List of Mama's Family episodes

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Below is a list of episodes of the 1980s television sitcom Mama's Family.


[edit] Season 1: 1983

13 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
1 January 22, 1983 7004 Vint and the Kids Move In Mama's in a hurry to get to the mall for a sale and tries to hurry Fran along to finish eating. But before that can happen Fran's boss at the newspaper calls. Telling her she has to come in and re-edit her latest story. Mama is obviously upset because she can't drive and has no way to get to the sale. Meanwhile Vinton, Mama's only son, drops by the house and announces that he and the kids have been evicted from their house.

Now he's hoping that he, his daughter Sonja, and his son Buzz, can stay with Mama until he gets back on his feet. Against Fran's wishes Mama agrees. Vint gets the basement, Buzz gets the attic, and Sonja gets Fran's writing studio because she refuses to sleep on the couch. Fran is outraged by this, and her and Mama have a huge argument about it. Fran's mood turns even more sour when she finds out Sonja stumbled up on the book that she'd been working on recently and reads it.

Fran says it's an invasion of her privacy and finally makes the decision that she'll move out because she can't take the stress anymore. Of course Mama had no idea that Fran was actually writing in her studio. But later as things settle down a bit, her and Mama have a heart to heart and she changes her mind and decides to stay after all.

2 January 29, 1983 7005 For Better or For Worse After many years of not seeing each other, since high school, Vinton and Mama's next door neighbor Naomi Oates are reunited. They become quite close and Vint tells her that he had a big crush on her in high school. After coming home from the Bigger Jigger at 2 in the morning, Naomi and Vint go down to the basement to look at Vint's collection of TV Guides (25 years worth). Naomi remarks on how cute Mr. Ed is because that was her favorite show.

They end up sleeping together and the next morning, while Mama and Fran are in the kitchen having breakfast, Naomi attempts to sneak out and is caught. Mama throws a fit and is outraged at Vint. Naomi, who had just sold her house, asks Vint to come with her to Arizona to run a trailer park because the job wants a husband and wife. Vint agrees and lets everyone know that he and Naomi plan on getting married and moving to Arizona. Mama is so shocked that she tells them that they can have the wedding at her house.

3 February 5, 1983 7006 The Wedding Part 1 Vint and Buzz go to a bachelor party in celebration of Vint's impending marriage to Naomi. Meanwhile back at the house, Fran, Ellen, and Mama are decorating the living room when Naomi arrives with a bottle of wine (which Ellen claims is cheap). They get drunk and learn that Ellen thinks her husband, Bruce, is cheating on her with his secretary Peggy.

Everyone pretends to be shocked at the news, but had thought that all along and try to convince Ellen that she is wrong. She phones his office and is surprised that Bruce answers and says that Peggy is a saint for letting him keep her there that late and that Ellen didn't to wait up for him. Ellen remarks that the only thing that could ruin this day is if Eunice showed up. The ladies start taking about how Eunice wants to sing at the wedding and all agree it would be a total disaster.

Eunice arrives through the back door, overhears the conversation and obviously becomes upset. Coming into the living room she blows her cool. Blabbing the secret, she tells Ellen about Bruce's cheating and Ellen blames the ladies for lying to her about her husband. Vint arrives home drunk with Buzz just as the whole gang starts fighting. "Ooooh boy," observes Mama, "tomorrow's gonna be a long day!!"

4 February 12, 1983 7007 The Wedding Part 2 The day of the wedding is at hand, and Vint and Naomi are ready to tie the knot. While Eunice still wants to sing her solo, she first asks Vint who says she'll have to talk to Naomi about it. Mama then gives Vint his daddy's ring as a wedding present; problem is, Eunice thinks it's her ring, because Carl always wanted her to have it (or so she thought). While Naomi is getting ready she shows Eunice the ring, saying it's something old, borrowed and blue and she prepares to wear it around her neck. And of course, Eunice, upon finding out about the ring, pledges to Mama, "This time old lady, you've gone TOO FAR!!!"

Vint and Naomi say their vows and Eunice, upset at Mama for giving her ring away and has had a few too many beers, prepares to sing her solo in front of the whole crowd. She starts yelling at Mama half way through about the ring and other "promises" she thinks Mama made to her and broke, Mama yells back, Naomi gets insulted by a remark from Eunice and tries to defend herself, Vint's kids get told to "soak their heads in Clearasil" and before long, the wedding has degenerated into a demolition derby, with Eunice hostilly insulting everyone and eventually Ed has to carry her out.

Later, Mama and Fran sit on the couch, and enjoy the peace and quiet that they now have. Vint (who decided to take the kids after all), Naomi, and the kids have left for Arizona. But the peace doesn't last long as just then, they walk back into the house, saying that the whole thing was a scam, and they lost all their money. They'll have to move back in with Mama. Again.

5 February 19, 1983 7013 Family Feud Vinton gets an idea of taking the family (eveyone except Sonja) on to the game show Family Feud (with Richard Dawson), so that they can have a chance at winning $10,000. He's even selected each person for his team for different reasons: Buzz (the teenage heartthrob), Naomi (the beauty), Mama (the sweet old lady), and Ellen and Vint as the brains of the family and could probably win the money on their own. Ellen disagrees and says that she is the only one that is smart enough to win the money (meaning that Vint is dumb).

Everyone takes a while to convince Mama to go, but she finally gives in. The opposing family is the very snooty Van Courtlands, who win the first round. Vint ends up winning the second match-up and decides to play in order to take the lead. After a short break, the point values are doubled and the Van Courtlands win the face-off and almost win the game, but Mama gets one last chance to steal.

The survey question was "What do you wind up?" and the Harper's are telling Mama to answer with "A mechanical tin man" but she says "A letter," and they lose their chance at $10,000. Back at home, everyone is ready to watch themselves on Family Feud and asks Mama to join them. She refuses saying that she doesn't want to watch making a fool of herself and makes a wish to Carl, her deceased husband, to make something happen in order to stop the showing at that instant. His answer is a sudden power failure and the whole block is left without power.

6 February 26, 1983 7008 Cellmates Mama, Vint and Ed throw Eunice a surprise birthday party at the bigger jigger, problem is she's hoping for a trip to the Babalonian Roof Gardens. The birthday party soon turns ugly as Vint mentions Duke Reeves (he has a poster on the bar announcing his run for congress), who came to the house one day with flowers wanting to take Eunice out for a soda. But Mama turned him down and sent him away. Eunice starts making a huge scene about Duke being the only man she's ever loved.

Vint goes to pick up Naomi and Ed goes to read the bathroom walls, when the argument escalates into an all out fight, and Eunice ends up punching a cop out and Mama whacks one with her pocket book and Mama and Eunice end up in jail. Scarlet, a hooker, arrives soon after they do and their fighting soon gets on her nerves and she tries to mediate a truce.

She then tells them about her Mama and how she hated her every day, until she died and how she wished she was still living. Mama and Eunice make up just as Ed comes to throw their bail. Not forgetting to say hi to his "old friend" Scarlet in the process.

7 March 5, 1983 7012 Mama Gets a Job Mama is complaining about not having done nothing with her life, so Naomi suggests she get a job. So Mama heads down to the employment agency, and after freaking out taking the entry test, she has to go through an interview. The Clerk suggest she doesn't have much of a chance of getting a job, until she remembers Raytown Travel is looking for a new secretary. Mama takes the job and starts that Saturday.

Mr. Vogelman, Mama's new boss, gives her a quick tour of her duties and leaves as Mama sets up her desk for the day. First she has trouble with the phone, not being able to get anyone to answer when she picked up (she had to push the lighted button), once she got that down, a couple came in and wanted to book a trip to Tahiti. But then the family calls, having a crisis involving Buzz' missing shoes and Sonja locking herself in the bathroom, and soon enough Mama starts being rude to everyone, and Mr. Vogelman decides she's just not the right person for the job so he fires her.

8 March 12, 1983 7011 Double Standard Buzz and Sonja are getting ready for the high school's Homecoming dance, when Vint tells the kids they both have to be in by midnight. Both complain, but Sonja (who's older) doesn't understand why she has the same curfew as Buzz. Vint says it's because she's a girl. Later Vint tells Buzz to take an extra hour if he wants. Which really upsets Sonja when she finds out, she tells Vint that she might not be back on time and storms out with her date.

Vint, Mama and Fran are sitting up waiting to see if Sonja will be home on time. When Buzz comes home an hour before midnight, seems his date thought he was a jerk and dumped him for a football player. Just as Vint is getting worried, Sonja shows up still pissed and screams at Vint again. She storms off again into the kitchen and Mama follows where she finds out, Sonya had to come home, because her date had a curfew of midnight himself.

9 March 19, 1983 7010 Mama's Boyfriend Mama is all dressed up as Fran gets back from the store and she wonders "Who Died?" Buzz soon asks the same question, before Mama reveals she has a date with an old beau she hasn't seen in some 40 years. Much to the family's objections Mama goes out with her old flame.

After staying out most of the night on there first date and having such a great time, not to mention worrying poor old Fran half to death. Woody asked Thelma to go up to the lake with him like they did 40 years ago. She readily accepts to everyone's surprise. The family protests, most notably Vint, but Mama goes anyway.

When they reach the cabin Mama gets nervous and starts an argument much like she did 40 years ago. After discussing the situation over a beer they both decide they made the right decision so long ago and end up coming home earlier than either had planned.

10 March 26, 1983 7003 Fran's Dress Vint, who has a bowling tournament, wants Mama to wash and iron his shirt and have dinner ready early. Then Fran, who has an awards banquet that night, asks Mama to iron the dress she plans to wear. Ellen comes by to pick Mama up and has to remind her of the her appointment she has. So Mama's is in a rush to get to her hair appointment, and she burns a hole in Fran's dress.

Ellen and Mama then go to Neidermeyer's in hopes they can find the same dress. After finding it and having to pay $55 for it, Fran comes home early and tries it on. Vint then comes in and finds out Mama not only didn't fix dinner early, she didn't iron his lucky yellow shirt either.

As for Fran's dress, turns out it's the wrong dress and it looks almost nothing like the other one. Fran throws a fit and her and Mama have a huge fight. In the end Fran decides to wear another dress.

11 April 2, 1983 7002 Alien Marriage Claude, having come up with another hair brained scheme, tells Vint that he has a good deal, and Vint could make $1600 (and Claude will make $400 for a finders fee). The plan is for Vint to marry a girl from Portugal who needs her green card to stay in the country. The family accidentally finds out, when Mr. Costa and Zenada drop by for an unannounced visit. It seems Zenada will have to stay with the family for a few days to make it look like a real marriage, which Mama is, of course, flat out refusing to let her do.

Mama is out bringing in the laundry, when Naomi comes over to complain about the sap falling on her car from Mama's tree. When Mama tells her about the marriage, and Naomi tells her how illegal it is. It seems Vint could get a felony for a false marriage if he goes through with it.

Claude and the bride-to-be stop by to drop off her roll-a-way bed and a few of her things, when Mama starts screaming and manages to explain a few things. Vint begins to realize that it's not as good a deal as it seemed and decides not to go along with it, telling Claude and Mr. Costa that they should find someone else for the job.

12 April 30, 1983 7009 Positive Thinking Eunice is telling Mama how bad her life sucks, while at the same moment making everyone else's life a living hell too. That's when Buzz comes in and tells Mama about how he just made the debate team after listening to a positive thinking tape. Eunice and Mama both shrug it off as nothing, that is until Eunice gets home and Ed wants his supper, and she starts listening to the tape while she starts dinner and it begins to work.

The next day Eunice shows up at Mama's house with presents and a new sunny out look. She gives Vint the old movie reels of their childhood and Naomi gets the ear rings she's been admiring. Eunice then announces she got a role in a play at the Pepper Pot Playhouse. Problem is, her rehearsal schedule conflicts with a sale that she was gonna take Mama too. So she invites Mama to go with her and go to the sale afterwards.

Eunice plays "Sadie", a small but important part, according to Eunice. With Mama sitting by they make a run through of Eunice's lines and then the director and the play's star, Sally, have a conversation and decide to give most of Eunice's lines to Sally. Mama tells Eunice she's getting pushed around and how she wouldn't take it, so Eunice makes a huge scene and quits the play.

13 May 7, 1983 7001 Mama's Silver Mama's going on about Vint's friend Claude being a bum and everything, when Ellen finally brings Mama's silver back. Mama wants Vint to put it up right then, so no one will steal it. But he first gets a call from Claude, who needs a favor. Seems Claude got in a bar fight and he's locked up in jail and needs $250 for his bail. Vint catches Ellen before she leaves and asks her, but she refuses. So he pawns Mama's silver to get the money.

The next morning Mama goes to put some stuff away in the closet and discovers it's gone. She wakes Vint up and he admits he took it and pawned it. Blowing her top Mama tells Vint to get her silver back and he then tells her why he needed the money. That only serves to get her madder.

In the midst of the screaming match, Vint decides to leave, and Sonja says she can stay with Nancy. So Vint goes to the basement to pack his stuff, but Mama can't stand to see him go and calls him back upstairs and in their own way they make peace, at least for a few moments.

[edit] Season 2: 1983-1984

22 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
14 September 29, 1983 210 Flaming Forties Buzz and Sonja are the organizers of a dance to raise funds to build a new gym at the high school. They get an idea after finding some of Mama's old stuff from the attic and hearing her stories about the Gym, and the way it was used as the Raytown U.S.O during the War. They want to use Mama's stuff and have a 1940s theme for the dance. But the other member's of the committee decide they would rather have a Punk Rock theme instead and hire a hot new band called Medication.

Mama's disappointed and let's them take her stuff to be sold at the junk sale. Only after later talking to Fran does she realize how much the stuff really means to her. So her and Fran hurry to the gym to try and save her stuff from being sold. Only to find out the band got arrested (again) and won't be able to play after all. They need to save the dance, so she plays some of her records and everyone has a surprisingly good time.

15 October 13, 1983 203 The Return of Leonard Oates Naomi's second husband, Leonard Oates, comes back to town; he's now wealthy, and he wants Naomi to go away to Florida with him. She puts up a strong front, but is actually deeply conflicted about what she wants.

After Leonard shows up at the Harpers' house bearing gifts, Vint doesn't see anything suspicious about his actions; he simply thinks that Leonard is trying to make up for the way he used to be. Naomi then realizes that Vint would never run off and leave her the way Leonard did, so she makes up her mind to stay with Vint.

16 October 20, 1983 204 Country Club Ellen shows up and announces she's been given the "Woman of the Year" award at the Raytown Country Club that night. But what she doesn't know is Mayor Tutwiller has invited Mama and the family along as a surprise for Ellen.

In a side plot Vint thinks Mama's lost his bowling ball after she says she put it in a "safe place". As expected the family arrives at the country club and Ellen is mortified. They of course embarrass her with the way they act.

Finally after dinner, which Mama complains wasn't done. Mayor Tutwiller starts the ceremony by letting Mama say a few words. It turns out to be more than few as she basically brings the house down with comments.

17 October 27, 1983 209 Naomi and the Stork Naomi's ailing and all the signs point to her the Stork being on the way for her and Vint. A fact that Mama is the first to discover, after administering "Aunt Ida's Tater Masher Test". Naomi is hesitant to tell Vint, because he wanted to wait to start their family until they get their own place. Mama accidentally spills the beans to Buzz and Sonja, who think it's great. But Fran is worried how they can manage having another

person in the house.

Vint's surprisingly favorable reaction to the news, prompts a discussion as to were it will be sleeping. A screaming match results as no one wants to give up their room.

Naomi, wanting to make sure she is pregnant, makes an appointment. The doctor runs some tests and tells her to wait. One by one the family arrives at the doctor's office, First Mama and then Vint, followed by Buzz and Sonja, and lastly Fran. All have ideas on what they should do for the baby. Mama settles it by saying the baby's bunking with her. Unfortunately come to find out, it was a false alarm and Naomi isn't pregnant after all.

18 November 3, 1983 206 Rashomama The story starts in the hospital, and Vint comes into the scene with Naomi, Ellen, and Eunice standing in the middle of the lobby, looking worried. As he asks what happened, Naomi is the first one to tell him the story of what happened in the kitchen that day.

Mama and the girls were in the kitchen making gooseberry jam, and she was being the perfect daughter-in-law, Ellen was helping a little bit, and Eunice comes into the door late, claiming that her car broke down, and that she was almost run over out on route 5. Ellen said that she was out on route 5 getting the berries, and she didn't see her at all. However, Eunice thinks different. They pick a fight, and then the gooseberries start to stick to the pot. When Mama says: "Baby, Get that pot for me", they both run to the pot and start to argue for it. They tell Naomi to butt out, and then they fight for the pan. As they are swinging it around, they smack Mama in the face with it. She is out cold.

The next one to tell the story is Ellen. She says that Naomi gave Mama the sugar from dirty hotels, and that they were sugar packets. Eunice still gets almost run over, and she lets everyone know about it. Afterwards, when Mama says to get the pot, Ellen and Eunice fight about it, but then Naomi comes over, thinking it is a game, and then Ellen butts out. Eunice and Naomi smack Mama in the face this time.

The last one to tell this story is Eunice. She walks into the kitchen in a great mood, even though she was almost killed by a lady in a black Cadillac. It turned out to be Ellen, and she was telling her not to be so lucky the next time. Also, she was wearing a tiara, telling everyone that she is a queen. Naomi is a ditz in this one, and then her and Ellen smack Mama with the pot.

After they get back to the house, they are all eating the jam in the kitchen, and Mama asks for Vint to give her the pot. He tells her to catch it, and it ends up hitting her in the face again.

19 November 10, 1983 211 Obscene Call Mama finds Naomi at work being overly nice, and she explains to Mama she's trying to win the Food Circus Friendly Employee of the Month. Which she ends up doing in the end, and gets her picture posted on a poster in the front of the store.

Naomi soon arrive's home to celebrate and receives a very disturbing phone call. An obscene phone call. He calls back several times, even asking for Naomi by name when Vint answers the phone. Mama and Fran soon come to the conclusion that it's all Naomi's fault, for the way she dresses and walks. Not to mention her efforts at work to be voted Friendly Employee of the Month.

This all changes when Naomi leaves for work and the guy calls back. Not getting Naomi he talks the same way to Mama, then Fran and even Vint. They realize he'll talk to anyone that way and it's not Naomi's fault at all. So they all head down to Food Circus to apologize.

20 November 17, 1983 212 Ellen's Boyfriend Mama won't let anyone leave because Ellen (who recently divorced her husband Bruce) is on the way over for another one of her European slide shows. This being the 4th time in two weeks that she's been over, everyone is bored out of their minds, including Mama. But when Ellen shows up, she can't stay, seems she has a meeting with a new club she's joined called "Quitters and Losers". Meanwhile, Vint is involved in a key selling contest at work, where the winner gets a dinner for 4 at a very expensive restaurant.

Turns out Ellen is actually seeing a new boyfriend, who is a much younger man and he's invited her to the ShayRay for dinner. Only problem is, Vint won that contest at work and the prize is a dinner for 4 at ShayRay's. That's where they run into Ellen and the family finally meets her new boyfriend, Glen. After hearing one to many of Mama's rude comments Glen gets up to leave and wants Ellen to go with him, but Mama makes her stay.

Later at home, Ellen angrily confronts Mama over her childish actions at dinner. Mama though soon admits she was wrong and reveals that she was jealous of Ellen because she was moving on with her life by dating someone new, and Mama hasn't after the death of her husband. Ellen forgives her and leaves to find Glen.

21 December 1, 1983 208 Gert Rides Again Mama's cousin Gert (Imogene Coca) was once a sprited woman, but time in an old folks home has left her lifeless.
22 December 8, 1983 207 Amateur Night Mama, Fran and Naomi take Vint to the Bigger Jigger to try and cheer him up over not getting a promotion at Kwik Keys. Naomi then convinces Vint to do his Fred Astaire routine for the Jigger's talent show. She rushes home to get his costume and sheet music and arrives back to find him nervous and about to quit. But after some urging from Naomi he goes on and he's a smash hit and wins the contest, along with the $100 prize and is invited back for the Saturday night show

But Vint let's the little success go to his head. He first buys a new jump suit and changes his stage name to "Vinnie Vegas". Even going so far as to change his routine to something completely different. Mama and Fran (who he fired) refuse to go and after he tells Naomi to act like one of his groupies and not his wife, she stays home to. But Mama, Fran and Naomi soon realize how big a flop he's gonna be and they rush to the Bigger Jigger to stop him.

They arrive in time and Mama pulls him into the men's bathroom, which fills up quickly with people and Mama has everyone introduce themselves. Then has one of them watch the door while she talks to Vint. She tells him a sob story and convinces him if he goes on, he'll make an idiot out of himself. He agrees and decides not to go on, not that he could, because now there locked in the bathroom.

23 December 22, 1983 202 The Mama Who Came to Dinner Mama and Fran are putting green stamps into her books, when Vint and Naomi come in from an evening with their friends. They're complaining about not being able to invite anyone over. So Fran mentions having a party for their friends at the house. Mama agrees to cook the dinner and take Buzz and Sonja, along with Fran to the movies for the night, to leave Vint and Naomi alone.

Fran and Mama battle over what movie to see, E.T. is Mama's choice and they get ready to leave, when Mama bends over and her back starts spasming. The family has to help her to the floor as she can't move now. She tells Fran and the kids to go on ahead and she'll meet them if her back gets better. Vint and Naomi's friends arrive a minute later and the party begins.

Mama is the center of attention as everyone first listens to her story during dinner (which are served on Naomi's new dinner trays, she got with the Green stamps of Mama's). Then they end up feeding her and then Mama tells Mar'sue that Naomi said she was a snob and her husband was sponging off her family's wealth. After that little tidbit, the party wraps up after only an hour and 15 minutes.

24 January 7, 1984 215 Mama Learns to Drive Mama's wanting desperately to go to the mall and pick up this blue hat she wants. But no one will drive her, seems everyone has plans. Then Frannie suggests she learn how to drive and Mama refuses, saying she's to old to learn a new trick like that. After Mama leaves the family goes about planning who will teach her. It comes down to Vint, who decides to teach Mama about keys first since he's a lock smith. Next it's Buzz and Sonja's turn to help her learn the rules of the road. Which doesn't go any better than Vint's lesson.

Mama finally begs Fran into driving her to the mall, but Fran makes Mama drive instead, which again turns into a disaster as they get stuck in a traffic accident and Mama gets out and leaves. Ellen thinking she can teach her, takes Mama to the mall parking lot, (it's empty on Sundays). But Mama ends up crashing Ellen's car into the planter in the center of the lot.

Thinking she'll never learn to drive Mama gives up, until she gets a call from the store about the blue hat she wanted, they tell her if she doesn't want it they're gonna sell it, in 45 minutes no less. So Mama borrows Fran's car and drives to the mall, where she gets her hat. Making that trip she then heads on over to the DMV, to get her temporary drivers permit.

25 January 14, 1984 216 Black Belt Mama Naomi gets home from her self defense class all fired up and Fran and Sonja decide to go next time. But Mama refuses saying it's a waste of time and there's no need for it. Although she's scared to go to her bingo games anymore.

So Naomi, Sonja and Fran head to there karate class and Mama to her Bingo. But Mama never makes it to Bingo as she is mugged while waiting for the bus. She gets home still shaking and clutching her purse strap. And quickly decides she too will join the Karate class, where Naomi is the star pupil. And Sonja is falling in love with Chuck, the instructor. Mama finds it tough to fit in.

Days later, Mama returns to the same bus stop where she meets an elderly lady and begins telling her about the classes and how she was mugged. When the same mugger attacks again, but he turns his back to take the other woman's purse and Mama wacks him in the head with her purse which is loaded with a light weight Iron.

26 January 21, 1984 217 Mama Buys a Car Mama finally decides to buy herself a car after her meals on wheels job falls through because she can't find a ride. So she takes the thousand dollars she has saved and goes shopping for a car. She sees an ad in the newspaper for "Willie Potts Used Cars" and she and Vint both remember him, because he used to live just around the block. Mama also remembers that Willie used to love her oatmeal raisin cookies, so in hopes of getting a deal, she bakes him a bag full.

Arriving at the lot, Willie acts as though he doesn't remember them at all, but offers to paint any car on the lot blue for Mama, when she says she wants a blue car, but she refuses saying it had to be "born blue". She finally finds one to her liking and, with the help of her oatmeal raisin cookies, talks Willie down from the initial price of $1500 dollars to her maximum price of $1000. Unfortunately the car turns out to be a real "Lemon" and blows up, so she and Vint return to Willie Potts Used Cars to get her money back. Trouble is, Willie refuses to give her money back and curtly dismisses them. Then, outside, Vint suddenly remembers Willie Potts as "Willie the Weasel", so-called because he was the biggest two-faced liar in the neighborhood; probably even the whole world.

So Mama walks in on an important meeting with Willie and the head of Ray Corp, Oscar Babcock, who's planning to buy a whole fleet of cars from Willie, and tells Oscar about Willie "The Weasel" Potts, the crooked, swindling used car salesman and about the lemon she'd just foolishly bought from him not too long ago, that's now "smoldering its way to lemon heaven". Hearing all this Oscar makes Willie give Mama a full refund before he'll sign the contract, which she specifies must be in cash. Willie grants Mama the full refund (and then some) but Oscar Babcock has changed his mind about buying the cars and walks out with her. And Mama, having gotten her money back and learned her lesson, vows next time to buy her car from a total stranger.

27 February 4, 1984 218 Supermarket After shopping at Food Circus for over 40 years, Thelma knows more about the store than it's manager. After hearing some of her "Old Fashioned horse sense," Mr. Palmer (the Manager) hires her for the store, as a customer consultant. Being her job to give people advice on what to buy. Her new post in the store is right next to the express lane, Naomi's counter.

It doesn't take long before Naomi starts to complain about having her mother-in-law so close, saying it's distracting her from her work. So, Mr. Palmer comes upon the idea that Mama should know everything about the running of the store, starting with Naomi teaching her how to be a checker.

Mama's first test turns into a fiasco, when she can't get the hang of ringing things up. After that, she gets her first customers (with Naomi as her bagger). It goes smoothly ar first, but things soon turn sour when Mama has to look up the price for a special and it takes her forever. After a continuing stream of more problems and the register going crazy, Mama decides to quit, mid-customer.

28 February 11, 1984 219 No Room at the Inn It's Vint and Naomi's first wedding anniversary and Vint prepares by reserving two days and one night at a kinky hotel out of town. Meanwhile, Buzz and Sonja want to have a slumber party for girls and boys, but Mama refuses saying it'll be girls only. Shortly before Vint and Naomi leave for their honeymoon, Aunt Effie calls to say she's fallen and can't get up, and asks Thelma to come out and help. Mama hitches a ride with the honeymooner's and puts Fran in charge of the slumber party.

Later as they are finally alone at the motel, Naomi is dressed as a Matadorette and Vint is dressed as a bull. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and it's Mama saying Effie wasn't hurt and all she wanted was someone to do her bidding, so she left and hitched a ride with a trucker to the hotel. Since she has no way home and there's no available rooms at the motel she has to stay with them.

Not being able to sleep Mama on either the role away bed or the water bed. Mama decides to watch TV for a while, she soon discovers it's a porno and forces them to bring her home, where they find a house completely full of teenage girls. Sonja informs that she invited a friend who in turn invited the pep squad.

29 February 18, 1984 220 Mama for Mayor Part 1 Ellen talks Mama into having Mayor Tutwiller's Re-Election press conference at the house. As the Mayor starts his speech starts going on about how the senior citizens are being treated in Raytown. The Mayor hears enough and he gets into a shouting match with Mama, and then challenges her to run herself.

Mama's story makes the local TV news, as they appear the next morning outside her house. She has a few unkind things to say about the mayor, before Ellen arrives and says she's not running. But eventually Mama decides to run against Mayor Tutwiller.

Mayor challenges Mama to a face-to-face debate on KRAY-TV. Hoping to squash her chances of winning by making her look unprepared, Ellen shows Mama up by forcing him to fake an important phone call and leave suddenly.

On Election night, Mama and the whole family gather round the TV to see the results. She trails early on, as the night wears on and one by one they all fall asleep. In the end Mama ends up falling asleep as they announce she won.

30 February 25, 1984 221 Mama for Mayor Part 2 Mama and the whole family attend the Inauguration ceremony as the Mayor prepares to swear Mama in as the New Mayor of Raytown. Vint interrupts things by trying in vain to take a picture several times. Thus upsetting the Mayor and he leaves.

Mama takes over as Mayor and it soon becomes clear she is unprepared for the job. Her first council meeting turns into a free for all, with Mama unable to make a decision or knowing exactly what's she's supposed to do. Soon enough the whole town is in an uproar. There's a garbage strike and a transit walkout after Thelma suggested they drop all senior citizens off at there doors. Plus the Boy Scouts are mad at her too and others are calling for her resignation.

Ellen hears about the mess on the radio and her and Mayor Tutwiller come to the rescue. He sends a pound of chocolate to the Boy Scouts and settles the garbage and transit strikes. Mama realizes she doesn't have what it takes to be Mayor so she soon resigns her post, telling the council she has pressing family matters and is turning her job back over to Mayor Tutwiller.

31 March 10, 1984 213 Harper vs. Harper Naomi tries to fix breakfast for her family but Mama dumps it out, with Naomi complaining about never being able to do anything for her husband and step-kids, saying Mama is always cleaning and cooking and won't let her do anything.

Mama's vacuum cleaner then breaks and Vint says she can borrow Naomi's brand new one. The one Vint bought her for a wedding present. Naomi comes in while Mama's using it. She starts complaining about nothing being hers. Just then the vacuum starts smoking and burns a hole in the carpet. As it turns out Mama ran over one of Naomi's key chains. They start fighting and agree to go to court over it.

Small claims court Judge W.E. Packard oversees the case, which ends up in a free-for-all as Mama and Naomi both call witnesses including Vint being called twice (once by each). In the end, the Judge finds Mama and Naomi in contempt of court and fines them $100 each and also orders them to pay their own damages.

32 March 17, 1984 214 Mama's Birthday It's Mama's birthday and she doesn't want no fuss. No cake, no party, and no presents. She only wants one thing, everyone to help clean out the attic. She thinks they could get it done in a couple of hours if everyone pitched in. But Vint, Sonja, Ellen, and Naomi all come up with some silly excuses to get out of it. Buzz is the only one who can't think of one so he agrees.

While they're cleaning, Buzz asks Mama to tell him about her 30th birthday party. In a flashback, we see Mama and the kids as she's getting ready for her party and thinking Carl is going to get a big promotion at work she orders a 19 cubic foot deep freeze. Then Grandma Crowley calls to say she can't make Thelma's birthday cake.

Carl comes in and announces he didn't get the promotion, right as they deliver the deep freeze. Thelma has to use a fruitcake as her cake, topped by Vint's present of a paper heart.

Thelma soon finds out that Carl didn't the promotion as Burt Wembley stops by to thank Carl for turning it down. He brings him a box of cigars to thank him. After that, Thelma goes into the bathroom and throws the cigars one by one at Carl.

Buzz and Mama finish in the attic, just in time to walk into her surprise birthday party. She finally got that deep freeze she wanted, only 30 years later.

Later that night, Thelma walks back downstairs, and knows that she really got the freezer, and that it wasn't just a dream. So, she pulls up the piano bench to the bathroom door and has a heart to heart with Carl. After that, at the end of the show, the toilet flushes suddenly, and we know that Carl has wished her a happy birthday.

33 March 24, 1984 222 Mama Cries Uncle Carl's long lost brother, Roy Harper, shows up out of nowhere on Carl's birthday. Not knowing that his brother has been dead for 11 long years. Vint, against Mama's wishes, asks Uncle Roy to stay with them for a while.

Meanwhile Sonja has entered a beauty pageant and Noami, Ellen and Mama help her get ready. That's where Uncle Roy tells her the story of when he saw Princess Grace at the White House and how beautiful she was and how she has the same smile. He also encourages Vint to chase his dream of being a firemen, even going so far as to get him an application for the Raytown Fire Department.

Lastly, Roy is telling Thelma how her elbows remind him of Dorothy Lamure's and that that's what first attracted Carl to him and how he wishes he had seen her first. They hug but he leaves before anything really happens. Leaving his cooler, which means he'll be back, Thelma hopes.

34 March 31, 1984 205 Ask Aunt Fran Fran gets a fill-in job as an advice columnist, when she asks Mama for an answer to a question and Mama does what she does best, tells people what to do and Fran uses it. Soon Fran's editor takes notice of her popularity and Buzz advice's Mama that she should be getting some of the money Fran is now earning. But Fran refuses saying she plans to slowly stop using Mama's "Home-Spun" advice as she adds some psychological insights in her latest article.

Fran's got a date that night with her editor, Dwight Nettles, who loves the advice Fran's been giving but can't understand why Fran included all the psychological babble (which he edited out) in her latest article. He also has a problem he needs some advice on and that's why he wanted to see her tonight. Seems "his friend" has just hired a new woman at work and has the hots for her, even though he's married, he wants to know what to do.

Fran sneaks away from the table and calls Mama from the pay phone to beg her advice. Mama recognizes right away Mr. Nettles is referring to himself and Fran. She then makes Fran agree to give her 50% of the money she's earning before giving her any advice. Mama's advice to Fran is to tell him to take a few more meals at home and he wouldn't need to eat out. Fran does and quits her job on top of that.

35 April 7, 1984 201 A Grave Mistake Mama can't get anyone to go with her to Carl's grave, so she goes by herself. After arriving and having a long talk with Carl, Mama notices that the grave next to Carl's, that was supposed to be reserved for her, has another woman's name on it instead. She panics and rushes home.

Ellen arrives an hour late (as usual) to take Mama to the cemetery, just as Mama comes in and tells everyone what she's just discovered. Ellen and Mama soon head back to the cemetery to get the problem cleared up. It turns out Carl's head stone was accidentally placed two plots down. So Mama feels like she's been cheating on Carl and says Carl has to send her a gift to let her know it's OK.

Meanwhile, Sonja goes out with a loser named Michael and he ends up flirting with a sophomore cheerleader who likes him and Sonya dumps him. He then shows up with flowers and after Sonja refuses to talk to him, he gives the flowers to Mama, who takes it as Carl's sign that everything's OK.

[edit] Season 3: 1986-1987

25 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
36 June 6, 1986 301 Soup to Nuts Mama is the editor of the years church bazaar cookbook, in it she plans to use her own recipe for chili. Iola objects thinking it should be hers that Mama uses. Soon Naomi too throws her hat in the ring, saying she makes the best Chili. So the three decide to have to a chili cook-off with the winner getting her recipe in the cookbook. Vint, being stuck in the middle of this brewing argument, is chosen, against his will, as the judge of the contest.

All three have identical supplies, with Mama and Iola also have identical ingredients. While Naomi's chili is far different from the other two as it includes two giant cans of store bought chili, plus beer, cheetos and several other items not usually associated with chili. Each bringing back a certain memory from one of her ex-husbands or boyfriends.

Each bowl is lettered as the contest begins and Vint decides the 'B' bowl is the best, which belongs to Iola, and she runs home to show her father and dare her mother to throw it out again. As soon as she is gone though, Mama and Naomi force Vint to make his real decision, but instead, he dumps both bowls together, saying it's got to be the best chili ever, but after just one bite he starts gagging. Prompting Mama to say "Vint that better be Naomi's half your gaggin on."

37 June 13, 1986 302 Farewell Frannie Mama's sister, Frannie, has just passed away, and even if she can't bring herself to tell how Frannie actually died (it was by inhaling a tooth pick in the ladies room at the Bigger Jigger). Mama is nevertheless determined to give her late sister something she never had, a "perfect day". But things soon turn from perfect to terrible as one disaster after another strikes.

First Mama finds out Don and Loraine won't be there and of course Buzz and Sonja won't either (for unexplained reasons) and Ed and Eunice have moved to Florida (a blessing). Then Ellen calls and says she's got something more pressing business and can't make it either. Later, as the family gets home from the funeral, we find out Vint forgot to shut the hearse door, resulting in the coffin flying out of the hearse and down the on-ramp to the freeway.

The house is a mess and they believe they've been robbed, but it is soon revealed that Eunice and Ed's son Bubba (just out of reform school) has arrived after finding his old home locked up. Mama has to tell him that Ed and Eunice moved to Florida and he has to stay with her because he's on probation and can't leave the state. Also much to the aggravation of Vint and Naomi, Mama gives Bubba Fran's old room.

38 June 20, 1986 303 Where There's a Will Mama finds Frannie's diary when she goes to get Bubba for breakfast. Inside is a note telling Mama to call the executor of her will, Larwin P. Finstadler. When Mr. Finstadler arrives he informs Mama that Fran was worth $35,000. Fran's will stipulated 10% of that would go to the "Ray of Hope Home for Wayward Girls". But the other $31,500 was to be split evenly between Mama, and Vint and Naomi. Only one stipulation stands between Mama and the money, she has to keep from losing her temper for a period of two weeks and it's totally on her honor.

So for the next two weeks Vint and Naomi wait on her hand and foot, trying to keep her from getting upset. Including paying Bubba $10 to do his homework and doing the dishes and most of the other housework. While they begin to bicker among themselves, Mama relaxes and takes it easy.

On the last day, Mr. Finstadler arrives, and Mama comes back from the Beauty Spot in a terrible mood. Her car was smashed up and the guy left a note just to fool the witnesses into thinking he was leaving his name and address. Then she sat in paint waiting for the bus, destroying her new dress. Mr. Finstadler says the dress doesn't suit her anyway and she tells him off and throws him out. So the entire estate goes to the "Ray of Hope Home for Wayward Girls"

39 June 27, 1986 304 National Mama Naomi and Bubba are betting on horses on the racetrack, but Vint doesn't know which horse to bet on. Although discouraging the betting, Thelma shares a dream in which she ordered eggs "over-easy". Vint finds that there is a horse named Over Easy in the race, and he bets on that horse. To the family's surprise, he wins. While they were gone, Thelma had another nightmare, in which she was in a fourth grade spelling bee and was asked to spell "aggravation". Vint again finds a horse named Aggravation in the fourth race on the next day, and the family bets on Aggravation. Thelma is still doubtful, but while listening to the race the next day, Aggravation has a come-from-behind victory, and everyone is convinced. Vint and Naomi make plans to use Thelma's newfound powers to win the exacta (name both the winning horse and runner-up horse in the exact order) the next day.

That night, Thelma cannot go to sleep because she keeps thinking about the race. Vint and Naomi do everything they can, including heating up warm milk (with skin in it), and watching a late night opera on TV, which ends up energizing Thelma while boring Vint and Naomi to sleep. However, when Bubba comes home that night, Thelma asks him to share some of his plans for the future with her, and she dozes right to sleep in the kitchen.

The next morning, Vint and Naomi wake up Thelma, who just had the worst nightmare she ever dreamt. She was in her kitchen, when the floor cracked open, and she fell down to some place with a very nice floor pattern. She commented on how it had these alternating black and white squares, however Vint and Naomi rush her past those details. She then talks about an enormous waffle iron that started walking up to her with its red light blinking, and then as it heated up, a whole bunch of steam came out of its sides. This prompts Vint and Naomi to find the horses Red Light and Steam Heat in that day's race.

The family all listens to the race on the radio, and as the announcer reads off the horses, one of the names is Checkerboard, which Thelma remembers was the name of that floor pattern that she admired. As Vint and Naomi realizes what that means, the race ends with Checkerboard winning, followed by Red Light and Steam Heat. Vint, Naomi, and Thelma start blaming each other, while Bubba is glad that he didn't bet this time. The episode ends with Thelma grounding Bubba because he's going to have to learn to be a loser like the rest of them.

40 July 4, 1986 305 Best Medicine The family is in the middle of a game of scrabble when Ellen stops by with a gift for Mama and to attempt to once again apologize for missing her Aunt Fran's funeral. Mama refuses to forgive her and throws her out. Later, Naomi comes in and says she heard that Ellen was in the hospital about to under go surgery. With that, Mama drags the rest of the family to the hospital to visit her.

The visit soon turns very uncomfortable for Ellen as Mama begins yelling at the family for one and then another. Not able to stand it any longer, Ellen calls for the nurse and orders her to throw the family out and post an armed guard at the door. Mama finally sends everyone home, but sneaks back in herself and stays with Ellen through the night.

Mama and Ellen soon forgive one another for all the years of fighting and Ellen finally reveals to Mama why she is the hospital in the first place, she's having a fanny tuck. Mama then makes some revelations of her own, when she says out of all her kids, she always loved Ellen best.

41 July 18, 1986 306 Fly Naomi Unhappy with the rut she's gotten into, Naomi decides to make a change and arrives home with the news that, after seeing an ad in the paper, she's decided to attend school to train as a flight attendant. Vint gets upset because she didn't ask him first. While, Bubba joins the debate team to be near a girl he likes.

Naomi aces her first exam, which only serves to make Vint more upset. With a growing rift between Vint and Naomi, Iola tries to make her move and asks Vint to have ice cream with her one night. What Vint views as innocent, Mama see clearly as Iola trying to get her claws into Vint and tells him so in no uncertain terms.

Naomi tries to get everyone in the family to help her train for that night's big test, but the only one who will is Mama. Who quickly proceeds to drive her nuts. Later, Bubba announces he's been kicked off the debate team for not knowing the Electoral College had nothing to do with electricity. Just as the family gets excited about all the free flights they'll get as the family of a flight attendant, Naomi dashes their hopes by failing her simulated test.

42 August 1, 1986 307 Cat's Meow Iola is distraught when her cat Midnight dies, although everyone else is thankful, noting that the cat was as mean as a rattlesnake. But Iola refuses to let go and nothing can console her---until she decides to have it freeze-dried. She goes all out and buys a model that meows when you pet it. She leaves it with Mama for a while and Mama takes it out to the front porch and leaves it.

That's where Vint falls on it as he, Naomi and Bubba are bringing in a trunk they just bought from the police surplus. Thinking they killed the cat, they bury it, and go into to open the trunk. Which has a hole on the side of it and is the home of a Mama cat and her kittens. One of which looks just like Iola's former pet, who adopts it immediately.

43 August 8, 1986 308 An Ill Wind In this Thanksgiving episode, Mama, Bubba, Vinton, Naomi, Iola, and Aunt Effie (Dorothy Van) all go for cover in the basement when an unexpected tornado passes by Raytown.
44 August 15, 1986 309 Mama and Dr. Brothers Vint and Naomi are having trouble in the bedroom, while Vint is afraid he's gonna lose his job, with Kwik Keys being taken over by a large corporation. Mama and Iola soon discover exactly what it is when they turn on Good Morning Raytown, and special guest Dr. Joyce Brothers agrees to take a few phone calls live on-air.

The first one is from a woman, with a husband named Clint (who works at Kwik Keys), she says her husband's having trouble performing lately. Mama figures out rather quickly that it's Naomi talking about Vint's and her problems. Dr. Brothers says their problem might have to do with stress at work, or it could be stress from living with an inlaw. Later, after taking phone calls all day from people about the show, Mama questions Naomi about it, and Vint arrives home soon afterwards and is in a foul mood.

To solve the situation Mama rushes to the airport with Vint and Naomi to catch Dr. Brothers before she leaves for Tulsa. Joyce suggests Vint and Naomi take a trip to get away from everything in an attempt to liven up the marriage. They then rush off to make the reservations for a weekend in Hinkley.

45 August 22, 1986 310 Steal One, Pearl Two Bubba wants to borrow $200 to buy a new drum set, while Iola's upset that she can't get her jewelry box open to put her pearls away, so she brings the box over for Vint to open. When he can't, Bubba quickly borrows a bobby pin and opens it easily. Iola heads home only to return a few minutes later in search of her beloved pearls, which have mysteriously disappeared.

Iola is quick to accuse Bubba, who comes in with a brand new drum set, claiming he borrowed them from a friend of a friend whose name he forgets. Pretending to defend Bubba, Mama throws Iola out. Now convinced, she too accuses Bubba. Feeling betrayed by his own family Bubba attempts to run away from home.

She finds him at the "Rayhound" station and tells him the story of what happened when Eunice tried to run away (she only made it across the river to Bump). Saying she believes him now, Bubba decides to come home. In the end they find the pearls, where they had been all along, stuck to the back of a pillow on the couch.

46 August 29, 1986 311 The Love Letter Naomi is giving Bubba and Vint a love test to see how romantic they are, from the latest issue Lady's Circle. As it turns out Vint is a "cold fish" and Bubba is a "Red Hot Romeo". So Vint decides to try and be more romantic and talks Bubba into writing her a love letter.

Vint puts it in her make up case, but Bubba moves it to her purse while Naomi watches. Thinking Bubba wrote it to her she begins to worry. Slipping it into the Lady's Circle, which is where Iola finds it, thinking Vint wrote it her. She then leaves it accidentally on George's clipboard while he working on Mama's refrigerator.

Iola shows up minutes later ready to claim Vint as her own, while Naomi tries to explain to Bubba, and Mama is freaked out thinking George is after her. Soon enough it is revealed though that the where the letter came from.

47 September 26, 1986 312 Grandma USA Mama is surprised to learn she was entered in the Grandma USA contest by Bubba. She is at first reluctant to compete, but changes her mind when she finds out the grand prize is a dream kitchen, complete with a self cleaning oven. Vint then starts to wonder why they would select Mama over all the other entries, Bubba says it's because he sent in Naomi's picture instead of Mama's.

A fact this is only discovered after they are greeted by the host, Raytown personality Eddie Edwards, and he thinks Noami is entering. After considering his options, Edwards agrees to let Mama compete instead, thinking it might be a novelty to have someone in the pageant who really looks like a Grandma. Which, as it turns out, none of the other's certainly don't.

For the talent competition, Mama sings a song her daddy taught her when she was young, so she could sing to his buddies at the Jigger (now the Bigger Jigger). Mama makes the final three, but ends up finishing second in the final vote. A result she doesn't take well, as she takes over the show and demands a recount.

48 October 3, 1986 313 Where's There's Smoke Mama desperately wants to be named President of the Church Ladies League, but the decision is made solely by Reverend Meechum. So Mama invites the Reverend and Alberta Meechum to dinner. It's just then that Bubba sees in the newspaper that one of his former inmates at Juvenile Hall has escaped. She arrives in Raytown and climbs up to Bubba's window and demands he get her some food.

When Mama comes to check and see if he is ready for the dinner, Bonita hides in the closet until she leaves. The Reverend and Alberta arrive early, and they soon set down to dinner. As they are saying grace, Mama sees Bonita outside the kitchen window and panics. The doorbell rings and it's Bonita who walks right in, sits down and starts eating.

Mama tries to pass her off as her Swedish exchange student, but the ruse comes undone as Vint exposes her, and Alberta throws a fit. Prompting Mama to tell her off. Vint and Bubba talk Bonita into going back to Juvey to finish her sentence and Reverend Meechum says he has decided to name Mama the President of the Church Ladies League after what he saw tonight.

49 October 10, 1986 314 Desperately Seeking Anyone Mama and Naomi decide Iola needs a boyfriend, so they place an ad for her in the Raytown singles rag. They receive only a few responses, from the drecks of society. Mama decides one of the men sounds perfect for Iola, however, and arranges for Iola to meet him at a dinner Mama will host.

Iola arrives looking like Scarlet O'Hara dipped in pink paint. Everyone plans to go bowling so Iola can have dinner with her mystery date alone, but a nervous Iola convinces Mama to stay and chaperone the dinner. An older man arrives, closer to Mama's age than Iola's. Iola is shy and hardly says a word, while Mama keeps the man entertained. Mama leaves them alone to do the dishes and Iola becomes even more tongue-tied and nervous. He tries to dance with her and she runs off into the bathroom. Mr Mystery Date then goes into the kitchen to visit Mama and before long the two of them are dancing. Iola walks in as he is trying to get a kiss from Mama, who chases him off with a frying pan.

Iola accuses Mama of stealing her man, until they decide only creeps put personal ads in the papers. They decide the best place to meet a man is in a bowling alley, so off they go.

50 October 17, 1986 315 Porn Again Mama and Iola decide to boycott and protest against Food Circus for selling dirty magazines.
51 October 24, 1986 316 Santa Mama It's Christmas season & Mama's grouchier than Scrooge, one reason being is that she can't find her homemade ornament (a star) her husband made for her. Vint gets a part time job as Santa for Raytown Mall, with Bubba taking pictures.

However, when Vint's rehearses his ho-ho-hos, he gets laryngitis. So at the mall, who steps in to don a Santa suit, Mama! After working with all those bratty kids, she does fulfill one child's wish that her dad gets some new tools for getting a construction job.

52 October 31, 1986 317 Have it Mama's Way Iola visits the family with a Hawaiian travel brochure and tries to convince Mama to take the trip. Bubba applies for a job at a burger joint, with help from Mama in filling out the job application. While trying to push Bubba's talents in food service with the manager, he asks her if she would like a job. Thinking of the money needed for the Hawaiian trip, she accepts the offer. Bubba is hired also, but becomes upset when he learns Mama will be his coworker. Naomi hounds Vint because she wants to go on the trip also.

Mama and Bubba report for work and start training together. Bubba is fast and efficient while Mama takes her time, being nice and folksy with the customers. When the manager tells her to speed things up, she suddenly becomes rude and sharp with the customers, which the manager doesn't like either. Iola, Vint and Naomi arrive for breakfast. Iola wants lunch, Vint wants things that aren't on the menu, and Naomi orders from Bubba, which sets Mama off. The manager dashes her hopes for the Hawaiian trip when he fires her.

53 November 7, 1986 318 Birthright With Mother's Day nearing, Vint becomes convinced he was left at the Harper's doorstep as a baby after receiving an anonymous letter from a woman who may be his birth mother.
54 November 14, 1986 319 Fangs A lot, Mama When Vint decides to join the Mystic Order of the Cobra, Naomi becomes worried because he suddenly has no time for her. Mama takes action and becomes determined to ruin his induction ceremony.
55 November 21, 1986 320 Mama's Cousin Mama's cousin Lydia from Atlanta arrives for a visit to stroll down memory lane and have a sleepover with Mama like they did when they were kids. Mama feels threatened by Lydia as she believes Lydia has become hooty-tooty and just wants to rub in her successes to Mama.
56 December 5, 1986 321 Buck Private Bubba Bubba decides to enlist in the Army to impress a girl and her father when the father forbads his daughter to date Bubba because of his juvenile delinquent past.
57 December 12, 1986 322 Mama with the Golden Arm Mama goes into training to compete in an arm wrestling competition at the Bigger Jigger.
58 December 19, 1986 323 It Takes Two to Watusi To help Naomi's friend Luanne Fayette get back into the dating world after her divorce, Vint and Naomi set her up for a double date to play miniature golf. When Luanne's date has to cancel, it's decided Bubba will take his place much to Mama's dislike.
59 January 9, 1987 324 After the Fall After Aunt Effie is hospitalized after falling and not getting any better, Mama decides to bring her home to care Effie herself, which turns the household upside down.
60 January 16, 1987 325 The Best Policy After Vint takes out a life insurance policy that would leave Naomi the sole beneficiary, Mama and Iola are convinced Naomi is trying to cash in early.

[edit] Season 4: 1987-1988

25 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
61 April 24, 1987 401 Zirconias Are a Girl's Best Friend Mama gets hooked on a TV shopping network.
62 May 1, 1987 402 Educating Mama Mama goes to Night School with Bubba.
63 May 15, 1987 403 A Room With No View The Harper house goes into chaos when Bubba and Vint & Naomi want to switch rooms.
64 May 22, 1987 404 The Key to the Crime Someone called the courteous crook, has been breaking into houses and stealing some valuables but then cleans the house and leaves, later on mama's house is struck by the courteous crook, mama calls a police officer and after the police officer talks to the family about what was stolen, the police officer accuses vint and thinks he is the courteous crook, then Mama and iola come to the rescue to save vint.
65 May 29, 1987 405 Gift Horse The Harpers want to get a VCR, they have a garage sale while iola's away and sell knick knacks including iola's handicrafts, iola unexpectedly comes back early, in a panic they put the money they earned in iola's tissue cozy, Iola then finds out and is insulted when she finds out the Harpers try to sell her homemade handicrafts at the garage sale and takes her handicrafts back including the tissue cozy, the harpers try to befriend iola again in order to get the money for the VCR back.
66 June 12, 1987 406 A Big Hand For Mama Mama becomes a giver after a near-death experience.
67 June 19, 1987 407 Teacher's Pet Mama realizes she has the hots for her night school teacher, Mr. Hanson.
68 June 26, 1987 408 Child's Play Mama has to watch the preacher's devil of a grandson while the grandparents visit the hospital. He infuriates everyone and makes life a living hell.
69 July 3, 1987 409 Flounder's Day Mama is excited to try out for the lead in the Founder's Day play.
70 August 7, 1987 410 Breaking Up Is Hard to Do Naomi moves out when Vint spends their money on a fishing rod and not a bed as originally planned. Vint becomes very depressed without Naomi. When she moves back in, but refuses to have anything to do with Vint, dinnertime is turned upside down.
71 August 14, 1987 411 I Do, I Don't After attending a Harper family wedding, Bubba, Iola and Mama all fantasize about how different their lives would be if they were married.
72 September 11, 1987 412 Bed and Breakdown Mama decides to rent out her bedroom to travellers to the Tri-State Fair to afford a new stove. The room ends up being rented out by Mama, Naomi and Bubba to all different people.
73 September 18, 1987 413 Workman's Holiday An old homemade lunchbox of Vint's turns up. Mama decides to surprise Vint at work with it. When she goes behind the counter and Vint sees the lunchbox, he gets scared and hurts his finger on the keygrinder and faints when he sees his own blood. The whole family ends up waiting on Vint hand and foot.
74 September 25, 1987 414 Mama's Girls Mama joins a senior's tap class to get into shape and ends up teaching the class.
75 October 2, 1987 415 Mama Gets the Bird A talking bird Mama inherits from her Uncle Oscar tells her bars of gold are hidden somewhere in the house. This makes the whole family and Iola tear the house apart looking for the gold.
76 October 9, 1987 416 Mama Mania Didi Mason, one of Naomi's friends from high school, comes to town to compete in the Tri-State Wrestling Competition. Naomi volunteers to be Didi's partner in the ring after her regular partner slips in the shower. When Didi is accidentally knocked out by Mama in the ring, Mama jumps in to help Naomi.
77 October 16, 1987 417 A Friend Indeed Iola develops a new friendship with a lady from her cooking class. Mama gets a bit jealous after Iola and Arlene spend most of their time together.
78 October 23, 1987 418 Mama Sees Red Mama is convinced by the State Department to take in a Russian homemaker for a day who ends up being a cleaning whiz.
79 November 6, 1987 419 Pomp and Circumstance It's Mama and Bubba's graduation day, but Bubba wants to skip the ceremony because his parents don't want to be there.
80 November 13, 1987 420 The Sins of the Mother Bubba comes home drunk one night and the family recalls when his mother Eunice got drunk as a teenager and embarrassed herself and Mama at the Mother's Day banquet at the church.
81 November 20, 1987 421 Bubba's Double Date Bubba gets stood up by his prom date and Mama and Iola fix him up with Iola's niece Vernette. Unfortunately, they neglect to tell Bubba before his original date calls to say the date is back on.
82 December 4, 1987 422 Naomi's Identity Crisis After Mama hits Naomi in the head with the kitchen door, Naomi forgets what her life was before, but luckily she has Mama to tell her exactly how to behave. What Mama tells her though, is not exactly how Naomi was before.
83 December 11, 1987 423 Mama on Jeopardy! When Jeopardy! holds auditions at Raytown, Iola decides to audition for the show, so she can meet Alex Trebek. But when Thelma goes with her, the contestant coordinators were impressed with her knowledge of Shakespeare, that they chose her!

Thelma's on Jeopardy! playing against a snooty lady & a not too loose gentleman ("That is correct Alex!") who's the returning champion. Alex gets twitchy the way Thelma keeps disrupting the flow of the game. Into Double Jeopardy!, Thelma's in the deficit. When she answers correctly about James Watt (What's...what?), she got control & picked Comedy Teams for $1,000. After the two players missed the answer (The Stooge with the curly hair), Thelma rings in & answers the question correctly (Who is Larry?) & gets out of a deficit to have $100 going into Final Jeopardy!

When the Final Jeopardy! category's Shakespeare, she praised the lord! But when it came to the answer, she was stumped. She bet $99, leaving with only $1. The champion won again! But Alex informs Thelma that she won second prize. She was surprised when Johnny Gilbert told her she won a trip for 4 to Hawaii! Alex asked who she'll take & since she couldn't take her favorite stars, she'll take her worthless family!

84 January 15, 1988 424 Hawaii Part 1 Mama and the family take the trip to Hawaii she won on Jeopardy! Even though Mama only won a trip for 4, Iola decides to sell her mother's fur coat to afford to travel with them.
85 January 25, 1988 425 Hawaii Part 2 The Hawaii vacation continues. Naomi is stuck in the room all day with a sunburn, Vint is out playing golf all day, Iola falls in love with a Norwegian sailor, Bubba falls for a pretty native, and Mama is being chased by a lovelorn beach bum who, unbeknownst to her, is a millionaire.

[edit] Season 5: 1988-1989

25 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
86 September 23, 1988 501 Baby Talk After visiting an old friend in the hospital after giving birth, Naomi decides she wants a baby herself. Mama is against it and sets out to talk Vint and Naomi out of having a baby.
87 September 30, 1988 502 Ladies Choice After coming to the end of her reign as president of the Church Ladies League, Mama just can't let go of the power and decides to convince the rest of the CLL, with Iola's help, she deserves to be nominated for another term. Iola ends up being nominated as well and the two go up against each other in a heated debate.
88 October 7, 1988 503 Naomi's New Position Naomi is up for a promotion to assistant manager of Food Circus. Things turn sour when she finds out she'll have to sleep with her new boss to not only get the promotion, but also to just keep her checker's job. She enlists Mama and Iola to teach him a lesson.
89 October 21, 1988 504 The Really Loud Family Bubba decides to make a video for school all about his family. The only problem is the camera shorts out periodically and the end result makes the entire family look bad. Things worsen for a moment when the video is aired on public access TV.
90 October 28, 1988 505 Many Unhappy Returns Before Mama's birthday, Vint's boss wants him to hide his wife's anniversary present at the Harper's so she won't find it this year. Mama finds the gift and thinks the very expensive jewelry is her birthday present. Not wanting Vint to spend that much money on her, she and Iola take it back to the store and exchanges it for several small presents for the family.
91 November 4, 1988 506 Found Money A bank ATM accidentally gives Mama $800.
92 November 11, 1988 507 My Mama, Myself When Mama is going through some boxes to find items to give to the rummage sale, she comes across her mother's broach. When she's convinced by Naomi to get it appraised for insurance purposes, she starts to be haunted by the ghost of her dead mother.
93 November 18, 1988 508 Full House Vint is hosting the Poker Pals at the house in hopes of becoming a member. Mama, Iola, and Naomi are going to a play at the Pepper Pot Playhouse. When Mama finds out the play she wants to see isn't on until the next week, she decides to stay home. When two of the Poker Pals can't make it to the game, Bubba and Mama fill in for them and Mama shares some pretty interesting stories of Vint growing up.
94 December 2, 1988 509 Very Dirty Dancing Vint and Naomi invite the family to watch them compete in the dance competition at Rayland Ballroom. Mama meets up with an old friend there, Ramon, and the two decide to enter the competition themselves. The only problem is the dance they draw is dirty dancing!
95 December 16, 1988 510 Bedtime for Bubba Bubba has been up late studying with a friend. Mama finds out the friend is an attractive girl and after finding a bra in his bed, thinks they're not really studying after all.
96 December 23, 1988 511 What a Dump After the neighborhood is declared the new site of the city dump, Mama and the neighbors realize their homes will be destroyed. She can't bear to part with her house and decides to whatever she can to keep it from being demolished.
97 January 6, 1989 512 Mama Bell The family decide to get an answering machine since Mama keeps forgetting to write down their phone messages. Also, Vint and Naomi are hiding a dog she found wandering around at Food Circus from Mama. After eavesdropping on their conversations, Mama thinks the family is trying to put her in a home!
98 January 13, 1989 513 The Big Wheel Iola's chooses the week's winning lottery numbers and Mama convinces Iola to let her spin the big wheel at the TV station to win $1 million.
99 January 20, 1989 514 Mama's Layaway Plan Mama comes home from a family funeral where she and Aunt Effie were the only mourners. And the rest of the family is planning their strategy to beat the Huplanders in the Bowl-A-Thon. Mama doesn't want her own funeral to be without mourners, so she sets out to plan it.
100 January 27, 1989 515 My Phony Valentine After being teased by Naomi for not having a date for Valentine's Day, Iola confesses she did have a date, but cancelled to continue her Valentine's Day tradition of watching an old movie with Mama. Mama hears this and cancels the movie with Iola and invents a date for herself. After going through her address book and failing to find a date, she calls a local dating service.
101 February 10, 1989 516 More Power to You Mama's electric bill is $20 more expensive this month and she decides not to pay the bill to get back at them. Meanwhile, Vint and Naomi are getting ready for the Food Circus awards banquet and Bubba has rented a computer to do his report on Abraham Lincoln. After Mama refuses to pay the bill, her electricity is cut off. Vint and Naomi are forced to get ready in the dark and Bubba is forced to do his report on his grandfather's old typewriter.
102 February 17, 1989 517 Mama in One Mama is in charge of updating the church directory, but distractions from her family are keeping her from her work. Luckily for her, Vint and Naomi are going to a cabin for the weekend and Bubba will be at the frat house rushing. Finally, with some peace and quiet, Mama is able to finish the directory. But, she soon realizes that her house is just too quiet and lonely.
103 February 24, 1989 518 April Fools Every year, the family plays all the usual April Fool's jokes on Mama. But, this year, she finally gets even with her own joke.
104 March 2, 1989 519 There's No Place Like...No Place Bubba joins his college buddies to protest on the courthouse lawn about the homeless problem in Raytown. Vint and Naomi plan to go out to Route 5 to look at the new housing development and Mama and Iola plan to see a movie. Bubba accidentally puts Mama's wallet in his backpack, so Mama goes to courthouse before the movie and plans to meet Iola after at the theater. The police raid the protest and arrest everybody there. Bubba gets wind of it and leaves before the police arrive. Mama isn't so lucky.
105 March 16, 1989 520 Reading the Riot Act Mama and Iola complain about all the work Lolly Perdue, the new president of the CLL, is putting on them. When they begin discussing all of Lolly's missteps, they decide to call an emergency meeting of the CLL board. It's there they learn of Lolly's secret.
106 March 23, 1989 521 A Taxing Situation Mama receives a phone call from the IRS saying an agent will be visiting her in a few days. She is convinced she's being audited and with her family and Iola's help, schemes to show how charitable she really is...or really wants to be.
107 March 30, 1989 522 The Mama of Invention When Iola tells the family she's submitted one of her inventions to a dealer, Vint, Naomi and Bubba decide to submit an invention of their own.
108 April 13, 1989 523 Hate Thy Neighbor Bubba falls in love with the granddaughter of a hated neighbor of Mama's. The two get engaged and causes the house to be in an uproar.
109 April 20, 1989 524 Dependence Day Mama and Iola are planning a cruise on the Dixie Belle down the Ray River. Iola announces her mother is sick and she can no longer go on the cruise. Mama tells Iola her mother is faking and tells her to stand up for herself. Iola is then kicked out of her house and is forced to move in with the Harpers. Iola then takes over the house and turns it upside down.
110 April 27, 1989 525 Mama Makes Three Vint and Naomi come back from the fertility doctor and tell the family he's shooting blanks. Iola tells them about her sister-in-law who works for an adoption agency. They decide adoption is their only way to have a family. They undergo a series of interviews to see if they're fit to be parents and after are told they just have one more test and they'll be put at the top of the list. The only problem is they have to see the agency's psychologist to be evaluated and Mama has to be there as well.

[edit] Season 6: 1989-1990

20 episodes

# Airdate Prod. Code Title Overview
111 September 18, 1989 601 Mama's Medicine Show When Vint and Naomi decide that they need money quickly for the impending baby, they decide to go into business selling..."something." When Bubba comes down with a cold and needs to be cured quickly for an impending swim-meet, Mama gives him a special concoction that her grandmother used to give the hogs on the farm. The concoction is said to cure all ills. Naomi decides that they would sell the concoction.

Meanwhile, the CLL (the "Church Ladies League") is voting on "Church Lady of the Year", which Mama intends to win. The only person to win is the woman that gives the most to the church, so Mama decides to sell the concoction to the Church Ladies and give the profits to the church. She then takes on the role of the "snake oil salesman", complete with accomplice in the audience (Iola).

Bubba's swim-meet turns out terrible; the folks they sold the concoction to begin complaining; and the reason is Mama's secret ingredient: A massive amount of vanilla which is "35% alcohol". When Bubba, Vint, and Naomi try to warn Mama, the Church Ladies were doing the conga and Mama was getting along with the CLL president. They inform her of the "secret ingredient", and they all go home to nurse their respective hangovers.

112 September 25, 1989 602 An Affair to Forget Mama suspects that Vint is having an affair with his co-worker Heather, and tries to hide it from Naomi.
113 October 2, 1989 603 Mr. Wrong Iola finally dates a man named Burt, at first he seems to be everything she dreamed of but in the end he is not what she is looking for.
114 October 9, 1989 604 Now Hear This The Harpers install an intercom system , but it leads to trouble when people evesdrop on other conversations.
115 October 16, 1989 605 Tri-State's Most Wanted Vint and Naomi want the reward money to find a most wanted person and don't get it. Mama thinks she has a Tri- State- Most-Wanted but he is just an actor that she never heard of.
116 October 23, 1989 107 Mama Fights Back When a store doesn't take back a broken item they sold to mama, mama calls a radio station that tries to help customers, when the radio host can't help mama, mama gives him a piece of her mind, because of this mama ends up being the new radio host.
117 October 30, 1989 106 A Blast From the Past Mama gets an invit to her 50th Jr. High School Reunion.
118 November 7, 1989 108 Psycho Pheno-Mama Naomi and Vinton hire a Fortune teller named Madame Rita to predict their futures, later Mama reveals that Madame Rita is a big phony.
119 November 13, 1989 109 Take My Mama, Please Mama ends up doing an open mike night at the Bigger Jigger and embarrasses her friends and family.
120 November 27, 1989 110 Mama Takes Stock Quick Keys is being taken over by a big company named Burnese and is changing into a yogurt shop, which means Vinton will loose his job. Mama finds a stock that belong to the company and will try to save Vinton's career.
121 December 4, 1989 111 Bubba's House Band Mama, Vint, Naomi and Iola are preparing for the Church Carnival and Bubba is trying to find a rock band for his school and brings home an all girl rock band named the Bonecrushers, later on the Bonecrushers help Mama at the carnival.
122 December 18, 1989 112 War of the Roses Mama and Iola get in a fight over which rose will win in a rose competition.
123 January 3, 1990 113 Mama Takes a Dive Mama needs a new heater and goes to the bank for a loan. They turn her down and on the way out she slips on a roll of coins that a little boy was playing with. Her back is hurt.

Vint, Naomi and Bubba convince her to sue and they call Sam Small, a sleazy lawyer they've seen on TV. He tells Mama to sue for 3.2 million, after determining she's more hurt than she realizes. Mama ends up in a neckbrace and arm sling.

The bank sends an investigator to confirm Mama's injuries are real. Vint buys Mama a walker and Iola comes over to visit. Vint, Naomi and Bubba get Mama to walk a few steps for the investigator, when Iola walks in. She calls Thelma "Mother" as she tries to get her to sit down, which upsets Mama. Wanting everyone to know she's not really hurt, she starts dancing and blows the whole scam. The bank offers her $5,000 anyway, which the lawyer takes for his trouble.

124 January 10, 1990 114 Mama Gets Goosed It's almost Christmas and the harpers are going have an old fashioned Christmas, including a live main course, a goose named leland that they get a little too attached to.
125 January 17, 1990 115 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner It's almost Mothers Day and Vinton wins two tickets to a fancy restaurant, Mama and Naomi both want to go and Vinton must choose who does.
126 February 1, 1990 116 The Big Nap Mama watches a lot of detective shows on TV and later falls asleep and has a dream where she is a detective.
127 February 8, 1990 117 Pinup Mama Mama and Iola are trying to figure out ways to get more men to come to the senior singles mixer, and Naomi mentions making a flyer to do a little advertising. Mama and Iola think that's a great idea and go about making the flyer.

Meanwhile, Bubba is taking pictures for his creative photography class, and Mama suggests he set up a shoot to take pictures of all of them. Iola explains why she is camera shy, (seems her father fell over Ray Falls trying to get Mother Boylen in a single picture and after her Mother saved him, she ended up winning the wet t-shirt contest at the lodge). Bubba gets everyone's pictures taken, including Melanie in a skimpy bathing suit.

Mama finally strikes upon the idea of putting her picture on the singles flyer. While Bubba has Mama's head super-imposed on Melanie's body and wants to have it blown up into a poster as a joke. They both send Vint to RayRrint to get them done and he gets them mixed up.

Mama and Iola discover Vint's screw-up after they arrive at the mixer and the women are upset about it. But the guys all wanna dance with Thelma, that is until she takes her coat off and reveals the picture isn't really her.

128 February 15, 1990 118 Look Who's Breathing Mama takes "Skeeter" to a class.
129 March 5, 1990 119 There is Nothing Like the Dames Thelma and Iola are planning a lunch in order to join a ladies society called the Dames. After much research and discussion, they decide to have a barbecue of Merv Griffin's chicken wings as published in Ladies' Circle. Meanwhile, Bubba announces that he's been given a part in the school the leading lady, and that all of the guys are getting women's roles. And at the same time, Vint and Naomi come back from house hunting with a rather ugly motorhome parked in Thelma's driveway. Although Thelma can't stand the sight of it, she calls that day the happiest day of her life when she learns that Vint and Naomi will be moving out of her house for good.

As the week progresses, Thelma and Iola are finalizing plans for their lunch, Vint and Naomi are cleaning up and moving into their new motorhome, and Bubba has Thelma iron a dress for him and is comparing necklaces.

On the day of the lunch, Vint and Naomi are behind on their departure because the motorhome isn't turning on. Suddenly, the Dames arrive and while they admire Thelma's flowers, Thelma has to order Vint and Naomi to stay inside the trailer. The three Dames introduce themselves, and Thelma casts Iola in the role of the waitress. Meanwhile, she tries to pass off the trailer as something that is being fixed for some poor neighbor, but this excuse is thwarted when Vint asks if he and Naomi can come out, and then play loud music, and then bounce the trailer up and down. Meanwhile, Thelma learns that the Dames have been fed Merv Griffin's chicken wings so much that they're about to take flight. This forces Thelma to redirect Iola back into the kitchen in order to hastily put frozen hamburger patties on the grill. But at that point, Bubba pulls into the driveway on his motorcycle wearing his dress, a necklace, and a pair of high heels, telling Thelma that he got all dressed up but he forgot his purse. This sends the Dames into an accusatory fancy, and Thelma yells them off. She then apologizes to Iola, and tells her to take the rest of the day off while she barbecues the chicken wings for the two of them. Vint and Naomi then report that the motor on their trailer won't start, but now that they've had a taste of freedom, they are going to live in the driveway.

130 March 12, 1990 120 Bye-Bye -- Baby! Naomi thinks it's time for the baby so she has it.

Mama's Family
Main Characters:
Thelma Harper | Vint Harper | Naomi Harper | Buzz Harper | Sonja Harper | Ellen Harper | Eunice Harper Higgins | Ed Higgins | Bubba Higgins | Fran Crowley | Iola Boylan
Recurring Characters:
Lloyd Meechum | Alberta Meechum | Alvin Tutweiler
The Family | Raytown | Episodes