List of Hygrocybe species
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- Hygrocybe astatogala - (Australia, Madagascar, Central Africa, Philippines)
- Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens - orange waxcap
- Hygrocybe aurantipes (Australia)
- Hygrocybe austrolutea - (Australia)
- Hygrocybe batistae - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe brunneosquamosa - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe calyptriformis - pink meadow waxcap/Ballerina (UK)
- Hygrocybe cantharellus - goblet waxcap
- Hygrocybe ceracea - butter waxcap
- Hygrocybe cheelii - rose-pink waxcap (Southeastern Australia)
- Hygrocybe chloochlora - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe chlorophana golden waxcap (Europe)
- Hygrocybe cinereofirma - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe citrina - citrine waxcap (Europe)
- Hygrocybe citrinovirens - citrine waxcap
- Hygrocybe colemanniana - toasted waxcap
- Hygrocybe coccinea - scarlet hood (Europe, North America, Australia)
- Hygrocybe conica - witch's hat (Europe, North America, Australia)
- Hygrocybe conicoides - dune waxcap
- Hygrocybe flavescens - yellow-foot waxcap
- Hygrocybe flavocampanulata - (Puerto Rico, Trinidad)
- Hygrocybe fornicata - earthy waxcap
- Hygrocybe glutinipes - glutinous waxcap
- Hygrocybe graminicolor - slimy green waxcap (Southeastern Australia)
- Hygrocybe hypohaemacta - (Jamaica, U.S. Virgin Islands)
- Hygrocybe laboyi - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe lacma - grey waxcap (Europe)
- Hygrocybe miniata- vermilion waxcap
- Hygrocybe miniatofirma - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe neofirma - (Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe)
- Hygrocybe nigrescens
- Hygrocybe olivaceofirma - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe ovina - blushing waxcap (Europe)
- Hygrocybe pratensis - buffcap, meadow waxcap (Europe)
- Hygrocybe prieta - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe psittacina - parrot toadstool(Europe, Australia)
- Hygrocybe punicea - crimson waxcap (Europe, North America)
- Hygrocybe spadicea - date-coloured waxcap (UK)
- Hygrocybe trinitensis - (Puerto Rico)
- Hygrocybe virginea (including H. nivea as a variety) - snowy waxcap (Europe)