatist Council.

His appointment was short-lived, however; while hiding on Mustafar with the other Separatist leaders, he was killed by Darth Vader on orders from Palpatine, the new Emperor of the galaxy and his former collaborator.

He was the third Separatist seen to die by Vader's hand, which makes him the fourth to die overall as Denaria Kee was seen stabed through the chest and you see a glimpse of Passel Argente's robe as he is cut down. Po Nudo was quickly followed shortly by his Shi'ido aide. Vader slashed him once across the back with his lightsaber, but Po's elaborate breastplate, which doubled as armor, allowed him to survive this initial blow. He did not survive for much longer however, and Vader quickly finished the job.

[edit] Tonith, Pors

Pors Tonith is a Separatist general recruited by Count Dooku. Tonith is primarily known for leading the forces of the CIS against the Republic forces led by Nejaa Halcyon and Anakin Skywalker on the planet Praesitlyn. He requested reinforcements numerous times, but was ignored because Darth Sidious intended the Republic to win in order to test Anakin Skywalker's prowess as a warrior.

  • Jedi Trial by David Sherman and Dan Cragg published on May 31 2005

[edit] Poggle the Lesser

Main article: Poggle the Lesser

The Archduke of Geonosis and a staunch member of the CIS, Poggle The Lesser witnesses the outbreak of the Clone Wars on his homeworld, a red rock planet where Battle Droids are secretly manufactured. When the Clone Wars reach their climax, Poggle is one of the Separatist leaders who retreat to Mustafar and is eventually sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker. As seen in Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith, Poggle raised his walking stick to block Anakin's lightsaber (unsuccessfully). This made him the only Separatist leader who even tried to defend himself.

[edit] Prax, Cydon

Cydon Prax is a character in Star Wars. He has appeared in the "Clone Wars" videogame and "Boba Fett: Crossfire" book.

Cydon Prax is a Chistori, the same reptilian species the Dark Jedi Desann belongs to. He was a mercenary hired by Count Dooku to act as his right hand man after the death of Jango Fett. He participated in a few battles during the Clone Wars such as Raxus Prime, Alaris Prime, and Thule. He had his own custom tank known as the Dreadnaught and nearly killed Mace Windu in the Battle of Thule. He was killed later by Anakin Skywalker.

[edit] Tambor, Wat

The foreman of the Techno Union, a CIS organization with San Hill. Tambor would be killed with the rest of the Separatist Council on Mustafar, by Darth Vader in 19 BBY.

[edit] Tikkes

Tikkes was a Quarren senator from the planet Mon Calamari and has a good relationship with fellow Senator and Confederacy of Independent Systems member/leader Po Nudo. Tikkes was a former businessman and later switched to politics for "real money". However he eventually joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is also a very wanted bounty as many of the galaxy's best bounty hunters like Jango Fett, Zam Wesell, and Bossk have tried to capture or assassinate him.

Though the Separatist leaders all return in Revenge of the Sith, Tikkes is only seen briefly when Grievous arrives on Utapau, and during the conference on that planet (though seen only from distance shots and never given close-ups like his councilmates). Strangely, when the Separatist leaders are moved to Mustafar, Tikkes is nowhere to be seen. He was probably killed when Jedi Master Kit Fisto destroyed the Crab Cannon on Mon Calamari during the Clone Wars.

Whether this means he survived Darth Sidious's wrath or whether he was dead anyway by this time is unclear, as he does not appear in IV-VI.

In both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Tikkes shares his costume (and most likely the mask and gloves worn by his performer) with Republic senator Tundra Dowmeia.

[edit] Wodrata, Rogwa

Star Wars character
Rogwa Wodrata

Portrayed by Howard Swindell

Position Senator of Mahka Sector
Homeworld Alliga
Species Holwuff
Gender Male
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems

Rogwa Wodrata was a Holwuff Separatist and the Senator of Alliga and the Mahka Sector in the Galactic Republic.

She was one of the leaders that joined Count Dooku at the summit on Geonosis, which marked the outbreak of the Clone Wars.

[edit] Zan Arbor, Jenna

Jenna Zan Arbor is a scientist from the planet of Ventrux. Prior to the Clone Wars, she was an independent scientist who studied Force powers. After being arrested for her crimes, she jumped ship to the Separatists and helped them develop new technology and other scientifical assets.

Zan Arbor started Arbor Industries when she was a young scientist. As she became interested in the powers of the Force, she started to capture Jedi. One of her friends, Senator Uta S'orn of Belasco, had a Jedi son by the name of Ren. She was allowed to experiment with Ren; unfortunatey, the tests failed and Ren was killed. Zan Arbor looked for a new guinea pig: Qui-Gon Jinn. Zan Arbor managed to capture Qui-Gon with the help of bounty hunter Ona Nobis. However, several Jedi, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, broke into her lair on Simpla-12 and rescued Qui-Gon. Zan Arbor quickly fled to Belasco, where she had a deal with S'orn to seed the planet with a virus so that Arbor Industries could make a profit on the disease's cure. This operation was quickly discovered and thwarted by Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Siri Tachi, and Adi Gallia.

Zan Arbor was sent to a prison colony, but she escaped several years prior to the Clone Wars. Her new experiments included the Zone of Self-Containment drug, which allowed her to capture Anakin Skywalker. Before she could perform her new experiments on Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Siri, and several other Jedi rescued him. Zan Arbor was not finished; she used Falleen technology with the hopes of spreading the Zone drug, though this also failed. During this time, Zan Arbor was being funded by Xanatos' son, Granta Omega. Omega was killed by the Jedi, and Zan Arbor fled.

Zan Arbor was hired by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars to create biological weapons. After the Clone Wars, Zan Arbor was still at large.