List of New Zealand's international rankings

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This is a list of New Zealand's international rankings on a range of social, economic and other criteria.


[edit] Political and economic rankings

New Zealand is one of the least corrupt countries, according to Transparency International
New Zealand is one of the least corrupt countries, according to Transparency International
World map of the Global Peace Index. Countries appearing more blue are ranked as more peaceful on the Index, countries appearing more red are ranked as less peaceful.
World map of the Global Peace Index. Countries appearing more blue are ranked as more peaceful on the Index, countries appearing more red are ranked as less peaceful.
Map of countries by 2006 Economic Freedom of the World, published by the Fraser Institute
Map of countries by 2006 Economic Freedom of the World, published by the Fraser Institute
Political freedom ratings - Free; political rights and civil liberties both rated 1 (the highest score available)
Press freedom - Ranked 15th for press freedom at 4.17.[1]
GDP per capita - 28th highest, at I$25,531
Human Development Index - 20th highest, at 0.933
Income Equality - 54th most equal, at 36.2 (Gini Index)
Literacy Rate - 18th equal at 99.0%
Unemployment rate - 42nd lowest, at 3.60%
Global Peace Index - 4th, at 1.35[2]
Corruption - In a three-way tie for least corrupt, at 9.4 on index[3]
Economic Freedom - 5th equal freest, at 81.6 on index
Failed States Index, 172/177, being one of the few "sustainable" states in the world.[4]

[edit] Health rankings

Fertility rate- 155th most fertile, at 1.79 per woman
Birth rate - 140th most births, at 13.90 per 1000 people
Infant mortality - 169th most deaths, at 5.85 per 1000 live births
Death rate - 123rd highest death rate, at 7.52 per 1000 people
Life Expectancy - 13th highest, at 80.2 years
Suicide Rate - 37th highest suicide rate, at 19.8 for males and 4.2 for females per 100,000 people
HIV/AIDS rate - 133rd most cases, at 0.10%

In 2005 the International Agency for Research on Cancer found New Zealand men and women to have the third highest cancer rates in the world.[5][6]

[edit] Other rankings

CO2 emissions - 50th highest emissions, at 7.8 tonnes per capita
Electricity Consumption - 48th highest consumption of electricity, at 37,030,000,000 kWh
Broadband Internet access - 22nd highest uptake in OECD, at 11.7%
Beer consumption - 16th highest, at 77.0 litres per capita
Environmental Performance Index - Comprising; Environmental health, air quality, water resources, biodiversity and habitat, productive natural resources, Sustainable energy - 7th out of 80 countries, at 88.9/100[7]
Global Prosperity Index - 5th country in overall [8][9]
Ease of paying tax - 9th easiest[10]
Imprisonment rate - 59th highest out of 217, at 197 prisoners per 100,000 people (2007)[11][12]
Victimisation rate - 3rd highest out of 30, with 21.5% of people aged 16 or more being victims[11][13]
Top Country Award - New Zealand has won the honor two years in a row (2007, 2008) by Wanderlust Magazine. [14]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Eritrea ranked last for first time while G8 members, except Russia, recover lost ground. Reporters Without Borders (2007-10-16). Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
  2. ^ Global Peace Index Rankings
  3. ^ Corruption Perceptions Index 2007, Transparency International, 2007, <>. Retrieved on 2007-12-14 
  4. ^ Failed States Index Scores 2007. The Fund for Peace (2007).
  5. ^ NZ third worst in world cancer table 12:00AM Thursday April 28, 2005
  6. ^ Cancer in New Zealand: Trends and Projections
  7. ^ The Economist. Pocket World in Figures, 2007 Edition. Profile Books Ltd. ISBN 1-86197-825-1
  8. ^ "Kiwis world's most satisfied", National Business Review, 5 July 2007. Retrieved on 2007-11-30. 
  9. ^ The 2007 Legatum Prosperity Index. LIGD. Retrieved on 2007-11-30.
  10. ^ Paying Taxes 2008 - The Global Picture, World Bank and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
  11. ^ a b "New Zealand Prison Stats Show New Zealanders Among The Most Imprisoned",, 28 April 2008. Retrieved on 2008-04-29. 
  12. ^ Entire world - Prison Population Rates per 100,000 of the national population. World Prison Brief. International Centre for Prison Studies, King's College London. Retrieved on 2008-04-29.
  13. ^ van Dijk, Jan; van Kesteren, John and Smit, Paul. [ Criminal Victimisation in International Perspective - Key findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS]. ISBN 9789054549659. Retrieved on 2008-04-29. 
  14. ^ New Zealand Wins Top Country Award > New Zealand