List of Israelis

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This is a list of prominent Israelis (including Arab citizens of Israel).


[edit] Historical figures

[edit] Politicians

See also: List of Israeli politicians

[edit] Military

[edit] Activists

[edit] Criminals

See also: Category:Israeli criminals

[edit] Religious figures

[edit] Haredi rabbis

Lithuanian rabbis

[edit] Edah HaChareidis

[edit] Other Hasidic leaders

[edit] Religious-Zionist rabbis

[edit] Christianity

[edit] Cultural figures

[edit] Film, TV, and stage

See also: List of Israeli actors

[edit] Fashion models

[edit] Popular musicians

See also: List of Israeli musical artists

[edit] Classical musicians

See also: List of Israeli classical composers

[edit] Writers

[edit] Artists

[edit] Other

  • Shneur Zalman Friedman - boy who made international new when he was rescued alive after floating in the Dead Sea for six hours.

[edit] Academic figures

See also: List of Members of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Boldface font is used for laureates of a Nobel Prize or Turing Award.

[edit] Computing and mathematics

There have also been at least 9 Israeli winners of the Gödel Prize in theoretical computer science: Shlomo Moran (93) & Shafi Goldwasser (93 & 01), Yoram Moses (97), Moshe Y. Vardi (00), Uriel Feige & Shmuel Safra (01), Nir Shavit (04) and Noga Alon & Yossi Matias (05).

[edit] Physics and chemistry

[edit] Biology and medicine

  • Israel Aharoni - discovered the Syrian hamster
  • Aaron Ciechanover & Avram Hershko - ubiquitin system; Lasker Award (2000), Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2004)
  • Moshe Feldenkrais - invented Feldenkrais method used in movement therapy
  • Lior Gepstein - American College of Cardiology's Zipes Award for his development of heart cells and pacemakers from stem cells. [2]
  • Eyal Gur - selected by Newsweek as one of the world's top microsurgeons [3]
  • Hossam Haick - inventor of an electric nose which diagnosis cancer. [4]
  • Israel Hanukoglu - structures of cytoskeletal keratins, NADP binding proteins, steroidogenic enzymes, Epithelial Sodium Channels (ENaC)
  • Gavriel Iddan - inventor of capsule endoscopy
  • Benjamin Kahn - marine biologist, defender of the Red Sea reef
  • Doron Lancet - smell, origin of life
  • Gideon Mer - malaria control
  • Shulamit Levenberg - inventor of a muscle tissue which isn't rejected by the body after transplant. Selected by Scientific American as one of the 50 leading scientists in the world. [5]
  • Alexander Levitzki - cancer research; Wolf Prize in Medicine (2005)
  • Saul Merin - Ophthalmologist, author of Inherited Eye Diseases
  • Leo Sachs - blood cell research; Wolf Prize in Medicine (1980)
  • Michael Sela & Ruth Arnon - developed Copaxone; Wolf Prize in Medicine (1998)
  • Jacob Shani -Professor of Medicine and Interventional cardiology, performed the first atherectomy in New York State(1991); invented an angled catheter(1992);pioneering work in the field of angioplasty during acute MI and shock.
  • Israel Silman - 3D structure of acetylcholinesterase, Elkeles Prize for Research in Medicine (2005)
  • Joel Sussman - 3D structure of acetylcholinesterase, Elkeles Prize for Research in Medicine (2005)

[edit] Engineering

  • Franz Ollendorf, Electronics, Electrical research,
  • Liviu Librescu, Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech, killed in the Virginia Tech massacre
  • Moshe Zakai, Electrical engineering,
  • Jacob Ziv, Electrical engineering,

[edit] Philosophy

[edit] Social sciences

[edit] Humanities

[edit] Entrepreneurs

[edit] High-tech

[edit] Other

[edit] Sports

[edit] Basketball

[edit] Football (soccer)

[edit] Tennis

[edit] Other

See also: List of Israeli chess players

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Even though the State of Israel did not yet exist at the time of his death, he is commonly referred to as the first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel.
  2. ^ The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.
  3. ^ The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.
  4. ^ The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.
  5. ^ The World Salutes Four Israeli Scientists. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.