List of Leaders in Panzer General II

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This is a list of leaders in the computer game Panzer General II.

In Panzer General II, Leaders are special abilities granted to experienced units.[1] Any unit has a small chance of receiving a leader when it's experience level increases. Two abilities are given per leader, one according to the unit type and one random. [2]


[edit] Leaders

Automatic abilities according to unit class [3]

The default portrait displayed in the expanded unit info when an Axis uint is rewarded with a leader
The default portrait displayed in the expanded unit info when an Axis uint is rewarded with a leader
  • Air Defense (Mechanized Veteran): A self-propelled Air Defense unit may move and fire in the same turn.
  • Anti-Tank (Tank Killer): An Anti-Tank unit will not receive a penalty for movement into combat .
  • Artillery (Marksman): The artillery unit’s attack range is increased by one hex.
  • Fighter (Skilled Interceptor): The unit can intercept multiple enemy fighters in the defensive phase.
  • Infantry (Tenacious Defense): The infantry unit’s ground defense factor is increased by 4.
  • Reconnaissance (Elite Recon Veteran): The recon unit’s spotting range is increased by two hexes.
  • Tactical Bomber (Skilled Assault): The bomber cannot be surprised ("out of the sun") while moving.
  • Tank (Aggressive Maneuver): The tank’s movement factor is increased by 1.

Random abilities[3]

  • Aggressive Attack: Each of the unit’s attack values is increased by 2.
  • Aggressive Maneuver: The unit’s movement factor is increased by 1.
  • All Weather Combat (awarded only to air units): The air unit is not affected by weather conditions.
  • Alpine Training: When moving the unit treats forest and mountain hexes as clear terrain.
  • Battlefield Intelligence: The unit cannot be surprised.
  • Bridging: When moving the unit treats passable river hexes as rough terrain.
  • Combat Support: The unit provides both Resilience and Skilled Ground Attack abilities to all adjoining units during combat phases. Will aid inflicting losses and save from loses by 2 to 3 points each battle.
  • Determined Defense: Each of the unit’s defense factors is increased by 2.
  • Devastating Fire: The unit may fire twice in a turn.
  • Ferocious Defense: The unit’s entrenchment cannot be ignored by enemy units.
  • Fire Discipline: The unit will expend only one-half of an ammunition point each time it attacks.
  • First Strike: The unit will fire first against an enemy unit if it wins the initiative in a combat round.
  • Forest Camouflage: If in a forest hex the unit cannot be spotted by enemy units unless they move adjacent to it.
  • Infiltration Tactics: The unit ignores enemy unit entrenchment when calculating combat results.
  • Influence: Allows the unit to upgrade to better equipment at reduced prestige point cost.
  • Liberator: You receive double the normal number of prestige points for all objective and victory hexes captured by the unit.
  • Overwatch: The unit will fire at any enemy unit that moves within its range. The enemy unit is automatically surprised, allowing your unit to fire first and at the enemy’s close assault, rather than its ground defense, factor.
  • Overwhelming Attack: When attacking the unit will have an indeterminate number of the suppression points it would otherwise inflict converted to kills.
  • Reconnaissance Movement: The unit is permitted phased movement, just like reconnaissance units.
  • Resilience: The unit will suffer 1 to 3 fewer step casualties than normal units when attacked.
  • Shock Tactics: Any suppression which the unit inflicts on an enemy unit will last the entire player’s turn, not just the specific combat round.
  • Skilled Ground Attack: The unit will inflict 1 to 3 more step casualties than normal units when attacking.
  • Skilled Reconnaissance: The unit’s spotting range is increased by one hex.
  • Street Fighter: The unit ignores an enemy unit’s city entrenchment when calculating combat results.
  • Superior Maneuver: The unit may bypass enemy units’ zones of control.

[edit] Leader Restrictions by Unit Class

[4] [5]

Leader Infantry Tank Anti-Tank Recon Artillery Air Defense Fighter Bomber
Aggressive Attack Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Aggressive Maneuver Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
All Weather Combat No No No No No No Yes Yes
Alpine Training Yes No No No No No No No
Battlefield Intelligence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Bridging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Combat Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Determined Defense Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Devastating Fire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ferocious Defense Yes No Yes No No Yes No No
Fire Discipline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
First Strike Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Forest Camouflage No No No No No No No No
Infiltration Tactics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Fire Discipline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Liberator Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

[edit] Notes

  • Because some cross-over occurs between assigned and random abilities, it is possible for a unit to have two of the same ability. The bonuses will be added together.
  • A unit with overwatch may only fire on the first enemy unit to move into range. Any subsequent units will be treated normally.
  • Although Forest Camouflage is included in the readme file and the game itself, no unit type can receive it. Another leader, Extended Front, is included in the game code, but has no assigned ability and is not described in the readme.

[edit] References

  1. ^ T. Liam McDonald (1997-11-14). Panzer General II. Gamespot. Retrieved on 2007-02-24.
  2. ^ William van Fleet (1998-03-08). Panzer General II Frequently Asked Questions & Campaign Path. Retrieved on 2007-02-24.
  3. ^ a b SSI, Panzer General II Readme, SSI, 1997-10-01.
  4. ^ Lasse Jensen (2005-10-13). Panzer General II - Random Leader award. Builder's Paradise. Retrieved on 2007-03-07.
  5. ^ Panzer General II Unofficial Patch Team (May 2005). TechDoc Unofficial PGII Version 2.1. Taken directly from game code. Retrieved on 2007-03-07.