List of Star Trek animals

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This is a list of fictional extra-terrestrial animal species from the science fiction universe of Star Trek. Like other aspects of stories in the franchise, they were recurring plot elements from one episode to another and in some cases from one series to another.


[edit] Cardassian vole

The Cardassian vole is a fictional rodent species in the series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It was a pest aboard the space station, infesting Quark's Bar as well as Ops where it chewed through wiring. It is quite unlike the voles of Earth, most notably in that it has six legs. It is also much bigger than a terrestrial vole, and has a forehead "spoon" similar to that of the humanoid Cardassian.

Although he has denied it, Quark is apparently fond of hosting "live vole fights", and presumably acting as a bookie during the events. Morn has been known to assist him in setting up the events by painting numbers on the voles' backs.

The Cardassian vole appeared or was discussed in several episodes, including "Playing God" and "Destiny".

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[edit] Ceti eel

The Ceti Eel is the only indigenous lifeform of Ceti Alpha V known to have survived after Ceti Alpha VI exploded and sent Ceti Alpha V into a different orbit. Ceti Eels incubate their larvae between protective plates that line their backs. The slime-covered larva will seek out a larger animal, enter its skull through the ear and wrap itself around the cerebral cortex. This causes the subject intense pain and makes them very susceptible to suggestion. As the larva grows, the host suffers from insanity and eventually, death.

Marla McGivers, Khan Noonien Singh's wife, was killed after becoming a host for one of these creatures while she was in exile on Ceti Alpha V. Twenty of Khan's people were killed in the same fashion, forming the basis for Khan's vendetta against Kirk. While Captain Clark Terrell and Commander Pavel Chekov were conducting a close-range sensor scan on the planet, they were captured by Khan. Khan put the slimy Ceti Eel larvae into Terrell and Chekov's environmental helmets. The Ceti Eels crawled into the men’s ears and subsequently burrowed into their brains. Terrell later killed himself, but Chekov's larva exited his ear and was disintegrated by a phaser-blast from Admiral Kirk's phaser.

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[edit] Regulan bloodworm

The Regulan bloodworm is a worm-like lifeform, native to the planet Regulus II. It is described as a soft, spineless creature that is medically useful for cleaning the lymphatic system; however, Regulan bloodworms can also infect the sentient races, causing sickness and death.

The first known reference to Regulan bloodworms was in the Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles," written by David Gerrold. Gerrold also wrote an episode for Star Trek: The Next Generation, tentatively titled "Blood and Fire", in which the Enterprise's crew comes across a derelict ship with a dead crew, all killed by a Regulan bloodworm infestation. The episode, which was meant to introduce a science-fiction analogue for the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s, was never produced.

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[edit] Sehlat


A wild Sehlat
Homeworld Vulcan

The sehlat is a large beast native to Vulcan. Sehlats have six-inch fangs and do not like to climb, preferring to remain on low ground. In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol were stalked by a wild sehlat in "The Forge".

Domesticated sehlats, which are only slightly smaller than wild sehlats, are a popular pet with Vulcan children. Sehlats, however, are very aggressive, so Vulcan children learn early never to be late with their dinner. T'Pol had a pet sehlat in her youth.[1]

Spock had a pet sehlat named I-Chaya during his youth that originally belonged to his father, Sarek. I-Chaya died in 2237, as a result of injuries inflicted from an attack by a le-matya. Spock chose to have his pet euthanized to end its suffering.[2] In the novelization of "Yesteryear" by Alan Dean Foster, it is revealed that sehlats originated in the "rainforests of Vulcan's southern hemisphere".[3]

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[edit] Targ

The targ (in Klingon language: targh) is a boar-like beast with sharp tusks. It is native to the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS. Klingons both hunt the animal and keep it as a pet. Both the heart and the lungs of the targ are considered to be a delicacy.

The targ is a Klingon analog of at least four Terran species of mammals: Dogs, Pigs, and the extinct Mesonychids; they bear a resemblance also to the extinct entelodonts. In practice several Klingon animals were at least omnivores, with some, like the targ, being sometimes carnivorous, and depending on the environmental conditions, sometimes omnivorous as well. Like Mesonychids, the targ appears to be a predator species, mentioned by Chancellor (former General) Martok as useful in hunting Klingon sabre-bear.

Also in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode: Where No One Has Gone Before, Lt. Worf sees his pet Targ in a vision.

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Favorite Son", B'Elanna Torres makes reference to a speckled targ. It is unclear if this is a distinct species, a breed, or simply a particular kind of coloration.

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[edit] Tribble

Main article: Tribble

The Tribble is a small, soft, furry creature which reproduces rapidly.

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Forge (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  2. ^ "Journey to Babel" (TOS), "Yesteryear" (TAS).
  3. ^ Foster, Allen Dean, Star Trek, Log One. Ballantine, 1974