List of Righteous Among the Nations by country

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This is a partial list of some of the most prominent Righteous Among the Nations per country of origin, recognized by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem. These people risked their lives or their liberty and position to help Jews during the Holocaust and indeed, some of them have been punished by death as a result.[1] By 1 January 2008 Yad Vashem recognized 22,211 Righteous Among the Nations from 44 countries. [2]


[edit] Country of origin

[edit] Poland (Total: 6,066)

[edit] Netherlands (Total: 4,767)

  • Miep Gies
  • Corrie ten Boom
  • Frits Philips
  • Johan Benders & his wife, Gerritdina Benders-Letterboer
  • Johan Hendrik Weidner
  • Victor Kugler
  • Jaap Penraat
  • Jan Zwartendijk Saved 3 000
  • Alida Bosshardt, also known as Majoor Bosshardt
  • Marion Pritchard
  • Jacobus Rijnbout & his wife Eelkje Hattuma, honored posthumously on April 20, 2004
  • Jan Roorda and his wife Rien Roorda
  • Dirk van Schaik
  • The Sietsma brothers, Hein & Henk
  • Joop & Wilhelmina Westerweel
  • Joop Woortman & Jaap Musch, from the N.V. Group
  • Jan Giliam
  • Clara Dijkstra
  • Petrus & Afra Dubelaar, Amsterdam North, and Hendrikus & Alida Dubelaar, Santport; from the Westerweel Group. [Hidden: Sam Goldberg, mother, grandmother]
  • Barent Binnenkant
  • Dr. Gerrit J. ten Zythoff
  • Dirk Boonstra

[edit] France (Total: 2,740)

Among the Nations
Main article
List of the Righteous Among
the Nations by country

Polish Righteous Among
the Nations

Belgian Twentieth convoy
Budapest Glass House
Croatian Righteous
Norwegian Righteous
Rescue of the Danish Jews
Rescuers assisting Jews
during the Holocaust

Seven Laws of Noah
Yad Vashem
The Holocaust
Christian ethics
This box: view  talk  edit

[edit] Ukraine (Total: 2,189)

  • Maria Podolian and her mother
  • Nikolay Leschinger
  • Yekaterina Panchenko Movchan
  • Raisa Makarevich and her mother, Feokla Levitkaya

[edit] Belgium (Total: 1,443)

[edit] Lithuania (Total: 693)

[edit] Hungary (Total: 685)

[edit] Belarus (Total: 576)

[edit] Slovakia (Total: 465)

[edit] Germany (Total: 443)

[edit] Italy (Total: 417)

  • Giovanni Palatucci
  • Giorgio Perlasca
  • Father Leone Maria Ehrhard
  • Monsignore Giuseppe Nicolini
  • Father Rufino Niccacci
  • Father Aldo Brunacci
  • Father Arrigo Beccari
  • Dr. Giusseppe Moreali
  • Father and Dr. Emanuele Stablum
  • Lorenzo Perrone
  • Sister Cornelia Cordini
  • Carlo Travaglini
  • Sister Ester Busnelli
  • Gaetano Tantalo
  • Pietro Lestini and his daughter, Giuliana Lestini
  • Father Antonio Dressino
  • Odoardo Focherini
  • Cardinal Pietro Palazzini
  • Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo

[edit] Greece (Total: 271)

[edit] Serbia (Total: 124)

[edit] Russia (Total: 124)

  • Tatiana Zelenskaya

[edit] Croatia (Total: 106)

[edit] Latvia (Total: 103)

[edit] Austria (Total: 85)

[edit] Romania (Total: 53)

[edit] Norway (Total: 41)

For a complete list, see Norwegian Righteous Among the Nations

  • Ingebjorg Sletten
  • Nic Waal
  • Nina Hasvold
  • Gerda Tanberg
  • Martin Solvang
  • Ola Rauken
  • Ola Breisjøberget
  • Sigrid Helliesen Lund
  • Per Faye-Hansen

[edit] Switzerland (Total: 38)

[edit] Denmark (Total: 21)

[edit] Bulgaria (Total: 17)

[edit] United Kingdom (Total: 13)

[edit] Channel Islands

[edit] Armenia (Total: 10)

  • Jeretzian, Ara (1981)
  • Kisheshyan, Arut & Zagoruiko Natalia; daughter Almaza (2003)
  • Mkrtchyan, Vartan; mother Arakel (1999)
  • Shakhbazyan, Knarik (1999)
  • Tadschjian, Aram & Felicia (1992)
  • Tashchyan, Grigori and Pran; children: Asmik and Tigran (2002)

[edit] Sweden (Total: 9)

[edit] Slovenia (Total: 6)

  • Ivan Breskar
  • Zora Pičulin
  • Uroš Žun

[edit] Spain (Total: 3)

[edit] Estonia (Total: 3)

[edit] USA (Total:3)

[edit] China (Total: 2)

[edit] Brazil (Total: 2)

[edit] Chile

  • Maria Edwards McClure

[edit] Japan

[edit] Luxembourg

[edit] Portugal

[edit] Turkey

[edit] Total

  • The total of the Righteous Among the Nations recognized by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, as of January 1, 2008 is 22,211.

[edit] See also

[edit] Reference

[edit] Bibliography

  • "Those who Helped: Polish Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust" - Publisher: Main Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation--The Institute of National Memory (1993) ISBN-10: 8390335646
  • Fogelman, Eva. Conscience & Courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
  • Bercher, Elinor J. Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors. New York: Penguin, 1994.
  • Michał Grynberg, Księga Sprawiedliwych (Book of the Righteous), Warsaw, PWN, 1993.

[edit] External link