List of Lepidoptera that feed on Vaccinium

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Vaccinium species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species, including:

[edit] Monophagous

Species which feed exclusively on Vaccinium

  • Coleophoridae
    • Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
      • C. glitzella - only on Lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea)
      • C. idaeella - only on Lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea)
      • C. murinella
      • C. uliginosella - only on Bog Bilberry (V. uliginosum)
      • C. vaccinivorella
      • C. vitisella - only on Lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea)

[edit] Polyphagous

Species which feed on Vaccinium and other plants

  • Coleophoridae
    • Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
      • C. plumbella - recorded on Bog Bilberry (V. uliginosum)
      • C. vacciniella
  • Gelechiidae
    • Chionodes viduella - recorded on Bog Bilberry (V. uliginosum)

[edit] External links