List of ReBoot episodes

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This is the complete episode listing for the CGI television series ReBoot. Altogether, there are 47 episodes. Although the season 4 episodes were aired as two movies, they are counted as eight individual episodes.

ReBoot first aired on ABC and YTV, in 1994 with "The Tearing" and concluded about seven years later in 2001 with "Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus". The varying lengths of the various seasons means that some stretch over two years.


[edit] Season 1 (1994-1995)

# Title Airdate Overview In-show Joke Notes
"The Tearing" 17 September 1994 Bob and Dot fight to keep Megabyte from harnessing the power of a recently discovered, unusually large Tear. They barely succeed until a descending space fighter game harnesses it for him. Now Dot and Bob must defeat Megabyte inside the game or he will escape to infect other systems and become more powerful than ever. When Bob launches from the carrier and says: "Alpha wing clear of deck; proceed heading 1138, stay frosty." 1138 is a reference to THX 1138 by George Lucas. "Stay frosty" is from Aliens.
"Racing The Clock" 24 September 1994 Megabyte tricks Enzo into delivering a dangerous delete command to Hexadecimal. By the time Enzo realises his mistake, the unknowing Bob is trapped inside a Formula 1 game with the command about to go off any millisecond. Enzo and Dot must race against the clock to save Bob from certain deletion. When Bob asks Enzo what was his client's name, Enzo lies and says "Jean-Luc" who appeared earlier in the episode as a binome wearing an altered version of the starfleet uniform with the captain rank insignia on the right breast; a clear reference to Jean-Luc Picard.
"The Quick & The Fed" 1 October 1994 Thwarting a plan by Megabyte to create a portal, Bob retrieves a dangerous magnet which puts Dot's life in danger. While in Al's slow food, Bob picks up a number tag that reads 100000000000, yet he says 4096, which is 212, or the number on the tag in decimal. The Glitch command "BSnP!" to teleport through a window references the ABC Network censors, which did not allow characters to smash through windows.
"Medusa Bug" 8 October 1994 Megabyte steals a secret object from Hexadecimal, which proves to be a dangerous bug - the Medusa, which spreads throughout Mainframe, turning anything it touches into stone. The Medusa bug refers to the mythological creature whose gaze could turn observers into stone.
"The Tiff" 26 November 1994 When Bob and Dot become insufferable after an argument, Enzo tries one scheme after another to rekindle their friendship. Just when Enzo gives up on the stubborn pair, the dangerous Starship Alcatraz game forces the two to work together and see each other's point of view. The title is a pun on the image file format TIFF and the definition of "tiff", a petty argument.

At the start of the episode Bob tells Dot that she “needs to take time to smell the daisy wheels”. A daisy wheel is a device used to print characters. The two most popular types of printers at the time were the Dot matrix printer and Daisy Wheel.

"In The Belly Of The Beast" 3 December 1994 When Frisket swallows a valuable command, Megabyte captures him in order to remove it. Once inside Silicon Tor, however, the powerful Frisket and the mischievous Enzo prove to be more than Megabyte bargained for.
"The Crimson Binome" 10 December 1994 Swashbuckling software pirates pillage and plunder Mainframe taking Bob as their prize catch. The ingenious Dot organises the outraged citizens and leads a high seas posse to rescue their friend. In the opening scene at the mainframe port, a parody of Punch and Judy called "Punchcard and QWERTY" is playing. This is a reference to an early form of storage on punched cards and to the QWERTY keyboard layout. The title refers to the film The Crimson Pirate.
"Enzo The Smart" 17 December 1994 In an attempt to make himself smarter, Enzo inadvertently turns everyone in Mainframe into simple dolts. Now he must turn them back to normal before their naive ways get them nullified in a Track and Field game. In the Read Only Room is a statue of a desk lamp with the legend "LJ Senior", referring to the Pixar short film Luxo Jr. (the source of their logo) by John Lasseter. One of the Users is a blue figure called Graceful Jones, referencing Grace Jones, while another wears the same outfit as Bruce Lee in Game of Death.
"Wizards, Warriors And A Word From Our Sponsor" 24 December 1994 Bob, Dot and Enzo are stuck in a role-playing game with the intrusive Mike the TV. This episode is a parody of fantasy/medieval RPGs; the game in this episode takes place in a dungeon with the main characters taking on the characteristics of various classes of fighters. Lines such as Dot's "It breathes fire ... it just had to breathe fire!" poke fun at the overly-elaborate nature of many enemies and situations encountered in fantasy RPGs.
"The Great Brain Robbery" 31 December 1994 In an attempt to access the Supercomputer, Megabyte hires a hacker named Mouse to enter Bob's brain.
"Talent Night" 7 January 1995 Dot prepares a surprise talent show for Enzo's birthday; Megabyte, upset about not being invited, prepares his own act. An act that parodies the music video for "Money for Nothing," the first computer animated music video. One of the binomes trying out named "Captain Quark" is a parody of Star Trek's Captain Kirk. He then sings Rocket Man by Elton John. Megabyte cranks up the volume to 11, and Mike says "ladies and gentlemen, Megabyte has left the building!" next to the Elvis Binome. The YTV logo robot can be seen backstage.

A supporting Binome character, Emma, acts as the "Prog Censor" for the talent show; both this and the Small Town Binomes song "BSnP" reference the Broadcast Standards and Practises censors. Another "band" to feature on the episode- The Primitives- take the form of a ball, a triangle and a square which, along with their primary colours, resemble the logo for Electronic Arts at the time.

"Identity Crisis, Part 1" 14 January 1995 Dot has to convince a sector under Megabyte's control to give her their PID codes in order to convert their sector back to its normal state. In the sewer chase scene, Bob says "Cowabunga" a reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who live in the sewers of New York and repeatedly shout this after victory.
"Identity Crisis, Part 2" 21 January 1995 After being betrayed by Cyrus, Dot's emotions of guilt get the better of her during a difficult game. Feathers McGraw the penguin, from the Wallace and Gromit feature The Wrong Trousers, makes his first cameo appearance; he makes several more throughout the series. Here, he emerges from a box similar to the one Gromit was hiding in while spying on McGraw.

When Megabyte cracks the code on the file from Dot's organizer, a sequence of binary numbers is shown. It spells "Guardian" in ASCII. This password was previously referred to in "The Crimson Binome".

[edit] Season 2 (1995–1996)

# Title Airdate Overview In-show joke notes
"Infected" 31 August 1995 Disguised as an upgrade, Megabyte enters Mainframe's core control chamber. He badly wounds Phong and initiates an Erase Command that almost destroys the System, only to be thwarted by Bob exploiting his greed. This is also the episode where we first find out that Megabyte is related to Hexidecimal. Hexidecimal (to Megabyte)" Now, you wouldnt be intending to erase me? Would you?" Megabyte (replying to Hexidecimal) " Oh, come now, would that be anyway to" He uses a self-destruct command and a pose emulating the film Predator, while Dot's use of an Exo-Skeleton may refer to Ellen Ripley in Aliens.
"High Code" 7 September 1995 A Codemaster, Lens the Reaper, wreaks havok in Mainframe while looking to challenge the legendary Codemaster Talon who took refuge in the system. Phong and Bob assure him that there is no-one in Mainframe called Talon. Enzo discovers that Old Man Pearson is Talon, and has to convince him to come out of hiding - while Bob tricks Lens into a Game with the hope of nullifying them both to save the System. In the end, Lens is moved by the Mainframer's willingness to die for each other. The title refers to High Noon. The Game references the real-life Canadian town of Spuzzam. After Enzo discovers Talon's identity, he zooms to go find him and on the way sings along to the Batman theme playing in the background but says Codemaster instead of Batman.
"When Games Collide" 14 September 1995 Megabyte uses game energy to break into Mainframe's archives. He causes two games to merge into one and becomes trapped in the game himself. Bob unwillingly saves his life, forcing Megabyte to grudgingly let him go when he captures him in the archives. Gateway command is identical in shape and function to the gateway from the contemporary Stargate movie. (It returns in Season 4, after the Stargate series had started)
"Bad Bob" 21 September 1995 Megabyte attacks the Principal Office to steal Mainframe's Core energy. This causes a Game to be corrupted and land on the Principle Office. Bob and Enzo have to get the Core energy - being transported by "Megatruck", a transformed Megabyte - back to the Office before it can leave with the Game. A lot of the events during the game "Road Warrior" are taken directly from the Mad Max films, as well as characters, vehicles and landscape. See also the guy in the hockey mask and the guy complaining about his fingers as characters from the films. The Number One character appears to be wearing a Star Trek uniform and has similar facial features and speech to Commander Riker from Star Trek TNG. Upon seeing part of Mainframe's core corrupted, a binome exclaims "Maniacs! They blew it up! - a reference to Planet of the Apes
"Painted Windows" 2 November 1995 Hexadecimal accesses the system's Paint program, and Mainframe is her canvas. She soon begins to wreak havoc, causing a communications blackout, and melting all forms of transport. She also humiliates Megabyte. This is the first episode of a story arc that lasts for the rest of the series. Several famous art works appear throughout this episode. Some examples would be the Thinking Man, Adam and God's fingers from the Sistine chapel and Edvard's Munch's "The Scream".
"AndrAIa" 9 November 1995 Enzo is angry because he feels lonely. During an underwater game, he unintentionally befriends a game sprite named AndrAIa. When the game is won, he discovers she attached a back-up copy of herself to his Icon so they can remain together. A binome appears near the start of the episode dressed in a StarFleet uniform and wears the captain's insignia. Bob yells at him because in the game, all he says is "make it so", while the binome insists that he also said "engage". Almost immediately afterwards, he is seen in Dot's Diner asking for "tea, earl grey". This character is a reference to Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation. During an interview in the princpal office on how to survive a gamecube by bob. he sees a binome which she wrote in her eyelids "I love you" with the word "love" replaced by a heart. this is refernce from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
"NullZilla" 27 December 1995 A Web Creature infects Hexadecimal. In order to protect Mainframe from her, thousands of Nulls (when sprites lose a game they become Nulls), cover her, including Megabyte's pet null, Nibbles- who is, in fact, his nullified father. Hack and Slash, Megabyte's assistants, were babysitting Nibbles at the time, and rush to find him. They collide with Bob, Dot and Enzo. Phong dresses the gang up in power-ranger like uniforms, and their vehicles form a giant robot and battle the monster, dubbed Nulzilla by Mike the T.V. Eventually, however, it is Andraia who saves the day. Hexidecimal is back to normal, but the episode ends with the Web Creature attacking Megabyte. The office in which Phong readies the team to combat Hex, the office is similar to that seen in Tracy Island of Thunderbirds. When the heroes combat Hex, they appear as parodies of both Power Rangers and Voltron, and fight in a parody of the Mega Zord formed by a similar command to Voltron's "Go Voltron Force!" phrase. The Web Creature that attacks Hex and later Megabyte, turns them black, similar to how the Symbiote succeeded in changing Spider-Man before later becoming Venom.
"Gigabyte" 27 December 1995 The possessed Megabyte merges with Hexadecimal, creating the terrifying energy-absorbing virus, Gigabyte. The Mainframers fight to stop him gaining full strength, alongside both Hack & Slash and a returning Mouse, who is initially disliked by Dot, but the two are forced to work as a team and sort out their differences in the battle against the new virus. When asked what its purpose is, Gigabyte replies, "I am become Gigabyte, destroyer of systems," alluding to Vishnu in the Bhagavad-Gita. When Gigabyte corners Bob and Dot in an ally he scrapes the wall with his claw, similar to Freddy Krueger. Also, the controller Mouse uses to contain the tear is extremely similar to a PlayStation controller.
"Trust No One" 25 January 1996 Mainframe citizens mysteriously disappear, including Dot and Al's waiter. Phong hires two CGI Special Agents, Fax Modem and Data Nully to investigate the disappearances, along with Bob and Mouse. When the waiter from Al's is taking out the trash, he says "Garbage In, Garbage Out," a common saying in the field of computer science. The two agents parody agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from the The X-Files. Data Nully is voiced by Gillian Anderson, the same actress who played Dana Scully.
"Web World Wars" 1 February 1996 A portal to the Web hovers over Mainframe, and its citizens must prepare for war. Megabyte and Hexadecimal join the battle, but they have an ulterior motive... The subway station "Piccadilly Circuits" is a pun of the British underground station "Piccadilly Circus" in London, and the Binomes fleeing to it reference Londoners sleeping in the Underground during the Blitz. At the end, one Binome sais "It's the ABC's! They've turned on us!" This is a reference to ABC not renewing the show for the third season.

[edit] Season 3 (1997-1998)

# Title Airdate Overview In-show joke notes
"To Mend and Defend" 20 August 1997 With Bob gone, Enzo must prove himself as a Guardian while Megabyte and Hexadecimal attack the Principal Office. A CPU (Convertible Pursuit Unit) pilot says, "Well, ya heard the little lady. Single file. Proceed heading 1138. Stay frosty," referring to THX 1138, an early George Lucas movie. A similar line was uttered by Bob in The Tearing. When Hexadecimal is preparing to fire again, she says, "Say hello to my little friend," an obvious reference to Scarface. The game in this episode is clearly modelled on the Evil Dead film series, or the computer game which followed. Upon rebooting Enzo becomes a take on Michael Jackson in Thriller and Dot becomes a take on cult-TV horror show host Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (Cassandra Peterson). Additionally, the Addams Family motif plays briefly after her reboot. The user is based on Ash (Bruce Campbell) in the movie "Army of Darkness".
"Between A Racoon & A Hard Place" 27 August 1997 Confidence in Enzo's skills begin to diminish due to efforts by Megabyte. After deleting the outspoken binome in the nullified sector (which is dressed in a Next Generation-style Starfleet uniform), Megabyte says that resistance is futile, an allusion to the Borg of Star Trek. Also, before being deleted, the binome declared, "we are sick of running in fear. A line must be drawn here." This is a parody of a speech Jean-Luc Picard gave in the movie Star Trek First Contact. Enzo reboots in the game cube into a character who is dressed like, and sounds like, Elmer Fudd. The User's raccoon character is a cross between Sonic the Hedgehog and The Road Runner; many of the gags used during the game are characteristic of Road Runner cartoons.
"Firewall" 3 September 1997 Enzo begins to lose confidence in himself, though he, along with the others, attempt to develop a plan to stop Megabyte's efforts to infect Mainframe. The episode name and the device used called the firewall refer to the firewall security feature on local machines, routers, and servers to block unwanted protocols from the internet and LAN. Also the theme song and general style of the episode pay homage to the James Bond franchise. The game in this episode is a take on the Micro Machines. Frisket appears as Muttley and Cyrus as Dick Dastardly in this game. Frisket even performs the trademark laugh. (See Wacky Races.) The Tyrannosaurus Rex's attack on the car is very similar to the same scene in Jurassic Park, especially Enzo's taunting of the skeleton. Amidst the car chase, a white Ford Bronco speeds by chased by several police cars. This is spoofing the OJ Simpson police chase in 1994. There is a minor reference to The Indian in the Cupboard. Luxo Jr. makes another appearance.
"Game Over" 10 September 1997 With the threat of Megabyte and Hexadecimal diminished, the Mainframers can concentrate on finding Bob. The music used repeatedly in the game scene is the electronic-dance Mortal Kombat theme tune. The characters/gameplay are parodied throughout. Enzo becomes a parody of Scorpion.
"Icons" 17 September 1997 After losing a game, Enzo (now Matrix) and AndrAIa begin game hopping between systems to return to Mainframe. They eventually find themselves grown up and transferred to a system that is slowly dying. The game that Matrix and AndrAIa play in the opening of the episode features them as characters reminiscent to the aliens from the film Mars Attacks!. The User says, "I want the tooth," to which Backup replies, "You can't handle the tooth." This is taken from A Few Good Men. In the movie remake, Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson have the same exchange: "I want the truth!", "You can't handle the truth!" When AndrAIa reboots, she becomes a parody of Xena: Warrior Princess and Gabby (AKA Tweak) reboots to become Xena's sidekick, Gabrielle (Xena). When AndrAIa and Matrix first enter the system, a binome asks them, "Are you a good User or a bad User?", and AndrAIa responds, "We're not Users at all!". This is an homage to the classic movie The Wizard of Oz, when Glinda asks Dorothy whether she is a good witch or a bad witch.
"Where No Sprite Has Gone Before" 24 September 1997 Matrix, AndrAIa and Frisket arrive in a system with a group of superhero-like beings, one of which looks like Bob. The title of this episode alludes to Star Trek, a spin-off of Jean-Luc Picard's narration in the opening titles of Star Trek: The Next Generation. AndrAia's log is a reference to the Captain's Log. However the majority of the episode parodies the original Star Trek series (Rob cursor being an obvious take on James T. Kirk, while Pixel represents Spock). This episode features a group of sprites who combine elements of Star Trek characters and the powers of a typical superhero group like DC's Justice League or Marvel's Avengers. This episode was written by regular Star Trek writer D.C. Fontana.
"Number 7" 1 October 1997 Entering a game, Matrix and AndrAIa find themselves back in Mainframe. But not all is what it seems. The entire episode is a reference to the cult series The Prisoner. In the golf game cube at the end of the episode, Matrix and AndrAIa's opponents are a tiger, a sombrero, and a shark, a reference to famous golf pros Tiger Woods, Lee Travino, and Greg Norman. Little Enzo's words, "there can be only one," is a reference to the movie, Highlander, and the image of Matrix after he is hit by the golf ball blob is another reference to The Prisoner, in which our Number 6 is incapacitated by Rover (a weather balloon), thereafter to be dragged back to his villa.
"The Episode with No Name" 8 October 1997 Matrix and AndrAIa arrive in a system with a portal leading to other systems. Two Imperial stormtroopers are clearly seen walking through the streets of the desert town; and one is seen in the bar, which is a parody of a Star Wars cantina, though the scene (and a large part of the episode) are parodies of various spaghetti westerns. At one point when Matrix jumps the sounds effects and slow-mo are reminiscent of The Six Million Dollar Man. The search engine's vehicle says IMAX on the side. When Matrix runs off, chasing the thief, AndrAIa shouts after him, "stay frosty, Sparky," a reference to both THX 1138 and an earlier episode where Bob says something similar. While in the bar, Matrix has his gun target all the patrons and initiate "Death Blossom mode", taken from the movie The Last Starfighter
32 (v3.3.1) "Return of The Crimson Binome" 15 October 1997 When Matrix and AndrAIa find that Captain Capacitor's crew are being held in the portal system, they attempt a prison break-in to free them to use their ship to return to Mainframe.
33 (v3.3.2) "The Edge of Beyond" 22 October 1997 With Ray Tracer and Captain Capacitor and his crew, Matrix and AndrAIa enter the Web to find Bob and to return to Mainframe.
34 (v3.3.3) "Web Riders on the Storm" 29 October 1997 The crew of the Saucy Mare encounter Web Riders, beings living in the web, who are not happy with their arrival in the Web. The episode's title is a pun on the Doors' song "Riders on the Storm."
35 (v3.3.4) "Mousetrap" 5 November 1997 With Bob and a portal found, the Saucy Mare prepares to return to Mainframe, but some traps prove the trip more difficult than expected. The “wriggles” that the surfer eats is possibly a lampoon of ‘gah’ a Klingon (from the star trek saga) food that also “wriggles all the way down”. Also after the surfer eats it a web rider says, “You are a warrior, you have honour!” typical of something a Klingon would say.
36 (v3.4.1) "Megaframe" 3 January 1998 The Saucy Mare arrives to a heavily damaged Mainframe, under the control of Megabyte. One of Megabytes officer's remarks "Rebel scum, when will they ever learn." A Line commomly used in StarWars Media.
37 (v3.4.2) "Showdown" 10 January 1998 Reunited with friends and family, Dot, AndrAIa, Mouse, Matrix and their group of binome rebels plan an invasion of the Principal Office, where Megabyte and his army await. The Saucy Mare's destruction (and the conversation between the captain and AndrAIa afterwards) is a reference to Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
38 (v3.4.3) "System Crash" 17 January 1998 Megabyte is not willing to die alone, he is determined to take Mainframe with him. Four binomes are dressed up as KISS. Another five are dressed and act like the girls of Sailor Moon. Fax Modem and Data Nully (the parodies of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully) appear, Modem is witnessed looking at two signs, one saying "B.C." and the other "L.A." (lampooning David Duchovny moving the X-Files filming from Vancouver to Los Angeles). A binome wearing a fedora is chased by a giant 8-ball, just like Indiana Jones in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

When Phong's body is found he says he was "Feeling half the sprite i used to be" a reference to the Stone Temple Pilots song "Creep" (Chorus: I'm half the man I used to be//This I feel as the dawn it fades to gray).

Bob goes into the Core in order to save Mainframe and is exposed to radiation. Afterwards, he asks: "System... out of danger ?". This is a reference to the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, where Spock asks "Ship... out of danger ?" after having exposed himself to radiation to save the Enterprise.

39 (v3.4.4) "End Prog" 24 January 1998 A game cube threatens to push the crashing Mainframe over the edge. The plot is concluded halfway into the episode and the second half is a musical summary of the episodes Web World Wars to End Prog. Lieutenant Chauncy, on being cured by the User of Megabyte's infection, exclaims "Oh Great Norton's Ghost!", a reference to disk-recovery guru Peter Norton and the popular Norton Utilities software suite.

The musical is performed to the tune of the classical Gilbert and Sullivan's "Major-General's Song".

[edit] Season 4 (2001)

In its DVD release and original Canadian broadcast, the fourth season was initially presented as two movies, and was then syndicated as separate episodes.

[edit] Daemon Rising

Main article: ReBoot: Daemon Rising
# Title Airdate Overview In-show joke notes
"Daemon Rising" 18 November 2001 The forces of a supervirus named Daemon have infected most of the net, and begin to invade Mainframe. The game in this episode is a parody of both James Bond and Austin Powers films. Matrix is loaded as Dr. Evil and Enzo as Mini-Me.
"Cross Nodes" 18 November 2001 Daemon continues to plan in order to retrieve Bob, who could help her infect the entire net. The Stargate-style Gateway Command from "When Games Collide" is shown again. Also, Dot's father bears several similarities to the character Dr. Jackson in the Stargate movie and TV show, such as having theories about life off-world. Mike the TV sings a parody of a gospel song while dressed up as James Brown.
"What's Love Got To Do With It?" 18 November 2001 Matrix and Mouse plan to stop Daemon after AndrAIa is infected by her. Meanwhile, Dot tries to get Hexadecimal to bring back her father. Bob flashbacks to his tutor Dixon Green, a reference to police show Dixon of Dock Green. Daemon slows down Matrix's bullet, referencing bullet time in The Matrix. Matrix was in a fighting game where he won a Hell in a Cell Match, he later goes on to the ring ropes and yells "AndrAIa" parodying Rocky Balboa's cry to his girlfriend Adrian at the end of the first Rocky movie.
"Sacrifice" 18 November 2001 With Matrix, AndrAIa and Mouse converted, Daemon travels to Mainframe herself to complete her plans. Enzo finds himself the only one who can turn the tide... Daemon is revealed to be a cron virus, and at a schedule time everything she infected will self-destruct. In a Unix system, the cron daemon runs regularly scheduled tasks.

[edit] My Two Bobs

Main article: ReBoot: My Two Bobs
# Title Airdate Overview In-show joke notes
"My Two Bobs" 25 November 2001 With the Daemon threat gone, a second Bob appears in Mainframe, leaving Dot with a difficult decision as to which one to marry. The beginning is somewhat similar to the classic series The Brady Bunch. The game is a parody of the Pokemon games, with Matrix rebooted as a Dragonball Z character; however when Matrix attacks and Bob shouts out, "stop trying to hit him and hit him," it is a reference to the Matrix.
"Life's A Glitch" 25 November 2001 'Glitch-Bob' thinks about separating Glitch from himself to return to his normal self. Hack and Slash are ReBooted into two soda/soft drink cans called "POKE" and "PEEK", two commands used in the BASIC programming language on the Commodore 64 and Apple II series (Applesoft BASIC) computers. The first words by Phong were in the sentence structure and voice of Yoda.
"Null-Bot Of The Bride" 25 November 2001 With 'Glitch-Bob' incapacitated in the Supercomputer, Dot decides to marry the new Bob - but as 'Glitch-Bob' regains his health and is returned to his original form, the new arrival is revealed to be a disguised Megabyte...
"Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus" 25 November 2001 With Megabyte now a shape-shifting trojan horse virus, Bob, Dot and the others attempt to track him down and capture him. However, Megabyte tricks them and seizes control of the Principal Office... Cliffhanger ending. The series continues on in the comic and movies. Mike the TV (a disguised Megabyte trying to incite panic) asks the rhetorical question "Is that really your pussy, Mrs. Slocombe?!". This is in reference to the British television series Are You Being Served?, in which the character Mrs. Slocombe owns a cat that she always refers to as her pussy.

The scene in which two binomes drive over a bridge and send members of the "neo-virals" flying is a parody of the scene in the Blues Brothers, when the brothers drove over a bridge and disrupted a Nazi demonstration.
The title is a pun of the Chow Yun Fat movie title Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

[edit] External links