List of Qassam rocket attacks

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Most Qassam rockets hit Sderot in Israel
Most Qassam rockets hit Sderot in Israel
Number of Morter & Rocket hits in Israel
Number of Morter & Rocket hits in Israel

This is a list of notable and/or newsworthy Qassam rocket attacks. Qassams were first fired at Israeli targets in October 2001 and have continued since then. The first Qassam to land in Israeli territory was launched on February 10, 2002. The first time an Israeli city was hit was on March 5, 2002, when two rockets struck Sderot. Some rockets have hit as far as the edge of Ashkelon. From 2001 until May 2008, there have been over 3,050 Qassam rockets fired at Israeli targets,[1] mainly against Sderot and the Western Negev. Fifteen Israelis have been killed and over 433 injured, along with significant property damage. Additionally, more than 2,500 mortar attacks have been launched against Israel from Gaza.[2]

A radar system or "red dawn alarm", installed by the Israeli government, alerts Israelis to incoming rocket fire, but does not alert Israelis to mortar shelling. On cold or rainy days, the radar is ineffective in detecting the rocket launches. Sderot residents have 15 seconds, once the siren goes off, to escape to a bomb shelter.[2]

The Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD [3][4].


[edit] Timeline of Attacks

[edit] 2001

April 16, 2001 The first Qassam rocket fell on Israel on 16 April 2001.[5]

[edit] 2002

February 10, 2002
A Qassam-2 rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel on Sunday, landing in a field six kilometers from the Gaza border near Kibbutz Sa'ad in the Negev Desert. Israel views the use of the Qassam-2 rockets as a major escalation in fighting, since the missiles have a range of six to 10 kilometers - sufficient to hit Israeli cities if fired from the West Bank. Israel responded with air force attacks and an armored incursion. Seventeen militant prisoners were released from Gaza jail as a result. No deaths were reported.[6][7]

[edit] 2004

May 18, 2004
Operation Rainbow began on May 18, 2004 and ended on May 23, 2004 in Rafah the Gaza Strip. Israel's aim was to kill militants after the deaths of 13 Israeli soldiers in guerrilla attacks, clear terrorist infrastructure, to find smuggling tunnels connecting the Gaza Strip to Egypt. The Israeli Defense Forces claim that that 41 fighters and 12 civilians had been killed, along with three tunnels destroyed and 56 buildings destroyed.[citation needed]
June 28, 2004
Four-year-old Afik Zahavi, and Mordehai Yosefof, 49, were killed in the northern Negev town of Sderot by a Palestinian Qassam rocket that hit a kindergarten, the first fatal Qassam attack. The boy's mother, Ruthie Zahavi, 28, was critically wounded. A total of nine persons were injured. Hamas claimed responsibility.[8][9][10]
September 29, 2004
On the eve of the Sukkot holiday, Yuval Abebeh, 4, and Dorit Benisian, 2, were killed by a Qassam rocket (one of three) fired from Gaza into Sderot. About 30 people were wounded in the attack, for which Hamas claimed responsibility.[11][10] In response the IDF launched Operation Days of Penitence in the north of the Gaza Strip. The operation's stated aim was to remove the threat of Qassam rockets from Sderot and kill the Hamas militants launching them. Sderot. The operation resulted in the deaths of between 104 and 133 Palestinians (42 civilians), and 5 people on the Israeli side (2 soldiers and 3 civilians).
October 22, 2004
The Israeli Air Force killed Adnan al-Ghoul, a senior Hamas bomb maker and one of the inventors of the Qassam rocket.

[edit] 2005

January 15, 2005
A Quassam rocket attack on Sderot left Ayala Abukasis, 17, brain dead, as she was hurt while shielding her younger brother. She died on January 21.[12]
June 7, 2005
Two Palestinian workers, Salah Ayash Imran, 57, Muhammed Mahmoud Jaroun, and a foreign worker Bi Shude, 46, were killed, and five other workers were wounded, when a Quassam rocket hit a packing shed in Ganei Tal, in the Gaza Strip. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.[13]
July 14, 2005
Dana Galkowicz, 22, was killed in a Quassam attack in the Kibbutz Netiv Ha'asara, just north of the Gaza Strip. One rocket of those fired cut her life short. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah all claimed responsibility for the attack.[14]
September 12, 2005
Evacuation of all residents and associated security personnel from the Gaza Strip was completed by September 12, 2005 under Israel's unilateral disengagement plan
September 24, 2005
Five Israelis were injured when Palestinian militants launched about 30 rockets on Israeli communities from the Gaza Strip. This attack followed an incident the previous day, in which 20 Palestinians, including 16 civilians, were killed when a vehicle carrying Quassam rockets exploded during a Hamas rally in Jabalya. The exact circumstances surrounding the incident are still unknown. To date, no evidence has been found to substantiate Hamas’ claim that Israeli interference was responsible for the accident.[15]
December 26, 2005
A Quassam rocketlanded at a very small distance from a kindergarten during a Hanukkah party at kibbutz Sa'ad.[16]

[edit] 2006

February 3, 2006
A Qassam rocket struck a family's house in the western Negev village of Kibbutz Karmiya, moderately injuring four people, including a 7-month-old baby.[17]
March 28, 2006
Islamic Jihad fired a 122mm Katyusha rocket from the Gaza Strip into Israel.[18] Near the Kibbutz Nachal Oz two Israeli-Arabs were killed by an explosion of a dormant rocket. Katyushas, frequently used by Hezbollah in Lebanon, had never before been fired from Gaza. Larger numbers of Qassam rockets began landing in the Western Negev in March of 2006: 49 in March, 64 in April, 46 in May, and over 83 by the end of June. Most of the rocket launches prior to 2006 were carried out by Islamic Jihad but following Hamas's election victory, other groups such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement have been claimed to take over the firings.
March 30, 2006
Two Qassam rockets landed in Kibbutz Karmiya, south of Ashkelon, one of them landed in a soccer field, where children played only hours earlier, and injured one person.[19]
June 11, 2006
Three people are wounded, one critically when a Qassam landed near the Sapir Academic College near the Negev town of Sderot.[20] 14 Qassams are fired throughout the day.[21]
July 27, 2006
A Qassam rocket landed next to a kindergarten in a community south of Ashkelon at 10:45 a.m. Friday. Two children were lightly wounded and eight more people suffered shock. Additionally, the kindergarten building was damaged.[22]
September 20, 2006
Two teenage Israeli Arab shepherds were moderately wounded by two Qassam rockets fired from Gaza.[23]
November 1 to November 7, 2006
Palestinian government officials said on 7 November that IDF troops were beginning to withdraw, thus ending the Operation Autumn Clouds. Fifty-three Palestinians, including 16 civilians, and an IDF soldier, were killed since October 31.[24]
November 8, 2006
18 people were killed (mainly civilians) and around 40 were injured as a large number of shells was fired at Beit Hanoun. IDF officials said that the artillery fire was directed at a Qassam launching spot and another nearby spot from where Palestinians planned to launch Qassam rockets. Some of the shells missed their target.[25] This incident is now referred to as the Beit Hanoun November 2006 incident.
November 15, 2006
Twelve rockets in four separate attacks hit Sderot, killing Faina Slutzker, 57, and seriously wounding two others. One of the wounded, Maor Peretz, a security guard, lost both legs in the attack.[26]
November 21, 2006
A Qassam rocket struck a factory and hit 43 year-old Yaakov Yaakobov, fatally wounding him.[27]

[edit] 2007

March 18, 2007
al-Quds Brigades Palestinians fire five Quassam rockets from the Gaza Strip to Israel in three different barrages after a relative period of calm. One of the rockets landed in Ashkelon's southern industrial zone, near a strategic facility. The rest of the rockets landed south of Ashkelon and in open areas in the western Negev. There were no reports of injuries.[28]
May 15, 2007
After more than 200 Quassam rocket attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz respond with airstrikes.
May 16, 2007
The Israeli Air Force attack a building housing the Hamas headquarters of the Executive Force in Rafah, leaving four dead and dozens wounded. The airstrike came in the middle of heavy fighting between forces loyal to Fatah and to Hamas, part of the ongoing Palestinian factional violence. Thirty Qassam rockets are fired at the Western Negev, leaving two residents of Sderot injured. Ten others suffered from shock.[29][30][31]
May 17, 2007
Two people die in Rafah after their vehicle was hit by a missile fired by the IAF. The two had reportedly been in the process of launching Qassam rockets. More vehicles were hit by the IAF, leaving a member of a Qassam launching cell critically injured.
A Hamas base of operations is destroyed by Israeli missile attacks, leaving one militant dead and wounding more than thirty people, including civilians. Two people in Sderot were slightly injured by one of the 10 rockets that landed on Israeli territory.[32]
May 18, 2007
In a Quassam rocket attack on Sderot three people were injured. Twenty rockets were fired at a kibbutz in Sderot.[33]
May 20, 2007
Ten rockets are fired from Gaza with four landing in southern Israel, but no injuries are reported, according to an Israeli spokesman. The IAF also launched an airstrike in Gaza City, killing eight people, including Hamas militiamen, and at least thirteen others were also wounded. Israel claims that five of those killed were militiamen, while Hamas claims that only two were. The airstrike was targeted at the house of Hamas politician, Khalil al-Haya, who was not home at the time.
A second Israeli air strike kills one civilian, and wounds three others, according to Palestinian medics. A spokeswoman for Israel claims that the strike was targeting militants loading ammunition onto a truck at a location that manufactures rockets. A third air strike targeted a plant that manufactured Quassam rockets for the Islamic Jihad group, which wounded two people according to medics.
Olmert said that he will attempt a diplomatic effort with the international community to attempt to resolve the conflict. However, he has also ordered an increase in airstrikes to destroy Hamas' infrastructure, in an attempt to halt the rocket attacks.[34][35]
May 21, 2007
Shir-El Feldman, 32, was killed and two others wounded in a Quassam rocket strike on Sderot.[36]
Four members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are killed while driving in a car after an air strike by the IAF in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya. They were part of a Quassam launching cell and had just launched some Qassams into Israeli territory. An Israeli spokesman also said that Islamic Jihad members will be targeted because they participate in the Quassam firing. A workshop used in the manufacture of Qassam rockets was bombed, killing a manufacturer.
A first round of five rockets were fired towards Sderot, one striking the city, two landing south of Ashkelon, and two striking the western Negev. A Quassam rocket that struck Sderot killed an Israeli woman, the first fatality from a rocket attack in the country since November. Another man was moderately injured from the attack. The rocket struck a commercial center near a bakery in Sderot. Israeli civilians burned tires in the street after the attack, though the protest was interrupted by the Red Dawn rocket early-warning siren.
A second round of three rockets was later fired towards Israel, which landed near a kibbutz in the western Negev. A third series launched two more rockets towards Israel. No injuries were reported from these further attacks.[37][38][39]
May 22, 2007
Hamas militants say that they have fired several rockets towards Israel, a total of ten, according to various groups. A total of seven rockets landed in western Negev, but caused no injuries. The IAF also fired missiles in an airstrike at a munitions base, and secondary explosions were reported after the strike. The airstrike wounded seven people in the attack on Jabaliya, Gaza City, according to local residents and hospital officials.[40][41][42]
May 23, 2007
Militants have fired eight rockets at southern Israel, but no injuries were reported. One rocket that was fired, landed in an open area of Sderot. No injuries or damage were reported from the rocket landing. Later, two rockets hit the Sderot area, one of them inside the city. One women suffered from shock after the attack. Two more rockets landed south of Ashqelon, one of which killed a horse in Kibbutz Nir Am.
The IAF conducted an airstrike on the Gaza Strip, in which they destroyed two buildings. The Israeli army said that the buildings were being used to store and manufacture weapons, however, Palestinians denied these allegations. Hospital officials said that seven Palestinians were wounded in the attack. Two IDF solders were wounded by gunfire in the northern Gaza Strip and were evacuated to the Barzilay Medical Center in Ashkelon. The gunfire may have came from militants, but the IDF is looking into the possibility of friendly-fire.
In an uncommon move, Israeli troops entered into a small village in the southern Gaza Strip. Israeli army officials said that after the raid, seven Palestinians were held for questioning. Samer Qdaih, one of those held, claimed that the troops threatened to crush their area if rocket fire continues. All of the detainees were later released.[citation needed]
President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas had called for Hamas and other militias to halt rocket attacks against Israel. But a Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, said that due to Israel's airstrikes on Gaza, that any ceasefire attempt by Abbas would be "worthless." Hamas said they would only consider a ceasefire if Israel stops their military operations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.[43][44]
A total of nine Quassam rocket were fired from Gaza, by Palestinians, towards the Israeli western Negev. Two of the rockets landed near kibbutzim in the area of Eshkol Regional Council, and the rest landed near Sderot and the area of Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council. After one of the rockets landed, a fire broke out close to one of the kibbutzim. Some of these rockets landed in Israel without warning, due to a malfunction in the Red Dawn system that notifies of incoming rocket fire.
May 24, 2007
In the northern Gaza Strip, a mortar was fired towards Israel. The mortar round landed near the Erez Crossing. No injuries were reported, but the structure was somewhat damaged.
Palestinian President Abbas, after meeting with a European Union envoy, described rocket attacks against Israel as "pointless and needless." However, Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri responded saying that "Rockets will be fired as long as the Zionist (Israeli) aggression against our (Palestinian) people continues."[45][46][47][48]
May 25, 2007
Seven Quassam rockets were fired towards Israel's western Negev from the Gaza Strip. The first five Qassams landed in open areas close to the southern town of Sderot and south of Ashkelon. No casualties were reported from these, though a wheat field near Sderot caught fire due to a Qassam landing.[49] Two rockets were later fired towards the Israeli town of Sderot. One of them landed near a house inside the town. This Qassam lightly wounded four people from shrapnel, and ten other nearby residents suffered from shock. The other rocket landed in Sderot's industrial area, damaging some equipment in a facility.[50]
An Israeli missile landed near the residence of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. An IDF spokeswoman said though that "Haniyeh's home definitely was not the target [of the airstrike]." The IDF said that the airstrike was on a structure used by Hamas, located in the Shati refugee camp. Local residents said that an IAF airstrike hit a van in Gaza City, killing two Hamas militants and wounding five. The IAF also conducted an air strike on a Hamas position in the central Gaza Strip, south of Gaza City, lightly wounding three, and destroying the base.[51][52][53]
May 26, 2007
Hamas militants considered the lenient ceasefire terms offered by Fatah, specifically Palestinian President Abbas. They said they would be willing to accept a ceasefire alone, instead of their previous demand of the end of Israeli military operations in the West Bank. Fatah said that Hamas is giving Israel until May 27 to respond to a ceasefire agreement, though Hamas said they are not completely committed to their offer. A Fatah spokesman, Abdel-Hakim Awad, said that "The next 48 hours will be decisive for determining which way the factions are going, and it will depend on Israel and whether it wants to stop its aggression."
Five Quassam rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, though no people were injured.
Five airstrikes early in the day wounded three people, all bystanders near the targets; at least two were in Gaza City and one in the southern Gaza Strip, all Hamas positions. The IAF launched missile attacks on a Hamas Executive Force and its armed militia housing in Gaza City. At least five Executive Force members were killed and 30 other people were wounded, according to medics .[54] The explosion also damaged a kindergarten area next-door, though no people were wounded.[54] A security facility near Palestinian Prime Minister Haniyeh's home was also attacked in an airstrike. Another round of airstrikes in Gaza targeted buildings used by Hamas, wounding eight bystanders.
The Palestinian Minister of State, Wasfi Kabha of Hamas, was arrested in an Israeli raid on his village close to the West Bank city of Jenin. An aide to the Palestinian President Abbas, Saeb Erekat, said that "We have urged the U.S. and the EU to intervene to release the ministers and lawmakers [...] This step does not help to achieve calm (attempts at a ceasefire)."
A spokesman for the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed militia of Hamas, now warns that if Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh or any other senior Hamas official is harmed by Israel that there will be a "earth-shattering" response. This response included a threat that Israel will never see Gilad Shalit, the IDF soldier whose abduction sparked the 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict, and that "Suicide bombings in Israel are just a matter of time and proper condition…we can fire rockets even beyond Ashkelon, and we will resume the suicide bombing and kidnappings."[55]
May 27, 2007
Two Quassam rockets landed in Sderot Israel. Oshri Oz, 36, killed when a Quassam rocket struck near his car and fatally wounded him.[56] The Qassam hit the street, it caused shrapnel to hit Oshri Oz's car, and he crashed into a wall. He got out of the car, but died of his wounds at Barzilay Medical Center in Ashkelon. One other man was wounded and other residents suffered from shock. Another Quassam rocket later hit Sderot injuring one Israeli civilian.
The IAF launched airstrikes on posts belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. One strike targeted a Hamas charity building in Beit Hanoun and the other a Hamas executive force position in Jabalya, according to Hamas officials and other witnesses. A third airstrike was reported in the city of Beit Lahiya. No casualties were reported from the strikes. [57][58]
May 28, 2007
Seven rockets struck Sderot in southern Israel, but no injuries are reported. A senior Hamas militant was arrested in the city of Ramallah in the West Bank.[59]
May 29, 2007
Seventeen Qassams strike the Negev, with three landing in Sderot. The Popular Resistance Committees and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attacks. [60]
May 30, 2007
Six Quassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip hit western Negev. One rocket hit a power line and an apartment building in Sderot. Some residents experienced and were treated for shock after the attack. The Qassam also caused a temporary blackout in some parts of the city, because of the hit on the power line. Another apartment building was hit, causing six people to experience shock, though no people were inside at the time. The latter had a claim of responsibility by the militia of the Popular Resistance Committees.[61]
The IAF made an air strike targeting a "group of armed terrorists," near the Jabalya refugee camp, an IDF spokeswoman said. Two members of the Hamas militia were killed, several bystanders were wounded, and a house was damaged
May 31, 2007
The IAF made two air strikes on a rocket launching site and on militants in the Gaza Strip, injuring two Palestinians. Militants in the Gaza Strip fired three Qassam rockets into Israel, but caused no injuries.[62]
June 1, 2007
Four Quassam rockets were fired towards Israel from the Gaza Strip. Two of the rockets landed near a Negev kibbutz, causing some damage to a garage. Another rocket hit a kibbutz south of Ashkelon, causing serious damage to a warehouse. The fourth rocket did not reach Israel, and fell to the ground inside the Gaza Strip.[63][64]
June 2, 2007
The IDF also arrested four people in the Gaza Strip, stating they fired rockets into Israel. They were later released.[65]
June 3, 2007
Four IDF soldiers were injured, one moderately and three lightly, near the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. They were hurt after 3 mortar rounds hit their location, which Hamas says they are responsible for. The injured soldiers, and six who suffered shock, were evacuated to Barzilay Medical Center in Ashkelon. Two other mortar shells landed in other areas of the Gaza Strip.[66]
June 5, 2007
The IDF pulled out of the Gaza Strip, after an offensive two kilometers inside the Israel-Gaza border. Several Palestinians were detained by the IDF and were transferred to Israel for questioning.[67]
Two Qassam rockets were fired towards Israel from the Gaza Strip. One landed near Sderot and one landed inside the Gaza Strip, neither caused injuries.[68]
June 6, 2007
Hamas fired eight mortar shells at the Erez Crossing, damaging the site, and causing a fire on the Gaza side of the border. Two Israeli trauma centers were opened in southern Israel near Gaza.[69]
June 12, 2007
Main article: Battle of Gaza (2007)
Hamas gained control over northern Gaza after fighting with Fatah Preventive Security Service forces in the city of Beit Hanoun. Four Palestinians were killed and 15 wounded. Hamas also takes control of central refugee camps, Bureij, Nuseirat and Maghazi with virtually no fighting with Fatah.[70]
June 13; 2007
Main article: Battle of Gaza (2007)
Hamas destroys Fatah Preventive Security Forces' headquarters in Khan Yunis, killing five Palestinians.
June 14; 2007
Main article: Battle of Gaza (2007)
Hamas forces seize and loot Abbas' presidential compound and Fatah Preventive Security Forces' headquarters in Gaza City. Other major security and intelligence compounds are also captured, finalizing Hamas' control over Gaza City. To the south, Rafah falls into Hamas control with minimal casualties. After controlling the majority of the Gaza Strip's cities and refugee camps, Hamas takes control over the main north-south road as well as the coastal road and southern border with Egypt.
June 18, 2007
A Qassam rocket fired from Gaza struck a factory, containing hazardous materials, in Sderot. The attack resulted in a leak of gaseous caustic soda and prompted the response of police, fire-fighting forces, and teams specialized in dealing with hazardous materials who sealed the leak and removed the poisonous materials. [71]
June 20, 2007
Nine Qassam rockets struck the western Negev injuring three with shrapnel and causing shock in at least seven reported cases. In Sderot, rockets damaged two homes and a synagogue. Two of the rockets struck near Kibbutz Nir Am injuring no one but causing a power outage in the area by damaging a high-tension wire. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for four of the rockets. [72]
July 5, 2007
3 mortars shells and 2 Qassams were fired into Israel, causing no damage and injures. Hamas and Islamic Jihad both claimed responsibility.
July 7, 2007
In an IDF operation in Gaza, 7 Qassam rocket launchers are noticed. All were destroyed by the IDF. Some were detonated with a timer
July 8, 2007
Five Qassam rockets struck the Western Negev with three striking near Sapir College. The attack did not result in any reported casualties and caused damage to a building undergoing construction. The al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, claimed responsibility for the attack. [73]
July 8, 2007
5 Qassam rockets are fired into Israel. 4 landed in open area's, but one landed near a college in Sderot. Nobody was injured. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
July 9, 2007
3 Qassams are fired into Israel, causing damage but no injuries. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility
July 10, 2007
11 mortars shells are fired into Israeli territory in 3 separate barrages. 2 buildings contained damage, but there were no casualties. One mortar shell landed near the Kerem Shalom Crossing. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[74]
July 12, 2007
Despite the presence of Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, Islamic Jihad managed to fire a Qassam rocket to Sderot. Nobody was injured.[75][76]
July 19, 2007
Four Qassam rockets struck southern Israel, damaging several buildings and causing five people to suffer from shock - one of whom required hospitalization. [77][78]
July 22, 2007
Israeli aircraft killed 2 members of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The airstrike was a retaliation for the Qassams fired on Saturday evening, which landed in the Negev, causing some damage. Islamic Jihad confirmed two of its militants were killed in the attack while launching rockets, carried out by a chopper.[79]
July 26, 2007
More than 10 mortar shells and Qassam rockets are fired at Israel this week, causing some damage and three injured.[80]
August 1, 2007
4 Quassam rockets fired into Israel, causing some damage.
August 4, 2007
3 Quassam rockets are fired at Sderot, injuring 3 people.[81]
August 6, 2007
A rocket launched from northern Gaza landed in a kindergarten schoolyard in Sderot, moments after the completion of a Monday afternoon meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, took credit for the attack, which caused damaged to nearby buildings, including two other kindergartens and a public elementary school. The Red Color system was activated.[82]
August 17, 2007
In a rocket barrage, 3 Qassams and 13 mortar shells are fired into Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. No casualties or damage was reported.[83]
August 20, 2007
6 Palestinians, all members of the armed wing of Hamas are killed when their vehicle was blown up by an Israeli missile. The Palestinians were driving back after they had fired some Qassams and mortar shells into Israeli territory.[84]
August 21; 2007
2 Qassam rockets are fired into Israel, one hitting a kindergarten, injuring and shocking some people.
August 22, 2007
A Qassam rocket landed in Sderot late in the evening, causing no reported damage or casualties.[85]
August 23, 2007
Eight Quassam rockets hit in the Negev. Two landing in Sderot caused minor injuries, anxiety, and damage to a house. [86][87]
August 27, 2007
A Quassam rocket is fired into Israeli territory. The launcher was destroyed minutes later by an Israeli missile.
August 28, 2007
A Sderot resident is moderately injured by shrapnel from a Quassam rocket which fell on his house in his bedroom. The rest of the family was hiding in the bomb shelter after the Color Red system was activated. the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack. 7 other Qassams are fired today, causing only some damage and two people shocked.[88]
August 29, 2007
4 Quassam rockets are fired into Israel.[89]
August 30, 2007
Three Quassam rockets fired by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip struck open areas in the western Negev. There was no damage or injuries in either of the attacks.[90]
September 3, 2007
Seven Quassam rockets hit in the Negev. One landed in the courtyard of a Sderot day-care center, damaging a building and causing shock to twelve people, including some infants. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[91]
September 10, 2007
2 Quassam rockets are fired at the Zikim Army Base in Israel near the Gazan Border from Beit Hanun. One of them lands safely in the Negev, but the other lands near unfortified barracks (Zikim military base) at the base where Israeli recruits were sleeping. This resulted in at least 66 wounded, with at least 10 moderately to seriously 69 soldiers were wounded by the rocket, 60+ of them had only lightly-to moderately shrapnel wounds, but 4 of them were injured seriously. One of the 4 had to have his leg amputated and another one is still in critical condition. Both Islamic Jihad and PRC claimed responsibility. Despite Hamas lack of direct responsibility, they called the act a Victory from God[92][93]
In retaliation, Israeli choppers flew over the Strip, firing missiles at militant bases, wounding 4 Islamic Jihad members.[94]. The attack harmed both male and female soldiers. Nasr Salah al-Din Brigades and Islamic Jihad both claimed responsibility for the attacks. [95][96]
September 18, 2007
4 Qassams rained down on Israeli Gaza border communities today. Nobody claimed responsibility.[97]
September 19, 2007
Israel declared the Gaza Strip as an enemy entity, declaring that it would reduce its fuel and power supplies to the Hamas-run territory in response to continued rocket fire from Palestinian militants. The announcement coincides with a visit from United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.[98]
September 26, 2007
Hours after militants launched more than 12 rockets and 20 mortar shells at Sderot, missiles hit a jeep as it crossed a crowded intersection in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City, killing at least 5 members of the Army of Islam. The army said the jeep was carrying rockets ready for firing.
Palestinian security officials seized two homemade rockets, a possible sign that the attack techniques of Gaza militants are spreading. The projectiles, not yet fitted with explosives, were discovered in Bethlehem and handed over to the Israeli army.[2]
September 27, 2007
A Quassam launching cell was spotted in the area while Hamas militants were preparing to fire another Qassam rocket. Soldiers opened fire and killed one of them, the rest was able to flee. Military sources said they would keep the pressure on the launching cells the coming days.[99]
October 7, 2007
In a rocket barrage fired by Palestinian militants, 8 mortar shells, 3 Quassam rockets and 1 Katushya rocket landed inside Israeli territory. One studio was completely burned down by a mortar shell in Kerem Shalom. The Katushya rocket landed 400 meters from Netivot, 11 km away from the Gaza Strip. It was the first rocket to hit the Netivot area. Last week 10 Qassam rockets and 20 mortar shells hit the Negev. Nobody was injured in the attacks.[100]
October 13, 2007
Israeli aircraft fired at a group of militants busy launching Quassam rockets near Beit Hanoun. The explosion killed one militant and injured 3 more. All the militants belonged to Hamas.[101]
October 22, 2007
More than 15 Quassam rockets are fired into Israel on October 21 and 22, according to the IDF.[102]
October 23, 2007
A PRC commander of Quassam launching cells is killed by an IAF airstrike in the Strip. He was known as Mubarak al Hassanat and was an official in the Hamas-led government in the GazaStrip. He was the main target of the airstrike, because of the large role of the PRC in the launching of mortars and Qassams on Israel.[103]
Following the death of al Hassanat, 11 Quassam rockets and 8 mortar shells hit the Negev.[102] At least five struck Sderot, with one hitting an apartment building. The Salah al-Din Brigades claimed responsibility.[104]
October 24, 2007
After a rocket barrage on the Western Negev, with 5 Quassam rockets and several mortar shells, IAF planes circled above the Gaza strip, looking for launching cells. One of the planes found a launching cell and fired a missile at the 5 militants. 2 were killed and 3 injured. All were members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. None of the rockets inflicted injuries, although a house was burnt down and two people suffered from shock in Sderot.[105]
October 25, 2007
10 Quassam rockets are launched causing no injuries nor damage.[106][107]
October 26, 2007
7 Quassam rockets are fired into Israel. One woman in Sderot suffers from shock.[108]
October 30, 2007
After a barrage of mortar shells, the IAF shelled a policebuilding of Hamas in the Abasan village. 4 Hamas militants died in the attack.
After 4 Qassams are fired into Israel, IDF soldiers entered the strip and targeted a launching cell, but missed them. The missile slammed into a residence, injuring 6 Palestinian civilians.
October 31, 2007
8 mortar shells are fired into Israel, some of them are fired from a school yard. The IAF had them in sight, but could not fire, an IDF statement reported.[109][110]
November 1, 2007
In an unprecedented rocket barrage, 8 mortar shells and 13 Quassam rockets are fired at the Western Negev within an hour.[111][112]
November 4, 2007
3 Qassams are fired into Israel causing a blackout, Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Shortly after the firing, Israeli choppers and planes flew over the strip, targeting a launching and fired several missiles at the cell. 3 Palestinians were killed in the attack, and several others wounded. Palestinian doctors said all civilians, while Islamic Jihad said one of its members was killed and another clinically dead.
In a second strike, minutes later, IAF fired missiles at another launching squad, according to the IDF. 2 Palestinians died.[113][114]
November 15, 2007
2 Quassam launchers, 2 members of the Fatah affiliated Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade are killed by an IAF attack while launching Qassams.[115]
November 21, 2007
A rocket barrage of 5 Quassam rockets and 18 mortar shells hit the Western Negev, including several kibbutzim, Sderot and Ashekelon. A woman in Ashkelon was treated for shock.[116][117]
November 26, 2007
A Hamas operative is killed as he and his cell were launching Qassams at Sderot. 3 Qassams landed inside Israeli territory, causing an IAF attack at the launchers, killing 1 and injuring 4 more.[118]
November 27, 2007
IAF helicopters and planes bombed a Hamas post in Southern Gaza, after the militant group had fired at least 10 mortar shells into Israeli territory. A Hamas militant, who was inside the building when the planes attacked was killed in the blasts.


December 2, 2007
A mortar barrage hits a kibbutz, causing some damage.
December 3, 2007
3 more Hamas fighters are killed while trying to launch mortars near Beit Lahiya. They were killed by Armored Corps soldiers.
4 IDF soldiers are hurt as a mortar shell explodes near their base, in Nahal Oz.
December 5, 2007
3 Hamas militants are overnight killed while launching mortars at Sderot. One of the mortars hit a residential building, causing a woman in shock and a lot of damage.[121]
December 11, 2007
In a large operation inside the Gaza Strip, the biggest since the Hamas take-over in June 6, 2007 Eight (8)Palestinians are killed and more than 60 detained. More than 30 tanks and bulldozers entered the Southern Gaza Strip, backed by helicopters and airplanes. 3 militants of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are killed by an Israeli tankshell, while missiles killed 2 other gunman, it was not immediately clear to what faction they belonged. 4 Israeli soldiers were injured by Palestinian gunman, who fired several RPG missiles at the Israeli soldiers.[122]
December 12, 2007
The day after the operation, about 20 Qassams were lobbed into Israel, causing three lightly injured Israeli civilians. 15 people were treated for shock.
December 13, 2007
2 more Qassams are fired into Israel, causing a moderately injured woman in Sderot.
Hours after the strike, Israel retalliated with an airstrike in the Gaza Strip, causing three deaths. IDF and Palestinian medics both confirmed all the deaths were militants. Palestinian Islamic Jihad confirmed they lost three of their men, but medics said the three belonged to the small Fatah offshoot which fired 2 Qassam rockets into Israel hours earlier. Later it became clear, that a top commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad , Sami Tafesh was killed, together with 2 members of the launching rocket squad of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.[123]
December 16, 2007
Shrapnel from a rocket lightly to moderately wounds a 2-year-old boy. His mother is treated for shock. The rocket scored a direct hit on a house in Kibbutz Zikim.[124]
December 18, 2007
3 Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants are killed in two separate airstrikes. A High ranked commander two other PIJ militants were driving in a vehicle, loaded with Qassam and mortars. All men inside the car died. In the first attack, the target was top commander, and the chief for firing Quassam rockets in the Strip, Majed al Harazin. According to a spokesman of the PIJ, Harazin was the chief of the PIJ Qassam squads and hadn't traveled for years because he feared an assassination. He was wanted for nine years. The spokesman said his death would be revenged with suicide attacks and more rockets.
The second airstrike was aimed at a cell of PIJ militants who were trying to fire Quassam rockets into Israeli territory, to retaliate the death of their comrades. Two people died, and a second was seriously wounded. Later it became clear that one of the death was a top Qassam fabricater and commander, known as Karim Dahdouh.
Despite the air attacks, militants of all groups were able to fire at least 15 Qassam rockets and mortars, causing only some damage.
In order to halt the rocket firing, IDF forces entered the strip looking for launching cells, but met fierce restistance from gunman in Jabalya. In the camp, 4 militants of the PIJ were killed in a fierce battle.
Another highly ranked commander from the PIJ was killed in the West Bank, Katabya. Tarik Abu al Ra-ali was killed when IDF soldiers noticed him. He was wanted for over 5 years.
In an airstrike at a Hamas post in Southern Gaza, 2 Hamas militants are killed.[125][126]
December 20, 2007
5 Quassam rockets struck Israel at open areas near Sderot and Ashkelon. One of the rockets landed in a schoolyard in Sderot, where 12 pupils had to be treated for shock. The Red Color alert was alarmed and children ran to shelter to protect them from shrapnel.
After the barrage, Israeli forces entered the Central Gaza Strip in search for rocket launchers, killing 6 Palestinians. Palestinian gunmen launched mortar shells at troops and fired at Israeli aircraft with machine guns as Israeli snipers took up positions on the roofs of homes in the area. 3 militants were from Islamic Jihad, 2 from Hamas, and 1 from the Popular Resistance Committees. 20 Palestinians are wounded, as well as a cameraman from Reuters. A Palestinian anti-tank rocket severely injures an Israeli soldier. At least three other soldiers are lightly wounded.[127][128][129][130][131][132]
December 27, 2007
At around 1:00 PM, Israeli forces entered the Southern Gaza Strip, looking for Quassam launchers and infrastructure. This action was noticed by several Hamas and Islami Jihad militants, who rushed to the scene, but were sensed by Israeli drones. 3 of them were killed in a pretty fierce battle, in which several anti tank missiles and anti aircraft missiles were fired at Israeli forces, and Palestinian militants were shelled by Israeli artillery. 4 Palestinian militants were wounded. All the dead belonged to the armed wing of Hamas.
IAF planes fired a missile at a car fully loaded with rifles, rockets and other weaponry. At the moment of the strike, three persons were in the car, only one was killed. Two others were also hurt. The persons and weapons belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, meant to be used to fire rockets at Israel and hurting Israeli soldiers, the group said. Later another PIJ succumbed to his wounds.[133]
Another topranked commander from the PIJ is killed in a missile strike. Muhammad Abu Abdullah was killed while driving in his car with other PIJ militants. He was the PIJ leader of Central Gaza and was killed, together with 2 of his comrades. Several other Palestinians were wounded in the attack.[134]
December 31, 2007
A barrage of 14 mortar bombs and one Qassam rocket landed in open areas in the northern and southern Negev. No damage or injuries were sustained.[135][136]

[edit] 2008

January 3, 2008
After Palestinian militants fired a long-range GRAD Iranian-supplied Katyusha rocket at northern Ashkelon, the longest reach of a Palestinian rocket (16.5 km). This rocket landed further north than any rocket since the rocket fire began seven years ago - 16.5 kilometers (10 miles). No one was hurt in the attack, though the missile landed only some 50 meters (55 yards) from a residential neighborhood. The Katyusha fired at Ashkelon, a Grad model 122 millimeters (nearly 5 inches) in diameter, was the fifth such rocket fired towards Ashkelon. The Katyusha rocket has a range of 20 kilometers (12.4 miles); its use could bring 1/4 million Israelis within rocket range (International Herald Tribune). Israel sent aircraft and tanks to hit buildings used by rocket launchers, killing twelve Palestinians including two to four civilians.[135][136][137]
Palestinians responded to Israel's strikes with a barrage of 7 Quassam rockets, one of which hit the yard of a house in the town of Sderot.[137] 25 other rockets were also fired by Palestinians at Israeli towns and forces in the Western Negev.[citation needed]
January 4, 2008
Eight mortar shells were fired by Palestinians at southern Israel.
Palestinians operating from Gaza launched six Quassam rockets at the western Negev on Friday, one of which struck the yard of a home in the town of Sderot, causing damage. 1 boy was lightly injured and evacuated to a hospital. Several residents suffered from shock.
Meanwhile, a Quassam rockets hit a western Negev open field Friday morning. No damage or injuries were reported. [3][138]
January 9, 2008
At least ten Quassam rockets and twelve mortar shells were fired into Israel. Two of the twelve Quassam rockets "directly struck houses" in Sderot. This attack, coincided with the arrival of US President George W. Bush for a three-day visit. One of the missiles slammed into a house, landing in a young child's bedroom. The three-week-old baby had been taken by his mother to the shelter as soon as the Red Color alert siren sounded.[139]
The Israel Air Force targeted an Islamic Jihad terrorist cell that was firing mortar bombs from Beit Lahiyeh in northern Gaza, killing two terrorists and wounding six others, according to both Israeli and PA sources.[135] [140]
January 10, 2008
At least one Quassam rockets was fired into Israel hitting the Kibbutz Yad Mordechai in the western Negev about "100 meters from the cafeteria."[139]
January 13, 2008
Eight mortar bombs were fired at Israeli, including one that exploded in Netiv HaAsarah, just north of Gaza, causing damage to a building.[135][136]
January 15, 2008-January 18, 2008
Twenty-eight rockets hit the western Negev on January 15th. One scored a direct hit on a home, wounding five people, including Lior Ben-Shimol, age 5, from Sderot, and a 19-year-old boy who was lightly injured from shrapnel. On January 15th, terror emanating from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip sharply escalated. The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that than 100 rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza on the Israeli cities of Sderot and Ashkelon on January 15th. More than 120 Quassam rockets and 65 mortars were fired towards the Western Negev, in a 72-hour period. The attacks injured more than eight Israelis, and two of the rockets struck near a kindergarten, which was full of children at the time of the attack.[141][142].[135][136]
January 18, 2008-January 28, 2008
There were 30 identified rocket hits from January 18th to January 28th (Hamas claimed responsibility for most) and 83 mortar shell hits.[135][136]
January 23, 2008
The Breach of the Gaza-Egypt border occurs.
February 5, 2008
An 8-year-old boy and his older brother were seriously wounded Saturday when a rocket from Gaza slammed into the Israeli border town of Sderot. Their mother and a third brother were brought to the hospital suffering shock
Israeli aircraft had earlier in the day struck twice in Gaza in an effort to thwart the launchings, the army said. One militant was seriously injured, medics said.
Seventeen Palestinians, all militants except for one, were killed this week in Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.[4]
February 25, 2008
Palestinian militants fire five Qassam rockets at Israeli towns. One of which fell near a school in Shderot, 10 year old Yossi Chymov, was critically injured in the attack.[143]
February 27, 2008
About 50 Quassam rockets were fired towards the Negev, one of which struck a parking lot near Sapir Academic College, killing 47-year-old student Ron Yahye[144]. Hamas, the Popular Resistance Committees and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad carried this rocket barrage. In addition, they fired for the first time six Iranian built Grad missiles (also known as Katyushas, which actually refers to the original launcher) at the industrial city of Ashkelon. While only a few people were lightly injured, this longer distance attack on a larger Israeli city had a major psychological effect. The Israeli Prime Minister and several other minister vowed a tough response.[145] The IAF retaliated with more airstrikes in Jabalia camp and the northern part of Gaza Strip. About seven killed in the attacks, most of whom were militants, however a six month-old baby was also killed after a missile struck a house in the camp.[146]
February 29, 2008
Operation Hot Winter was an Israel Defense Forces military campaign in the Gaza Strip, launched on February 29, 2008 and ending March 1, 2008 in response to Quassam and Katyusha rockets fired from the Strip by Hamas. At least 112 Palestinians and three Israelis were killed, and more than 150 Palestinians and seven Israelis were injured.[147].
A 13-month-old Gaza girl was killed Friday by flying shrapnel in spiraling Israeli-Palestinian violence. She was killed when a Quassam missile launched from Gaza at Israel fell short and landed near her home.[148]
March 1, 2008
About 50 rockets were fired in a span of 12 hours.[149].
March 13, 2008
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, visited Ashkelon and, told people to "grit their teeth" and face the likelihood that – despite what appears to be a cooling off in the war between the Israeli military and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza – Ashkelon would suffer more attacks. An hour after he left, a Quassam rockets was shot at Ashkelon from Gaza. The rocket, the first in two days, landed in an open area in southern Ashkelon. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a secular left-wing group, claimed responsibility for it, Reuters reported. [150].
March 19, 2008
Two rockets were fired at the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[151]
March 20, 2008
A rocket landed within "the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council limits." This happened to coincide with the Jewish holiday of Purim.[151]
April 17, 2008
Haaretz reported, "17 rockets were fired at the western Negev" near Ashkelon.[152]
April 18, 2008
Haaretz reported, "Sixteen Qassam rockets were fired at Israel." One rocket hit power lines and another hit "a residential block" in Sderot.[152]
April 21, 2008
Israel Today reported that Palestinian forces operating out of the Gaza Strip on Monday fired at least nine rockets and mortar shells at communities in southern Israel, wounding a four-year-old Israeli boy (light injuries from a piece of shrapnel) and damaging a number of homes.[153]
April 22, 2008
Israel Today reported that at least one missile fired from northern Gaza hit the southern industrial zone of the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon.[153]
April 29, 2008
More than 15 Qassam rockets and 20 mortar shells were fired on Israel throughout the day, with two of the Qassam rockets and eight of the mortar shells landing within and around western Negev towns. [154]
April 30, 2008
At least two rockets fired by Gaza-based Palestinian forces slammed into the southern Israel town of Sderot while local residents were attending a Holocaust memorial ceremony on Wednesday evening..[153]
May 1, 2008
Terrorists from Gaza fired at least 10 rockets at Sderot and neighboring communities. One rocket landed next to an Israeli high school, sending a number of students into severe shock.[153]
May 6, 2008
An Israeli air strike aimed at armed militants in the Gaza Strip killed one Palestinian gunman and wounded three others on Tuesday, hospital officials and the Israeli army said. The strike on the group near the town of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip was aimed at a mortar launching squad close to the border fence with Israel, Gaza medics said.[5]
May 9, 2007
On Friday a 48-year-old Jimmy Kdoshim was killed by a mortar shell while working in his garden in Kibbutz Kfar Aza. After the mortar attack, two Israeli air strikes killed five Hamas security men in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian medical officials and Hamas said. Palestinian militants from the Islamist group Hamas, who regularly fire rockets and mortars into Israel from Gaza, claimed responsibility for the attack on the Kfar Aza collective farm in southern Israel.[155]
IDF data indicate the increased use of mortars over the past year was a calculated move on the part of Hamas. "This (increased firing of mortars) is an attempt by terror organizations to continue with their terror-related activity without drawing an Israeli response," he said. Some of the advanced 120-millimeter mortars fired at Israel are equipped with a rocket propelled engines that significantly increases their range to 6-10 kilometers. The Iron Dome (rocket interception) system is expected to provide a solution to these mortars, but it's still in development," according to the official.[156]
May 10, 2008
Two rockets land in Ashkelon; one near a school at 7AM, shortly before the children would arrive [157]
May 11, 2008
On Sunday afternoon, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades fired two Qassam rockets at the western Negev. One of the rockets landed at the parking lot of Sapir College, causing a woman to suffer shock and damaging some vehicles. The other rocket landed in Sderot near a bus carrying schoolchildren. Three children suffered shock and were treated by Magen David Adom paramedics. The bus' windows were shattered and a fire broke out nearby.[157]
May 12, 2008
Shuli Katz, a 70-year-old resident of Kibbutz Gvaram was killed early Monday evening from a Palestinian Qassam rocket which crashed into the backyard of a residential home in Yesha – a small community belonging to the Eshkol Regional Council. A 50-year old man was treated for shock. The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.[158]
May 13, 2008
The Israeli Air Force attacked a Qassam launching cell near the Gaza town of Khan Younis on Tuesday. According to Palestinian sources in the Strip, a member of Hamas' armed wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was killed and five more gunmen were injured in the strike.
Five more Qassam rockets are fired at Israel.[159]
May 14, 2008
A Katyusha rocket (also referred to as a Grad) was fired into the Israeli city of Ashqelon, it struck a clinic in the third floor of the Huzot shopping mall. This attack resulted in three people seriously injured (one was an eight year old girl), two moderately injured and eleven people suffered minor wounds. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command said its fighters launched the rocket. [160] [136]
May 15, 2008
Israeli military strikes in Gaza killed two Palestinian civilians and three militants, the Associated Press reported, quoting Palestinian medical officials.
Hours after President Bush's arrival for a state visit a rocket launched by Gaza militants landed on a shopping mall in Ashkelon, Israel's southernmost city on the Mediterranean coast, injuring more than 30 people and highlighting the challenge facing Mr. Bush as he tries to push forward negotiations on a two-state solution.[161]
May 18, 2007
Some 15 rockets hit the Sderot area on Sunday.[162]
May 19, 2008
A 35-year-old woman was killed and two others wounded Monday evening when a Qassam rocket struck a car in the western Negev town of Sderot. The woman, Shir-El Friedman, was standing next to the car at the time of the strike and was taken to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. Hospital spokeswoman Lea Malul said she died on the way to the hospital.
According to the IDF, a total of 15 rockets were fired at the area on Monday. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility.[163]
May 24, 2008
Four rockets fired towards western Negev on Saturday, two of them confirmed as longer-range Grads. Residents awaken to first barrage at 6:40 am as the Red Color alter sirens blared. The first two rockets landed in the Nahal Oz region. The two remaining rockets were longer-range Grads. One landed in Netivot and other near Ma'agalim. No injuries or damage reported. Throughout the day barrages of mortar shells were fired from Gaza, most towards IDF forces operating along the border fence.[164]
May 31, 2008
Palestinian militants fired five Qassam rockets from the Gaza Strip. No casualties or damage were reported. A sixth Qassam wounded two migrant workers from Thailand, one moderately and the other lightly, on Saturday morning when a Qassam rocket hit the western Negev greenhouse in which they working.[165]
June 5, 2008
TEL AVIV — Hamas fired three mortar shells from Gaza which landed in the Nirlat factory in Kibutz Nir Oz killing Amnon Ronsenberg, a 52-year-old father of three on Thursday. Five additional Israelis were injured. Two hours later the Israelis hit a Hamas militant with a missile. However, Palestinian medical workers said that the missle had hit a nearby house, killing a four-year old child and wounding her mother. The Israelis said they could not confirm that but were checking. Hamas' Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades have claimed responsibility for the firing of the mortar.[166][167]

[edit] See also

Timeline of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continue to fire Kassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets." Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 12 May 2008. 12 May 2008.
  2. ^ a b Background on Qassam Rocket Fire against Sderot and the Western Negev by Sderot Media Center
  3. ^ "Sderot traumatic stress center sees steep rise in new patients", Haaretz, May 21, 2007. 
  4. ^ "Report: 33 percent of Sderot kids suffer post-traumatic stress", Haaretz, November 27, 2006. 
  5. ^ "The Hamas terror war against Israel", Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 27, 2009. 
  6. ^ "Israel responds to Palestinian missile attack", CNN, February 11, 2002. 
  7. ^ "The Homemade Rocket That Could Change the Mideast", February 11, 2002. 
  8. ^ Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism since September 2000 by MFA
  9. ^ Zahavi - Ministry of Foreign Affairs by MFA
  10. ^ a b The Security Agenda
  11. ^ Abebeh - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  12. ^ (Ella) Abukasis - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  13. ^ Shude - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  14. ^ Galkowicz - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  15. ^ "3 hurt in rocket barrage on South", YNet, September 24, 2005. 
  16. ^ "Rocket lands near kindergarten", YNet, December 26, 2005. 
  17. ^ "Baby hurt in rocket attack", YNet, February 3, 2006. 
  18. ^ BBC NEWS | Middle East | Katyusha rocket 'fired from Gaza'
  19. ^ "Islamic Jihad: We fired Qassams at Israel", YNet, March 30, 2006. 
  20. ^ "Gaza Strip: Situation Report (27 June 2006) - OCHA report (27 June 2006)." UNISPAL - United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine. 27 June 2006. 12 May 2008.
  21. ^ "14 Qassams fired at Israel; man critically injured", YNet, June 11, 2006. 
  22. ^ "Qassam hits kindergarten; 2 children lightly wounded", Ynet, July 28, 2006. 
  23. ^ "Palestinians Fire 2 Rockets at Israel Town", Associated Press, September 20, 2006. 
  24. ^ PA sources: IDF soldiers begin pulling out of northern Gaza Ha'aretz
  25. ^ "18 Palestinians killed in Beit Hanoun", Ynet, November 8, 2006. 
  26. ^ Palestinian Authority: End Rocket Attacks on Civilians by HRW
  27. ^ "Sderot: Qassam lands near school", YNet, November 22, 2006. 
  28. ^ "5 Qassam rockets hit south", YNet, March 18, 2007. 
  29. ^ AFX News Limited. "Israeli air strike against Hamas in Gaza UPDATE", Forbes, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  30. ^ Xinhua. "Israeli air strike kills four Hamas members in Gaza", China View, 2007-05-16. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  31. ^ Hadad, Shmulik. "Sderot: Woman wounded in latest Qassam barrage",, 2007-05-16. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  32. ^ "Gaza: 4 Palestinians killed in IDF strikes",, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  33. ^ "IAF airstrike kills five Hamas members", Ynetnews, 2007-05-18. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  34. ^ Heller, Jefferey. "Israel kills 9; 8 in raid on Hamas official's home", Reuters, 2007-05-20. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  35. ^ Associated Press. "Gaza: 8 killed in IDF air strike",, 2007-05-20. Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  36. ^ "Woman killed, two wounded in Qassam rocket strike on Sderot", Haaretz, May 22, 2007. 
  37. ^ "Woman killed in Sderot rocket attack", YNet, May 22, 2007. 
  38. ^ "Airstrike targets Qassam cell", YNet, May 21, 2007. 
  39. ^ "Israel pounds Gaza, Palestinian attack kills 1", Reuters, May 21, 2007. 
  40. ^ "Israel strikes in Gaza after militants rebuff Abbas", Reuters, May 23, 2007. 
  41. ^ "Israel hits Gaza with more strikes, seven wounded", Reuters, May 22, 2007. 
  42. ^ "7 Palestinians wounded in IAF strikes", YNet, May 23, 2007. 
  43. ^ "Rocket fire on western Negev resumes", YNet, May 23, 2007. 
  44. ^ "Israel strikes in Gaza after militants rebuff Abbas", Reuters, May 23, 2007. 
  45. ^ "Israel seizes Hamas leaders, violence goes on", Reuters, May 24, 2007. 
  46. ^ "9 Qassams hit Negev region Thursday evening", Ynet, May 24, 2007. 
  47. ^ "Israeli strike hits Hamas post in Gaza", Ynet, May 24, 2007. 
  48. ^ "Israel assault on Hamas to continue - PM aides", Ynet, May 25, 2007. 
  49. ^ "5 rockets fired at western Negev", Ynet, May 25, 2007. 
  50. ^ "4 injured by Qassam in Sderot", Ynet, ,May 25, 2007. 
  51. ^ "Gaza: 2 killed in IDF airstrike", Ynet, May 25, 2007. 
  52. ^ "Gaza militants signal softer terms, Israel hits again", Reuters, May 25, 2007. 
  53. ^ "4 injured by Qassam in Sderot", Ynet, May 25, 2007. 
  54. ^ a b "Israel pounds Gaza and seizes Palestinian minister", Daily Times, May 27, 2007. 
  55. ^ "‘Israel can forget about Shalit if Hamas leaders targeted,’ spokesman says", Ynet, May 26, 2007. 
  56. ^ "A man of courage", JPost, May 28, 2007. 
  57. ^ "Israeli killed in Palestinian rocket attack", Reuters, May 27, 2007. 
  58. ^ "Man killed in rocket attack on Sderot", Ynet, May 27, 2007. 
  59. ^ "Hamas rockets fall, Israel considers escalation", Ynet, May 28, 2007. 
  60. ^ "17 Qassam rockets strike Negev; IDF suspends air strikes in Gaza", Haaretz, May 29, 2007. 
  61. ^ "Qassam hits Sderot building", Ynet, May 31, 2007. 
  62. ^ "Israel, militants exchange limited fire in Gaza", Reuters, 31 May 2007. 
  63. ^ "IDF kills senior Islamic Jihad member in Gaza", Ynet, June 1, 2007. 
  64. ^ "Israeli troops kill two young Gazans: Palestinians", Reuters, June 1, 2007. 
  65. ^ "Israeli force kills W.Bank shopkeeper: Palestinians", Ynet, June 2, 2007. 
  66. ^ "4 injured in mortar attack on Erez crossing", Ynet, June, 2007. 
  67. ^ "IDF pulls out of Gaza, pledges further operations", Ynet, June 5, 2007. 
  68. ^ "Qassam lands near Sderot", Ynet, June 5, 2007. 
  69. ^ "8 mortar shells land near Erez crossing, no injuries", Ynet, June 6, 2007. 
  70. ^ "How Hamas took over the Gaza Strip", BBC, ]. 
  71. ^ "Qassam lands in factory with hazardous materials", YNet, June 18, 2007. 
  72. ^ "3 lightly hurt from Kassam attack", JPost, June 20, 2007. 
  73. ^ "Five rockets fired into western Negev", JPost, July 8, 2007. 
  74. ^ "11 mortar shells fired at Israel", Ynet, July 10, 2007. 
  75. ^ "IDF soldier killed in Gaza; IDF kills armed Palestinian in West Bank", Haaretz, July 12, 2007. 
  76. ^ "Israeli troops kill armed Palestinian man in West Bank", International Herald Tribune, July 12, 2007. 
  77. ^ "Kassam hits Sderot; one hospitalized", JPost, July 19, 2007. 
  78. ^ "Sderot home hit by Qassam rocket", Ynet, July 19, 2007. 
  79. ^ "IDF Gaza strike wounds 2 Palestinians", Jerusalem Post, July 22, 2007. 
  80. ^ "Hamas gunman killed by IDF near Sufa crossing", Ynet, July 26, 2007. 
  81. ^ "IDF kills Islamic Jihad commander in Nablus", Ynet, August 3, 2007. 
  82. ^ "Qassam lands in Sderot kindergarten", Ynet, August 6, 2007. 
  83. ^ "IDF troops kill Palestinian, detain 2 near Gaza Strip border fence", Ynet, 18 August 2007. 
  84. ^ "Hamas men killed in Gaza airstrike", Ynet, August 20, 2007. 
  85. ^ "Kassam rocket lands near Sderot; none hurt", JPost, August 22, 2007. 
  86. ^ "Qassams hit Sderot causing mild injuries", YNet, August 23, 2007. 
  87. ^
  88. ^ "Sderot: Man injured in Qassam attack", Ynet, August 28, 2007. 
  89. ^ "3 children killed in IDF attack in Gaza - report", Ynet, August 29, 2007. 
  90. ^ "IDF seriously wounds Fatah militant in Nablus; three rockets hit Negev", Haaretz, September 1, 2007. 
  91. ^ "Sderot parents declare unlimited strike following morning's barrage", JPost, September 3, 2007. 
  92. ^ "67 wounded in Qassam attack", Ynet, September 11, 2007. 
  93. ^ "Olmert 'won't play into Hamas hands'", Jerusalem Post, September, 2007. 
  94. ^ "Gaza rockets wound Israeli soldiers", Al Jazeera English, September 11, 2007. 
  95. ^ "At least 66 wounded in Kassam attack on Zikim military base", JPost, September 11, 2007. 
  96. ^ "67 wounded in Qassam attack", YNet, September 11, 2007. 
  97. ^ "IDF kills two in W. Bank; six Qassams hit Negev", Haaretz, September 18, 2007. 
  98. ^ "Israel declares Gaza "enemy entity" as Rice visits", Reuters, September 19, 2007. 
  99. ^ "IDF confirms killing Qassam cell member in Gaza", Ynet, August 27, 2007. 
  100. ^ "Police say Katyusha hit Negev", Ynet, October 7, 2007. 
  101. ^ "Hamas man killed in IDF airstrike in Gaza", Ynet, October 13, 2007. 
  102. ^ a b "IAF kills senior militant in air strike in Gaza Strip", Haaretz, October 23, 2007. 
  103. ^ "Barak set to approve list of sanctions against Gaza", Jerusalem Post, October 24, 2007. 
  104. ^ "Heavy rocket barrage follows targeted killing", YNet, October 23, 2007. 
  105. ^ "IDF kills 2 Palestinians following rocket barrage", Ynet, October 24, 2007. 
  106. ^ "IDF kills Jihad operative placing bomb", Jerusalem Post, October 25, 2007. 
  107. ^ "IDF kills 2 Hamas terrorists in south Gaza", Ynet, October 25, 2007. 
  108. ^ "5 rockets hit south; no injuries reported", Ynet, October 26, 2007. 
  109. ^ "IDF troops kill Islamic Jihad militant in central Gaza gunbattle", Haaretz, October 31, 2007. 
  110. ^ "Video: Terrorists firing mortars from schoolyard", Ynet, October 31, 2007. 
  111. ^ "IDF kills 4 terrorists in Gaza", Ynet, November 1, 2007. 
  112. ^ "Heavy rocket barrage hits Sderot", Ynet, November 1, 2007. 
  113. ^ "Kassam salvo causes Sderot blackout", Jerusalem Post, November 5, 2007. 
  114. ^ "5 Palestinians killed in IDF strikes", Ynet, November 4, 2007. 
  115. ^ "Palestinians: IAF attack in Gaza kills 2", Ynet, November 15, 2007. 
  116. ^ "IDF kills four Gaza terrorist infiltrators", Jerusalem Post, November 20, 2007. 
  117. ^ "Mourners at terror victim's funeral block entrance to Palestinian village", Haaretz, November 20, 2007. 
  118. ^ "IDF kills 3 operatives in Gaza", Ynet, November 26, 2007. 
  119. ^ "Air Force strikes Hamas position in south Gaza", Ynet, November 27, 2007. 
  120. ^ "Palestinians: 1 dead in IAF strike in Gaza", Ynet, November 28, 2007. 
  121. ^ "Gaza: 3 killed in IAF strike", Ynet, December 5, 2007. 
  122. ^ "Defense officials: 'Limited Gaza ops having effect'", Jerusalem Post, December 11, 2007. 
  123. ^ "IAF strike kills three Palestinians detected launching Qassam", Haaretz, December 14, 2007. 
  124. ^ "Qassam wounds infant in kibbutz Zikim", Ynet, December 16, 2007. 
  125. ^ "IDF strike in Gaza leaves 10 Jihad operatives dead", Ynet, December 18, 2007. 
  126. ^ "13 Palestinians killed in two days of air strikes", Jerusalem Post, December 17, 2007. 
  127. ^ "Soldier seriously wounded in Gaza", Jerusalem Post, December 20, 2007. 
  128. ^ "IDF soldier seriously hurt, seven militants killed in Gaza raid", Ynet, December 20, 2007. 
  129. ^ "Six militants killed in Israeli incursion into central Gaza", Deutsche Presse-Agentur, December 20, 2007. 
  130. ^ "Gaza Missiles and Israeli Operations Continue", The New York Times, December 21, 2007. 
  131. ^ "Qassam lands near Sderot schoolyard", Ynet, December 20, 2007. 
  132. ^ "Israel offensive kills seven Gaza militants", AFP, December 20, 2007. 
  133. ^ "IDF kills 8 militants in Gaza, including Jihad commander", Haaretz, December 28, 2007. 
  134. ^ "Islamic Jihad technical expert killed in IAF strike", Jerusalem Post, December 29, 2007. 
  135. ^ a b c d e f "Terror in Gaza", Haaretz, January 9, 2007. 
  136. ^ a b c d e f Terror in Gaza: Eleven months since the Hamas takeover. Israel Mininstry of Foreign Affairs (December 31, 2007).
  137. ^ a b "Katyusha lands in northern Ashkelon; nine Palestinians killed in IDF response", Haaretz, January 6, 2008. 
  138. ^ "Palestinians fire barrage of rockets, shells at western Negev", Ynet, January 6, 2008. 
  139. ^ a b "Israel to increase industrial-use diesel supply to Gaza Strip.", Haaretz, January 10, 2008. 
  140. ^ Behind the Headlines: Escalation of Terror in Gaza. Israel Mininstry of Foreign Affairs (January 16, 2008).
  141. ^ "Barak orders lockdown of Gaza, Hamas vows revenge", YNet, January 18, 2008. 
  142. ^ "25 Qassams fired at Israel after deadly IDF raid.", Haaretz, January 16, 2008. 
  143. ^ "[1] TBD]", YNet, February 25, 2008. 
  144. ^ "Student killed in Negev college as Qassam barrage intensifies", Haaretz, February 28, 2008. 
  145. ^ The Gaza Challenge: Hamas, Rockets, and the Use of Terror as a Weapon by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
  146. ^ War in South: Daily update - 27.02.2008 . 2008-02-27.
  147. ^ "Israeli Gaza operation 'not over'", BBC, 2008-03-03. Retrieved on 2008-03-03. 
  148. ^ "13-month-old baby killed in spiraling Israeli-Palestinian violence", International Herald Tribune, February 29, 2008. 
  149. ^ "5 hurt in Ashkelon as close to 50 rockets hit southern Israel", Haaretz, March 2, 2008. 
  150. ^ "Israelis bolster new front line with Gaza", Christian Science Monitor, March 13, 2008. 
  151. ^ a b "Qassam rocket lands in western Negev kibbutz.", YNet, March 22, 2008. 
  152. ^ a b "Qassam hits power lines in Sderot causing blackout.", Haaretz, April 18, 2008. 
  153. ^ a b c d "Palestinian rocket wounds Israeli child; aid continues to flow into Gaza", Israel Today, April 22, 2008. 
  154. ^ "Qassams, mortars rain on western Negev.", YNet, May 2, 2008. 
  155. ^ "Five Gaza militants and Israeli killed in violence", Reuters, May 9, 2008. 
  156. ^ "Security source: Terrorists firing mortars to avoid retaliation", YNET, May 12, 2008. 
  157. ^ a b "Rocket lands near school in Ashkelon", Ynet, May 12, 2008. 
  158. ^ "Woman killed by Qassam in southern Israel", YNET, May 13, 2008. 
  159. ^ "IDF attacks Qassam launching cell in Gaza; Hamas gunman killed", YNET, May 13, 2008. 
  160. ^ "Gaza rocket hits Ashkelon mall; several people hurt;", Haaretz, May 14, 2008. 
  161. ^ "Violence flares as Bush marks Israel's anniversary; several people hurt", Christian Science Monitor, May 15, 2008. 
  162. ^ "Woman killed, two wounded in Qassam rocket strike on Sderot", Haaretz, May 22, 2008. 
  163. ^ "Woman killed, two wounded in Qassam rocket strike on Sderot", Haaretz, May 22, 2008. 
  164. ^ "Grad rockets land near Netivot", YNET, May 24, 2008. 
  165. ^ "Two migrant workers wounded in Qassam strike on Negev", Haaretz, May 31, 2008. 
  166. ^ "Israeli Man and Gaza Child Die in Strikes", NY Times, June, 5, 2008. 
  167. ^ "Father of 3 killed in mortar attack, IAF strike kills girl in Gaza", YNET, June, 5, 2008.